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Skredpodden - podkasten for deg som vil til fjells og hjem igjen. I skredpodden snakker vi om snøskred og hvordan vi kan gjøre gode valg i skredterreng. Podkasten produseres av: CARE (Center for Avalanche Research and Education) and – hos UiT Norges arktiske universitet og NVE.
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Christopher Vonheim

Christopher Vonheim is the host of the Vonheim Podcast. Vonheim speaks with inspiring people about business, ocean industries, investing and start-ups. Ed Conway, Adam Draper, Øystein Kalleklev, Pål Ringholm, Sofie Olsen, Mark Yusko, Hugo De Stoop, Vaishali Kathuria, Lars Tvede, Anthony Pompliano, Peter C. Warren, Børge Brende, Nejra Macic, Lars Barstad and Amy Novogratz are just some of the guests on the podcast. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Svein Harfjeld is the CEO of DHT, a tanker company listed in New York Stock Exchange. Svein Harfjeld has more than 30 years of experience in the shipping industry. Prior to joining DHT, he was with the BW Group, where he held senior management positions including CEO of BW Offshore, Director of Bergesen and Director of World-Wide Shipping. Christop…
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Svein Harfjeld is the CEO of DHT, a tanker company listed in New York Stock Exchange. Svein Harfjeld has more than 30 years of experience in the shipping industry. Prior to joining DHT, he was with the BW Group, where he held senior management positions including CEO of BW Offshore, Director of Bergesen and Director of World-Wide Shipping. 00:00 - …
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Bernt Berg-Nielsen is an investor and portfolio manager in Stolt Explorer. Bernt operates a fund inspired by lessons from Warren Buffett, with a special focus on the Nordics and Global equities. Follow Bernt on X: 00:00 - Why Become An Investor? 03:00 - Lessons From The Financial Crises 2008 08:15 - Interest Rates VS Stock …
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DEL 2: Snøskredene på Vinnubreen 10 februar legger Trygve Sande, Joakim Eide og Emil Bråten ut på det som i utgangspunktet skal være en lang og flott tur over Dronningenskrona på Sunndalsøra. Planen er å rappelere ned fra Dronningskrona og kjøre en av rennene på baksiden. Det er usedvanlig kaldt og det blåser, men det er ikke det som kommer til å g…
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Oystein Kalleklev is the CEO of Flex LNG and Avance Gas, and comes back for a Christmas Special to cover shipping, investing and other interesting stories. Let us know what you think of the episode and share it with friends and network! 00:00 - Avance Gas 12:10 - Flex LNG And LNG Markets Ahead 24:10 - How To Finance Shipping, and Debt Structures 32…
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10 februar legger Trygve Sande, Joakim Eide og Emil Bråten ut på det som i utgangspunktet skal være en lang og flott tur over Dronningenskrona på Sunndalsøra. Planen er å rappelere ned fra Dronningskrona og kjøre en av rennene på baksiden. Det er usedvanlig kaldt og det blåser, men det er ikke det som kommer til å gjøre dagen krevende. Etter å ha v…
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Da er vi i gang med nok en sesong med skredpodden. Neste uke arrangeres det skredseminarer fra Longyearbyen i nord til Kristiansand i sør. Her kan du blant annet se filmen Remote lines 2.0. I denne episoden diskuterer vi filmen og beslutningstaking i skredterreng med filmskaper og skredinstruktør Markus Aase. Filmen har premiere på skredkveldene. O…
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ISSW is a melting pot and a meeting place where scientist and practitioners meet. In this talk we discuss how science transform into practise. Grant Statham works for parks Canada and is in may ways the founding father of the modern avalanche warning service. In the studio we also have HP Marshall from Boisie state university. He is an associate pr…
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Communicating avalanche risk is sentral to keep people well informed and out of harms way. But it is by no means easy. How can we do that effectively and where does the future lead with all the new technology which is developed. In this final episode on the ISSW special edition podcast we discuss this with Scott Savage director for the Sawtooth Ava…
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Lars Christian Skarsgård is the CEO of the shipping company Belships, listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Lars Christian is one of the most respected profiles within the shipping industry and it was great fun to have in back for part 2 in the Vonheim podcast. Let us know what you think of the episode! 00:00 - Introduction and US Predictions 02:36 - …
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Steen Jakobsen’s career includes pivotal roles at institutions such as Chase Manhattan, UBS, Christiania Bank, and Saxo Bank where he is recognised for his expertise in markets and trading. Steen is renowned for his annual "Outrageous Predictions" report, which challenges conventional market wisdom and stimulates critical thinking about potential e…
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Nicolai Heidenreich is the managing partner of NRP Maritime Asset Management and has over 25 years of experience within the maritime and shipping sector. Since 2012 he has managed several portfolios of shipping and offshore investments worth in excess USD 150 million. Prior to NRP, Heidenreich was a partner at Pareto Project Finance and also worked…
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ISSW - the worlds larges conference on snow and avalanche was hosted in Tromsø 23-27th of September. Every afternoon we sat down with senior figures to discuss what we have learned and what that means for us. Monday the 23rd Jürg schweizer, Doug Chabot and Christoph Mitterer. We discussed how the avalanche field has changed, what has had the larges…
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Nicolai Heidenreich is the managing partner of NRP Maritime Asset Management and has over 25 years of experience within the maritime and shipping sector. Since 2012 he has managed several portfolios of shipping and offshore investments worth in excess USD 150 million. Prior to NRP, Heidenreich was a partner at Pareto Project Finance and also worked…
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9 out of 10 fatal avalanche accidents are triggered by the victim or someone in their party. This means, like Roger Atkins pointed out more than 20 years ago, that avalanche is a human problem, not a snow problem. One of the ways to remedy this is by education. But does it work? Kelly McNeal is a professor in community health and also an avalanche …
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Our climate is changing, that we know. What we do not fully know is how that will impact avalanche hazards around the world - and how the hazard may increase the avalanche risk. Guest: Nicolas Eckert Host: Audun Hetland www.carepanel.noPor CARE & VARSOM
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We are delighted to welcome everyone to Tromsø. In this podcast we go through the program of the conference, what you can expect and what we recommend while you are here. You find weather forecast at Guest: Chair of the conference Rune Engeset Host: Audun Hetland www.carepanel.noPor CARE & VARSOM
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How has technology changed the way we mitigate avalanche risk? A talk with Wyssen avalanche control and Cautus geo, the two main sponsors for the ISSW2024. 27% of Norwegian roads go through avalanche terrain. Previously the norwegian solution was to build tunnels. But you can only build so many. The past decade a leap in technology and also prevent…
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Our climate is changing and this means that the avalanches will change. Many of our models are built around cold snow avalanches, but in a warming climate we need to update our understanding of how warmer and wetter avalanches will change the avalanche risk. Michael Kohler is a PhD Student at SLF Davos/EPFL studying avalanche-obstacle interaction. …
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Being able to detect if an avalanche has released and its path is obviously important for avalanche warning and mitigation efforts. But how do you detect an avalanche? They often happen at night, in poor visibility hopefully far enough away from people. One way to do that is by using infrasound, the low frequency sound that our human ear can not he…
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Avalanches is a danger to people and infrastructure. But unlike people, houses can't move when the avalanche danger is high. So how to you protect a settlement against avalanches? In this podcast we talk with Priska Hiller and the case Mosjøen - a small town in Nortern-Norway. Guest: Priska Hiller (NVE) Host: Audun Hetland…
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Creating an accurate avalanche forecast is by no means an easy task. Snow conditions change from hour to hour and meter to meter. Forecasters often har few observations and weather stations, and large regions to forecast. One approach to improve to help the forecasters is to create a weather and snow pack models - and not only one, but a chain of m…
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Stability tests are widely used and an important source of information when trying to evaluate snow stability. In this podcast we take a deep dive into the snow mechanics within the compression tests to understand what happens in an compression test and an extended column test. You can find the scientific paper here. Guest: Samuel Verplanck Host: A…
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In this podcast serie we will talk with contributers to the ISSW conference. There are still conference passes available: We have a very nice online service where you can interactively follow the conference online. In this episode we talk about how guides make their decisions. Most of us can choose the day and the peo…
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The ISSW is the worlds largest conference on snow and avalanche and will be held in Tromsø the 23rd to the 27th of September 2024. The conference aims to merge science and practice and is a meeting point for the scietists and practitioners from all over the world. This is a great event! You find more information at In this podcast…
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This is a conversation that took place at Marine Money conference last week. Joakim Hannisdahl shares his journey as a shipping investor, and why he started the shipping hedgefund Gersemi Asset Management. Christopher Vonheim is a Norwegian host focused on business, ocean industries, investing, and start-ups. I hope you enjoy this tailor made conte…
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Helen Czerski is a British physicist, oceanographer and television presenter. Czerski is an associate professor in the department of mechanical engineering at University College London. She has also recently released her book Blue Machine, a fascinating read about the ocean and how it shapes our world, how it impacts our lives and how it helps us t…
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Engebret Dahm has more than 30 years’ experience in the shipping and finance industries, and is the CEO of Klaveness Combination Carriers (KCC). Prior to that he was the CEO of Norwegian Car Carriers AS and he worked in the period 1998-2000 for Crédit Agricole CIB in Paris. KCC has a unique fleet that consists of eight CABU combination carriers and…
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It was fantastic to visit Magnus Halvorsen to record our third podcast episode. The topics are under: 00:00 - The Latest From 2020 Bulkers 03:03 - The History And Lessons From 2020 Bulkers 10:55 - Discipline In Shipping, Fleet Decisions And China 17:45 - Tankers And Oil Versus Capsize And Dry Bulk 21:20 - Dry Bulk Market 2024 (China, Brazil, Austra…
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ISSW er verdens største konferanse for snø og snøskred og arrangeres annet hvert år. I år skal NVE, NGI, Vegvesenet og CARE arrangere denne konferansen i Tromsø. Det er åpnet for påmelding og fristen for å sende inn bidrag er 5.april. I denne podkasten så diskuterer vi hva det er og hvorfor det er viktig. Du finner mer informasjon på www.issw2024.c…
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Lars Barstad is the CEO of Frontline, one of the world leaders in the international seaborne transportation of crude oil. This is the second time Lars Barstad appears on Vonheim, and the first time was a fan-favorite episode. 00:00 - Geo Politics 05:47 - Frontline View On The Market 10:25 - The Euronav-deal 14:45 - The Frontline Machine 19:30 - Tan…
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Morten Astrup is one of the most active investors in energy and shipping markets in the Nordics, and is currently the new chairman of Hunter Group. Morten Astrup founded Storm Capital Management in 2006 and has experience from a wide range of sectors and strategies. He is the executive Chairman of Storm Bond Fund and has been one of the largest inv…
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Aristidis Alafouzos is the Chief Executive Officer for Okeanis Eco Tankers, ECO (NYSE) & OET (Oslo). The company has a modern and unique tanker fleet that has out-performed most of their competitors over the last years. Behind the company is the Greek Alafouzos family who has for generations been one of the most impressive industry builders in Gree…
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Etter et langt opphold er skredpodden tilbake på lufta - og nå lover vi å komme med episoder utover sesongen. Topptursesongen er i gang og vi lurer på hva skredulykker gjør med et lite samfunn som Lyngen. Tidligere ordfører Dan-Håvard Johnsen har stått midt i episenteret for skredulykker og sett trafikken øke. Hva kan og bør vi gjøre for å berge li…
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Federica Maiorano is the Chief Commercial Officer at Spot Ship, and one of the most influential speakers on energy, shipping and material. In this episode, Federica explains how she got interested in shipping, and what she hopes to achieve with Spot Ship. We also cover stories on the crude market, Middle East and Panama Canal. Follow Federica on Li…
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Federica Maiorano is the Chief Commercial Officer at Spot Ship, and one of the most influential speakers on energy, shipping and material. In this episode, Federica explains how she got interested in shipping, and what she hopes to achieve with Spot Ship. We also cover stories on the crude market, Middle East and Panama Canal. Follow Federica on Li…
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Jon Kåre Stene er medgrunder av Oda og Skyfall Ventures. Ved hjelp av sin gjennomføringsevne og kunnskap har Jon Kåre bidratt til at Norge har produsert mange nye tech-selskaper i ulike sektorer. I denne episode forteller Jon Kåre om ambisjoner, longevity, AI, krypto, kjernekraft og hvordan AS Norge kan bli bedre til verdiskapning. Follow Vonheim o…
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Jon Kåre Stene er medgrunder av Oda og Skyfall Ventures. Ved hjelp av sin gjennomføringsevne og kunnskap har Jon Kåre bidratt til at Norge har produsert mange nye tech-selskaper i ulike sektorer. I denne episode forteller Jon Kåre om ambisjoner, longevity, AI, krypto, kjernekraft og hvordan AS Norge kan bli bedre til verdiskapning. Vi får også 5 bo…
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Dr. Anas Alhajji is a renowned speaker and author of research papers and articles with a focus on oil and gas markets, energy security and energy taxation. He has previously served as chief economist at NGP Energy Capital Management, a private equity firm. Follow Anas Alhajji on X and Substack: Substack: X: https://twitt…
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Anas F. Alhajji is an energy expert, researcher, author, and speaker. He advises governments, financial institutions and investors on various energy market issues. 00:00 - Intro 00:30 - Red Sea And Suez Canal 04:05 - Oil & LNG Markets In 2023 and 2024 15:02 - Russian Economy, Sanctions, And Oil&Gas Trade 26:45 - Common Sense, COP28, Climate Change …
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Å gjøre vurderinger av skredfare er komplisert og skredterreng er et vanskelig læringsmiljø. Vi sjelden får tilbakemelding på om det vi gjorde var riktig eller om vi bare var heldige, men det er lett å ta det at det ikke gikk noe snøskred til inntekt for at vi gjorde rett. Tim Dassler og Richard Fjellaksel jobber med et studie hvor de har fulgt del…
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Hva er det som styrer hvilke turer vi velger? En av de viktigste beslutningene vi tar er at vi velger rett tur til rett tid. Men det er ikke alltid så lett å vite hvor vi skal gå på topptur. Kanskje går vi bare der hvor vi pleier eller der alle andre går. Særlig om du kommer som ny til et område. Fra vet vi at de aller fleste …
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Constantin Baack is the CEO of MPCC, a containership company listed on Oslo Stock Exchange. Baack commenced his career in the marine operations department at Hamburg Süd in Sydney before moving to Ernst & Young within auditing and transaction advisory out of Hamburg and Shanghai. In 2008, Baack joined the MPC Group in Hamburg where he has since hel…
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Constantin Baack is the CEO of MPCC, a containership company listed on Oslo Stock Exchange. 00:00 - Summary of 2023 02:40 - Investing in Green Ships 04:38 - Risk Management 06:08 - Norway and Germany Collaboration 09:37 - German Economy 13:45 - How Bad is the Container Market? 17:25 - MPCC Long Term Contracts 19:15 - Will MPCC Be Sold In The Future…
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Denne uka arrangeres skredseminar over hele landet. Finn et skredseminar nær deg her. I denne episoden får du høre foredrag om menneskelig faktor som Audun Hetland holdt på Chateau Neuf tirsdag 21.november. Dette foredraget finner du også som film her. Vi vil svært gjerne ha deg med i carepanelet - så registrer deg gjerne på Det t…
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Filmen Ambivalent vises på skredkvelder over hele landet. Første ut er Chateau Neuf i Oslo 21 november kl 19. Du finner billetter i linken nederst. Eirik Verlo har vært mye i fjellet, og det er ikke alltid det har gått bra. Selv har han vært nære på mange ganger. På hans første topptur som femtenåring havnet var han med i en stor skredulykke. Likev…
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Peter Warren er investor og podcasthost i Tid er Penger. Follow Peter Warren on X / Twitter and Podcast: X: Podcast: This episode is produced by Nomono: Tools for great storytelling Partnership, recruitment & Ad enquiries? For business and partnerships enquiries email christopher@bynorthernnorway.…
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Peter Warren er en norsk investor og finansekspert. Peter er kjent for sin kunnskap og lidenskap innen investeringer, samfunn og geopolitikk, samt sin rolle gjennom podcasten Tid er Penger. Peter er også tidligere spesialsoldat, og enda involvert i flere prosjekter utenlands. Sist i forbindelse med Ukraina krigen. 00:00 - Halloween og status for 20…
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Althea Spinozzi is a Fixed Income Strategist at Saxo Bank. Althea is an expert in fixed income research for Saxo Bank and works directly with clients to help them select and trade bonds. She has a background in leveraged debt, and is particularly focused on high-yield and corporate bonds with attractive risk and return. Follow Althea on Twitter: ht…
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