With a strong clinical focus, The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health will be an independent journal with an international perspective. The monthly journal will present the most influential and innovative practice-changing original research, as well as authoritative reviews and insightful opinion pieces to promote the health of the whole child, from the fetal period through to young adulthood.
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Using the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology content outline for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry board exam, starting with the most high yield, Dr. O'Leary has created this podcast for anyone interested in CAPS and also to help him study for the boards. Enjoy! Let Dr. O'Leary know what you think by going to https://psydactic.com/ and filling out the form there.
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Três adolescentes se reúnem para falar de problemas gerais, e também sobre o mundo a nossa volta.
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Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH)
The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
We focus on bridging the gap between rigorous research and best practice relating to children's mental health. We hold a body of knowledge and act as information hub for sharing best practice to benefit all of those who work with children. Visit our website (https://www.acamh.org/) for a host of free evidence-based mental health resources.
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Editors at The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, in conversation with the journal’s authors, explore their latest research and its impact on people’s health, healthcare, and health policy. A monthly audio companion to the journal, this podcast covers a broad range of topics, from the effects of climate change to gender equity in young people’s sexual and reproductive health rights, violence against children to allergies, and more.
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Uma experiência semanal de estudo da Biblia para adolescentes com o Pastor Diogo Brabo
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Hacerte reflexionar de tu vida diaria.
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Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Each month JAACAP highlights a selected article found within the pages of the Journal by providing a podcast interview with the author. Tune in regularly to this feature of JAACAP, where we strive for a relaxed 'fireside chat' atmosphere in which authors can share aspects of their science that we are less often privy to. Podcasts are typically 15 to 20 minutes in length.
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Sonho Adolescente é um podcast de conversa. Apresento por mim Maurício, aonde conto as minhas histórias, vivências e pensamentos em sua maioria caóticos. Gosto de pensar que é uma conversa e uma troca de experiência com vocês, como uma fofoca do café da tarde. Além disso conto com os meus convidados maravilhosos. Venha refletir sobre esses Sonhos Adolescentes. Redes sociais : @sonhoadl
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El nombre lo dice todo.
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I found a bunch of journals from my adolescence and teenage years - be prepared to cry and laugh at my embarrassing weirdness. What was I thinking? I guess we'll find out together.
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Welcome to the Walking Miracles Family Foundation Podcast
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In questo podcast parlo della mia vita Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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Con ABC del adolescente busco hablar de adolescente a adolescente, contar diferentes experiencias y como fueron resueltas para que te des cuenta de que no solo tu tienes estos problemas a demás de que siempre existe una solución. La razón de este podcast es apoyarte y que tengas una etapa plena, la adolescencia es cuando construyes tu carácter y quiero acompañarte para que logres construir un carácter seguro y honesto, .
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Music can affect teens in many different ways such as mentally, culturally, and physically. Cover art photo provided by Nicholas Santoianni on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@nsantoianni
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Abordamos las temáticas actuales mas controversiales, analizamos los posibles futuros y aprendemos como fue la historia entre pares. Subimos episodios explicativos de historia todos los lunes. Y los miércoles tenemos entrevistas con profesionales y jóvenes sobre esos temas. Somos jóvenes con ganas de aprender y crecer en conocimiento. Debates enriquecedores, monólogos explicativos, conversaciones con profesionales, y mucho mas en “Moral Adolescente”.
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Depois de várias temporadas a mostrar aos pais como cuidar do seu bebé, viramos a página para dar os melhores conselhos aos pais com filhos adolescentes. SARA RODI regressa ao estúdio do S+ com novos convidados, para identificar e responder aos desafios com que pais e teenagers se deparam. Vamos abordar todas as temáticas associadas ao “Generation Gap” típico destas fases, como as mudanças físicas e psicológicas, comportamentos de risco, a importância dos pares, sexualidade e tecnologia.
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Voy a contar lo que me pasa en la semana, mis gustos y mis experiencias
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Infotainment Podcast with a funny spin on all the latest news and hot topics. Check back every week for new segments and full podcast episodes! Hosts: Bj Hoke & Mariah Moore
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This is a feed of pages for
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En este podcast consigues toda la información y orientación oportuna sobre cualquier inseguridad o situación estresante que puedas estar viviendo con tus hijos. Escucharas sobre los cambios que pueden estar experimentando tus hijos y las herramientas adecuadas para orientarlo.
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The Global Child and Adolescent Health podcast is brought to you by Melbourne Children’s Global Health. The podcast is a series of conversations with leaders in research, education, and global child and adolescent health. These conversations place children and adolescents at the center of sustainable development.
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Review of the basketball diaries in relation to adolescent health issues project Cover art photo provided by Jeremy Galliani on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jeremyforlife
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Terrorizzanti, lunatici, scostanti, forse un po’ alieni: sono gli adolescenti, al centro di un mondo tutto loro che tutti, prima o poi, abbiamo abitato o abiteremo. Negli anni c’è chi li ha osservati, compresi, guidati. Furio Ravera, neuropsichiatra che ha dedicato la sua carriera al mondo giovanile, ne ha incontrati tantissimi, ha raccolto le loro storie in un libro, che oggi diventa una serie podcast, la prima a unire fiction e psicologia: la voce di Ravera ripercorre le vicende complesse ...
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Vice Chair - Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition Director - Charlie Waller Memorial Trust Trustee - Beat, the eating disorders charity
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Esta es una co producción de la "Defensoría de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes de Santa Fe" junto al programa radial "Este es el plan" para que adolescentes y jóvenes se expresen en medio del aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio. La educación, la amistad, la convivencia familiar, el quedarse en casa, los cumpleaños, los miedos, los proyectos de vida en tiempos de cuarentena.
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En cada episodio vamos a tener un nuevo tema para reflexionar y darle una perspectiva diferente, problemas que como adolescentes convivimos con ellos pero pocas veces los resolvemos o los tomamos de una manera correcta. Un podcast que busca salirse de lo "normal" para pasar a lo EXTRAORDINARIO a través de experiencias personales las cuales considero de utilidad compartir para aprender juntos. Considero este espacio una charla entre amigos, sentite libre de contarme tus historias en mi Instag ...
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RadioLacan.com es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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RadioLacan.com | Ecos de Barcelona: Entrevista a Lidia Ramírez, José Ramón Ubieto y Françesc Vilà sobre el libro "Bullyng. Una falsa salida para los adolescentes"
RadioLacan.com es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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Kathy Pritchard-Jones (University College London Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, London, UK) joins Ali Landman in conversation about tumour staging in childhood cancer, international standardisation of health data collection, and how to improve childhood cancer survival.Por The Lancet
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Kathy Pritchard-Jones on the international benchmarking of stage at diagnosis for six childhood solid tumours (the BENCHISTA project)
Kathy Pritchard-Jones (University College London Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, London, UK) joins Ali Landman in conversation about tumour staging in childhood cancer, international standardisation of health data collection, and how to improve childhood cancer survival. Continue this conversation on social! Follow us today at... htt…
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13662 In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Nicky Greaves discusses her JCPP Advances Clinical Review paper ‘Emotion regulation difficulties and differences in autism including demand-avoidant presentations—A clinical review of research and models, and a proposed conceptual formulation: Neural-preferencing locus of control (NP-LOC)’. Lear…
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Let me know what you think! - In the last episode, I introduced behaviorism, which took a strikingly different approach to human learning and development by basically assuming that everything we are on the inside is somehow learned from the environment, except for some of the most basic things we need for survival. Our inner life and the reasons we…
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Maternal Migration, Prenatal Stress and Child Autistic Traits: Insights From a Population-Based Cohort Study: JAACAP January 2025
JAACAP January 2025: Contributing Editor Dr. Apurva Bhatt interviews Dr. Anne E. de Leeuw on a study that found women with a migration background reported more stress during pregnancy and more autistic traits in their children six years later than mothers without a migration background.Por Various
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13660 In this Papers Podcast, Associate Professor Magnus Nordmo discusses his co-authored JCPP Advances paper ‘The diminishing association between adolescent mental disorders and educational performance from 2006–2019’. There is an overview of the paper, methodology, key findings, and implications for practice. Learning Objectiv…
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1: Inside the Teen Brain - Just be Yourself. Dr. Jane Gilmour talks to Prof. Deborah Christie
Watch the video at https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Inside_the_Teen_Brain_-_Just_be_Yourself/1cda6d0f-b326-4e89-bd94-55fbfaf0654f Description In this episode, Inside the Teen Brain: Just Be Yourself, Professor Deborah Christie joins Dr. Jane Gilmour to discuss the complexities of identity formation during adolescence. Professor Christie explores how…
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Let me know what you think! - I have so far discussed some of the early psychosexual, psychosocial and cognitive approaches to child development, but I would be remiss if I did not also mention a group of theorists who attempted to study humanity by completely ignoring the fact that they have thoughts and emotions. The behavioralists tried to simpl…
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Let me know what you think! - In episode 8, I started discussing temperament theory with an introduction to Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess. They first developed a temperamental formulation by following 141 children longitudinally and proposed 9 dimensions of temperament that can be reduced to three basic categories: Easy, Difficult, or Slow-to-w…
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Let me know what you think! - While it may seem quaint today, the radical contribution that Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess made to child development was to look at children as unique individuals with very different innate approaches to the world that were present at birth. While processes like attachment and their psychosocial context help to de…
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13594 In this Papers Podcast, Professor Jennifer Hudson and Lizél-Antoinette Bertie discuss their co-authored JCPP Editorial Perspective ‘Extending IPDMA methodology to drive treatment personalisation in child mental health’. There is an overview of the paper, key findings, and implications for practice. Learning Objectives 1. D…
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Let me know what you think! - Attachment theory began when John Bowlby rebelled from the psychoanalytic establishment by, for the first time, observing families interacting in order to understand individuals. Bowlby was later joined by Mary Ainsworth who developed on of the most iconic clinical tools in the history of child psychology: The Strange …
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Our Children are Our Future: Socio-economic Inequality and Child and Adolescent Mental Health
With our children being our future and our long-term societal wellbeing depending on them, Professor Kate Pickett and Professor Richard Wilkinson provide insight into their recent CAMH journal Editorial ‘Socio-economic inequality and child and adolescent mental health’. Richard and Kate are co-authors of the bestselling and award winning The Spirit…
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A conversation about the LEAPS trial and the importance of early childhood care and education to child and adolescent health.Por The Lancet
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Amy Slogrove, Senior Editor for The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health delves into the groundbreaking LEAPS trial with Dr. Saima Siyal from Aga Khan University and Dr. Aisha Yousafzai from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Discover how this innovative program trained young women to deliver early childhood care and education in rural Pakist…
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https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/For_better_or_for_worse_Intended_and_unintended_consequences_of_science_communication/97fc6c78-93ac-485d-98c4-dd35e9272c51 Recently, there has been an increase in the amount of effort dedicated to ensuring that scientific knowledge can be mobilised to make a positive impact on individuals and society. In this Papers …
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‘There, the dance is – at the still point of the turning world’: Coregulation and Dysregulation During Early Development
DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13575 In this In Conversation podcast, Professor Sam Wass is joined by Dr. Celia Smith to discuss the science-facing findings of their JCPP Annual Research Review “‘There, the dance is – at the still point of the turning world’ – dynamic systems perspectives on coregulation and dysregulation during early development” and the imp…
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Let me know what you think! - Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory of development focuses on the social and emotional aspects of human growth. A child’s cognitive development underlies what Erikson describes and arguably, without the cognitive skills described by Piaget, the psychosocial stages that Erikson describes would not be possible. Erikson's …
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Professor Akash Deep joins Josefine Gibson in conversation about paediatric acute liver failure and when a critically ill child is unsuitable for liver transplantation.Por The Lancet
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Professor Akash Deep joins Josefine Gibson in conversation about paediatric acute liver failure and when a critically ill child is unsuitable for liver transplantation. Continue this conversation on social! Follow us today at... https://twitter.com/thelancet https://instagram.com/thelancetgroup https://facebook.com/thelancetmedicaljournal https://l…
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Maternal Disapproval of Friends: Impact on Peer Status and Child Conduct Problems In this Papers Podcast, Professor Goda Kaniušonytė and Professor Brett Laursen discuss their co-authored JCPP paper ‘Maternal disapproval of friends in response to child conduct problems damages the peer status of pre- and early adolescents’. There is an overview of t…
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Let me know what you think! - Jean Piaget's description of cognitive development is markedly different from psychosexual and psychoanalytic approaches. He was concerned primarily with cognitive abilities. Instead of basically just making up a complex inner life and mode of relating to mommy’s breast, he described the kinds of cognitive tasks childr…
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Let me know what you think! - Following Freud, there were many researchers trying to make sense of child development using his psychosexual approach as a framework. Among those that adopted the psychoanalytic approach was his daughter, Anna Freud, who has been called “the mother of child psychoanalysis.” Other mothers include the developers of Obje…
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Let me know what you think! - Sigmund Freud's psychosexual approach proposes that human development unfolds in a series of stages, each focused on a different erogenous zone. Successful resolution of conflicts in each stage is crucial for healthy personality development. Dr. O'Leary gives a brief breakdown of Freud's psychosexual stages. Feedback c…
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https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Nature_and_Nurture_in_Fussy_Eating/5c0f0111-dbef-4837-9064-9c5620bbb96a In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Ali Fildes, Dr. Moritz Herle, Dr. Zeynep Nas, and Dr. Clare Llewellyn discuss their co-authored JCPP paper ‘Nature and nurture in fussy eating from toddlerhood to early adolescence: findings from the Gemini twin cohort…
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Newborn care in Vietnam and Indonesia
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In this episode, Dr Shiraz Badurdeen speaks with Professor Hoang Thi Tran, and Dr Made Sukmawati about the outcomes of newborns in their different settings and in-particular the positive impact of implementing kangaroo mother care for premature babies. Dr Shiraz Badurdeen is a Consultant Neonatologist at the Mercy Hospital for Women and the inaugur…
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In this episode, Professor Peter Azzopardi speaks with Dr Rachel Devi from Fiji and Dr Braghmandita Widya Indraswari from Indonesia about adolescent health in their settings and the different ways in which their countries respond to the various challenges facing adolescent health today. Peter Azzopardi MEpi FRACP PhD leads a program of research aro…
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https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Social_Media_Experiences_and_Proximal_Risk_for_Adolescent_Suicidal_Ideation/d4b12557-f441-4539-89f1-822fb18e1681 Social media has received considerable attention as a potential risk factor for adolescent suicide. In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Jessica Hamilton discusses her JCPP paper ‘Positive and negative social media…
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Let me know what you think! - Dr. O'Leary reviews the basic developmental milestones children are expected to reach by age 5. https://cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-2mo.html Feedback can be submitted via a form at https://psydactic.com. This is not medical advice. Please see a licensed physician for any personal questions regarding y…
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Let me know what you think! - Dr. O'Leary introduces PsyDactic - CAPS Edition, explains the goal of this podcast, and how it was produced. This podcast is intended as a study aid for the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry board exam. Feedback can be submitted via a form at https://psydactic.com. This i…
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Yearly and Daily Discrimination-Related Stressors and Mexican Youth’s Mental Health and Sleep: Insights From the First Wave of a Three-Wave
Family Study: JAACAP November 2024
JAACAP November 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Jesse Hinckley interviews Dr. Margarita Alegría on the powerful methods of combining yearly and daily time data toinvestigate how and for whom discrimination-related stressors lead to adverse outcomes.Por Various
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In this episode, Sarah Andersson the World Scabies Program Manager talks to Oliver Sokana from the Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Medical Services about the collaboration to eliminate scabies in Solomon Islands. The World Scabies Program (WSP) is an initiative of Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI). WSP was established in 2019 to s…
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Associations between Developmental Trajectories of Emotional Problems and Early Adult Alcohol Use Behaviours
https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Associations_between_Developmental_Trajectories_of_Emotional_Problems_and_Early_Adult_Alcohol_Use_Behaviours/b43ab080-1dc5-4a54-9b13-ee81a1a9d3ed In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Tong Chen discusses her JCPP paper ‘Developmental trajectories of child and adolescent emotional problems: associations with early adult alcohol…
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Artificial Intelligence and its Potential for Supporting Clinical Observations of Child Behaviour
https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Artificial_Intelligence_and_its_Potential_for_Supporting_Clinical_Observations_of_Child_Behaviour/54bf300d-d331-4ebe-8a06-b130497db5f8 How can artificial intelligence be used to support clinical observation of child behaviour? Professor Helen Minnis and Professor Alessandro Vinciarelli discuss their recent CAMH paper…
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In the run up to Developmental Language Disorder Day on Friday 18 October we talk to Shaun Ziegenfusz, Lecturer, School of SHS - Speech Pathology, Griffith University, and Co-CEO of The DLD Project, Australia. Shaun discusses: 1. What Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is and the typical age of onset. 2. Common co-occurring difficulties that ind…
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En este video desmontamos los prejuicios que hay entre Estudiantes y Profesores, desde ambos puntos de vista buscamos enriquecer a quien lo escuche para poder así mejorar la educación entre todosEspero que te haya sido útil esta charla y te recomiendo suscribirte para no perderte videos de este estilo con entrevistas a estudiantes y profesionalesRE…
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https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Time_to_Prioritize_Mental_Health_in_the_Workplace%3a_Teacher_Mental_Health_and_Wellbeing/cfb51caf-e43d-4f7d-a7c4-13bf32e4466c In this special In Conversation podcast for World Mental Health Day, we are joined by Professor Jonathan Glazzard. The theme for World Mental Health Day 2024 is ‘It is time to prioritise menta…
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https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Healthy_body%e2%80%94Healthy_mind_Does_exercise_benefit_people_with_ADHD/1af29c01-c497-46f9-a6e7-7c1cff5972e4 Shu-Shih (Stone) Hsieh discusses his JCPP Editorial Perspective ‘Healthy body—Healthy mind? Does exercise benefit people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?’ (https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.14042). T…
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¿De la UBA a Nueva York? Entrevista con un Estudiante que Quiere Triunfar en EEUU
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Hoy hablamos con un estudiante de Derecho UBA cuyo sueño es ser abogado en NY y te cuenta su experiencia en la Uba con su mapa para llegar a ser abogado en la gran ciudad.SUSCRIBITE AL PODCAST PARA NO PERDERTE LA ENTREVISTA DE TODOS LOS DOMINGOS LLENA DE VALOR PARA TU VIDA COMO ESTUDIANTEMis redes:INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/axel.pomerantz/Tik…
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Impact of Type, Timing and Duration of Exposure to ACEs on Adolescent Self-harm and Depression
https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/Impact_of_Type_Timing_and_Duration_of_Exposure_to_ACEs_on_Adolescent_Self-harm_and_Depression/969af1f1-aa36-4341-935d-8db171153a64 Bushra Farooq discusses her JCPP paper ‘The relationship between type, timing and duration of exposure to adverse childhood experiences and adolescent self-harm and depression: findings f…
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Randomized Trial of an Organizational Implementation Strategy to Improve Measurement-Based Care Fidelity and Youth Outcomes in Community
Mental Health: JAACAP October 2024
JAACAP October 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Rana Elmaghraby interviews Dr. Gregory A. Aarons about measurement-based care (MBC), which collects session-by-session symptom data from patients and provides clinicians with feedback on treatment response.Por Various
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https://acamhlearn.org/Learning/ACAMH_Learn%3a_Revolutionising_Child_and_Adolescent_Mental_Health_Knowledge/bc9b91c2-9c57-4e83-a3fe-a5e7e81f41d3 For this special In Conversation podcast, we are honoured to spend time talking with Dr. Mark Lovell about the launch of ACAMH Learn. Learning Objectives Insight into ACAMH’s vision and mission and how thi…
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In this conversation we grapple with the complexity of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and discuss the Viewpoint published in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health on "Asking difficult questions about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, in the context of the child, the mother, and the systems in which they live".…
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In this conversation we grapple with the complexity of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and discuss the Viewpoint published in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health on "Asking difficult questions about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, in the context of the child, the mother, and the systems in which they live". Read the full Viewpoint: https://www.…
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.35725 In this In Conversation Podcast, Clara Faria is joined by Tanatswa Chikaura, a mental health researcher and advocate, Founder and Director of Ndinewe Foundation, and PhD candidate in the Department of Psychiatry in the University of Cambridge. Tanatswa’s research interests include suicide prevention, trauma, and mental hea…
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Paediatric Sepsis Series contributors Nelson Sánchez-Pinto and Luregn Schlapbach join Josefine Gibson to mark World Sepsis Day 2024. Read the full Series: https://www.thelancet.com/series/paediatric-sepsis?dgcid=buzzsprout_icw_podcast_generic_lanchi Continue this conversation on social! Follow us today at... https://twitter.com/thelancet https://in…
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Paediatric Sepsis Series contributors Nelson Sánchez-Pinto and Luregn Schlapbach join Josefine Gibson to mark World Sepsis Day 2024.Por The Lancet
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.33251 In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Isabel Morales-Muñoz discusses her JCPP paper ‘Shorter night-time sleep duration and later sleep timing from infancy to adolescence’ (https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.14004). There is an overview of the paper, methodology, key findings, and implications for practice. Discussion points include: Defin…
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Binge Eating Disorders: Executive Functioning and Treatment outcomes for Adolescents Undergoing CBT
DOI: 10.13056/acamh.33242 In this In Conversation podcast, we are joined by Dr. Andrea Goldschmidt, from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Goldschmidt is a licensed clinical psychologist whose research focuses on eating behaviors that are associated with poor weight-related outcomes. The focus of this podcast will be on her recent JCPP paper ‘Execu…
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Remission, Recovery, Relapse, and Recurrence Rates for Suicide Attempts and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury for Suicidal Youth Treated With Dialectical Behavior Therapy or Supportive Therapy: JAACAP September ...
JAACAP September 2024: Contributing Editor Dr. Narpinder Malhi interviews Dr. Michele S. Berk about a study evaluating rates of remission, recovery, relapse, and recurrence insuicidal youth who participated in a clinical trial comparing Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Individual and Group Supportive Therapy (IGST).…
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