RCCG PC is a Church in Leeds Uk for people seeking God from all nations. You can listen to messages from our pastors, leaders and teachers here. We pray the words in this podcast motivate, enlighten and teach you in the ways of God. Furthermore, may the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father has sent in the name of Christ, teach and direct you in all things and remind you of the grace we have in him.
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Isaiah 59 vs 1-11
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Breaking into new Season ( Ecclesiastes 3 vs 1 )
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Blesses of the new you
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Our Weapon of Victory ( Genesis 4 vs 10 )
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Our Identity in Christ ( 2corithians 5 vs 17-21 )
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HIM ( John1 1-5 )
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Efficacy - the Power in the Blood of Jesus ( Ephesians 1 vs 7 )
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The power of the Cross
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1:02:30The power of the Cross ( 1Corithians 1 vs 18-24 )
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Kingdom Stewardship
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Living in God Promises ( John 1o vs 10 )
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One of the great precepts of our new beginning in christ is the grace to give cheerfully. whilst we harness the great gifts that come with our new relationship in Christ, it is essential to draw in the giving grace of God as well. The major core of salvation is giving as our salvation started with God giving, we need to learn to give and to give ch…
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Grace is not just a concept, The grace of God which can be defined as God’s unmerited love in action towards undeserved men was given to a hopeless mankind to offer a new beginning of life, an underserved redemption. This grace was given to usher in a new beginning, a new start. It is essential to note that the new life promised does not transcend …
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One of the gifts realised from our new beginning and relationship with Christ is Joy- It is essential to have a true understanding of what this implies and how we can harness this gift which is inherent in our new relationship.
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New beginnings are inevitable in life, either a new day, a new job, a new car, a new step or even new resolutions. it is crucial to start our new beginnings with intentional praise to the Lord your God. Sing him a new song, send him words of thanksgiving, appreciate who God is in your life,
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Whilst we all yearn for blessings from the most high God, sustaining the blessings is also essential. God has placed us to be a blessing to others and he has also made people to be a blessing to us. The way we approach and deal with those who have blessed us and the method we serve as a blessing to others determines if we can sustain the blessings.…
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Just like in the times of Christ, people might have different opinion of who you are. It is essential for us as individuals to build and have a true perception o ourselves. this is the basis of our faith as our perception of ourselves determines what we hope for
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The will of God differs in most cases from the will of man. Fulfillment and success is assured when the true will of God is carried out in our daily walk with him. May God grant us the grace to always recognize hie will and follow him continually
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In all situations and even during the lowest moments in life, it is essential to be focused in Christ. -Be anxious for nothing -Be careful but not faithful -Be Confident, this also will pass -Be careful and mindful of your thoughts -Be strong, this cant outlive the father -Be prayerful, his word standeth sure -Be a true christian and show love…
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