Halachic Debates of Current Events
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3/22/25 – Shiur 506 – The Battle over the Character of Israel – supporting progressive values or supporting Torah. How to handle Reform Judaism’s attacks against Torah observance
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1:59:53What is the WZO and why is the current election important? How do the Mizrachi and Eretz Hakodesh parties differ? How should we relate to Reform and Conservative Jews? Open Orthodoxy? What lawsuits have the Reform Movement filed against Chareidim, and what’s their motivation? Host: Ari Wasserman, author of the newly published, revised and expanded …
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3/8/25 – Shiur 505 – Purim – Fascinating Sources for our Minhagim | Bringing Simcha into our lives – The stories behind "Bardak" and Suki & Ding
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1:07:48What's the most difficult Mitzvah? Fascinating sources for: Taanis Esther Costumes Purim Torah And more..... Hosted by Rabbi Moshe Taub – Rov of Young Israel of Holliswood with Meni Wakshtock – Founder, Producer and Actor of "Bardak" – 19:45 with Dovid Nachman Golding – "Ding" of Suki and Ding – 48:10 מראי מקומות…
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3/1/25 – Shiur 504 – Hamas’ (and Iran’s) depravity - when our enemies know no limits: Should We? Do we need to act morally when dealing with an immoral enemy?
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1:26:40What does Hamas hope to accomplish with their psychological warfare? Should we be swapping live Hamas terrorists for the bodies of captives? Does international law or world opinion halachically govern how the IDF acts? Do the Laws of War (e.g., avoid non-combatants) mean that you can never use a weapon of mass destruction? Host: Ari Wasserman, auth…
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2/22/25 – Shiur 503 – “Recharging Ambition”: How We Can Inspire an Un-Motivated Generation
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1:56:26Is it stealing from your Kollel or employer if you regularly come late? How hard do you need to work on the job? Can you take personal phone calls, check the news, order your groceries, etc. while on the clock? Does this impact Shalom Bayis, divorce rates, shmiras ha’mitzvos and hasmada in Torah learning? How do we motivate those who don’t have mot…
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2/15/25 – Shiur 502 – Trump's disengagement plan for Gaza – Is Gaza Halachically part of Eretz Yisroel?
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1:09:07Terumos U’Maaseros Shmitta Mitzvas Yishuv Eretz Yisroel Kevura in Eretz Yisroel Historically did Yidden live in Gaza with Rabbi Yissochor Dov Krakowski – Mashgiach in Heichal Ha-Torah, Head of OU Kashrus Israel – 24:09 with Rabbi Ari Waxman – Mashgiach of Shaalavim, Tour Guide, Historical Expert – 49:20 מראי מקומות…
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2/8/25 – Shiur 501 – Roommates – what are the major areas of conflict? Are there ways to resolve them?
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1:26:59What are the most common issues/controversies that come up between roommates? Are there any halachic requirements to keep your place clean? Do you violate Gezel Sheina when your alarm wakes up your roommate? Can you borrow your roommates’ pots, books, pillow, toothpaste, etc. without permission? What happens with the kitchen when roommates have dif…
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1/25/25 – Shiur 500 – “Every shul has one” – dealing with the person who disturbs everyone
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1:43:52What would cause someone to regularly disturb in shul without regard to upsetting others? How should those who disturb be dealt with? Is it impatience or mental illness when someone always pushes the Chazan to go faster? Is it okay to pace for all of davening? To evict guests from seats? To collect the Seforim during davening? Should little childre…
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Is it Hatzalos Nefashos or is it encouraging more murder? How can you release murderers on the streets? Are you emboldening Hamas? Is it worth it to stay in good grace with the US? with Rabbi Yitzchok Pindrus – Member of Knesset Degel HaTorah – 25:05 with General Tzvika Fogel – Member of Knesset Otzma Yehudit, Israeli Security Expert, Advisor to It…
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1/18/25 – Shiur 498 – Should each community have a “Rebbetzin” to teach, advise and inspire the women?
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1:27:30Are women’s learning programs motivated by feminism and the desire for “equality”? Are women required to learn any Torah? Can they learn Zohar and Gemara? Is it preferable that women teach women? Can men attend the shiurim as well? Does a connection need to be achieved through learning Torah, or do Chesed and Tehillim groups work better? Host: Ari …
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1/11/25 – Shiur 497 – "Gentle Parenting” is in, discipline is out - Should parents discipline their children, or is that only for prior generations?
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1:50:57How has parenting changed over time? What lessons do we learn from Tanach?Should a parent discipline a child when the child will ignore the parent?How does a parent stay calm when the kids are misbehaving and not listening?What if the husband and wife are not on the same page when it comes to parenting?Should kids be brought to shul if they won’t b…
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1/4/25 – Shiur 496 – The Halachos of Heter Meah Rabbanim – An Agunah for over a decade – Hear both sides of the story
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2:22:43Can you ever make a Heter Meah Rabbanim without leaving a Get in Beis Din? Is a Beis Din ever allowed to withhold the Get from the woman? In order to get the husband visitation To get the husband financial compensation To get the woman to drop criminal charges To get the woman to drop lawsuits How easy is it to get a court to deny visitation from t…
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12/28/24 – Shiur 495 – How should we behave in Galus? Should we try to blend in and keep a low profile?
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1:51:52What did Gedolei Yisrael say about this and how did they behave? Should Menorah be lit in public? Should a yarmulka be worn at work? Should we wear black hats, shtreimels and other identifying marks? Wear talis and tefillin while walking to shul? Build a Succah in a public area? Should we remove Jewish and Israel references from our resumes when tr…
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12/21/24 – Shiur 494 – How to not lose our children – and ourselves – to peer pressure
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2:05:46How can a child withstand peer pressure Why do some kids give in easily to peer pressure and others don’t How should parents educate their children to withstand peer pressure What are the most common peer pressures in our yeshivos and girls’ schools Why do kids and teens involved in bad behaviors want to get their peers to join them Are we obligate…
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12/14/24 – Shiur 493 – What it Takes to release an Agunah | Presidential Pardon – Pardons in Halacha – The Torah approach to pardons
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1:10:09How a Magen was forced to give a Get with Attorney Elad Zamir – Renowned Family Lawyer, Toein Rabbani – 16:56 How the torah would view the presidential pardon of his son Is there a concept of pardons in Torah Do we find pardons in Tanach? Do you always have to be Moichel someone who wronged you? When don't you? A fascinating conversation with Rabbi…
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12/7/24 – Shiur 492 – The new initiative to draft Chareidim into the army. Should Yeshiva boys draft into the all-Charedi “Chashmonaim” Brigade?
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1:48:35What are the arguments that there’s an obligation to serve in the IDF? What are the arguments that there’s no obligation for someone learning Torah to join the army? What if the person is not learning, but is working or doing something else? What are the main challenges of a Chareidi boy/man joining the IDF? Can those issues be fully addressed? Wha…
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11/30/24 – Shiur 491 – Do we need to give when collectors ask for Tzedakah? What if it’s during davening, or a solicitation via mail or email?
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1:22:43Do we need to give Tzedakah to everyone who asks? Should we give to someone who refuses to work? What if you think the person asking does not look legit? What if he smokes? Or he’s an alcoholic or uses drugs? Host: Ari Wasserman, author of the newly published, revised and expanded book Making it Work, on workplace challenges with Dr. Shlomo Black –…
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11/23/24 – Shiur 490 – Can a Rav ever be Meikil on an עבירה to prevent a more serious עבירה?
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1:09:26Can a Rav ever be Meikil to prevent a more serious עבירה? Do ends ever justify the means? with Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz – Rov of Kehila of North Woodmere – 14:15 with Rabbi Shay Tahan – Rav Cong. Ohel Moshe Brooklyn, Dayan, AskHalacha.com editor – 34:57 מראי מקומותPor Halacha Headlines
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11/16/24 – Shiur 489 – How long should you date before getting engaged? How long does it take to get to know the other person?
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1:58:14What should be the goal of dating? What are the minimum interactions required by Halacha before engagement and marriage? What’s the downside of going too quickly? Of going too slowly? How clear do you need to be about what you are looking for in advance of dating? What are some great ways to get to know the other person? Host: Ari Wasserman with Ra…
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11/9/24 – Shiur 488 – Tattoos in Halacha: Is microblading permitted? | The Real Deal – avoiding legal trouble
THE REAL DEAL – avoiding legal trouble with Eli Puretz – Real Estate Syndicator – 11:58 Is it microblading Assur because of tattooing? Does it have to be for Avoda Zorah? Does it have to be words or picture or a mark is enough? Does it have to be permanent? How many levels of skin does it have to penetrate? Would it be Mutar for medical reasons, Sh…
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11/2/24 – Shiur 487 – Should Rabbanim be teaching girls and women?
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1:55:27What are the pros and cons of a man teaching girls/women? If a Rav teaches girls/women, should there be a Mechitza? What if the Rav is not married? Can/should a Rav call female students by first name or a nickname? What Gedarim should a Rav institute for himself when teaching girls/women? How does the relationship a Rebbe has with his male students…
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10/12/24 – Shiur 486 – What’s the role of a shul Rav during the Yomim Tovim? What are the most common and unusual questions being asked to our Rabbanim?
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1:24:20Are your responsibilities as a shul Rav any different during this time of year? What questions are people asking you? Is the war in Israel having an impact on you or your community? What unusual incidents have happened in your shul during Chagim? What’s your favorite Devar Torah for Yom Tov? Hosted by: Ari Wasserman Rabbi Shalom Rosner – Rabbi, Keh…
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9/28/24 – Shiur 485 – Are you allowed to take a shower on Yom Tov? | Are you allowed to give a donut to an obese person, and other fascinating shailos | Combating domestic abuse in our community
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1:24:03Showering us with Brocha Three day Yom Tov – Are you allowed to take a shower on Yom Tov? with Rabbi Yonah Reiss – Av Beis Din of CRC and Rosh Yeshiva and head of Semicha – 13:22 with Rabbi Mendy Abramson – Mechaber Bnei Avraham, Showering in Halacha – 30:00 לא תעמוד על דם רעך Are you allowed to give a donut to an obese person, and other fascinatin…
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9/21/24 – Shiur 484 – Ayin Hara – is it a real thing? Should we be concerned? How does it relate to Rosh Hashana and Tashlich?
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1:37:57How does Ayin Hara work, and what causes it? Is there a way to proactively protect yourself from an Ayin Hara? Is there a basis for the hand that people hang up for good luck, the red string or the blue eye? Does it help to say “bli ayin hara” and Poo Poo Poo? Are the services that are for hire to remove Ayin Hara legitimate, and how much do they c…
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9/14/24 – Shiur 483 – Do women have a Yeitzer Hara? Does Shmiras Einayim also apply to girls and women? Or, is it only a male problem?
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1:32:56Are the Halachos of Shmiras Einayim more lenient for women than for men, and if so, why? What’s the big deal about having thoughts, if they are only thoughts? Is it permitted for a woman to gaze at men? How – and from what age - should we educate our girls to stay away from inappropriate materials? Practically speaking, are the schools seeing this …
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9/7/24 – Shiur 482 – Aliyah L’har Habayis – An Aliya or a Yeridah? | El Al price gouging
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1:03:55El AL Price Gougingwith Mrs. Tzippy Yarom – Noted Israeli Journalist - 1:50 Is there Kedusha on the har Habayis Nowadays? Can a טמא enter? Which טמאים can't enter? Is the Kosel the wall of the עזרה or the הר הבית? Can you put your fingers into the wall of the Kosel? Are you a Rodeif if you go up to the Har Habayis? with Rabbi Shlomo Aviner – Rosh Y…
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