Centro Cultural Israelita Knesset Israel
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A full overview of the weekly Sicha, presented in an interesting and engaging manner, to capture even the interest of young or fast-paced people.
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The best Progressive House and Trance from around the world.
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Transformational teachings from the Torah and the Kabbalah by Rabbi Avraham Shira in Jerusalem, Israel.
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Zohar with Rabbi Avraham ben Yaakov http://www.azamra.org
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Job Series with Rabbi Avraham be Yaakov http://www.azamra.org
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Book of Proverbs with Rabbi Avraham ben Yaakov http://www.azamra.org
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1058 Netilat iadaim para o pão 1. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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Parshas Lech LechaPor Project Likkutei Sichos
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1057 David sofre de calafrios. Ciclo Tanach
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1056 Entre Destruição e Reconstrução: Como Noach e seus Filhos Encararam o Mundo Pós-Diluvio. Parshat Noach
Shiur dedicado à elevação da alma de Rivca bat Rachmil Z´´L
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Shiur dedicado para a elevação das almas de Yossef ben Moshê z´´l e Chaia Mushka bat haRav Avraham Meir Sheichiê.
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1054 Kashrut: alimentos cozidos por um gentio. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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1053 Conclusão do livro Shmuel II. Ciclo Tanach
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1052 Onde está teu irmão? O diálogo entre Hashem e Caim sobre responsabilidade social. Parshat Bereshit
Shiur Dedicado à Refuá Shlemá de Chaim Avraham Tsvi Hacohen ben Golda
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Sicha for Parshas NoachPor Project Likkutei Sichos
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Sicha for yud tes kislevPor Project Likkutei Sichos
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Shiur Dedicado à Refuá Shlemá de Chaim Avraham Tsvi Hacohen ben Golda
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Sicha for the holiday of sukkotPor Project Likkutei Sichos
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1050 Iom Kipur 5. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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1049 Iom Kipur 4. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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1048 Véspera de Iom Kipur 3. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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1047 Véspera de Iom Kipur 2. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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1046 Véspera de Iom Kipur 1. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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Sicha explaining the reason for the debate whether one is required to express their sins in detail on Yom Kippur and a deeper explanation on TeshuvahPor Project Likkutei Sichos
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Sicha explaining for some of the customs we preform in connection to RH, in order to "confuse the satan"Por Project Likkutei Sichos
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Shiur dedicado à refuá shlemá de Chaim Avraham Tsvi Hakohen ben Golda
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1044 Asseret Iemei Teshuvá. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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1043 Rosh Hashaná 3. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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1042 Rosh Hashaná 2. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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1041 Rosh Hashaná 1. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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1040 David compra o Terreno do Beit Hamikdash. Ciclo Tanach
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1039 David faz um censo do Povo. Ciclo Tanach
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Likutei Sichos Vol 24 Vayelech 2 Rabbi Avrohom BrashevitzkyPor Project Likkutei Sichos
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Dedicado à refuá shlemá de Chaim Avraham Tsvi Hakohen ben Golda
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1037 O mês de Elul. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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Sicha for Chai ElulPor Project Likkutei Sichos
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Shiur dedicado à refuá shlemá de Chaim Avraham Tsvi hacohen ben Golda.
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1035 Recapitulação das batalhas de David. Ciclo Tanach
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1034 Leis sobre produtos Kasher I. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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1033 Mikve de utensílios. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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Sicha for this weeks parshaPor Project Likkutei Sichos
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1032 David e o gigante Ishbí. Ciclo Tanach
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Dedicado à refuá shlemá de Chaim Avraham Tsvi Hacohen ben Golda
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1030 Como salgar a carne. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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1029 Uma mulher justa chamada Ritspá. Ciclo Tanach
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1028 Leis de Chalá II e salgar a carne. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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Sicha explaining verse: "Man is like the tree in the field" and a practical lessonPor Project Likkutei Sichos
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1027 Judeus são piedosos. Ciclo Tanach
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Dedicado à Refuá Shlemá de Chaim Avraham Tsvi Hacohen ben Golda
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1025 Leis de Chalá. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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1024 3 anos de fome. Ciclo Tanach
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Sicha for Parshas Re'eiPor Project Likkutei Sichos
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1023 Sheva tenta tomar o Reinado. Ciclo Tanach
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1022 Tsedaká VI. Ciclo Leis e Filosofia
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Dedicado à Refuá Shlemá de Chaim Avraham Tsvi Hacohen ben Golda
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1020 Barzilai nega o convite de David. Ciclo Tanach
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