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Ticket Ripper


Ben, an average middle class white washed Mexican from Kansas, unleashes his mildly unfiltered thoughts on all things silver screen, small screen, auper small screen, paper screen, society, animals, the end of the world, and growing up.
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The streets of wartime London are pitch black and the darkness offers cover to a murderer every bit as terrible as Jack the Ripper. During one awful week in February 1942 he viciously attacks women night after night. But the victims of the so-called Blackout Ripper are now all but forgotten. In this season of Bad Women, historian Hallie Rubenhold and criminologist Alice Fiennes share new details from the archives to tell the extraordinary and moving stories of the women who died and why thei ...
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The infamous Whitechapel murders, retold. Everyone knows the story of Jack the Ripper, the chilling serial killer that haunted the streets of 19th century London. Now, 135 years later, there’s a new killer in town. In this darkly comic reimagining, men are the victims of sexually aggressive murders committed by a woman: the mysterious Jackie. The only obstacle standing in her way? The slightly clueless, extremely over-caffeinated Detective Abberline and his not-so-crack team at the City of L ...
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Listen in as Jonathan Menges, joined by a roundtable of co-hosts and special guests discuss topics related to the Whitechapel Murders, Jack the Ripper, Victorian British history, and whatever else suits their fancy. This free and loose discussion is sure to interest everyone involved in the 120 year long hunt for 'Jack the Ripper'
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Ripper The Talking Rhino

Ripper The Rhino

A Real Life Rhino deals with mental health issues and Talks about Life, Existensalism, Mental health, and other topics of the day!! Support this podcast:
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A Real Bodice Ripper explores the delicious, guilty, and sometimes problematic pleasure that is found in romance novels. Join Jesse and Rachael as they explore some of their favorite stories in the genre. Support this podcast:
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Podice Rippers

Lainey Seaton + Natalie Warner

Get ready to dog-ear those paperbacks and turn those Kindles down low. The radiant Lainey Seaton and ravishing Natalie Warner are blazing into the podcast scene hot and bothered and bookish as all hell. Join us each episode as we talk at length and girth about all things romance novel. The only requirement is that you keep it lusty. And consensual.
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The fitness industry profits from keeping you confused. But we at Ripped Body have stayed in business for over a decade by doing one thing — consistently delivering our clients results. You’ll find no gimmicks, no shortcuts, just the 80-20 of what busy guys like you need to achieve long-term dramatic physique transformation.
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My name is Troy Casey! I am the Certified Health Nut, and I'm here to help you gain complete mastery of your 9 pillars of health and save Planet Earth! In this podcast I'll be running Q+A with questions from my "Man Clan" mentees, as well as speaking to all kinds of AWESOME guests who can enlighten us on topics ranging from exercise to nutrition to mindset to biohacking to relationships. My biggest mission in this life is to help you crazy psycho cyber chickens become the best you can be! Le ...
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Ripped, Rattled and Rose is a safe place for women to to talk about mental health, womanhood , sisterhood and purpose. My hearts biggest desire is to find a little piece of me in them and offer them little piece of me. We’re dismantling suffering in silence or living up to society unrealistic expectations.Tune in every week!
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Ripped From The Walls is AWOL's first podcast series. In this series, reporters for AWOL dig into hard-hitting, investigative reporting about controversies at American University and The District. Awol Magazine is American University's progressive rabblerousers. Our publication comes out twice a year. Interests include investigative journalism, critical thinking and social justice.
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Ripped from the Headlines is a "fact and fiction" podcast that recaps an episode of Law & Order and discusses the true crimes "ripped from the headlines" that inspired the show. Enn and Matt discuss the difficult realities of crime with care and humor while talking about media representation in one of television's longest-running and most successful crime series.
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The Get Ripped Podcast

Gig Podcasting Network

Cody and Alex talk about fitness, health, equipment, food, and what it takes to have the perfect summer body all year long. This podcast is for the gym enthusiast and everyday man and woman. Check out their Food Segment: A Bite of the Fit Life Equipment Segment: Gear UP Motivational Segment: Hurdle Through Your Workout Support this podcast:
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The Bodice Ripper Project

Maren Montalbano

What is the Bodice Ripper Project? Meet Maren, an opera singer who has a penchant for writing miniature romance scenes while she is backstage and reads them aloud to her castmates in the dressing room. Now that everyone is in quarantine and there are no operas in production, she has decided to bring these stories to YOU. The stories she has written are playful parodies of the kind of novels you might bring to the beach or find at the airport...but with a twist. She has built the characters a ...
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How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer

How I Ripped Off Buffy The Vampire Slayer

When award nominated screenwriter Chip Thompson was 14, he was mildly obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, comic books and a whole manner of geeky pop culture. So he decided to write his own series, centering around what it would be like if he and best friend/Co host MC were supernatural, crime fighting ninjas in Tokyo. It was as terrible as it sounds, full of plagerism, clumsy references and out right stealing of ideas mixed with its own unique blend of B Movie horror and superhero plots ...
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show series
Der Germanwings-Absturz vor zehn Jahren war eine der schwersten Katastrophen der deutschen Luftfahrt. 150 Menschen sind gestorben. Bis heute beschäftigt Angehörige und die Justiz eine Frage: Wer trägt Verantwortung? Der neue WDR-Podcast „Der Germanwings Absturz – Zehn Jahre ohne euch“ erzählt die Geschichte zweier Familien, die beim Absturz geliebt…
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Caro und Jürg präsentieren die besten und kuriosesten Geschichten, die ihnen bei der Recherche begegnet sind – und bisher noch nicht in "Killing Jack" vorkamen. Es geht um das angebliche Tagebuch von Jack the Ripper, die Entstehung des Criminal Profiling, um feministische Versuche, die nächtlichen Straßen zurückzuerobern, und um extrem coole Frauen…
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Caro und Jürg stellen sich ihrer Faszination für gefährliche Männer und Geschichten von Gewalt. Sind sie selbst Teil des Problems? Was können sie tun, um dem Ripper-Mythos seine Macht zu rauben? Bei Fragen oder Feedback melde dich gern, schreib uns an: Jede Woche Montag eine neue Folge. Alle Folgen von "Killing Jack" gibt es scho…
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Jack the Ripper ist... True Crime! Caro und Jürg treffen die Hosts des Podcasts "Mord auf Ex", einen Medienforscher und die Thriller-Autorin Monika Feth. Was packt uns an Geschichten von Verbrechen? Und warum wollen besonders Frauen von Serienmördern hören? Bei Fragen oder Feedback melde dich gern, schreib uns an: Jede Woche Mont…
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Wer sind die "Ripperologen" und was wissen sie über den Täter? Caro und Jürg treffen eine Historikerin - ihre Forschung stellt den Mythos vom Prostituiertenmörder Jack in Frage. Das macht einige Menschen sehr wütend. Bei Fragen oder Feedback melde dich gern, schreib uns an: Jede Woche Montag eine neue Folge. Alle Folgen von "Kill…
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Wer war Jack the Ripper? In London gehen Caro und Jürg auf Spurensuche. Schnell wird klar: Die Ereignisse von 1888 waren verstörend. Trotzdem gibt es einen Kult um die Gewalt. Bei Fragen oder Feedback melde dich gern, schreib uns an: Jede Woche Montag eine neue Folge. Alle Folgen von "Killing Jack" gibt es schon jetzt in der ARD …
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Es ist der wohl bekannteste True-Crime-Fall der Welt: Jack the Ripper. Was fasziniert uns am Mythos eines brutalen Frauenmörders? Und muss die Geschichte vom Ripper heute nicht ganz anders erzählt werden? 4-teiliger Doku-Podcast, ab 14. Oktober in der ARD Audiothek.Por Carolin Haentjes und Jürg Meister
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I honestly did not even talk about movies in this one. I ranted for about 40 minutes about so much stuff like high value males, tortas, growing up in a Christian Mexican community and why I can't talk to women, and I weirdly loved it. Share with your homies and your girlfriend. Peep the link for more stuff…
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Hi Ripped from the Headlines Friends!! We have been a way for a WHILE but it's because we've been hard at work on a Brand New Show!! Consider Ripped From the Headlines a Cold Case for now - Can be reopened at some point, but for now, we're moving onto something else... Rebooty & The Beast Premieres today wit…
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Karl welcomes Scott Monty and Burt Wolder to the podcast to discuss the next story in the Sherlock Holmes Canon:The Adventure of the Three StudentsScott and Burt are two of the creatives behind the podcast and website I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere.
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Detective Louis N. Scarcella was a legendary figure in New York City during the '90s. In a city overrun with violent crime, he cracked the toughest cases and put away the worst criminals. But the story changed when a group of convicted murderers-turned-jailhouse lawyers made a startling discovery that linked all their cases: Scarcella was the cop w…
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Corpse Pile - This Is Hardgoreween (USA) PARASITAL EXISTENCE - Believers (URU) GAFFED - Die Already - Human Prey (USA) INTERNAL SUFFERING - Outer Gateways (COL) KORPSE - A Final Lesson (HOL) FIRST DEGREE MURDER - Generalized Disorder (CILE) ILEUM - Chilling Until Scattered About (INDON) SCHIZOGEN - OUT OF THE LIGHT (UKR)…
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Opium Death - Genocidal Nemesis I_ Fear (USA) ANTAGONIST - Collapse Of All Prohibitions (RUS) Kelevra - The Distance (CAN) 6Exhance - Sourdre (BEL) Red Means No Mercy - Pain (ft. Repressed)(GER) VAEGON - The Righteous (CAN) cognizance - Chiselled in Stone (UK) Cadaveric Crematorium - Cataclysm Celestia (ITA) vitriol - Flood Of Predation (USA) A PRE…
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Rippercast is pleased to present the February 2024 guest speaker at the Whitechapel Society:Sue Parry: The Trial of the Detectives or The Turf Fraud Scandal of 1877This is a Video Slideshow
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LURKING - Visions of Certain Death (BEL - RUS) KOMPOST - Kuolemaa maakunnassa (FIN) DESECRATE THE FAITH - Impulsive Mutilation (USA) Phalloplasty - Dissolving Cartilage (USA) CEFALOPHAGIA - Decoding Existential Agony (ECU) UNLEASH CARNAGE - Execution Desolation (CAN) Dissanity - Between Dying and Moribundity (INDON) EPIGLOTTIS - Human Sludge Defeca…
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SAHON - Obscene (SOUTH KOR) COMPOUND 8 - Hatestorm (ITA) Announce the Apocalypse - In the Wake (USA) CAMBION - Conflagrate the Celestial Refugium (USA - GER) AAL - Towers of Indifference (LIT) SOREPTION - Prophet (SWE) VILEDRIVER - Sold Short (CAN) ATHON - Eradication of The False Knowledge (ITA) CARNAGE OF HUMANS - Raise the Dead (MEX) AYAKASI KAG…
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Jonathan Menges and Ally Ryder host a roundtable discussion on Suspectology with Christer Holmgren, author of Cutting Point, Mick Priestley, author of One Autumn in Whitechapel, Tracy I'anson, author of Jacob the Ripper, Tom Wescott, author of The Bank Holiday Murders and Ripper Confidential, and Steve Blomer, author of Inside Bucks Row.…
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Discarnage - Infection Splinter Impact (INDON) SHOCKWAVE EXTINCTION - POSTHUMOUS FRAGMENTS (ITA - FRA) Scourgery - Demo - Obliterate (USA) VISCERAL EXPLOSION - Acute Necrotizing Hemorrhagic Encephalopathy(SOUTH KOR) NEURALECTOMY - Halographic Terror (USA - UKR) Abomination Putridus - Flesh and bones ground by mechanical millstones of cyborgs (USA) …
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Yuuge - Zepperiah (USA) The Risen Dread - Betrayal (IRL) BACKBONE - Crushing the Silence (ARG) Contortion - No Destination (USA) Redreigner - Breed Of Anger (GRE) ATHIRIA - Decay (AUSTRIA) cry - ??? (Rutenhi) (JPN) ENGULF - The Nefarious Hive (USA) BLOODTRUTH - The Templar Verdict (ITA) Lotus Eater Machine - Hollow Dog (USA) MASS INSANITY - Cynical…
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VAGRANT - Ira Incendiaria (SPA) 3rd War Collapse - Killing Each Other (FIN - BRA) Devoured Elysium - Green Screen Failure (TUR) Esophagus - Supremacy THAETAS - Blood Distillery (USA) REVULSED - Beyond The Depths Of The Subconscious (AUSTRALIA) THE SICKENING - Morbid Necro Extremeties (NOR) Internal Organs External - Proximity of Bone (USA)…
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VAGRANT - Ira Incendiaria (SPA) 3rd War Collapse - Killing Each Other (FIN - BRA) Devoured Elysium - Green Screen Failure (TUR) Esophagus - Supremacy THAETAS - Blood Distillery (USA) REVULSED - Beyond The Depths Of The Subconscious (AUSTRALIA) THE SICKENING - Morbid Necro Extremeties (NOR) Internal Organs External - Proximity of Bone (USA)…
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DISHUMANIZED - The Puppeteer (AUSTRIA) LAST RITES - Cultivhate (ITA) Embers Ignite - The World Burns (UK) Sorcerer - Acedia (USA) THRONE OF FLESH - Macabre Procession (ITA) SUFFER - Abhorrent Filth Disease (USA) MALFESTED - Scorched Earth (BEL) GNIDA - The Stench of Decay (The Death's March)(RUS) MINDWORK - Grinding the Edges (CZECH REP) PRONOSTIC …
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Today, I’m speaking with Danny Lennon. Danny is the founder of Sigma Nutrition. He is the long-time host of the popular podcast Sigma Nutrition Radio, and a member of the Advisory Board of the Sports Nutrition Association, the global regulatory body responsible for the standardization of best practices in the sports nutrition profession. In this co…
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MUTUAL HOSTILITY - Faces In The Walls (USA) STALINO - Transplanted Square Root of Evil (RUS) DEAD TWILIGHT - Blood (ITA) NECROTOMBS - Shadow people (ITA) PLAGUE OF THE FALLEN - So You Have Chosen Death (NEW ZEAL) Catastrophic Evolution - The Infinite Loop of Eternal Pain (ITA - SPA) NECROTICGOREBEAST - UNSEDATED FACE REMOVAL (CAN) RAW - Rank (INDON…
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Extinction In Progress - Ashes (FIN) BLIND SALVATION - The Illusion of god (POL) CYPHONISM - Midir (GER) VERMINGOD - Shades In My Sleep (GRE) Borow - The Madness Comes Out From the Sea Depth (RUS) SCORDATURA - Collapse of Humanity (UK) Abysmal Torment - The Misanthrope (MALTA) The Eating Cave - Implications (USA) VAGRANT - Genesis (SPA) When Blood …
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SADICO INFESTO - Pandemic Prelude to the End (BRA) VALGRIND - Dark Winds of Avalon (ITA) Torn The Fuck Apart - A Statement Of Malicious Intent (USA) Celestial Bifurcation - Mephistophelian Dimension (USA) INTIMIDATION DISPLAY - Black Earth (USA) EPICARDIECTOMY - Exhumed Decollated Mutilation (CZECH REP) HUMAN BARBECUE - Sickening Hunger (BEL) Dehum…
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MYNDSNARE - Temporal Movements (INDIA) SACRIFICIUM - Martyrium (GER) DORMANT ORDEAL - Here Be Dragons (POL) PRONOSTIC - Bare and Wretched (CAN) CHAOS CATHARSIS - Cataclysme Cosmique (CAN) BLOODTRUTH - The Templar Verdict (ITA) HATRED REIGNS - Departing Acheron (CAN) SCENT OF DEATH - Tortured Mind (SPA) CRYPTIC CONVERSION - Void Birth (RUS) EMBRACE …
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Edward Buckley: The Whitechapel FiendA roundtable discussion about an extremely violent criminal lunatic residing in the East End of London before, during and after the Autumn of Terror. With Jurriaan Maessen, Jonathan Tye, Suzie Huntington and Tom Wescott.Hosted by Jonathan Menges and Ally Ryder…
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Today, I’m speaking with Eric Trexler. Eric has a PhD, and is a pro bodybuilder, coach, co-owner of the MASS Research Review, and a metabolism researcher at Duke University. In this conversation, we talk about the physiological changes that happen when weight cycling (i.e. going through diet and bulk phases) and what this means for us when chasing …
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