Upcoming games, game play, recent news and reviews on topic from the past.
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Pubg suing epic games. Will they survive?
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Tide pod challenge and now snorting condoms, what is wrong with kids these days. Is it for attention or just straight up stupidity? Let us know what u think @ direwolfgaming01@gmail.com
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Discussion on whether what path Dire wolf gaming and Dire Wolf Studios should take. What we do and what are goals are. Let us know what u think.
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Samuel Rosario police officer from Chicago beats up a 19 year old talking smack in the cops face. Throws hands and doesn't even arrest the kid. Was this a good lesson on the kid or was it a bad decision on the cops part. Let us know.
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New things coming up in the future for our community and how we proceed with things. Comment and let us know what you think on what u think the channel should go.
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