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Emisiunea în limba română - Vatican News

Radio Vaticana - Vatican News

Vatican News. Vocea Papei și a Bisericii în dialog cu lumea contemporană. Audiențele și discursurile Papei, evenimente din viața Bisericii, actualitatea internațională și manifestări culturale. Emisiunea zilei este disponibilă în podcast după ora Romei 15.30. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Vatican News - Hrvatski Program

Radio Vaticana - Vatican News

Vatican News svoj program emitira na 39 jezika u Rimu i u pokrajini Lazio. Program obuhvaća aktualne vijesti, infomacije i aktivnosti Pape, Svete Stolice i Vatikana, kao i univerzalne i domaće Crkve. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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A Vatican News magyar műsora

Radio Vaticana - Vatican News

Adásainkban beszámolunk a pápa és a Szentszék tevékenységéről, ismertetjük a Szentatya homíliáit, beszédeit, beszámolunk apostoli utazásairól. Kitekintünk a világegyház eseményeire, megszólaltatjuk a Rómába érkező magyar egyháziakat és zarándokokat. Hírt adunk továbbá a határon túli magyar közösségek életéről, illetve elősegítjük az ökumenikus és vallásközi párbeszédet. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Die deutsche Übersetzung siehe unten! “HEBDÓMADA PAPAE” NOTÍTIAE VATICÁNAE LATÍNE RÉDDITAE Die octávo mensis Mártii anno bismillésimo vicésimo quinto TÍTULI Hebdómadae decúrsu quae de Pontíficis valetúdine evéniunt. Precatiónis Francísci propósitum mense Mártio tenéndum: vénia áptius est medicaméntum ad famílias curándas, quae in discrímine versánt…
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- Pope Francis’ clinical condition is stable, he continues to rest and follow prescribed therapies as he is treated for pneumonia at Rome's Gemelli Hospital - From his hospital bed, the Pope sends a message to the Italian "Movement for Life" asking Christians to take the side of the most defenceless - On International Women's Day we relaunch the Ta…
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- Pope Francis expresses his gratitude for prayers for his recovery as he continues to recuperate in Gemelli Hospital - Ukraine’s president repeats his call for an air and sea truce in the ongoing war with Russia - Armed groups in Syria have launched coordinated attacks on security forces of the new regime…
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- Pope Francis continues to be treated at Rome’s Gemelli hospital, with his doctors saying that his health condition has recently been stable - As the Church begins Lent, The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, invites Christians to hope in the Cross. - On the Day of the Righteous, which commemorates those who risked the…
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- The UN’s World Food Agency warns its Gaza food stocks will last only two weeks amid an Israeli aid blockade. - The Holy See once again reaffirms its commitment to a nuclear weapons free world at the Third Meeting of States Parties. - A brief update on the Pope’s health as he continues to receive treatment in Rome’s Gemelli hospital.…
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