A podcast for lovers of Tudor history.
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Professor Suzannah Lipscomb talks about everything from the Aztecs to witches, Velázquez to Shakespeare, Mughal India to the Mayflower. Not, in other words, just the Tudors, but most definitely also the Tudors. Each episode Suzannah is joined by historians and experts to reveal incredible stories about one of the most fascinating periods in history. Sign up to History Hit for hundreds of hours of original documentaries, with a new release every week and ad-free podcasts. Sign up at https://w ...
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The Tudor Chest Podcast is a brand new podcast series from the popular Instagram and blog - The Tudor Chest. Episodes will feature historian and author, Adam Pennington, creator of the Tudor Chest Platform, as well as guest appearances by notable historians and fellow authors. Episodes will be released weekly, with a focus not solely on Tudor history, but also the Plantagenets and current royal family news.
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Tudors Dynasty & Beyond explores the fascinating world of the Tudor dynasty—and beyond! Hosted by independent researcher and podcaster Rebecca Larson, with occasional guest hosts, this show delves into the lives, scandals, and politics of the Tudors while uncovering key figures from medieval and early modern history as well. With expert interviews and gripping stories, it’s the perfect podcast for history lovers seeking an entertaining and insightful look at the past.
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Sharing biblical truth and spiritual encouragement, as well as information on how to stay healthy in these crazy times. www.danceoflife.com
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Join us, Michelle and Lucy, for a mildly diverting delve into the great, the good, the mad, the brave, the outrageous, the mischievous and the truly preposterous folk of the Tudor Age. Two enthusiastic Tudorphiles discuss each in turn and give them marks out of ten for intrigue, martyrdom, posterity and rise & fall before deciding whether they are Tudorlicious.
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Tudor history podcasts from Claire Ridgway, author of ”On This Day in Tudor History” and many other bestselling Tudor books. Claire runs the Tudor Society, The Anne Boleyn Files and can be found on her website www.ClaireRidgway.com where she runs exclusive online historical events.
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Artistas convidados contam histórias e curiosidades sobre os álbuns que fazem parte do catálogo da Deck.
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Atitude/ Metas/Desafios/Misticismo/ Espiritualidade:/Viagens.
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This is a history podcast and a story podcast in one (on facebook it's tudortimemachine} It's a secret history of the Elizabethan court set in 1565. Everyone thinks they know the truth of Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth, but we’re going to tell you about what we think really happened. The central characters are all based on real people from the court. After we read the story section, we’ll take a dive into history behind the episode. Fun! Our merch is here! https://tudor-time-machine.creator-sprin ...
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Com sua voz aveludada, Lorelay Fox traz seus pontos de vista sobre atualidades, cultura pop e tudo o que passa pela mente de um jovem adulto! Comentários sem sentido, conselhos inadequados (ou não), dicas, convidados e até poesia! Siga no instagram @PodcastParaTudo e @Lorelay_Fox
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Legales para Emprendedores.
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Com dois ou três truques, toda a gente consegue fazer os melhores ovos mexidos do mundo, as melhores batatas fritas ou o melhor bife. Às vezes, a diferença entre uma comida sublime e comida má está só na quantidade de manteiga, na variedade da batata ou no momento em que pomos o sal no bife. Ricardo Dias Felner, aka O Homem que Comia Tudo, diz-lhe tudo sobre cozinha e restaurantes no podcast mais saboroso do Expresso. Novos episódios todas as quintas-feiras.
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As decisões e os bastidores do poder analisados em um momento de turbulência política.
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A Debreceni Egyetem könyvtárának tudománynépszerűsítő műsora.
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Cinem(ação): filmes, podcasts, críticas e tudo sobre cinema
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Oie! Eu sou Aline, sou mentora de autoconhecimento, manifestação e espiritualidade, certificada internacionalmente em Ho’oponopono Original e criadora do Tudo é Cura – podcast de autoconhecimento que te ajuda a acessar, criar e viver a vida que você tanto deseja! ❤️ É bom ter você aqui! :) Para mais, acesse: https://bio.site/tudoecura
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Episódios de segunda a sexta, comentando o dia-a-dia normal, de uma pessoa normal, gravados no trânsito normal, respeitando todas as leis de trânsito.
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In TLC: Tudor's Living Chronicles, we record the living histories of the members of Tudor Ward, Anchorage North Stake. Not only do we hear the fascinating stories from our members' lives, we capture them for family history so they have their stories for their posterity. Each person has an incredible life and we build unity and love when we get to know them personally. Ranked #21 in FeedSpot's 40 Best Anchorage Podcasts.
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rumo à designorância!
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Provavelmente o programa desportivo de rádio com o maior nome do mundo. Do Futebol à Pelota Basca tudo é tema de conversa. Na 2ª parte um convidado para responder ao que nunca lhe foi perguntado.
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Um podcast sem linha de raciocínio nenhuma pra seguir, com @TeyItalo e @thedeluiz falando várias merdas
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Conversas e revisão de artigos entre analistas do comportamento e outros profissionais sobre tudo relacionado a análise do comportamento aplicada (ABA) a cada duas semanas nas 4as feiras! Envie perguntas, comentários e sugestões para: [email protected]. Para obter créditos de educação continuada, acesse: courses.daxta.com
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Eu gosto muito de falar sobre filmes e Séries especialmente de terror mais de outros gêneros também como Comédia
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Povestile oamenilor din lumea creativa. https://youtube.com/tudoratanasiu https://tudoratanasiu.ro
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Renaissance England was a bustling and exciting place...new religion! break with rome! wars with Scotland! And France! And Spain! The birth of the modern world! In this weekly podcast I'll explore one aspect of life in 16th century England that will give you a deeper understanding of this most exciting time. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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A Lyukasóra Tudományból egy hetente jelentkező tudományos podcast, amely elérhető és közérthető tudományos történetekkel, ismeretekkel és érdekességekkel szórakoztatja a hallgatóságot.
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A comedy podcast about the Tudors and 1500s shenanigans. It's educational, we swear. But mostly funny. Hosted by Emily Simpson and Garrett Kaser. Produced by Jeffrey Simpson.
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Últimas de Digital de Tudo - Jovem Pan
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A podcast that brings Tudor history to life by exploring Tudor places and artefacts in the flesh. The Tudor Travel Guide brings you lively onsite walk-and-talk interviews with local guides and experts at historic Tudor locations across the UK, creating inspiring ideas for your next Tudor-themed vacation. If you love seeing Tudor history through the lens of the places in which the Tudors lived and historic events occurred, then ’The Tudor History & Travel Show’ is tailor-made for you! Episode ...
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Hello, in this podcast you will here about my passion for gaming and what I would love to see more off and what could be better 😝👌
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Podcast by Tudo Cast
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Welcome to ALLI TUDOR, where amazing things happen.
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Tudo Sobre Tudo é um podcast criado por Candido Neto e Renata Alves para falar sobre as situações do dia a dia, porém com foco em assuntos que são considerados anormais, existente em nosso planeta, tudo aquilo que é estranho sabe? Todos os dias tem um episódio novo por aqui! sempre um episódio curioso e inusitado!! segue agente ai no Spotify e nas redes sociais!! https://instabio.cc/tudosobretudopodcast
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Estreia podcast Evaristo Fernandes Cover art photo provided by Matt Power on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@thisispower
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História das maiores empresas em Portugal narrada por João Correia.
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Do you have obsession with SIX The Musical? Or with the Six Wives of Henry VIII? Or the House Of Tudor in general? Then this is for you!!!
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Tudornotes Podcast is a collection of interviews with and about people who chose alternative ways of learning and those who reshape the education system. Tudor Tarlev, the show host, is an entrepreneur on a mission to serve 1.7 billion people.
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É ruim? É ruim, mas da uma chance ae vai
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Um podcast sobre os dilemas da vida adulta. Episódios novos todas as sextas.
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Kellogg College annual lecture series sponsored by Bynum E. Tudor.
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o podcast sobre tudo que você pode imaginar em um lugar só.
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Bate-papo descontraído entre integrantes da Rádio Itatiaia
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faladeira de coisa da cabeça e outras ideias
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Ricardo Dias Felner assume a sua culpa: é um dos muitos que leva o portátil para trabalhar num café, abusando da generosidade e pondo em risco o negócio ao ocupar uma mesa durante bastante tempo. Mas é o sítio onde escreve as suas crónicas para O Homem Que Comia Tudo em podcast. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Lula nomeia Gleise: 'Em vez de ampliar as forças políticas de seu governo, ele as estreita ainda mais'
A nomeação de Gleisi Hoffmann para o Ministério de Relações Institucionais pegou muitos de surpresa, pois, em meio à crise de popularidade de Lula, a expectativa era de ampliação da base aliada. Maria Cristina Fernandes fala sobre o assunto. Ouça.
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O que você poderia liberar hoje que abriria espaço para algo melhor? Muitas vezes, nos agarramos a situações, pessoas e crenças que já não fazem sentido. Tudo por medo do desconhecido. Mas e se, ao confiar no fluxo da vida, você permitisse que o novo chegasse com mais leveza e alinhamento? Neste episódio, eu falo sobre soltar padrões, crenças e his…
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A queda nas bilheterias de Capitão América: Admirável Mundo Novo levantou uma questão: a Marvel está perdendo o seu brilho? No episódio de hoje, discutimos os desafios da “Fase Cinco” do MCU, a expectativa para a “Fase Seis” e se a famosa “fórmula mágica” da Marvel se tornou um problema. Rafael Arinelli recebe Tibério Velasquez, Rebecca Cunha e Hen…
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Um episódio especial do Conselhos Ruins para vocês terem um gostinho do que rola por lá. Tem agroboy, chifre, término e gay novinho.-👵🏼 Lorelay Fox é Drag Queen há quase 20 anos e, nesse loreverso, falamos sobre ETs, conselhos (ruins), dicas de maquiagem e assuntos cotidianos.-↗️ Conteúdos extras e exclusivos você encontra em nosso Instagram: www.i…
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Poema de Mario Quintana Seiscentos e Sessenta e Seis Quando se vê, ja sao 6 horas e Quando se vê, ja se passaram 60 anos.
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Lançado em janeiro de 2025, o álbum “FIM DO MUNDO” da banda menores atos vem conquistando cada vez mais público e aumentado a popularidade da banda. Com elementos inéditos, como beats eletrônicos e violão, a banda explora mais estilos neste álbum e traz uma narrativa própria fechada e baseada em um "FIM DO MUNDO particular". Neste episódio, os inte…
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86. Podemos Usar Medidas Fisiológicas Para Avaliar a Validade Social na Intervenção Alimentar? Com a Dra. Cíntia Perez Duarte
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1:15:23Send us a text Neste episódio do Podcast Tudo ABA, a Dra. Layla Sump e a Dra. Cíntia Pérez Duarte discutem a importância das intervenções alimentares na análise do comportamento, focando na validade social e na coleta de medidas fisiológicas para entender melhor o bem-estar dos clientes durante essas intervenções. Elas exploram um estudo piloto rec…
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Aquilo de que não se fala no futebol, com Beto
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1:08:07Foi guarda-redes do Porto, Braga, da seleção, ganhou a Liga Europa pelo Sevilha. Mas mais do que a carreira vem falar de um estigma no futebol, a saúde mental nos jogadores. Beto Pimparel. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Por Observador
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Germain Gardiner and the Prebendaries' Plot In the 1540s, England was a nation in religious turmoil, and those who resisted Henry VIII’s supremacy over the church risked everything. I uncover the dramatic downfall of Germain Gardiner, John Larke, and others caught in the deadly Prebendaries' Plot—a conspiracy that sought to halt Protestant reforms …
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Today, I'm thrilled to welcome Adam Pennington to the show to discuss his new book, Henry VII and the Plantagenet Poles. We dive into the fascinating story of Margaret Pole and her children, exploring the threat they posed to Henry VIII and his ruthless response. Our conversation also delves into Henry’s efforts to have Reginald Pole silenced. As d…
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Venerable Day of the Sun #12: The Kings of the Earth
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9:00:16Revelation 17 tells us that a time is soon coming where the kings of the Earth will again pledge their power to the Beast. This will be when the image of the Beast comes to life and enforces the mark, and many will be deceived and marvel. But history offers us important clues as to what this system will look like, and one of them is that we are goi…
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Passion, scandal, and power collided in the tumultuous relationship between Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley. Rumours of secret trysts between them set the court ablaze, but their love was doomed from the start. Professor Suzannah Lipscomb and Dr. Joanne Paul unravel the complex tapestry of Dudley's life, Elizabeth's devotion and the decades of politi…
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Jane Seymour, Henry VIII’s true love with Dr Elizabeth Norton
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1:00:37In todays episode I am delighted to be welcoming back Dr Elizabeth Norton for a discussion all about Jane Seymour, with our conversation based around Elizabeth’s book, Jane Seymour, Henry VIII’s True Love. We discuss Jane’s early life, what roles she played at court, how she behaved as queen and ask the questions, just what would have happened to J…
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On 6th March 1547, Thomas Wriothesley, 1st Earl of Southampton and former Lord Chancellor to Henry VIII, suffered a dramatic fall from power, losing the Great Seal of his Lord Chancellorship. But was this really about his overreach, or was it part of a larger power struggle? Wriothesley had been one of Henry VIII’s most trusted advisors. He played …
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In 1534, a young Irish noble named Thomas FitzGerald, better known as Silken Thomas, made a bold and reckless decision—he renounced his loyalty to Henry VIII and launched a rebellion against English rule in Ireland. What followed was a dramatic conflict marked by betrayal, brutal warfare, and the total destruction of the FitzGerald dynasty. But why…
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Welcome to another episode of Talking Tudors, where host Natalie Grueninger dives into the intriguing world of Tudor history with Dr Surekha Davies, a historian of science, art, and ideas. In this episode, Dr. Davies shares insights from her latest book, 'Humans: A Monstrous History', exploring how societies have historically defined the concepts o…
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Imagine a world without the × symbol for multiplication, sin and cos in trigonometry, or even the slide rule—a tool that shaped centuries of science and engineering. Meet William Oughtred, the Tudor-era mathematician, clergyman, and inventor who changed the way we do maths forever! But Oughtred’s story isn’t just about numbers—his life was full of …
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Jane Seymour & the House of Seymour: Power, Ambition, and Legacy
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1:00:53Today, I'm joined by the wonderful Carol-Ann Johnston for a fascinating discussion about Jane Seymour and her family. As you know, I have a soft spot for the Seymours, so this episode was an absolute delight to record. I hope you enjoy it! Book: Jane Seymour: An Illustrated Life -- Host: Rebecca Larson Guest: Carol-Ann Johnston…
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On this day in Tudor history, 4th March 1590, Christopher Bales met a brutal and unjust end on the streets of London. His crime? Simply being a Catholic priest. Under Elizabeth I’s strict anti-Catholic laws, his faith was seen as treason—and his punishment was death. But who was Christopher Bales? And why was England so determined to silence men li…
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The brief life of William Shakespeare's son Hamnet is now quite well known, thanks to Maggie O'Farrell's novel, but Hamnet also had a twin sister Judith, who outlived her brother by many decades. Now it's time for Judith to take centre stage in the highly anticipated novel The Owl Was a Baker's Daughter by Professor Grace Tiffany. Judith lived thro…
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Margaret Tudor’s Third Marriage. On this day in Tudor history, 3rd March 1528, Margaret Tudor—sister of Henry VIII and widow of James IV of Scotland—tied the knot for the third time. But was this her chance for happiness… or just history repeating itself? Margaret had already endured one tragic loss and one disastrous marriage. She fought for freed…
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We're back with another This Week in YouTube where we highlight some recent content from my YouTube channel. This week: Levina Teerlinc, Discover the Intriguing World of Tudor Money. Make sure you're subscribed at https://www.youtube.com/@hteysko so you don't miss all the content we put out! Support the podcast for even more exclusive content https…
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In honor of Women's History Month, today, I am airing a rerun episode where Dr. Nikki Clark joins me to discuss the ladies who served the Tudor queens. This fascinating topic attracts much interest, and we delve into everything from who these women were to how they were appointed and what roles they played. The Waiting Game: The Untold Story of th…
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If you could travel back in time and ask one of Henry VIII’s wives a single question, what would it be?This week’s Sunday Quick Q&A tackles a fascinating “what if” scenario, and I just couldn’t resist picking questions for ALL six wives… and maybe even Henry himself (with a little truth serum!). Which wife would you choose, and what would you ask? …
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Welcome to Out Brief Candle! While bouncing through time, Philadelphia has found herself trapped in the midst of a murder at the Globe theatre. Gage and Jessica join in the sleuthing to help Philadelphia uncover the clues to unmask the killer. Full of drama, suspense, and the ‘occasional’ snide remark cast towards Philadelphia’s modern day ningles,…
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Cameo 43 - Felice della Rovere
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1:49:34The Pope's daughter. The extraordinary life of an extraordinary woman. Many thanks to Luna Cherry who has offered to make pictures for all our cameo episodes. To see more of her work go to https://luzmarmexico.myportfolio.com Bigger versions of her cameo pictures can be found on our website. Tudoriferous – The home of the Tudoriferous Podcast Join …
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Did Elizabeth I’s coronation date come from the stars? On 15th January 1559, she was crowned Queen of England—but this wasn’t just a political decision. The famed astrologer John Dee carefully selected the date based on celestial alignments, believing it would shape her reign. But why did astrology hold such importance in Tudor times? Listen to fin…
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Maria Cristina Fernandes analisa repercussão política do filme Ainda Estou Aqui, indicado ao Oscar. A produção, que aborda a ditadura militar no Brasil, tem sido bem recebida tanto por eleitores de Lula (80%) quanto de Bolsonaro (62%), segundo pesquisa do IPEC. Ouça.
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On this day, 28th February 1551, Martin Bucer—a theologian and reformer whose influence stretched across Europe—died in Cambridge. But his story didn’t end there… Six years later, under Queen Mary I, his body was exhumed, put on trial, and burned as a heretic. Why? What made him so dangerous that even his bones had to be destroyed? Join me as we un…
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Advocacia-Geral da União virou alvo do bolsonarismo após defender o ministro Alexandre Moraes na ação que corre na justiça dos Estados Unidos. Ao mesmo tempo, a AGU está defendendo pelo menos 15 pessoas ligadas ao ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro, inclusive, cinco processos envolvem Bolsonaro. Em 'Tudo É Política', Maria Cristina Fernandes comenta o ca…
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Eating with the Tudors
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1:06:01The wonderful Brigitte Webster returns to share her expertise on Tudor dining and cuisine! Did you know that in London, some people had homes without kitchens? In this episode, Brigitte reveals how and where they ate, along with fascinating insights into Tudor food and dining customs. Book: Eating with the Tudors -- Do you prefer a commercial-free …
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“Moelas Eleitas Um dos Piores Pratos do Mundo”, titularam vários órgãos de comunicação nacionais no início de 2025. A notícia caiu como um murro no estômago do país petisqueiro. Mas não surpreendeu os mais atentos. O mundo atual tem pavor a texturas esponjosas ou fibrosas. O mundo, sobretudo o Ocidente jovem, parece só gostar de lombos (de bife, …
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What happens when a small island faces the might of the Ottoman Empire? In 1565, Malta was the setting for a brutal clash between the forces of the Ottoman Empire and the defiant Knights of the Order of St.John, warrior monks led by the iron-willed Jean de Valette. This extraordinary siege pitted faith against empire, innovation against desperation…
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When we hear the name Boleyn, we naturally jump to the world of the Tudors and one of the most famous women in British history, Anne Boleyn, but, Anne and her family didn’t just pop out of the ground, there were of course many generations of Boleyn’s before her, so who were they? Well today I am thrilled to welcome Dr Claire Martin onto the podcast…
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The Women Who Risked It All. They defied the law. They risked everything. And they paid with their lives. On 27th February 1601, Anne Line was executed for harbouring a Catholic priest. But she wasn’t the only one to suffer in this way. Margaret Clitherow and Margaret Ward were also condemned for protecting outlawed priests in Elizabethan England. …
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He was the grandson of Mary Boleyn, a trusted courtier of Elizabeth I, and a patron of Shakespeare’s acting company—but history has largely overlooked George Carey, 2nd Baron Hunsdon. Born into Boleyn blood, Carey rose through the ranks of Elizabethan society, earning knighthood, securing key military positions, and even becoming Lord Chamberlain, …
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Maria Cristina Fernandes analisa a ascensão dos chamados 'pregadores de redes sociais' e sua disputa por influência política com os pastores e congregações evangélicas. 'De tão explorada essa simbiose entre evangélicos e política, ela já começou a se dividir. Agora, vai ser cada vez mais difícil captar esse voto de maneira monolítica'.…
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The brilliant Sophie Bacchus-Waterman returns to the show to explore the fascinating story of Anne Boleyn's psalter. What exactly was a psalter? Who gave it to Anne? And did she gift it to her mother before her execution? -- Prefer a COMMERCIAL-FREE experience? Head on over to Patreon! Love to read about the Tudors and other parts of history? Check…
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She was the wife of a Boleyn descendant, the patron of some of Elizabeth I’s greatest minds, and a member of the powerful Spencer dynasty—the same family as Princess Diana. Yet history has largely forgotten Elizabeth Carey, Lady Hunsdon. Born at Althorp, she was deeply connected to the Tudor court, married into the family of Mary Boleyn, and earned…
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Maria Cristina Fernandes comenta o resultado das eleições na Alemanha e explica o desempenho histórico da extrema-direita. O partido de Friedrich Merz, a União Democrata Cristã da Alemanha, conquistou 28,5% dos votos totais. O partido de extrema-direita, AfD, contou com 20,8% dos votos e ficou em segundo lugar.…
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Professor Suzannah Lipscomb delves into the world of Stuart-era recipe books, in which medicine, cookery and women's roles combine in fascinating ways. She discovers how these volumes were far more than just cookbooks, offering a window into how women collected and shared knowledge, and how female identity was shaped within the domestic sphere. Suz…
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The Scandalous Life of Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton A suspected traitor, a royal insider, and a man linked to one of the most shocking murder plots of the 17th century—Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton, knew how to survive in a world of political intrigue. - He escaped imprisonment five times- Rose to power under James I- Played a shadowy role…
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