The Holocaust History Podcast features engaging conversations with a diverse group of guests on all elements of the Holocaust. Whether you are new to the topic or come with prior knowledge, you will learn something new.
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Un podcast care ne arată ce nu trebuie să uităm!
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This broadcast is about what happened during the Holocaust and how it began.
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This is about the Holocaust
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Mind-boggling stories from the Holocaust you’ve never heard. Remarkable tales of heroism and horror that will leave you in awe.
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Interviewing 18-year-old Monika, a German Holocaust activist.
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Aquí está nuestro trabajo del emsad 25 “el rincón” Cover art photo provided by bharath g s on Unsplash:
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Talking about the holocaust Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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Episode 1 Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash:
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Un nicho donde la Palabra nos confronta y desafía a ser transparentes
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This is for my grammar class Cover art photo provided by JFL on Unsplash:
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Scholars and witnesses present evidence documenting the mass atrocities that took place from 1933 through to the end of World War II in 1945, giving voice to the memories of the 6 million Jews and 5 million other victims who were murdered throughout Nazi Germany and German-occupied territories under the command of Adolf Hitler.
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Welcome to the Holocaust Horrors, where amazing happens. Cover art photo provided by Daniel Hjalmarsson on Unsplash:
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the holocaust Cover art photo provided by Anastasia Dulgier on Unsplash:
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A young woman finds herself in the middle of a burgeoning global crisis when zombified Holocaust victims begin rising from the mass graves of former concentration camps. An original seven-part fiction miniseries produced in association with the Ashkenaz Foundation.
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atticus and shrikar FDR
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Ria Gretchen Sophia Holocaust Prodcast Project Cover art photo provided by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash:
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TU PODCAST DE ZINE (CON Z). Las mejores y las peores películas de la historia, las más conocidas y las que no conoce ni su padre, todo con humor e insultos.
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Listen here for a guided walk-through of the Virginia Holocaust Museum, located in Richmond.
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Welcome to the america’s response to the holocaust podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Our podcast is about Auschwitz and how that concentration camp affected the Jews life
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Irene Hasenberg ist 13 Jahre alt, als sie ins Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen deportiert wird. Mit ihren Eltern und ihrem Bruder ist sie 1937 aus Berlin nach Amsterdam geflohen. Aber die Nationalsozialisten haben sie eingeholt. Todesangst, Misshandlung, Hunger - jeder Tag könnte der letzte sein. „Wie hast du den Holocaust überlebt?“, wollen Milla, Ida, Lonneke und Mathilda von Irene wissen. Dieser neunteilige Podcast ist aus den Gesprächen der vier 16-jährigen Schülerinnen mit der heute 91 ...
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Learn about the life of Dr Mario Rivoli, a Jewish man who survived Aushwitz Cover art photo provided by Alexey Soucho on Unsplash:
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Welcome to the The Holocaust Project podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Moritz Schumacher on Unsplash:
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This is a podcast for a school project explaining Elli's story from the book "I Have Lived A Thousand Years Growing Up In The Holocaust". It explains life before and during the Holocaust.
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30 year old ss officer. Cover art photo provided by Majkl Velner on Unsplash:
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Litceracy Project
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This podcast covers topics of many subject matter using guests to illustrate a human aspect in points of history.
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This podcast is about FDR and his perspective on the Holocaust. This time period was shortly after December 7, 1941(The bombing of pearl harbor).
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Ep. 48: War Criminals in Australia with Jayne Persian
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1:22:19Send us a text Among the flood of displaced persons that washed across Germany after WWII were a large number of perpetrators, particularly from Eastern Europe. They mostly passed unnoticed (and unbothered) by occupation authorities to start new lives elsewhere. A large number of these Holocaust perpetrators arrived in Australia where they not only…
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Ep. 47: A Nazi in the Family with Kai Hoess
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1:00:59Send us a text What is it like to have a Nazi in the family? What if that Nazi was Rudolf Hoess, the commandant of Auschwitz? One of the least studied areas of Holocaust history is the ways in which the families and descendants of former Nazis engage with their family history. I am very grateful to be joined on this week’s podcast by Kai Hoess, gra…
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Ep. 46: Nazi Architecture with Paui Jaskot
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1:15:11Send us a text Architecture (and architects) played a critical role in not just the Third Reich, but also the Holocaust. Nazi architects helped embody the Nazi worldview in their monumental work but also in the designs of concentration camps. They were willing collaborators in the use of slave labor and, ultimately, in the construction of the appar…
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Ep. 45: Jewish Resistance in Germany with Wolf Gruner
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1:16:03Send us a text How did Jews in Germany resist the Nazis? What were the choices that they made to stand up against the regime where its authoritarian power was greatest? In this episode, I talk with Wolf Gruner about his research on this topic and his surprising discovery of the extent of resistance by Jewish Germans in the heart of the Nazi state. …
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De ce ar trebui să studieze elevii din România istoria evreilor și a Holocaustului în școli?
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1:02:26La un an de la introducerea disciplinei obligatorii Istoria evreilor și a Holocaustului, la nivelul clasei a XI-a, Ana Bărbulescu îi invită la dialog pe cei care s-au confruntat în mod direct cu provocarea generată de această disciplină. Profesorul de istorie Sorin Langu și inspectorul de istorie Loredana Ciobanu ne împărtășesc din experiența profe…
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Ep. 44: The Fate of Jewish Sites in Poland with Yechiel Weizman
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1:13:36Send us a text The Holocaust in Poland left hundreds of towns and villages that had previously had large Jewish populations empty. However, important Jewish sites like synagogues and cemeteries remained. Polish communities were then confronted with what do with these places. In this fascinating conversation with Yechiel Weizman, we talk about his w…
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Ep. 43: Geographies of the Holocaust with Anne Kelly Knowles and Tim Cole
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1:21:37Send us a text Ultimately, the story of the Holocaust is one centered in places: where something happened, where someone was from, where someone wanted to go. In this episode, I talked with two scholars about the role of geography in the Holocaust but also about how we use geographical approaches and methodologies to ask (and answer new important h…
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My Droplet of Fate Reflects the Jewish Ocean: The Legacy of Béla Pásztor
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1:10:38In the early 20th century, Budapest was the second-largest Jewish city in Europe, and Jewish artists and intellectuals played a major role in the city’s cosmopolitan cultural life. Among them was theater and cinema director and producer Béla Pásztor, whose career was marked by early success and later oppression. In a conversation with UC San Diego …
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Ep. 42: Interviewing Holocaust Survivors with Hank Greenspan
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1:24:55Send us a text How does one talk with a Holocaust survivor about their experiences? What is the role of survivor testimony in understanding the Holocaust? In this episode, I talk with psychologist, Holocaust scholar, and playwright Hank Greenspan about his lifetime of talking with survivors and what he has learned from that experience. Henry “Hank”…
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Ep. 41: Nazi "Euthanasia" and its aftermath with Dagmar Herzog
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1:20:08Send us a text The Nazis first targeted mentally and physically disabled Germans for mass killing, before they targeted Jews. However, discrimination and ableist thought predated the Nazis and followed them into the postwar era. In this episode, I talk with Dagmar Herzog about both the Nazi “euthanasia” campaign, but also the larger context of disc…
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Ep. 40- The Spatial History of Treblinka with Jacob Flaws
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1:10:52Send us a text In this episode, I talked with Jacob Flaws about the spaces of Treblinka. His work analyses this extermination camp from a spatial perspective, focusing on the physical and ideological boundaries of the camp. His work shows that the fences of the camp did not contain the truth of its existence and he details the ways in which the loc…
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Despre tăcere și indiferență versus reacție: despre Drepți între Popoare
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1:02:26Indiferența, ignoranța și tăcerea sunt complementare discursului instigator la ură. Atrocitățile comise în perioada celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial au fost posibile nu doar din cauza atitudinilor și acțiunilor extremiste, ci și datorită indiferenței. Istoria Holocaustului însă, ne demonstrează că, pe fundalul unei barbarii, umanitatea se poate ma…
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Ep. 39- Philosophy and the Holocaust with John K. Roth
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1:21:35Send us a text Philosopher Theodore W. Adorno famously said that “To write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric.” Here he gives an example of the way that many thinkers and philosophers struggled with the post-Holocaust world. In this episode, I talked with philosopher and Holocaust scholar John K. Roth about the ways that philosophy approaches the H…
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Despre influența trecutului asupra prezentului urmașilor și despre rolul memoriei în transformarea unei societăți
La peste 80 de ani de la acțiunile care au mutilat viețile celor considerați ALTFEL, amintirea acelor evenimente încă lasă urme adânci și influențează prezentul urmașilor. Cum duc aceștia mai departe traumele părinților, ale bunicilor? Ce rol se atribuie memoriei în procesul de transformare și deschidere a unei societății? Cum a evoluat societatea …
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Ep. 38- The Einsatzgruppen with Jürgen Matthäus
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1:19:15Send us a text At least 2 million Jews were murdered by mass shooting in the Soviet Union. The perpetrators responsible for most of these killings were the men of the Einsatzgruppen. In this week’s episode, I talk with Jürgen Mathäus about the history of these units, their evolution from 1938 on, and the role they played in the Holocaust. Jürgen Ma…
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Ep. 37- The Nazis and Christianity with Richard Steigmann-Gall
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1:40:35Send us a text What was the relationship between Christianity? Could one be both a Nazi and a Christian? What was the relationship between religious antisemitism and other forms of Jew hatred? On today’s episode, I talked with Richard Steigmann-Gall about these difficult but important questions. Richard Steigmann-Gall is an associate professor of h…
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Despre atracția exercitată de retorica extremistă în rândul tinerilor și despre cum construim societatea pe care ne-o dorim
Cum devii antisemit, rasist sau extremist? Ce mecanisme încurajează tinerii să adere la retorica, atitudinile și comportamentele extremiste? Sunt necunoașterea, ignoranța și indiferența piloni ai extremismului? Cum se raportează românii la alteritate și care este rolul pe care ni-l asumăm în construirea unei societăți în care ne dorim să trăim? Cât…
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First, a hospital visit; then, a conversation about closure. Support Help us to keep producing independent journalism and innovative storytelling at Credits Writer: Michael Fraiman Directors: Michael Fraiman and Max Ackerman Producers: The Canadian Jewish News in association with the Ashkenaz Foundation and Dandelion Theatre Music:…
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Ep. 36- Visiting Holocaust sites with Stuart Bertie, Mary Brazier, and Lesley Moore
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1:21:12Send us a text What is it like to visit a Nazi extermination camp or even a Holocaust site in general? Last year, I was fortunate enough to travel to Poland with three friends to a number of camps and Holocaust-related sites and museums. I thought I would do something different in this episode and invite them to talk about their experiences. Stuart…
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Ep. 35- The Trials of Ilse Koch with Tomaz Jardim
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1:21:57Send us a text The wife of Nazi camp commandant Karl Koch, Ilse, became a lasting symbol of the evil and depravity of the Nazi state. She was accused of a variety of crimes and underwent three trials, including one by the Nazis themselves. However, there is more to the story. In this episode, I talk with Tomaz Jardim about the real Ilse Koch and he…
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Ep. 34- The Holocaust in Belarus with Franziska Exeler
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1:29:40Send us a text Historian Timothy Snyder wrote that, between 1941 and 1944, Belarus was the deadliest place on earth. And he was right. The population there, both Jewish and non-Jewish suffered under the full weight of the Nazi genocidal project from the Holocaust by Bullets to the Hunger Plan. In this episode, I talked with Franziska Exeler about t…
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A revelation about Moishe leads to a revelation about Kat's impulsive decision. Support Help us produce independent journalism and innovative storytelling at Credits Writer: Michael Fraiman Directors: Michael Fraiman and Max Ackerman Producers: The Canadian Jewish News in association with the Ashkenaz Foundation and Dandelion Theat…
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Ep. 33- The Bełżec Extermination Camp with Chris Webb
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1:01:46Send us a text The Bełżec extermination camp was the first of the so-called Operation Reinhard camps to open. In some ways, it provided the model for the other Reinhard camps of Sobibor and Treblinka. In this episode, Chris Webb provides a detailed history of the camp and a detailed discussion of the important role that Bełżec played in the Final S…
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Despre responsabilitate și asumare la 20 de ani de la lucrările Comisiei Wiesel
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1:25:11În urmă cu 20 de ani, România făcea un pas important spre asumarea responsabilității pentru atrocitățile comise de statul român în perioada celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial. Pe 22 octombrie 2003, Comisia Internațională pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România, prezidată de Elie Wiesel își începea activitatea. Un grup internațional de istorici, d…
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Ep. 32- Lanzmann's Shoah with Dominic Williams
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1:24:37Send us a text In 1985, the nine-hour film Shoah by Claude Lanzmann hit theaters. This powerful production featured survivor testimony as well as secretly filmed interviews with Nazi perpetrators. It’s length and the way it was shot challenges our understanding of what a Holocaust film is. Is it a documentary film or something else? How has it impa…
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Hey subscribers: we're going to be at the Toronto Holocaust Museum this week, and we'd love to see you there! Ilana Zackon (Tema) will be interviewing Michael Fraiman (writer, director) about this unique audio drama project: its origins, themes and the real-life Holocaust facts that ground it. Tickets are $12 and include admission to the museum bef…
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HZ 153 - Sitges 2024
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2:57:29Holocausto Zinéfago y Moviementarios repasan lo mejor, lo peor, lo más raro, lo más decepcionante y las sorpresas del Festival de Sitges 2024, un año más.
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Wait. Who's Yankel? Support Help us to keep producing independent journalism and innovative storytelling at Credits Writer: Michael Fraiman Directors: Michael Fraiman and Max Ackerman Producers: The Canadian Jewish News in association with the Ashkenaz Foundation and Dandelion Theatre Music: Bret Higgins Technical production and so…
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Ep. 31- Decoding the Holocaust Codes with Christian Jennings
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1:11:49Send us a text When the Einsatzgruppen began reporting that they were murdering Jews, the British code-breakers at Bletchley Park intercepted and decoded the messages. Throughout the Holocaust, these men and women deciphered the reports of the SS and documented the crimes of the Nazi state. On this episode, I talk with journalist and researcher Chr…
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Ep. 30- Nazi Eugenics with Marius Turda
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1:15:34Send us a text The first victims were not Jews per se, but Germans. That is to say, that the Nazis first murdered mentally and physically handicapped Germans that they considered to be unworthy of living. In so doing, they drew on the long history of the eugenics movement. In this episode, I talked with Marius Turda about the role eugenics played i…
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As rumours begin to spread about the zombies, Kat decides to take action. Support Help us to keep producing independent journalism and innovative storytelling at Credits Writer: Michael Fraiman Directors: Michael Fraiman and Max Ackerman Producers: The Canadian Jewish News in association with the Ashkenaz Foundation and Dandelion T…
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Ep. 29- German Resistance to the Nazis with Mark Roseman
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1:35:03Send us a text The topic of resistance during the Holocaust is always a controversial one. What is resistance? What did it take to stand up to the Nazis when the vast majority of Germans did not. In this episode, I talk with historian Mark Roseman about a remarkable group of socialists in Nazi Germany who made the difficult choice to stand up in wa…
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Ep. 28- The International Tracing Service with Dan Stone
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1:23:35Send us a text In addition to the massive loss of life, the twelve years of Nazi rule in Europe created one of the largest demographic disasters in human history with millions of people scattered across the continent. For Holocaust survivors, one of the most pressing tasks after liberation was attempting to discover the fates of relatives and frien…
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Ep. 27- The Catholic Church and the Holocaust with David Kertzer
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1:20:28Send us a text The behavior of the Catholic Church and Pope Pius XII is one of the most hotly debated controversies in the history of the Holocaust. And for a long time much of the evidence about that has been locked away in the Vatican Archives. Now, historians are finally able to access these documents. In this episode, I talk with one of those w…
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Ep. 26- Josef Mengele with David Marwell
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1:31:19Send us a text Dr. Josef Mengele, the so-called Angel of Death, has achieved an almost mythical status as a supervillain. Yet this stereotype obscures the history of a man who was, in many ways, a product of both pre-war racial pseudoscience and the Nazi state. I am joined in this episode by David Marwell an historian who remarkably also worked wit…
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You do not even know who Inga is. Support Help us to keep producing independent journalism and innovative storytelling at Credits Writer: Michael Fraiman Directors: Michael Fraiman and Max Ackerman Producers: The Canadian Jewish News in association with the Ashkenaz Foundation and Dandelion Theatre Music: Bret Higgins Technical pro…
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Ep. 25- The Holocaust and the German Genocide in Namibia with Jürgen Zimmerer
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1:11:10Send us a text Was the Holocaust a unique event or did it have its roots in earlier historical events? How do we put earlier colonial genocides in context and conversation with the Holocaust? On this episode, we talk about the connections between the German genocide of the Herero and Nama in Namibia and its occupation of eastern Europe. On this epi…
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Ep. 24- The Counterfeit Countess with Joanna Sliwa and Elizabeth White
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1:20:20Send us a text The story of Countess Janina (Mehlberg) Suchodolska is something that would be rejected by Hollywood as too far-fetched, but it is a true story. Janina was a Jewish Pole hiding in plain sight as a Polish noblewoman who then went on to rescue prisoners from one of the deadliest concentration camps. In this episode, I talk with histori…
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The gang makes a quick escape from Sachsenhausen. But somebody follows them. Support Help us to keep producing independent journalism and innovative storytelling at Credits Writer: Michael Fraiman Directors: Michael Fraiman and Max Ackerman Producers: The Canadian Jewish News in association with the Ashkenaz Foundation and Dandelio…
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Have you heard what's happening at Sachsenhausen? Support Help us to keep producing independent journalism and innovative storytelling at Credits Writer: Michael Fraiman Directors: Michael Fraiman and Max Ackerman Producers: The Canadian Jewish News in association with the Ashkenaz Foundation and Dandelion Theatre Music: Bret Higgi…
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When Kat discovers her Jewish heritage in her 20s, she quickly packs her bags to meet her estranged family in Berlin—only to be thrust into the middle of a burgeoning global crisis when zombified Holocaust victims begin rising from the mass graves of former concentration camps. While the German government panics and antisemitic conspiracy theorists…
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Ep. 23- The Genocide of Soviet POWs with Dallas Michelbacher
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1:31:27Send us a text The second largest Nazi victim group after the Jews was Soviet POWs. The experience of these people has been documented in part by the latest volume of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos. In this week’s episode, I talked with Dallas Michelbacher, one of the researchers on this project and …
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Ep. 22- Nazi Perpetrators and Disgust with Ditte Marie Munch-Jurisic
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1:31:19Send us a text How did Holocaust perpetrators feel about what they did and how were they able to keep doing it? The question of perpetrator motivation has been one that scholars of the Holocaust have been interested in from the beginning. But what about the phenomenon of perpetrators who seem to have been disgusted by what they were engaged in? Wha…
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What does it take to survive persecution and exile? The story of Greta Taussig and Rudy Gans offers answers to this tantalizing question. Born in Linz, Austria, Greta emigrated to London after the country’s incorporation into the Third Reich, eventually enduring the horrors of the Blitz. Rudy was able to make his way to Shanghai after imprisonment …
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Ep. 21- The Zone of Interest with Barry Langford
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1:29:54Send us a text Jonathan Glazer’s The Zone of Interest (2023) is a haunting film focused on the domestic life of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss and his family. The family lived in a villa directly next to the Auschwitz I camp. In this podcast, I talk with film scholar and screenwriter Barry Langford about the history of Holocaust film as well as T…
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Ep. 20- Polish Jewish Relations in the Holocaust with Jan Grabowski
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1:05:43Send us a text The story of Polish-Jewish relations during the Holocaust is an incredibly complex and difficult one. On the one hand, Poles and Jews both suffered horribly under the Nazis. On the other, however, the general climate in Poland was inhospitable to Jews and many Poles took advantage of the Nazi occupation to victimize their Jewish neig…
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Ep. 19- The Jasenovac Camp with Stipe Odak
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1:24:36Send us a text Somewhere between 70,000 and 100,000 Jews, Roma, and ethnic Serbs were murdered in the Jasenovac concentration camp in what is now Croatian. This camp was run by Croatians without Nazi involvement. Yet few outside of the Balkans have heard of it. In this week’s episode, I talk with Stipe Odak about the incredibly complex history of t…
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Ep. 18- Treblinka with Chad Gibbs
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1:35:48Send us a text The Treblinka extermination center was responsible for the murder of approximately 925,000 Jews during the Holocaust. It was the deadliest killing site after Auschwitz. Yet few people know that it was also the scene of a successful uprising and mass escape by the prisoners there. In this conversation with Chad Gibbs, we talked about …
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An Antisemitic Double-Murder: The Forgotten History of Right-Wing Terrorism in Postwar West Germany
On December 19, 1980, Shlomo Lewin, the former chairman of the Jewish community in Nuremberg, and his partner Frida Poeschke were shot dead in their house in Erlangen. Instead of pursuing the leads that led to the right-wing extremist group Wehrsportgruppe Hoffmann, investigators concentrated on Lewin’s social environment for a long time. As part o…
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