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Трое друзей с разных концов света, Макс, Фил и Том, обсуждают видеоигры, поп-культуру и жизнь во время пандемии. Без мата и англицизмов, не перебивая друг друга, не упоминая политику и уважая всех вокруг :3
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Todas as semanas a Mariana Alvim entrevista pessoas enquanto leitores. Ficamos a saber que livros recomendam e onde as suas vidas se cruzaram com algumas histórias. Vamos da ficção para a realidade e acabamos com aquela sugestão de leitura que... Vale a pena.
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City Light Penang

City Light Penang

Welcome to City Light's sermon podcast and we're so glad you joined us! | Online Giving | If you’d like to offer your tithes and offerings, you can do that here at | Prayer Request | If you need prayer, feel free to reach out to one of our prayer partners at
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Basilisk Penalty-Podcast

Stephan Gutknecht & Kevin Wandji Tchatat

Fussball total – der grosse Fussball-Podcast aus Basel. Stephan Gutknecht und Kevin Wandji Tchatat sind das Basilisk Penalty-Team und in Sachen Fussball, vor allem rund um den FC Basel, immer bestens informiert. Rot-Blau pur – ob Super-League, Schweizer Cup oder internationale Wettbewerbe – es geht rund in der Basilisk-Fussball-Show. Dabei werden Experten, Spieler und Fans interviewt, es wird gefachsimpelt und gelacht. Der Basilisk Penalty verspricht mit jeder Menge Spass und Infos rund um d ...
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O podcast “CONECTA - Processo Penal em Debate” é apresentado por Nereu Giacomolli e Marcos Eberhardt, advogados e professores da PUCRS e da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL). Em cada episódio, um novo case relacionado à advocacia criminal e suas nuances, com participação de convidados e debates a partir de questionamentos enviados pelos ouvintes. 🎙 Ficha técnica - Produção e Apresentação: Marcos Eberhardt e Nereu Giacomolli - Técnica: Fabricio de Carvalho - Mkt e Comercial: Fernando Potrick
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Un podcast creado por las amigas bookstagrammers @leyendoconamor (Flor) y @lluviadelibros15 (Andy) para hacer catarsis sobre distintos libros sin la limitación de los caracteres y sin miedo a hacer spoilers.
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Penal Reform International (PRI) is an independent non-governmental organisation that develops and promotes fair, effective and proportionate responses to criminal justice problems worldwide.
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Penance RPG

Penance RPG

Penance RPG is a homebrew style of RPG podcast created out of the belief that actual play storytelling should allow for not only free player choice for any and every decision but equal consequences to these decisions. We believe this allows for an organic style of storytelling rarely seen anywhere else whilst still retaining a deep love for fantastical tales of castles and characters. As all bard’s tales should, we work to not only tell our own tales of heroism and heretics, but also blend o ...
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Penalty Box Radio is a hockey focused sports media outlet based in Nashville, Tennessee. We bring content creators together to cover the world of hockey both in middle Tennessee and around the world. PBR’s podcast hosts bring various perspectives and experiences to inform, entertain and generate conversation on everything hockey.
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Penault Pest & Protection

FoxxDenn Productions

Penault Pest & Protection is a monthly audio drama created through tabletop roleplay based on the 2d6 system Monster of the Week. Follow Tiffany, Aisling, Clara, and Seilbh as they struggle to gain a footing in the world of Taranis.
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Penampilan dan Hati

Diah Retno Diningrum

penampilan dan hati adalah 2 hal yang berbeda.. Penampilan itu penting, dan hati juga lebih penting.. Yuk perbaiki ke dua nya agar ridho Allah semakin dekat.. Wallahu a'lam bishawab.. Smoga podcast ini bermanfaat.. Wassalamualaikum 💕
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Pena Podcast

Pena Yapım

Konsept: Eleştirel Doğaçlama Kadro: Mert Arman , Mehmet Kızılöz , İbrahim Furkan Alp Düzen olayımız pek yok yeni bölüm haftanın herhangi bir günü gelebilir
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Pênalti Político

Pênalti Político

O podcast da página Pênalti Político traz história, opinião e muita informação sobre como o mundo da bola é afetado pelos engravatados lá fora; e como a sociedade reage a tudo isso.
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show series
Uma artista a falar das suas paixões, uma poeta a falar de arte. Quem conhece a Sónia enquanto leitora? Que boa conversa, cheia de entrega, pedaços de livros e óptimas recomendações de leitura. Os livros que a também actriz escolheu: Contos completos, Lydia Davis; ⁠O acto criativo, um modo de ser, Rick Rubin; ⁠A Papoila e o Monge, do José Tolentino…
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Тысяча часов в закрытой бете ELDEN RING: NIGHTREIGN? По ощущениям, именно так - играли безвылазно, обсуждаем жестче, чем тебя убивает Радан из ДЛЦ. Обычный кэш грэб или Фромы опять возьмут ГОТИ? А знаете, что не возьмет ГОТИ? Ни одна игра с презентации State of Play. Почему? Слушай внимательно, сейчас расскажем. 00:00:00 – Elden Ring Nightreign 00:…
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En los últimos años, el consumo de libros spicy o eróticos aumentó exponencialmente. Se volvió tan popular que hay personas que le tomaron el gusto a tal punto que afirman "no querer leer libros que no tengan spice (erótica)". Y es que hay tantos lectores que comparten ese pensamiento que, hoy en día, miden el consumo de libros en base a si tienen …
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Nemajú ho radi poľovníci ani lesníci. Zato ho však majú rady jelene, vlky, medvede, líšky, duby, buky, mukyne a brekyne, ostrievky i kavyle. Hrdina knihy Denníky domorodcov, štyridsiatnik Sveťo Líška, je v dubnických horách doma. Nič mu tam nepatrí. No keď padajú žlté listy javorov, je tým najbohatším človekom na svete... A presne taký istý je aj a…
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No episódio 131, chegamos ao quinto da temporada 2025, onde Marcos Eberhardt e Nereu Giacomolli recebem um convidado especial. O Delegado Fernando Sodré, Chefe da Polícia Civil do RS, traz a visão da Autoridade Policial sobre o papel da Defesa no inquérito policial. 📲 Acompanhe-nos no Instagram @conecta.podcast, fique por dentro das novidades e com…
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This week we shared stories about dogs. We shared interesting and funny stories about our own dogs but also didn’t shy away from unpleasant subjects of animal cruelty and dog’s interesting behavior. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penan…
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Conflicting orders require some juggling by our novices, and strange noises abound! This is our first streamed non-DnD TTRPG campaign, watch on Sunday 2.30pm UK at or catch up on YouTube Horror, co-op & puzzle games are played most days with more co-op games weekly. Check out our episode sponsor Newsly! Get a free 1…
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Confiando en Dios en la abundancia y en la necesidad Mensaje 02 de marzo de 2025 Predicador: Pr. Cristian Salgado Lengua de Señas: Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook: https:/…
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Für den Trainer zählt nur die Leistung. So machen ihm die Spieler die Arbeit schwer und er kann trotzdem gut schlafen. Erleichterung nach dem erfolgreichen Cup-Spiel in Carouge. Mit Zuversicht geht es zurück in die Meisterschaft. Das Basilisk Penalty Podcast Team kritisiert aber die einfachen Fehler. Unter anderem wirkt Jonas Adjetey in der Spielau…
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No episódio 130, chegamos ao quarto episódio da temporada 2025, onde Nereu Giacomolli e Marcos Eberhardt apresentam o tema "Advogando em parcerias", abordando a importância do relacionamento com colegas advogados ou outros escritórios de advocacia. 📲 Acompanhe-nos no Instagram @conecta.podcast, fique por dentro das novidades e compartilhe conhecime…
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What a privilege to be able to interview one of my favorite authors and introduce her to fans and potential readers. And also to learn about some of her favorite readings. If you enjoy it even half as much as I did, it will have been worth it. Que privilégio poder entrevistar uma das minhas autoras favoritas e dá-la a conhecer aos fãs e potenciais …
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Whew! The athletes are surely exhausted after a grueling nearly 2 weeks in Lenzerheide and so too are the viewers! What a feast of biathlon we've had! In this episode we discuss: - Overall take aways from these Worlds and a jump around of thoughts about the Worlds in general - The specific races from the Individuals through the Mass Starts - JT Boe…
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Confiando en la corrección de Dios Mensaje 23 de febrero de 2025 Predicador: Pr. Cristian Salgado Lengua de Señas: Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook:…
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What are your hobbies? And how does it qualify something as a hobby? Our guests shared their hobbies, and some turned theirs into a money making avenue. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speak…
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This week we bring you another extended collection of tangents, questions and bizarre situations from the cutting room floor of Penance RPG episodes from some point in the past year or few. Featuring rambles on: traffic, bananas, drinking games, animatronic tails, chainsaw man plots, distracting things in manga, Scottish terms, getting old, picklin…
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Mit dem richtigen Werkzeug will Simone Grippo dafür sorgen, dass die jungen Spieler mit Leihen an die 1. Mannschaft geführt werden. Seit Anfang Jahr ist Simone Grippo beim FC Basel für die Betreuung der verliehenen Spieler zuständig und als Spezialtrainer in der Nachwuchsabteilung tätig. Im Interview spricht er über seine neue Aufgabe, die Umstellu…
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No episódio 129, o terceiro da temporada 2025, Marcos Eberhardt e Nereu Giacomolli apresentam o tema "Tratamento ao cliente", abordando os principais aspectos do atendimento ao cliente, por parte do advogado e da advogada. 📲 Acompanhe-nos no Instagram @conecta.podcast, fique por dentro das novidades e compartilhe conhecimento pelo Conecta!…
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Que maravilha de conversa. A curiosidade enorme que o Carlos tem por tudo faz dele a pessoa e o leitor que é. E que, com tanta generosidade e simpatia genuína, dá a conhecer neste episódio. Vale a pena. Os livros que o jornalista, tradutor e editor escolheu: A Sibila, Agustina Bessa-Luís; As Viagens de Gulliver, Jonathan Swift; O Aleph, Jorge Luís …
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Week 1 of the 2025 World Championships is complete and it was PACKED with excitement. With just a day off before the races return we had to quickly discuss the biggest moments before we get more drama! This includes: - Campbell Wright!!! - JT Boe makes history with two individual gold medals - Franziska Preuss continues to shine - Justine Braisaz-B…
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В этом выпуске обсуждаем мультиплеерные проекты. Почему сервера ЭР лежат, как поиграть с друзьями в МХ не прочитав руководство на 100 страниц, ожидания от Овервотч и почему это первые позитивные изменения со времен релиза игры. Только на волнах радио Пена 🎧🌊📻❤️️️️️️️ 00:00:00 – вступление 00:01:00 – Elden Ring Nightreign 00:32:00 – Monster Hunter W…
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We invited a researcher of Datuk Kong to share her findings with our listeners. Did you know there are multiracial Datuk Kong in Malaysia? Come learn more from Dr. Tan Ai Boay. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast Hous…
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Confiando en el Dios vivo y verdadero Mensaje 16 de febrero de 2025 Predicador: Pr. Cristian Salgado Lengua de Señas: Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook: https://web.facebook…
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Is it truly Dragonmeet if we havent found a oneshot, not looked at it at all before recording starts and then it all descends into a fever dream? In 2023 we tried "Attorneys at Jaw" and other homebrew ideas... Hopefully you enjoy! "Attorneys at Jaw" can be found at: Learn more at Support u…
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Nach 13 Saisons, 10 Titeln und über 400 Spielen wird im Sommer Taulant Xhaka seine Karriere beim FCB beenden. Wenn es nach ihm geht, kommen im Sommer zwei weitere Titel dazu. Taulant Xhaka hat diese Woche seinen Rücktritt auf den Sommer angekündigt. Eine Ära geht zu Ende – die Identifikationsfigur, das Arbeitstier, der Kämpfer, ein Aggressivleader …
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Tras haber superado más pruebas de las que un corazón humano puede soportar, Feyre regresa a la Corte Primavera con los poderes de una alta fae. Sin embargo, no consigue olvidar los crímenes que se vio obligada a cometer para salvar a Tamlin y a su pueblo, ni el perverso pacto que forjó con Rhysand, el alto lord de la temible Corte Noche. Mientras …
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Viete, aká bola najkrvavejšia banková lúpež v dejinách Slovenska? Kde a kedy sa odohrala a ako sa skončila? To všetko sa dozviete z knihy Neprišli sme vraždiť z pera redaktora Denníka N Dušana Mikušoviča. Ide o strhujúci "true crime story" alebo skutočný kriminálny príbeh, aké sú v ostatnom čase medzi čitateľmi aj divákmi veľmi obľúbené. Nielen o k…
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No segundo episódio da nova edição do Conecta em 2025, Marcos Eberhardt e Nereu Giacomolli abordam o tema "Reunião prévia entre cliente e advogado", respondendo a dúvidas que se referem à reunião com o cliente, antes dele prestar depoimento na delegacia, ou mesmo da testemunha prestar declarações perante autoridade policial. 📲 Acompanhe-nos no Inst…
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The Cleveland Guardians have their fingerprints all over this year's Hall of Fame class, including beloved broadcaster Tom Hamilton. Will this also be the year Kenny Lofton finally gets some true consideration through the Contemporary Committee later this year? We talk about all of this and more - including the team's... perplexing offseason - in o…
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Confiando en la Palabra de Dios Mensaje 09 de febrero de 2025 Predicador: Hno. Miguel Palacios Lengua de Señas: Hno. Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook: https://web.facebook.…
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The 2024-2025 World Championships are here!!! We do a full review of the IBU Cup races in Ridnaun-Val Ridanna before we dive into everything we're thinking about as the World Championships approach. This episode we discuss: - The continued dominance of the Norwegian men and the French women on the IBU Cup - Paul Schommer!! - Our 3 magical wishes fo…
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Initially recorded shortly after the European Championship concluded, but released late due to our schedules, it is still important to chat about! In this episode we covered the hot topics coming from Val Martel including: - Baiba Bendika's glorious Championships! - Out impressions of the Val Martel venue - The Norwegian men and the French women - …
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Escritor, professor e realizador português, habitante do mundo. Um homem que abre o coração nesta partilha que nos leva da ficção para a realidade. Recomendo ouvirem esta conversa, vale a pena. Os livros que o Possidónio escolheu: A Lírica de Camões; Fanny Hill - Memórias de uma Prostituta, John Cleland; O Estranho Mundo de Garp, John Irving; A sér…
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Its the return of Dark Tide!! Rejoin our intrepid Grey Wardens as they struggle to survive and fight back Dark Spawn in this alternate timeline! This is our first streamed non-DnD TTRPG campaign, watch on Sunday 2.30pm UK at or catch up on YouTube Horror, co-op & puzzle games are played most days with more co-op gam…
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Are you a luxury traveler or a budget traveler? This week we discussed ways to travel economically, including sharing a bed with a stranger in a foreign country. Do you dare to travel this way? [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hok…
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Наконец собрались всем составом — несем новый выпуск «Пены»! Обсуждаем во что поиграли, и что всей душой ждем в новом году. Фантазируем об играх, которых не существует и всю прелесть возможности донатов. Попутно, конечно, собираем пати во что-нибудь, лишь бы словить слезу ностальгии. 00:00:00 – вступление 00:08:50 – SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada 00:37:45 …
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Der Basilisk Penalty-Podcast erhält eine neue Stimme. Ex-Beachsoccer-Spieler Kevin Wandji Tchatat feiert seinen Einstand. Wir diskutieren über eine verheissungsvolle Chance dank der englischen Woche und Leistungsschwankungen beim FCB. Mit Kevin Wandji Tchatat erhält der Basilisk Penalty-Podcast eine neue Stimme. Der ehemalige Beachsoccer-Nati-Spiel…
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No 127º episódio, o primeiro da nova edição do Conecta em 2025, Marcos Eberhardt e Nereu Giacomolli abordam o tema dos "Casos criminais a partir da Delegacia de Polícia". Não há mesmo o que se fazer na Delegacia de Polícia, em relação à defesa? Mito ou verdade? 📲 Acompanhe-nos no Instagram @conecta.podcast, fique por dentro das novidades e comparti…
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Marta D'Orey é publicitária e apaixonada pela escrita, sobretudo a curta. Acima de tudo, adora literatura infantil ou, como prefere chamar, “álbuns ilustrados”, já que defende este tipo de leitura para os adultos. E mostra algumas das suas leituras favoritas e como a passagem longa pelo hospital a inspirou para o seu livro. Que é para todos. Os liv…
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Confiando en Dios a través de la Oración Mensaje 02 de febrero de 2025 Predicador: Hno. Guillermo Gómez V. Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook: Instagr…
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This week, we come back after CNY holiday, and went straight to talking about the behind! Yes, buttocks. Butts. But specifically, what recently happened to A-Long’s butt. [ratings] ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Gl…
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Zwei wichtige Personalien werfen Fragen auf beim FCB – Xhaka und Ajeti. Drei Spiele gesperrt in einer schwierigen Phase und ein Konkurrent, der trifft - Albian Ajeti muss um seine Vertragsverlängerung bangen. 10 Tage krank und neue junge Konkurrenz auf seiner Position - Taulant Xhaka droht der Tribünenplatz. Die FCB-Frauen vor dem ersten Spiel im 2…
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Zdenka Kollárová napísala netradičný scifi román Vaky, v ktorom vykresľuje svet, kde rodia muži. Ženy sa starajú o svoju kariéru a vládnu krajine, všetky dôležité práce a funkcie patria im. Vaky sú nielen dystopickou knihou, ale aj pohľadom na stereotypy a predurčenosť osudov podľa biologického rodu.…
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Switch 2 реальность! Нужна она такая вообще и что от нее хотеть? Опасения по Monster Hunter Wilds. Path of Exile 2 игра для потных нёрдов или глупые казуалы ничего не понимают? А что с Diablo 4 станет понятно после нашего краткого обзора новой книги Джейсона Шрайера про Blizzard. 00:00:00 – вступление 00:01:00 – про Switch 2 00:13:20 – Path of Exil…
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Quem se lembra do thriller “A Rapariga no comboio”? Alguns livros mais tarde, a premiada autora britânica Paula Hawkins tem nova obra e fala sobre ela. E, claro, como estamos num podcast de recomendações, ficamos a saber 4 livros que recomenda. Os livros que escolheu: Small Mercies, Dennis Lehane; Clean (Limpa), Alia Trabucco Zeran; Clear, Carys Da…
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Sadly another trimester of World Cup biathlon has come to an end, but there was just so much to talk about this week both on and off the course! - We led off with the Norwegian European Cup roster announcement - This was connected to the surprising yet not surprising Tarjei Boe retirement announcement - We discussed the incredible Women's Overall R…
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Confiando en el poder de Dios Mensaje 26 de enero de 2025 Predicador: Hno. Mighel Palacios Lengua de Señas: Hno. Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook:…
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