Funk nautique, disco solaire, boogie de ponton, house ésotérique et sons québaléariques depuis 2008.
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Exploring cinema and creative work that's a departure from what is normal. Radical art 4ever.
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Was wäre wenn? Diese Frage hast du dir wahrscheinlich auch schon einige Male gestellt. Wo würde ich jetzt stehen, wenn ich an der einen oder anderen Stelle in meinem Leben mehr Mut bewiesen hätte. Menschen, die in ihrem Leben ihren Mut zum Glück bewiesen haben, können mit ihren etwas anderen Lebenswegen und Karrieren andere Leute inspirieren und auf neue Ideen bringen. Im Podcast „Mehr Mut zum Glück“ stelle ich inspirierende Persönlichkeiten vor und lasse sie von den entscheidenden Momenten ...
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Maddy Myers and Ryan Pagella review and break down the queer subtext of every X-Men cartoon/tv show/movie/game/book EVER. And maybe date Wolverine. E-Mail: Discord server: Voicemail: (508) 319-1668
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Muta-Xhow é um podcast com "p" de "Pela madrugada! Esse podcast vai revisitar X-Men: A Série Animada de 1992, episódio a episódio, fazendo análises, trazendo curiosidades e apontando momentos memoráveis, momentos absurdos e momentos engraçados, dessa que é considerada uma das melhores produções envolvendo os mutantes da Marvel. Tudo isso com o trio de três, Felipe 'Cavalo Manco" Garcia, Evandro "Loco" Morais e Amaro "Hellbolha" Junior em episódios lindos, cheirosos, garbosos e elegantes. Ess ...
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Was wird passieren, wenn du endlich deine Angst überwindest und den Mut hast, diesen einen letzten notwendigen Schritt zu gehen? Diese Frage habe ich mir schon mein ganzes Leben gestellt. Ich habe sie aber nicht nur mir, sondern auch den Menschen in meinem Umfeld gestellt und ich war immer wieder überrascht, was die Antwort war. Deshalb stelle ich diese und 2 weitere Fragen meinen Interviewpartnern in diesem Podcast. 3 Fragen und sehr viele unterschiedliche Antworten. Manche waren lebensverä ...
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Deutschland braucht Veränderung, darüber sind wir uns alle einig. Doch wie diese Veränderung aussehen soll, darauf hat die Politik derzeit keine Antwort. In diesem Video-Podcast von Tijen Onaran gemeinsam mit Focus online diskutieren wir pragmatische Lösungen für die Zukunft von Deutschland. Kein Blick zurück, keine Ego-Polit-Show: MUT- Der Deutschland Talk mit Tijen Onaran ist ein Format, das Mut machen soll – und Lust auf, das, was kommt. In zehn Folgen denken Tijen und ihre Gäste Deutschl ...
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Welcome to Sidley’s Mutual Fund Minute podcast. Join us for this series of short insights addressing issues of interest to fund directors, advisers, and other stakeholders. Each week Sidley Partner Jay Baris and guests discuss new trends, regulations, and developments and how they will affect you.
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Women, Men, Mutuality, and the Bible CBE’s Mutuality Matters podcast is part of CBE International’s online library of free resources! Hosts of CBE’s Mutuality Matters team offer weekly conversations with leaders, pastors, authors, scholars, activists, and humanitarians on women, men, shared leadership, and Scripture. CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) advances the gospel by equipping women and men of all cultures, races, and classes to lead and serve as equals. Founded in 1 ...
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The idiom 雞同鴨講, literally meaning a chicken talking to a duck, represents the mutually unintelligible facets of life. Prepare to be enlightened by our grievances, rants, debates, and gaslighting through our conversations. Hosted by Yao-Yu, Mark, and friends. Thoughts and views expressed on the show are our own.
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Welcome to Life Matters: A Penn Mutual Podcast, a show dedicated to helping financial professionals tap into the latest advanced sales strategies and learn from industry experts on tips and tactics to grow their practice. With seasoned Advanced Sales VP, Bill Bell, as the podcast’s host, listeners can expect episodes packed with insight, energetic conversations, and a fun and exciting take on life insurance topics that matter most. So whether you're looking for expert perspectives on the lat ...
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This series features very short episodes of unscripted - motivational dialogue for Creatives & Dreamers - alike who are passionate and committed to achieving their goals. We’ll be letting you to eve’s drop on ideas, interviews and many insightful conversations people from all walks of life. This podcast series touches on many topics from Art and Design, Self-growth, Entrepreneurship or other Cultural topics that are in the air. From this, we hope that you too will take something from the nar ...
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Un podcast sobre el fantástico. "El podcast favorito de Orson Welles y Ed Wood" 🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟
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Bekerja dan Berbisnis Cerdas Penuh Etika
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IFBB PRO Guy Cisternino and Nick Walker discuss their views on life, training, lifestyle, industry talk, current events, and much more.
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In diesem Podcast erhältst du Einblicke in das Geheimnis deiner Stimme: Wie wirkt sie auf andere? Wie funktioniert sie? Und warum braucht Sprechen manchmal Mut? Diese Fragen beantworten dir Anne Kühl und Kristal Davidson. Anne ist Diplom-Sprecherin, Stimmtrainerin und Gründerin des Instituts "Sprechkonzept Hamburg". Kristal Davidson startete Ihre Karriere unter anderem als Radiomoderatorin, arbeitet inzwischen in der strategischen Kommunikation sowie als Redenschreiberin im politischen Umfel ...
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Es gab eine Zeit, in der Frauen für ihr Wissen, ihre Intuition und Wildheit verurteilt wurden. Die Wunden dieser Zeit sind geblieben – das leise Flüstern, das dich zweifeln lässt. Doch tief in dir weißt du: Du bist für mehr gemacht. In diesem Podcast erzähle ich Geschichten, die dich erinnern lassen. Geschichten über Frauen, die sich befreien. Über Magie, die vergessen schien. Über das Leben – leise, wild, kraftvoll. Märchen und Fabeln - die dich heilen lassen. Magie. Mut. Wiedergeburt. ier ...
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Herzlich willkommen zum Podcast, der dir noch mehr Superheldinnen- und Superhelden-Energie in dein Leben bringt! Ich bin Sylke Burger, Mut-Coach und Keynote-Speakerin, und zeige dir, wie du trotz Selbstzweifel mutig deine Träume leben kannst. Dieser Podcast ist für alle Frauen und Männer, die: MUTIG ihre Wahrheit leben wollen, ihre PS auf die Straße bringen möchten, ihre wahre Größe, Buntheit und Verrücktheit ausleben möchten, das Leben als Abenteuer sehen, mehr „Pippi Langstrumpf“-Energie w ...
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The Mutual Audio Network is the prime curator for modern audio drama and podcast fiction on the Internet. Audio Drama groups and creators come together from around the world to create a single spot where RSS Feeds join together to provide a plethora of audio delights. Focused into multiple genres, the Mutual Audio Network gives listeners daily entertainment that they can select on their single feed. No longer needing to seek out new shows and subscribe to hidden RSS Feeds, the Mutual Audio N ...
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Taarifa za kila anuai kutoka kila kona ya dunia bila ya kupendelea.Kipindi hiki kinaangazia vile vile masuala ibuka katika jamii.
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Genetic Mutation
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Apresentado por Fábio Cruz, o Tá Mutado! é um podcast semanal sobre entretenimento e cultura, disponível em todas as plataformas de áudio.
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Mutant Menaces! A Podcast About X-Men Fans.
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This podcast breaks up BIG health topics, like MTHFR and methylation, into small, easy bites. All in ten minutes or less. We'll talk about why folic acid can be toxic, how the MTHFR enzyme links to estrogen and toxins, why you want to turn genes off, and how folate and mental health are connected. 2024-2025 will add new "bonus" episodes to Season 1 to clarify and revise concepts while Dr. Amy is writing a book. Check the show notes at for more info and downloadable. Have ...
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Celebri-tea and gossip is cool. Politics and conspiracies are better. Dive deep with us as we examine the places our minds go when we're high or watching a really good documentary on Netflix.
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"Empower Yourself" Learn How to Become the Best Version of Yourself. Listening to This Podcast will Help You to Improve Your Life Quality. Syed Mutasim NLP Trainer, Life Coach
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Bist du bereit, deine Komfortzone zu verlassen und dein Leben zu transformieren? Dann lass uns zusammen auf diese aufregende Reise gehen und die beste Version deiner selbst kreieren! Wenn du dir ein Leben voller Mut, Selbstvertrauen und Leichtigkeit wünschst, dann bist du hier bei Joy up your Life genau richtig. Hier geht es um die ganzheitliche Transformation auf mentaler, emotionaler, körperlicher und spiritueller Ebene. Dieser Podcast soll dich motivieren und ebenso direkt in die Umsetzun ...
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Have some urgency, put up artifacts, and choose more of the different.
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Neues aus dem Burgverlies. Starring Balthasar und Igor.
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Survival, Life, entrepreneurship, religion, business, travel, music industry, family life, Migration, fitness, Health and more
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Engaging Generations Approached with mutual respect, nothing is off limits.
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Casa productora de contenio audiovisual que le da una mirada al mundo del anime, videojuegos, manga y varias cosas...
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Welcome to Yogic Mutant: a portal to your future self!
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Worker's Rights and Politics
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Mutuales encuentran capacitación e información para gestionarse en el mundo de hoy. Gracias Unsplash por la imagen de portada creada por @pawel_czerwinski
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Welcome to the Podcast Station of Zimbabwean born Fitness Professional and Motivational speaker Wayne Mutata . Everything , fitness ,health , supplements , online training , business and more .
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Der ultimative Bewerbungspodcast. Jeden Freitag!
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The perfect podcast for those interested in conspiracies, cosplay, cryptids, role play, larping, and just about any other “nerdy” hobby!
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Real-life stories of people using collaborative economics to grow mutual aid societies for ecological and cultural survival around the globe.
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Mutual Friends is your new favorite fictional mystery podcast. Fully dramatized with actors and sound effects, Mutual Friends tells the story of what happens when your past comes back in a big way. When everyone’s a suspect, is there an easy answer for what happened?
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Noeh Duskwreptxun
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Inequality is everywhere. This exvangelical podcast explores areas of religion, culture, and society where justice is needed in order to bring about true mutuality. Full Mutuality is a Dauntless Media Collective podcast. Visit for more. Join as a partner on Patreon for exclusive content!
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13 year old Gil talks to adults with cool jobs and shares things that he likes with you!
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Emission queer, riot grrrlz, transpédégouine, anarchiste, punk et féministe
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El podcast donde contamos cómo son nuestros negocios, los retos que nos proponemos y cómo nos divertimos. Cada semana una nueva entrega entre Óscar y Dani, personas inquietas con ideas de otro planeta.
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Zum Mitnehmen und Anfreunden: Über mehr Platz für Nachhaltigkeit in unserem Leben. Mit Andrea, Tim, ganz vielen Tipps und gesundem Halbwissen rund um das Thema „Immer Ärger mit dem Klima“.
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Armin Nassehi gehört zu den einflussreichen Sozialforschern des Landes. 2024 sagte er noch: „Es kann nur besser werden.“ Jetzt steht die Welt Kopf und Deutschland steckt in multiplen Krisen: Wirtschaft, Politik, Populismus. Im „MUT“-Talk mit Tijen Onaran erklärt Nassehi, warum Deutschland gerade verrückt wird – und was uns wieder zur Besinnung brin…
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Manchmal stellt uns das Leben vor unerwartete Herausforderungen – sei es eine Krankheit, ein Schicksalsschlag oder ein anderes Hindernis, das uns aus der Bahn zu werfen droht. In der heutigen Episode ist Anne Röll zu Gast und sie erzählt, wie sie mit schwierigen Situationen umgeht, was ihr Kraft gibt und warum Aufgeben keine Option ist.Wir sprechen…
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Was macht einen gelungenen Bühnenauftritt aus? Wie gewinnst du mühelos die Aufmerksamkeit deines Publikums – egal ob auf der großen Bühne, in einem Live-Video oder im echten Leben? In dieser Episode spreche ich mit Anna Glück, Mentorin für Storytelling und Bühnenpräsenz, über die Kunst, deine Botschaft klar, souverän und authentisch zu transportier…
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Wenn ich als Frau Männer führen will - muss ich dann kommunizieren wie ein Mann? Diese Fragen stellen sich viele weibliche Führungskräfte und suchen ihren Weg, stimmig zu kommunizieren und dabei souverän ihren Platz einzunehmen. Female-Leadership-Expertin Anna Kühr begleitet seit vielen Jahren Frauen beim erfolgreichen Führen von Teams und Unterneh…
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Folge 60: "Der Weg zu meinem Sabbatical war eine Berg- und Talfahrt" - Interview mit Julia Kiefer
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1:04:34In dieser Episode von "Mehr Mut zum Glück" erzählt Julia Kiefer, wie ein Sabbatical und das Reisen ihr Leben verändert haben. Sie reiste 2024 um die Welt und wanderte 1.000 Kilometer auf dem Pacific Crest Trail. Im Interview erzählt sie, warum der Weg dorthin so schwer war und was sie alles mitgenommen hat. Vor ein paar Monaten hat Julia mir geschr…
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Die heutige Folge führt uns nach Koh Phangan, Thailand, wo ich momentan verweile, und knüpft an meine bisherigen Abenteuer an. In dieser Folge wird es wieder einmal richtig persönlich – es geht darum, ob Deutschland noch der Ort ist, an dem ich bleiben möchte und wie ich dazu kam, meine Eizellen einzufrieren. Gerade für uns Frauen spielt das Thema …
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Diese kurze Geschichte soll dich an etwas wichtiges erinnern. Lass dich überraschen
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Le Comte de Monte-Cristo is an adventure novel and that deals with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness. Alexandre Dumas' celebrated classic continues with Part 98- "The Bell and Bottom Tavern"! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Hanaka and his guard disappear and the Mercury crew goes in search after discovering that one of their own is missing. Kate and Nelson ponder how to keep Hernandez from discovering alien technology. Barnes and Sam head for a stakeout as they continue to investigate McMillan. Thornton and Scarlett arrive in Canada to begin their search for the origi…
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The thrills begin with host Rich and the run-down- Hawk Chronicles #264, Gather the Suspects: Episode 203, and The Count of Monte Cristo: Part 98! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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We continue with Librivox's 3rd Short Science Fiction Collection. This week: "The Dark Door" by Alan E. Nourse! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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This week we begin season two of 253 Mathilde with Episode 8: 22 years later, disaster and mystery. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Captain Jet Morgan and his crew aboard Discovery blast off for their epic mission to Mars, in Charles Chilton’s 1954 classic, We continue this week with episode 15! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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This week on the Wonders, host Lothar brings us The Red Planet #15, 253 Mathilde: Episode 8- Unknowns, and Short Sci Fi Collection 3- The Dark Door! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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We continue our 6th classic collection of horror and ghost stories from Librivox. This week it's "The Old Nurse's Story" by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Lisa and Vera make their final stand against Buffalo Bill. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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This week it's "Under the Moonlight"! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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After the Paddy's Day, the horror continues as host Jeff brings us The Technomancy Project 1:07, We're Alive: Descendants- Chapter 8.3, and Horror Story Collection 6- The Old Nurse's Story! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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"no Mercy," The Gifted
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1:26:50In "no Mercy," the Hellfire Club is ready to perform their bank heist, but it wouldn't be a heist episode if something didn't go wrong. Maddy and Ryan feel like Lorna could have opened this safe herself, but it's Rebecca's job, and Rebecca doesn't just want to steal money from Creed Financial. She wants to steal... human lives. Meanwhile, Reed Stru…
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Olá, X-pecatadores e X-pectadoras, sejam bem vindos a mais um Muta-Xhow, o podcast que não acredita mais na revolta das máquinas após ver um robô pilotando outro robô... É um dia tranquilo e comum na mansão Xavier! Wolverine come maçãs em uma árvore vestido como dançarino de Axé dos anos 90, Tempestade tenta falar que …
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In this episode of Mutual Fund Minute, Paul Cellupica, the General Counsel of the Investment Company Institute, and host Jay Baris continue to analyze the ICI’s proposals to revisit the Investment Company Act of 1940. They discuss the “retailization” phenomenon, revising the annual shareholder meeting requirement for closed-end funds, easing restri…
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David Ault opens the Sonic Summerstock Playhouse for its 15th season with the incredible production of The Amigos and Audio Groove Cats starring Lothar Tuppan, Jack Ward, David Ault, Pete Lutz, Larry Groebe, Jeff Billard and John Bell in X-Minus One's classic "The C-Chute" by Isaac Asimov! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Stop at a Winner(031725)
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1:09:37Tuesday night is ‘Gamblers Anonymous’; taking place within a community centre in an old forgotten pit village. Paul, an ex-miner runs the group along with Glenn, a tall man with a short temper. Clive has found himself amongst them on the advice of his solicitor, and Adam? Well, Adam isn’t sure if he wants to be there at all… However, tonight their …
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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The February 2025 episode of Re-Imagined Radio is "Chaste Kiss & Chrysalis." It samples two audio dramas by award-winning Canadian writer, producer, and director Jack Jamie Ward. February is the month of love, and Valentine's Day. Both of Ward's audio dramas are edgy love stories in the style of Golden Age of Radio science fiction. "A Chaste Kiss G…
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The first toilet is invented, bringing convenience and unintended consequences! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Jack and David spend more time in the incredible world of "Tales from Beyond the Pale" with "Hidden Records." When a troubled teen is haunted by the memory of his musician father and the vinyl record that speaks from beyond the grave. Written and directed by Douglas Buck. Featuring Kevin Cline, Tony Todd, Susan Corbett. Performed live July 27, 2015…
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Season 7 continues as Jack Ward gives a quick update on Mutual and brings this week's Showcase with Sonic Society #853, Tales from the Mutual Basement: Flush with Pride, and Re-Imagined Radio: Chaste Kiss & Chrysalis! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Methylation imbalance and the causative factors leading to methylation imbalance, like the MTHFR gene mutation, show themselves in four distinct personality types. These methylation personality types, methylation archetypes, or MTHFR personalities are called The Achiever, The Athlete, The Activist, and The Artist.The Activist and The Artist are ver…
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Tom must use every bit of his wit to keep himself ahead of the gang of hardened felons. This week: Chapter 21: The Balloon on Fire! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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And we're back with the exciting tales of Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police! This week: Monoplane Is Airborne! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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There have been a string of bank robberies and according to eyewitnesses the bank robber rips bank vaults open with his bare hands and wears a costume just like Superman! What’s more, the stolen money is always given to charity. Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are investigating, but they soon learn that it isn’t just the costume that’s like Superman’s. …
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Season 7 continues as Captain Radio brings us Bat-Supe #2: Is there Another Superman? Part 1, Speedy Gibson #56, and Tom Swift and his Motor-Boat Chapter 21! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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In this episode, we’re joined by Rev. Dr. Emily McGowin, professor of theology at Wheaton College and author of the new book Households of Faith, to discuss the theology of family. Guest Bio The Rev. Dr. Emily McGowin is associate professor of theology at Wheaton College. She is also a priest and canon theologian in the Anglican diocese of Churches…
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The end is nigh. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Like, Cindy really regrets a certain personnel hire. Cindy seems reluctant to talk about Danny Hillcrest. But when the stranger implies that it is extremely important he find Danny, Cindy's compassion gets the best of her. Now the owner of the Cine-Round-a-Dome underground theater, Cindy explains how Danny came to be employed at the drive-in – and …
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When Madison’s new boyfriend, Angus Morgan, steals her iPhone and disappears to Cairo, she’ll stop at nothing to hunt him down and get her phone back. It’s not like they have Apple stores in the 1940’s! In Cairo, she teams up with the American nightclub owner Rocky Jordan, who was also swindled by Angus. Trouble is, the newspapers say Angus is supp…
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Season 7 continues as host Clinton takes over with Madison on the Air #10- Rocky Jordan, Comedy4Cast: Big Shot Chapter 6, and Teknikal Diffikulties #157- Lynerd's Big Adventure: ENDGAME! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Le Comte de Monte-Cristo is an adventure novel and that deals with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness. Alexandre Dumas' celebrated classic continues with Part 97- "The Departure for Belgium"! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Kara has a run-in of a supernatural nature and the gang partake in a bit of light snooping. Did Inspector Paget tamper with the gang's van? What's ruffled Terrence Jackson's feathers? Just what is friendly pub landlord, John Perlini hiding? Will Jack beat his high score on Golden Axe? Find out in the second of three special Halloween episodes of Ga…
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Somehow Ursula boards the Mercury and escaped with two of the three prisoners. Who was left behind? Barnes and Sam follow up on the suspected vehicle in the McMillan case. Scarlet and Thornton get a big break in the Meredith case. The Mercury crew is out on patrol trying to track down Ursula. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Season 7 continues as host Rich brings us Hawk Chronicles #263, Gather The Suspects- Episode 202, and The Count of Monte Cristo: Part 97 The Departure for Belgium! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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We continue with Librivox's 3rd Short Science Fiction Collection. This week: "The Big Bounce" by Walter S. Tevis! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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This week: Episode 7: Who will lead, and to where? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Captain Jet Morgan and his crew aboard Discovery blast off for their epic mission to Mars, in Charles Chilton’s 1954 classic, We continue this week with episode 14! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Season 7 continues as host Lothar begins with The Red Planet #14, 263 Mathilde: Episode 7- Choices and Short Sci Fi Collection 3- The Big Bounce! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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We continue our 6th classic collection of horror and ghost stories from Libriviox. This week it's "No Living Voice" by Thomas Street Millington! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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Vincent and Nick follow their lead to the exit, but discover that the key to freedom is even more dangerous than they expected. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit The Mutual Audio Network Limited
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