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結婚、出産後も幅広く活躍するモデルの鈴木えみさんが編集長を務めるデジタルマガジン「s’eee MAMA&BABY」の発売を記念したトークイベント。スペシャルゲストに「s’eee」本誌にもご登場いただいた女優・モデルの佐田真由美さんを迎え、おしゃれ、かつガジェットに興味のある新世代のママ&キッズに役立つデジタルの活用法をご提案しています。また、えみさん、佐田さんのガジェットライフや、ファミリーで楽しむiPhoneやiPadのメソッドも紹介しています。モデレーターは集英社、雑誌デジタル室室長の志沢直子さんです。
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iPadはもはや特別な存在ではなく、学校と家庭での日常の一部となり、教育現場と教育者に目覚ましい進化を起こしています。 このイベントでは、昨年度4月から新入生に1人1台ずつiPadを導入、現在は中高合わせて3,000台のiPadが稼働している近畿大学附属高等学校・中学校から、こどもたちのクリエイティビティを促進する生徒の学習成果物作成、教材プリントや解説動画の作成と配信、クラブ活動や文化祭での利用まで、21世紀の教育に欠かせないリアルなストーリーを多数紹介しています。 iPadとこれからのこどもたちのための学校教育をわかりやすく伝えています。
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筑波大学附属桐が丘特別支援学校の児童生徒たちは、身の回りの問題にiPadを取り入れ、筑波大学情報科学類の学生と協力しiOS アプリケーションを開発・解決しました。このイベントでは、学生、児童生徒と先生が共同開発をはじめた想いやあゆみと今後を、今の教育に不可欠なキーワードであるテクノロジーと人のつながり、アイデア、問題解決のストーリーと共にお話しています。
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第26回を迎えるアジア最大の映画祭、東京国際映画祭(TIFF)。「アジアの未来」部門プログラミングディレクターの石坂健治氏と、コンペティション部門プログラミングディレクターの矢田部吉彦氏が各部門の注目作の見所を紹介。後半では、映画監督の蔦哲一朗氏が、「アジアの未来」部門出品作「祖谷物語―おくのひと― 」への思い、TIFFへの意気込みなどを語ります。
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米国シアトル・ボストン在住の神経科学者2人によるポッドキャスト。 最新の研究論文紹介や基礎科学・医学研究に関する(あるいは全く関係しない)雑談、留学情報など。 感想やコメント、質問などはtwitterハッシュタグ #NeuroRadio あるいはinfoあっとneuroradio.tokyoまで。
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時事通信社が配信する速報性・信頼性が高いニュースを英語でお伝えします。 リスニング力を伸ばす教材としてもお使い頂けます。
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さくらラジオは米国内にのみ放送しているインターネットラジオです。ラジオは著作権等の法規の問題で地域をアメリカに限定しております。このポッドキャストは日本はもちろん、全世界の皆さんが聞けるようにオープンしました。 Sakura Radio is a new platform through internet radio to Japanese communities. Unlike localized newspapers and other media, Sakura Radio covers all of the U.S., giving our listeners access to lifestyles, local events, and customs specific to each American region. While other Japanese internet radio stations in the US are just a little more than podcasts with many music playlists, more th ...
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Podcast/Netradio | Nogitz-R | ノギツ-R
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あるぴた~らんどは、Arpita工房についてのお話しや、参加したフェスのレポート、 縄文人について、などなど色んなことを自由にお喋りするポットキャスト番組です。 時にはあるぴたと親交のあるクリエイターや、アーティストたちをゲストにお招きし、 Free Talkスタイルでお喋りしてゆきます。
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English follows Japanese: 関西学院東京丸の内キャンパスと関学生による英語インタビュー番組。 ホストの関学Taro(エキスパート)とTamago(ビギナー)が、世界的なニュースからローカルなトピックスまで、 気になる話題について世界中からゲストを迎えインタビュー。 様々な環境や背景、多種多様な人々のストーリーを聞きながら、世界をより身近に感じませんか? The GLocal is a bi-monthly podcast about people and events from around the world. Visit us at https://theglocal.carrd.co
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この番組は、聞き上手である「あげまんコンサルタントの宮 弘智」が本音トークで、リスナーからのメッセージにお答えして、”男女関係のコミュニケーションの違い” ”恋愛” ”結婚” そして、”あげまんになりたい女性” ”あげまんの女性に関わりたい男性”になるためのヒントをお伝えする番組です。 「聞き上手」「質問上手」「気づかせ上手」の宮 弘智だからこそ語れる言葉をお伝えしてまいります。 人生を素敵なパートナーと過ごすヒントを探してみてください! あげまんラボラトリィーへの、お悩み相談、疑問、質問、お問い合わせはこちら→http://www.miyacoach.com/blog/love-contact 【日本あげまん研究所Facebookページ】https://www.facebook.com/ageman.laboratory.japan 【宮 弘智Facebookページ】 https://www.facebook.com/coachi.miya 【あげまんコンサルタントの宮 弘智 公式ブログ】 http://www.miyacoach.com/blog/ 《2016年 ワークショ ...
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英語学習者向けニュースアプリ「ざっくり英語ニュース!StudyNow」で配信されたニュースから毎月2,3個をピックアップして英語のネイティブスピーカーが気軽に話し合う全編英語のみのポッドキャストです。英会話やリスニングの練習にご活用ください。アプリ内でも同じ内容の番組を配信しています。 100万ダウンロードの無料アプリ「ざっくり英語ニュース!StudyNow」もあわせてご利用ください。 http://studynow.jp
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Search and DiscoveryプラットフォームのAlgoliaのPodcastです🔎
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Fuji Media Holdings Inc., the parent of Fuji Television Network Inc., said Thursday that it has decided to set up a third-party committee to investigate a sex scandal centered around television personality Masahiro Nakai.Por 時事通信社
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The Bank of Japan will raise its policy interest rate to 0.5pctat a two-day policy-setting meeting through Friday, the first rate hike since last July, it was learned Thursday.Por 時事通信社
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A Chinese district court on Thursday sentenced a man to death over an attack on two Japanese people that left a Chinese woman dead in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, eastern China, last June, Japanese Foreign Ministry officials said.Por 時事通信社
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The two chambers of Japan's parliament plan to resume talks Jan. 31 on measures to secure a sufficient number of Imperial Family members.Por 時事通信社
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Popular Japanese television personality Masahiro Nakai announced his retirement from show business on Thursday, amid allegations of his involvement in a sex scandal that has had a major impact on the television industry and elsewhere.Por 時事通信社
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The Liberal Democratic Party group in the Tokyo metropolitan assembly said Thursday that 26 of its members will make corrections to their funds reports over a political money scandal involving the group.Por 時事通信社
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The average unit price of new condominiums put up for sale in Tokyo's densely populated 23 special wards topped 100 million yen for the second straight year in 2024, a think tank said Thursday.Por 時事通信社
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The Japanese Electrical, Electronic & Information Union said Thursday that its member unions will request a pay scale hike of at least 17,000 yen per month in the 2025 "shunto" spring wage negotiations.Por 時事通信社
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Japan's National Police Agency on Thursday released newly compiled guidelines for undercover investigations that use fake identification documents to apply for "dark part-time jobs" such as robberies in an effort to deter such crimes.Por 時事通信社
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The Los Angeles Dodgers on Wednesday announced the signing of a minor league contract with Japanese baseball pitcher Roki Sasaki.Por 時事通信社
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Japan logged a customs-cleared trade deficit of 5,332.6 billion yen in 2024, incurring a deficit for the fourth straight year, the Finance Ministry said Thursday.Por 時事通信社
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Japan's Nissan Motor Co. has canceled its plan to build a small electric vehicle model in Canton in the U.S. state of Mississippi, it was learned Wednesday.Por 時事通信社
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Chinese researchers have found no abnormalities in concentrations of radioactive materials, such as cesium and strontium, in seawater collected near Japan's Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, according to a Chinese newspaper report.Por 時事通信社
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Yemen's pro-Iran Houthi militants have released the crew of the Galaxy Leader car carrier operated by Nippon Yusen K.K., which was seized in the Red Sea in November 2023, Houthi media reports said Wednesday.Por 時事通信社
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An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 5.0 occurred in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan, around 2:49 a.m. Thursday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.Por 時事通信社
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A man attacked two men and a woman with an apparent knife near JR Nagano Station in the central Japan city of Nagano on Wednesday, leaving one of the two men in his 40s in a state of cardiopulmonary arrest.Por 時事通信社
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Riken, a Japanese government-backed research institute, said Wednesday that it has launched the development of a successor to its Fugaku supercomputer.Por 時事通信社
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba will this week announce a plan to spend more than 15 trillion yen, starting in fiscal 2026, to make the country more resilient to natural disasters, government officials said Wednesday.Por 時事通信社
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Nippon Ishin no Kai ()削除 on Wednesday unveiled a draft plan to hold primaries to unify opposition candidates for 32 single-seat constituencies in the upcoming House of Councillors election.Por 時事通信社
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Japan's Imperial Household Agency is considering a visit by Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako to the island of Iwoto, also known as Iwojima, in April to pay respects to soldiers killed in World War II, people familiar with the matter said Wednesday.Por 時事通信社
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尾崎真由美会計事務所 スペシャルインタビュー タックスリターン徹底解説’25 アメリカで20年以上の実績を持つ尾崎真由美会計事務所。さくらラジオでは、毎年タックスリターンの時期に合わせて、尾崎真由美さんにお話を伺っています。今年は、シチュエーション別の控除・税法改正の注意点、SNS収益・仮想通貨の申請、FBAR 、得する申請方法など徹底解説して頂きました。 尾崎真由美会計事務所 https://toddaccounting.com Navi:沢えりかPor 沢えりか
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Japanese government expenditures to pay interest on bonds are projected to reach 16.1 trillion yen in fiscal 2028, 1.5 times higher than in fiscal 2025, according to Finance Ministry estimates based on the government's fiscal 2025 budget plan.Por 時事通信社
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Harassment by customers is pushing part-time workers to quit their jobs quickly, a survey conducted by Japanese job information provider Mynavi Corp. suggested Wednesday.Por 時事通信社
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Japanese people in places linked to Ichiro Suzuki expressed joy and congratulations Wednesday for the 51-year-old Japanese baseball legend's induction into the U.S. National Baseball Hall of Fame.Por 時事通信社
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The Tokyo metropolitan assembly election will be held on June 22, the election administration commission said Wednesday.Por 時事通信社
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Amid the global cocoa shortage, department stores in Japan are focusing more on unorthodox items, even curry, than chocolate candies to meet Valentine's Day customer demand this year.Por 時事通信社
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Japan's ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito agreed Wednesday to hold discussions on the introduction of a dual surname system for married couples.Por 時事通信社
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The average retail price of regular gasoline in Japan has exceeded 185 yen per liter for the first time in some 17 months, reflecting reduced government subsidies to oil wholesalers, the industry ministry said Wednesday.Por 時事通信社
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Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya and U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio agreed Tuesday to speed up preparations to realize the first summit between Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba and President Donald Trump early.Por 時事通信社
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Japanese Princess Aiko on Wednesday attended the "utakai hajime" New Year's poetry reading ceremony at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo for the first time.Por 時事通信社
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Former Japanese baseball star Ichiro Suzuki became the first Asian player elected to the U.S. National Baseball Hall of Fame, it was announced Tuesday.Por 時事通信社
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Newly inaugurated U.S. President Donald Trump said Tuesday that Japan's SoftBank Group Corp. and U.S. technology giants OpenAI and Oracle Corp. will jointly invest 500 billion dollars in four years to develop artificial intelligence infrastructure in the United States.Por 時事通信社
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The top diplomats of the so-called Quad countries of Japan, the United States, Australia and India affirmed the importance of cooperation among their allies and like-minded nations at a meeting Tuesday.Por 時事通信社
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The Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, and the Japanese Trade Union Confederation, or Rengo, held a meeting of their leaders Wednesday, effectively starting this year's "shunto" spring wage talks.Por 時事通信社
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Retail prices of cabbage in Japan averaged 553 yen per kilogram last week, 3.37 times the usual level, as harvest volume decreased following unfavorable weather conditions, according to an agriculture ministry survey.Por 時事通信社
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba and NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte have agreed to strengthen relations between the two sides.Por 時事通信社
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba will call on both the ruling and opposition parties to hold thorough parliamentary debates in a responsible manner to build a broad consensus as he heads a minority government, a draft of his upcoming policy speech showed Tuesday.Por 時事通信社
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Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba and his Lao counterpart, Sonexay Siphandone, met in Tokyo on Tuesday and agreed to launch talks between the two countries' vice foreign and defense ministers to boost security cooperation.Por 時事通信社
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「オンチで歌えない」「言葉が聞き取りにくいと言われる」など声に関するいろいろな悩みを取り上げ、解決していく。声にまつわる目からウロコの新常識が満載。ラジオから流れる声を楽しくまねて出すだけで、みるみるあなたの声が良くなる実践的番組です。 2024年12月2日放送: 12月のテーマ新訳【研究と祈り】喉の位置変化をカメラで捉える研究 出演:弓場徹/前川佳子 website:http://yubamethod.org/Por 弓場徹, 前川佳子
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Takuya Yokota, who heads a group of families of Japanese nationals abducted by North Korea decades ago, urged the Japanese government Tuesday to work with the United States to press the reclusive state to return the abductees.Por 時事通信社
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The relaxation of visa requirements for Chinese visitors, which was announced by the Japanese government last month, attracted criticism Tuesday at a meeting of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.Por 時事通信社
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Scandal-tainted Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co. said Tuesday that its current president, Satoshi Yamane, will step down and executive officer Norikazu Toyoda will assume the presidency.Por 時事通信社
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Japanese internal affairs minister Seiichiro Murakami on Tuesday called for a swift and independent probe into a sex scandal centered around television personality Masahiro Nakai, including on the reported involvement of a Fuji Television Network Inc. employee.Por 時事通信社
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A U.S. Marine Corps Osprey transport aircraft has accidentally dropped a cargo pallet weighing 400-450 kilograms into waters near Ie Island in Okinawa Prefecture, southern Japan, prefectural officials said Tuesday.Por 時事通信社
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Nissan Motor Co. will end production of its AD commercial van in November, company officials said Tuesday.Por 時事通信社
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The Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, on Tuesday released guidelines for its member companies on this year's "shunto" spring wage negotiations, urging them to consider pay scale hikes.Por 時事通信社
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Japan's industry ministry on Tuesday named Tama Home Co. and two other companies as the worst in price negotiations with their suppliers.Por 時事通信社
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Japan's industry minister, Yoji Muto, said Tuesday that his country needs to scrutinize the potential impact on Japanese companies of possible tariff measures by the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump.Por 時事通信社
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The ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner, Komeito, asked the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan on Tuesday to cooperate in enacting the government's fiscal 2025 draft budget.Por 時事通信社
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Japan Financial Services Agency decided to issue business improvement orders to car dealer Toyota Mobility Tokyo Inc. and used car dealer Goodspeed Co., it was learned Tuesday.Por 時事通信社
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