'Private Talk With Alexis Texas' is an alternative lifestyle interview talk show and podcast series hosted by the infamous former Adult movie star, Alexis Texas. This podcast is covering topics ranging from life, health, career - to relationships, money and of course sex. It is considered the “safest place to be yourself”. Guests include international celebrities, athletes, media personalities, entertainers and influencers from diverse industries, and their intimate conversations will stream ...
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《菜鳥私房話》是由兩位馬來西亞的90 後女生—— 菲林和豬豬一起主持的podcast,這裡是一個你可以放心說、盡情聊的空間。二十弱冠,三十而立,90後嘛,卡在中間不上不下的,沒有了20歲的稚嫩,卻還懷抱著初衷奔三,說不上有什麼歷練,但好歹也在社會呆了好幾年,貴人和壞人還是遇過不少的。 不論是針對生活上遇到的挑戰還是嘉賓訪談,菜鳥都希望和你一起學習成長。至於我們為什麼把自己稱為 “菜鳥”呢?因為這是一種學無止境的精神,時刻提醒自己世界有多大。你也許在某某各領域待了很多年,積攢了一些經驗,但在別的領域上,你我都是菜鳥。 啊對了!在馬來西亞,我們會說多種語言和方言,生活上我們都習慣以不同的語言和方言混著說,這也可以說是馬來西亞的特色吧!這個我們叫 "Bahasa Rojak",rojak是大馬一種蔬果沙拉,bahasa是語言,意思就是都混在一起就對了!也許外國的朋友可能聽不慣我們的口音,但這不也是文化交流的一一種嗎?就讓菲林和豬豬透過《菜鳥私房話》以最道地的馬來西亞口音與你一起發掘更多有趣的人、事、物! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Интервью с топовыми экономистами, успешными инвесторами и предпринимателями, которые меняют мир. Ведущая — Мая Нелюбина, экономист и частный инвестор. Ведущая международной студии — Юлия Кульматицкая, экономист и бизнес-консультант. 📍Private Talks на YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@private_talks Регистрация в перечне РКН: https://vk.cc/cHi6Sv
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Private Market Talks: Conversations and insights on the private markets with private capital’s leading figures.
Conversations and insights on the private markets with private capital’s leading figures. Hosted by Proskauer Partner, Peter Antoszyk.
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Just talking with random things in mind
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For over 20 years, Real Deals have been the independent voice of European private equity providing essential market intelligence, deal information, and insight to Europe's leading GPs, their advisers, & LPs. The Drawdown provides vital insight and analysis for operational professionals in private equity and venture capital. Our mission is to empower & celebrate operational professionals who ensure funds are managed in a robust and compliant manner, lead on in-house technology strategies, reg ...
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Permanent Podcast: Real Talk About Private Equity and Buying, Selling, and Operating Small Businesses
Permanent Equity
Small businesses don't stay small on purpose. And the marketplace for small to midsize businesses is messy. Listen in on conversations happening around the Permanent Equity house about private equity, investing, buying, selling, managing, & operating small businesses, and more. The first 40 episodes are the Messy Marketplace audiobook. Having peeked behind the curtain at over 10,000 companies, this expanded audiobook-podcast aims to demystify the buyers, the process, and the inevitable emoti ...
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1:06:35Mazee the Goat is not coming to play. This new sensation in the adult world is not shy and you will love that interview.Por Private Talk
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Over the past 20 years, as Managing Partner and CEO, Tracy Stuart has transformed Corbin Capital Partners from a few hundred million to over $9 billion in AUM. In this episode, we explore what has driven Corbin’s success and how its disciplined, research-focused strategy and client-centric philosophy will sustain it into the future. Tracy also shar…
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The young rapper has a song about Alexis... And he brought her flowers.Por Private Talk
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That was a tense interview New York rapper Mr Paperz finds his match !! Alexis shows the artist that she can be Alpha too... Check it out!Por Private Talk
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In the first episode of Top of the Ops in 2025, The Drawdown’s editorial gang discusses the importance of operational due diligence and how it is weighed differently depending on whether a firm is an emerging or established manager. Following on from our recent cover story ‘ODDenheimer’, we speak to Peter Haskopoulos, founder and managing director …
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#52 «Разори соседа»: планы Трампа на Россию, Европу и нефть | Сергей Вакуленко об энергетике и политике
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1:22:16Встречайте новый большой выпуск Private Talks из Германии. Ведущая Юлия Кульматицкая пообщалась с Сергеем Вакуленко, независимым экспертом по энергетике и экс-главой департамента стратегии и инноваций Газпром нефти. В интервью обсудили, насколько Запад приблизился к цели полностью отказаться от российского газа и есть ли будущее у Газпрома. Если Ам…
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The talented New Yorker rapper, Honey Bxby is sitting down with Alexis for a candid and open interview. You will love this !Por Private Talk
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The Asia-Pacific private credit market has doubled in the past five years, presenting growing and intriguing opportunities for credit investors. Despite its growth, the APAC region remains a complex, diverse and often unfamiliar landscape that accounts for only about 7% of the global private credit market. We spoke with Christopher Botsford, foundi…
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#51 «Человек стал дефицитным ресурсом» | Как нейросети меняют мир и кому надо бояться распространения ИИ
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1:05:39Встречайте новый спецвыпуск Private Talks: в этот раз мы решили разобраться в теме искусственного интеллекта. Насколько сильно он способен изменить нашу жизнь? Как распространение нейросетей повлияет на рынок труда и экономику? И кто победит в мировой технологической гонке? Чтобы ответить на эти и многие другие вопросы, ведущая Юлия Кульматицкая по…
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Alexis sits down with comedian and internet sensation KenStarzz.Por Private Talk
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In our first episode of 2025, we speak with Robert Stark, CEO of Nomura Capital Management, who has been building a private credit business and expanding Nomura’s investment management capabilities in the Americas. During our discussion, we learn how he successfully launched the platform in a highly competitive market and how Nomura has been able t…
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In this episode The Drawdown team discusses the chances of defaults for NAV facilities raised against a PE buyout fund. Given the chasm between perceptions of market participants and market observers on the risk of these facilities, could the truth lie somewhere in the middle? Following on from our recent cover story Anatomy of default, we speak to…
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SARA JAY | S06 EP. 184
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1:12:16Guess who's back !!!!??? yesss the one and only Sara Jay. You know it's going to be epic anytime the Legend is in town!Por Private Talk
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Two decades ago, HighVista Strategies set out to transform alternative investing by tapping into less efficient markets in search of alpha. Today, with $11 billion under management, the firm remains at the forefront of uncovering unique investment opportunities. In this episode, we sit down with Raphi Schorr, Deputy Chief Investment Officer at High…
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#50 «Там страшное» | Александр Аузан о главных угрозах для экономики России и жизни после перемирия
Гостем нового выпуска Private Talks стал один из самых известных и уважаемых экономистов России — декан экономического факультета МГУ Александр Аузан. Ведущая Юлия Кульматицкая поговорила с ним о том, что будет с российской экономикой в 2025 году и с какими сложностями столкнется страна после окончания военных действий. Какова вероятность отмены са…
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Season 6!!! The return of Misty Stone. The legendary actress returns to PTWAT for a special episode shot at Exxotica Convention. Enjoy!!Por Private Talk
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In this episode, we are thrilled to be joined by Liz Campbell, Chief Investment Officer at Portfolio Advisors, a global private asset manager specializing in the US middle market. Together with its parent company FS Investments, Portfolio Advisors manages over $82 billion in assets, giving Liz unparalleled insights into today’s private market lands…
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#49 «Самое большое поражение ждет США» | Джордж Ку про раскол мира, силу доллара и кризис дипломатии
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1:11:40Встречайте новый выпуск нашей американской студии. В этот раз ведущая Юлия Кузьмич поговорила с доктором Джорджем Ку, экспертом по американо-китайским отношениям, который всю свою долгую карьеру занимался налаживанием торговых связей между США и азиатскими странами. Джордж более 15 лет работал старшим советником по Китаю в Деллойт, а также читал в …
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And we are back!!! Season 6!!! The first guest for this season is the delicious Katie Kush. Episode recorded during the Exxotica Conference. Enjoy.Por Private Talk
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1:07:09The delicious blond Savannah Bond. Re-Run Episode.Por Private Talk
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This latest episode of Top of the Ops sees The Drawdown team assess the challenges of succession planning in PE operations. As the industry elders enter retirement, how can firms ensure the next generation of CFOs and COOs are prepared to take over? Picking up from our recent cover story, No country for old men, we speak to Khuram Bajwa, director a…
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This is a special episode that we recorded live at Proskauer’s flagship Private Credit Summit, part of its private capital event series. More than 200 capital allocators, lenders and investors joined us for an afternoon of lively discussion about private credit, fund formation and other hot topics. A highlight of the event was this conversation wit…
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Rerun episode with the sensational Siri DahlPor Private Talk
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1:11:47Another ReRun episode... This week it's the beautiful Kendra SunderlandPor Private Talk
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#48 «Подсчитали — прослезились» | Демографический кризис и дефицит кадров: к чему это приведет Россию
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1:07:51Встречайте большой спецвыпуск Private Talks: в этот раз мы решили разобраться, что происходит на рынке труда в России, и для этого позвали к нам в студию трех экспертов: профессора МГУ Наталью Зубаревич, генерального директора компании HeadHunter Дмитрия Сергиенкова и демографа Алексея Ракшу. В этом интервью Мая Нелюбина подробно обсудила с гостями…
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1:34:25A ReRun Episode with the iconic Mone Divine.Por Private Talk
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Welcome back to Private Market Talks! In this episode, we are joined by Shanna O’Reilly, co-head of Private Investments at Wellington Management, one of the world’s largest investment managers. Shanna helped drive the growth of Wellington’s Private Investment platform to where it now manages over $8.5 billion of AUM. During our conversation, we dis…
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In this episode of Top of the Ops, The Drawdown team debates whether the operations of US private funds are beginning to look more European due to regulatory and investor pressures. Following on from our recent cover story, Bridging the Atlantic, we investigate whether the global nature of private markets means the gap between the US and Europe in …
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Another Fans favourite. This episode with Fatboy SSE was shot couple of years ago. Enjoy!Por Private Talk
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1:18:04Por Private Talk
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1:06:32Miss Texas is on vacation !! So... we're streaming some of the most popular episodes... This one is one of the fans favorite. The sexy Mona Azar!Por Private Talk
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#47 «Страна хочет жить сегодняшним днем» | Наталья Зубаревич о реальной инфляции и экономике после СВО
Мы вновь позвали в Private Talks экономико-географа и профессора МГУ Наталью Зубаревич, чтобы поговорить о том, что происходит с экономикой России сейчас и чего нам ждать в будущем. Обсудили, какая на самом деле у нас инфляция и может ли ЦБ на нее влиять. Как обстоят дела на рынке недвижимости и продолжат ли расти цены на квартиры после отмены льго…
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The 4"2 Haley Spade is a "Size Queen" as she loves to describe herself. Petite who loves BIG things. You will enjoy this conversation.Por Private Talk
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The petite Peruvian, Marina Gold has a big personality and we loving it. She sat down with Alexis for a very candid interview. You'll love it!Por Private Talk
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The latest episode of Top of the Ops, The Drawdown’s podcast in which the editorial team discusses a recent cover feature, is all about diversity and inclusion. In the corresponding article - Ecosystemic Change - we investigate the commonly accepted narrative that LPs are the main drivers behind DEI initiatives in private equity and what GPs can do…
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#46 «Американская нефть на исходе» | Противостояние США и ОПЕК+, убытки Газпрома и санкции на СПГ
Гостем нового выпуска Private Talks стал Александр Маланичев — приглашенный профессор РЭШ, МГУ и МГИМО. Александр более 10 лет занимался экономическим анализом и прогнозированием энергетических рынков в Роснефти, участвовал в подготовке материалов к переговорам ОПЕК+, а также успел поработать в компаниях Мечел и Северсталь. Разобрались, как устроен…
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1:00:51Anton Harden has been the talk of the town in the Adult Industry world lately. He keeps collecting awards and iconic scenes. Today's you will get more familiar with this legend in a making.Por Private Talk
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1:28:57The Brooklyn's own drill rapper Five Foreign is without a doubt one of the most prolific hip hop figures of East Coast right now. He accepted to sit down with Alexis for 90 minutes. This is very entertaining. Enjoy.Por Private Talk
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SYMBA | S05 EP 170
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1:00:27SYMBA is back !!! Friend of the show, the rapper came back this season to chat with Alexis. You know when these two connect it's always a great time!Por Private Talk
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1:13:31Scott Nails is a veteran in the Adult Industry Business. He took the time to sit down with Alexis and talk about his journey. Enjoy!Por Private Talk
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In this episode, we are joined by David Golub, President of Golub Capital and one of the first movers in the private credit industry. Since its founding over 30 years ago, Golub Capital has made over $150 billion in loans and won over 40 industry awards. Today, the firm has over $70 billion of capital under management. During our conversation, Davi…
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#45 «Ситуация, от которой проигрывают все» | Россия, ЕC и новые санкции: чья экономика пострадает больше
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1:05:01Встречайте новый выпуск Private Talks World из Германии. Ведущая Юлия Кульматицкая записала интервью с Александром Либманом — доктором экономических наук и профессором Свободного университета Берлина, который изучает проблемы глобализации и международной экономической политики. Александр также преподавал в Мюнхенском университете и Франкфуртской шк…
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In our newest episode of Private Market Talks, we’re joined by Steven Batchelor and Martina Sanow of Hg Capital, one of the largest and most successful private equity firms in the world. Specializing in technology, financial services software, and healthcare software companies in Europe and North America, Hg manages approximately $65 billion in fun…
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1:00:35You might have seen this young man during your childhood... The Nickelodeon child star Robert Ri'chard steps on Alexis' couch for a very unusual interview. You'll learn a lot from this conversation! Enjoy!Por Private Talk
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Generative AI is no longer a theoretical technology. It’s here and now, and moving fast. Private funds are moving quickly to figure out how best to use it. During this episode, we explore with Dr. Mohammad Rasouli practical considerations for private funds as they consider how to adopt and implement AI, including issues of risk management, security…
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West Coast producer, rapper, tv personality Luce Canon sits down with Alexis for a shocking interview! You know it's going to be good !!!Por Private Talk
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The Drawdown trio tickles your eardrums once more, with our monthly podcast accompanying our latest cover feature. This time, we talk about gen AI trends. But with some substance - trust us. The cover story, entitled Strength Tr -AI- ning, examines how technological innovation is linked with operational resilience. It focuses on the emerging use of…
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LISA ANN | S05 EP 166
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1:03:32It doesn't get more legendary than this episode... The Iconic Lisa Ann finally steps into Alexis' couch for a very anticipated and intimate meet up! You will learn or re learn everything about one of the most celebrated Adult Star to ever done it!Por Private Talk
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#44 «Требуется вмешательство»: экс-министр финансов о том, что сейчас важно для экономики России и рубля
Гостем нового выпуска Private Talks стал экономист и банкир Михаил Задорнов. В 90-х годах он был главой Минфина РФ, а после руководил несколькими крупными банками, включая ВТБ 24 и Открытие. Мая Нелюбина узнала у Михаила, какой прогноз он дает по курсу рубля на этот год, в чем проблема с расчетами в национальных валютах, насколько устойчив российск…
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In this episode, we’re joined by Caroline Cooley, managing partner and CIO for Crestline Summit Strategies. Caroline joined Crestline in 1998 and has since helped build the firm into a multi-strategy, multi-portfolio and multi-billion-dollar asset manager. During our conversation, we explore Crestline’s “platform model” and how that model allows th…
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