Through "Health Section" I talk about some common health problems that might affect or even simply bother us throughout the year. After a short intro on each topic, I offer one or multiple solutions to that specific issue. You can contact me anytime: Nella rubrica "Health Section" parlo di alcuni dei problemi principali di salute che ci possono attanagliare o semplicemente infastidire durante il corso dell'anno. Dopo una breve introduzione sul problema, offro una o più so ...
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Questo Podcast vuole offrirvi segreti e spunti di riflessione per pensare, percepire, e operare come un vero Alchimista moderno, sviluppando un arte evoluta, quella di prendere coscienza di quello che esiste gia, che non serve, non e' necessario o e' persino dannoso per poi transmutarlo in qualcosa di utile, positivo, di valore, al fine di vivere una vita in pieno e al massimo potenziale, nel corpo e nella mente. L'Alchimista offre ogni settimana consigli ed esercizi pratici per il miglioram ...
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🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to take a coffee ☕ with Dr. Martin Gibala Dr. Martin Gibala is a professor and holds the Faculty of Science Research Chair in Integrative Exercise Physiology. He is renowned for his research on the physiological and health benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Author of the Best Seller “The One Minut…
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🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to take a coffee ☕ with Lance Hitchings Lance is a longevity biohacker who's passionate about living a vibrant and vital life. At 60, facing severe health challenges, he transformed his lifestyle, shedding 90 pounds and rejuvenating his body. Today, at 75, he is sharing his experiences and insights on his YouTube c…
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🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to take a coffee ☕ with Aubrey De Grey Aubrey de Grey is a pioneer in the field of longevity research, renowned for his groundbreaking work on rejuvenation biotechnology. With his visionary insights and relentless pursuit of scientific breakthroughs, Aubrey has become a leading figure in the quest to extend human l…
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[ENG] ☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista- Coffee with the Alchemist ⚗️ Dave Pascoe
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1:09:31[ENG] ☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista- Coffee with the Alchemist ⚗️ Dave Pascoe 🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to take a coffee ☕ with Dave Pascoe Dave Pascoe, a retired Network Security Architect/Engineer. Dave is 61 years "young", since he looks (and physically is) more like a 38-year-old. Dave is a retired Network Security Engineer, but this is …
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[ENG] ☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista- Coffee with the Alchemist ⚗️ Simon Shawcross
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1:16:53🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to take a coffee ☕ with Simon Shawcross. Simon Shawcross is the founder of and has been a personal trainer since 1999. He is a respected author and speaker on the topics of exercise and wellbeing, with a core focus on communicating the value of strength training for everyone. We'll know more about Simon …
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🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to take a coffee ☕ with Jimmy Ducker. Jimmy Ducker is a young, Dream Caller, Natural Health Researcher and Wellness advocate. He is really "in" the biohacking world, with a particular focus on Sleep and Recovery. We will talk about: #dreams #naturalremedies #sleep #recovery #essentialoils #biohacking #ayurveda #exp…
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[ENG] ☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista- Coffee with the Alchemist ⚗️ Dr. Frank Shallenberger
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1:19:14🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to have a coffee ☕ with Bill Dr. Frank Shallenberger (aka Dr. Ozone). Dr. Frank Shallenberger, fondly known as "Dr. Ozone," is a visionary in the realm of integrative and regenerative medicine. With a career spanning decades, he has become a prominent figure in the world of healthcare, pioneering innovative treatme…
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[ENG] ☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista- Coffee with the Alchemist ⚗️ Bill DeSimone Trainer, Author
🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to have a coffee ☕ with Bill DeSimone. Bill DeSimone, a renowned personal trainer and accomplished author. His unique perspective has challenged conventional wisdom, opening new doors to a healthier and more efficient approach to fitness. Bill DeSimone has spent several years applying biomechanics to weight trainin…
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[ENG] ☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista- Coffee with the Alchemist ⚗️ Garland Coulson aka Captain Time
🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to have a coffee ☕ with Garland Coulson aka "Captain Time". Garland Coulson, has dedicated his life to helping people reclaim their time and regain control over their busy schedules. With a career spanning over two decades, Garland has become a renowned authority in the field of time management, offering practical …
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[ENG] ☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista- Coffee with the Alchemist ⚗️ Dr.Doug McGuff, Body By Science, Ultimate exercise
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1:01:24🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to take a coffee ☕ with Dr. Doug McGuff. We will talk about: #ultimateexercise #mitochondria #big5workout #myokines #lifespan #healthspan #VO2max #lactate. We will finally know Doug' updates on his best-selling book, Body By Science, why the "big 5" are not "the only way" to train. The role of Myokines and IL6, Lif…
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[ITA] ☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista ⚗️ Leonardo Pelagotti, Inspire Potential, Breathwork, Wim Hof, Oxygen advantage, Shaolin, Kung Fu
🧪 Oggi nel nostro Laboratorio 🥼 prendiamo il ☕ con: Leonardo Pelagotti Video sul canale youtube: Leonardo Pelagotti è istruttore avanzato del Metodo Wim Hof, coach Master Oxygen Advantage, cintura nera di Kung-Fu Shaolin, istruttore di Animal Flow ed ex-ginnasta a livello nazionale. Leonardo è appassionato della forza d…
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[ENG] ☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista- Coffee with the Alchemist ⚗️ Mark Alexander, ARX, Entrepreneur, Investor
For the Video Version please refer to the links below! Youtube: 🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to take a coffee ☕ with Mark Alexander. We will talk about: #efficientexercise #fitness #arx #efficiency #nasa #bigfive #hrv #responders. We will finally know Mark' favorite routine, what's behind ARX and Paleo (fx) and…
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[ENG] ☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista- Coffee with the Alchemist ⚗️ Daniel Rodriguez, Biohacker, Human Performance advisor at Mitolab
For the Video Version please refer to the links below! Youtube: 🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to take a coffee ☕ with Daniel Rodrigues. We will talk about: #longevity #fitness #biohacking #efficiency #ewot #mitochondria. We will finally know what's inside Mitolab, the advanced biohacking and wellness lab in Madr…
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[ENG] ☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista- Coffee with the Alchemist ⚗️ con: Bryan Johnson, Biohacker, Entrepreneur, Blueprint
*IMPORTANT* This is the FULL English version of the podcast. Co-hosted by Miriam Vetrano ( 🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to take a coffee ☕ with: Bryan Johnson Welcome to the ultimate biohacking interview with Bryan Johnson, where we dive into the fantastic world of mind-enhancing technologies. In this exclusive vide…
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☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista ⚗️ con: Teemu Arina, Biohacker, Autore, Imprenditore (Versione ITA-ENG)
🧪 Oggi nel nostro Laboratorio 🥼 prendiamo il ☕ con: Teemu Arina *IMPORTANTE* Questa e' la versione ITA-ENG. Per la versione FULL ENG (Completamente in lingua Inglese) vi invito a selezionare l'altro episodio! Teemu Arina, alcuni link: parleremo di…
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[ENG] ☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista- Coffee with the Alchemist ⚗️ con: Teemu Arina, Biohacker, Author, Entrepreneur
*IMPORTANT* This is the FULL English version of the podcast. For an ITA-ENG version please refer to the other episode. thanks! 🧪 Today in our Lab 🥼 we are going to take a coffee ☕ with: Teemu Arina Teemu Arina, some useful links: we are going to t…
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🧪 Oggi nel nostro Laboratorio 🥼 prendiamo il ☕ con: Dott. Piero Clavario Dott. Piero Clavario, alcuni link:…
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☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista ⚗️ con: Dott.ssa Ethel Cogliani, Biologa, Nutrizionista, Autrice
🧪 Oggi nel nostro Laboratorio 🥼 prendiamo il ☕ con: Ethel Cogliani Dott.ssa Ethel Cogliani parleremo di: #digiuno #glicemia #frequenzadeipasti #ottimizzareenergia #sistemaimmunitation #religioneedigiuno #qualedigiunoeperche' consigli pratici per miglior…
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🧪 Oggi nel nostro Laboratorio 🥼 prendiamo il ☕ con: Azul Fernandez Indulsky Ing. Azul Fernandez Indulsky parleremo di: #geobiologia #elettromagnetismo #fengshui #5G #hartmann&currylines #radiazioni #telefonocellulare consigli pratici per migliorare il nostro rapporto con il tel…
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☕ Il Caffe' Dell' Alchimista ⚗️ con: Enrico Dell’Olio, Bodybuilder, Trainer, Pensatore e Biohacker
🧪 Oggi nel nostro Laboratorio 🥼 prendiamo il ☕ con: Enrico Dell’Olio Enrico Dell’Olio parleremo di: #stress #esercizio #dieta #antiaging #gastheory e di molto, molto altro! In sottofondo all'intervista ascolterete creazioni musicali di Francesco Albertazzi (grazie!) https://open.sp…
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🧪 Oggi nel nostro Laboratorio 🥼 prendiamo il ☕ con: Dott.ssa Wanda Rizza parleremo di: #digiuno #fastingmimickingdiet #chetogenica #dieta #nutrizione e di molto, molto altro! In sottofondo all'intervista ascolterete creazioni musicali di Francesco Albertazzi (grazie!) Seguiteci sui …
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Dott. Nicola Triglione parleremo di: #eserciziofisico #frequenzacardiaca #cuorelongevo #altaintensita' #energia #overtraining #prevenzione e di molto, molto altro! Da questa puntata, in sottofondo all'intervista ascolterete creazioni musicali di Francesco Albertazzi (grazie!) htt…
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🧪 Oggi nel nostro Laboratorio 🥼 prendiamo il ☕ con: Dott. Davide Algeri parleremo di: #stress #recupero #cybersecurity #aruotalibera e di molto, molto altro! Seguiteci sui canali Audio 🎧 e Video 📺: Facebook:…
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Definition of otitis and earache, when it happens and to prevent or treat it. For further question, email me:
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Definition of otitis and earache, when it happens and to prevent or treat it. For further question, email me:
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Definition of aphthas and how we easily treat them. For any questions or doubts, shoot me an email:
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Some simple instructions to help you performing an intramuscular injection in case of “emergency”. For any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me:
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Definition and distinction between calluses and corns and how should we treat them. For any questions:
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What is the flu, how it spreads and should we treat it. For any questions on the topic, ask me:
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Definition of mycosis and how we treat it. For any questions, email me:
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What happens when we develop a food allergy and what should be doing in case of an emergency. For any questions, contact me:
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Let’s talk about seasonal allergies, their symptoms and remedies. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me:
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Definition and treatment of the common oral herpes. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me:
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Cosa succede ai nostri timpani quando decolliamo ed atterriamo in aereo? E come facciamo ad evitare il fastidio o dolore che ne scaturisce? Ecco alcuni consigli pratici. Per qualsiasi commento o richiesta di informazioni, contattatemi su:
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In questo episodio parlo di diarrea e del dramma che rappresenta quando ci capita. Discuto anche delle soluzioni rapide ed efficaci al problema. Per qualsiasi commento o bisogno di informazioni, contattatemi su:
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Cosa sono le afte e cosa ci comportano? Come insorgono e come le trattiamo? Ne parliamo in questo episodio del podcast Health Section. Per qualsiasi commento o contatto, scrivetemi su
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Quante volte ci sarà capitata la necessità di dover eseguire una iniezione intramuscolo e non eravamo in grado di farlo? In questo episodio del mio podcast spiego in breve come fare ad eseguire correttamente questo tipo di operazione, riportando anche i diversi tipi di iniezione intramuscolare. Per qualsiasi domanda o commento, contattatemi su: raf…
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Quali sono le differenze tra calli e duroni? E che impatto hanno sulla nostra salute? Come possiamo rimuoverli e quali sono gli errori più comuni da evitare? Per qualsiasi domanda o commento, contattatemi su:
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Può capitarci di beccarci l'influenza...e in quei casi che si fa? Ecco alcuni pratici consigli per chi è vittima del malanno stagionale. Per qualsiasi domanda o commento, contattatemi su:
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In questo episodio parlo di micosi, di come possiamo prenderle e trasmetterle, ma anche di come trattarle. Per qualsiasi domanda o commento, contattatemi su:
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Cosa sono le allergie alimentari e fino a che punto può essere rischioso mangiare cibi a cui siamo allergici? Ne parliamo in questo accuratamente in questo episodio. Per qualsiasi domanda o commento, contattatemi su:
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Molti di noi ne sono affetti e spesso non si sa cosa fare per contrastare il loro sopraggiungere. In questo podcast le descrivo e propongo qualche rimedio per poterne alleviare i sintomi. Per qualsiasi domanda o commento, contattatemi su:
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Cos'è un'herpes labiale? Quando compare e cosa comporta? E cosa più importante...come la trattiamo? Ne parliamo insieme nella prima puntata della rubrica Health Section, a cura di Raffaele Pilla. Per qualsiasi domanda o commento, contattatemi su:
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