HR is no longer just about managing people—it’s about shaping the future of work. Jens Baier, BCG’s HR transformation expert, discusses how AI and shifting employee expectations are forcing companies to rethink talent strategies. From re-recruiting to upskilling employees, HR must adapt to a rapidly changing landscape. Learn More: Jens Baier: BCG on People Strategy: Decoding Global Talent:…
Podcasts que vale la pena escuchar
Der Podcast der Zeitschrift "Bekennende Kirche".
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Reformation Lutheran Church Media
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The newest sermons from Reformation Bible Church on SermonAudio.
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"Exaltando a Cristo, Haciendo Discípulos para la Gloria de Dios" 📍 Cordoba, Veracruz, México 🇲🇽
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The newest sermons from Iglesia Bautista Reformada del Pacto on SermonAudio.
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The Reformanda Initiative Podcast. Listen as we analyze and discuss Roman Catholic theology and practice from an Evangelical perspective. | X: @ReformandaRome | Facebook: @ReformandaInitiative | Online: |
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The newest sermons from Reformation Presbyterian Church on SermonAudio.
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De lunes a viernes, te llevamos las información nacional e internacional más relevante del día. Los sábados y los domingos no te pierdas nuestras recomendaciones deportivas.
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Reformation Church Weekly Podcast
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The newest sermons from Reformation Baptist Church on SermonAudio.
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Resistance and Reformation with George Grant on the Fight Laugh Feast Network.
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The newest sermons from Reformation Church of Elizabeth on SermonAudio.
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Independent and lucid analysis of Indonesian politics, policymaking, justice, and economics featuring Kevin O’Rourke and Erin Cook. The podcasts incorporate exclusive interviews with experts and draws on content from the Reformasi Weekly reports, produced for subscribers since 2003.
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We love the Christian Reformed Church; we want to see reformation in our denomination; and we recognize that reformation is typically messy. So, we’re having conversations with pastors throughout the CRC about what reformation might look like.
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Púlpito Reformado Semanal con el Pastor Carlos Cruz Moya
© Calvary Evangelistic Mission, Inc. Copying and sharing is encouraged.
El programa en vivo de los sábados con el pastor Carlos Cruz Moya en la Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada de San Juan. Para mas información, llama la iglesia a los (787)-649-8253 / (787) 410-7899 o visíte Carlos Cruz Moya también es anfitrión del programa "Púlpito Reformado" en vivo los sábados a las 8 p.m. en La Roca.
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Sermons preached at Reformation Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Olympia, WA.
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Sunday School lessons taught at Reformation Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Olympia, WA.
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The newest sermons from Iglesia Bautista de North Bergen on SermonAudio.
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The Hussite Wars from 1419 to 1435 tore apart the medieval world. This revolution created a new way to think about the world and about faith that had not been seen before, nor had anyone seen jan Zizka's deadly military inventions
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This is the sermon ministry of Reformata Baptist Church.
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Podcast for Cultural Reformation, thinking about culture in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Welcome to Kingdom Reformation with Glenn Bleakney, your go-to podcast for in-depth discussions on all things related to the Kingdom of God, revival, reformation, discipleship, and leadership. Dive deep into the wineskins and ways of New Testament ministry as we explore the power and purpose of the fivefold ministry in today’s world. Join Glenn and special guests as they uncover prophetic insights and practical teachings that will empower you to walk in Kingdom authority and bring transforma ...
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Predicaciones de la Iglesia Bautista Reformada de Madrid, España, para el crecimiento espiritual de la iglesia en la vida común. Puedes encontrar más información en la página web:
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Worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in truth
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The Reformatory is the podcast for the local church and by the local church. Hosted by Josh Lofthus and Jack Barry. JOIN ALL ACCESS: Website: Facebook: Twitter:
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Reformados es un podcast dedicado principalmente a las Escrituras y ser afectados por ella
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The Quiet Reformation is a space of listening for God through the Bible and the Body of Christ, desiring change in the Church, but without the chaos. This podcast is a small part of the ministry of Netzer. Netzer works intimately with Christian leaders and speaks widely to the Church at large about spiritual renewal. We are a donor supported 501c3 ministry. Please visit to donate and find out more. // Tim Doering (vision+networking) and Justin Ryan Boyer (producer)
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The Reformation
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A Dunántúli Református Egyházkerület és a Pápai Református Teológiai Akadémia által szervezett Dunántúli Református Akadémia előadásai
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Canal de Podcast da Igreja Reformare em Teresópolis
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Sermons from Reformation church
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Pregação Expositiva - TEOLOGIA DA REFORMA.
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Podcast relacionado a Cosmovisão Cristã, Teologia Reformada Presbiteriana.
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Reformationen och hur det påverkar oss idag
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Ezek a Csillaghegyi Református Gyülekezet hivatalos felvételei az Istentiszteletekről, zenei betétekkel együtt.Kövess minket, ne maradj le egyetlen vasárnapi igehirdetésünkről sem!Lelkipásztorunk: Battyányi Géza
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The latest podcast feed searching 'Reformation' on SermonAudio.
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Irmãos e amigos. Ministros da palavra dialogando sobre textos bíblicos e reformados. Links: e Contato: e
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The Reformation of Oz aims to spread Reformed Teaching & preaching from Australia to Australia & the world.
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Como filhos de Deus, nos submetemos sem reservas ao Seu bom governo. Anunciar o evangelho da Graça ao maior número possível de pessoas; cuidar, ensinar, treinar e enviar aqueles que, soberanamente, forem sendo acrescentados à família de Deus!
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Sermons from Sunday gatherings at Reformation Lutheran Church in Philadelphia PA.
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Exposições realizadas na Igreja Batista Reformada em São Luís.
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Listen as Zach & J.C. discuss some of the lesser-known elements of reformation history and theology.
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The podcast that delves into the riches of Reformational Anglicanism for the good of the church today.
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A podcast that promotes a disciplined and meaningful approach to wellness and ambition.
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Cambios a la reforma fiscal 2019 y cumplimiento fiscal con INADEM
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Esta es la información que encontrarás este martes 12 de marzo en Desafía CANADÁ y TRUMP lo dobla Presumen que invierten en eu más que en MÉXICO Ahora encuentran en REYNOSA campo de exterminio Dice SEP: pisa es por decisión... Pero juez lo ordenó Toma mexicano volante de NISSAN
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Ps. Jimmy Roblero - Serie: El Evangelio de Mateo, El Rey Prometido. La idea de un Mesías manso que guiara a un pueblo manso estaba muy lejos de su mente. La humildad no entraba en su evacuación mesiánica.
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It's important to realize that when we care for people, we should do so with the understand that they are individuals and not all the same. REFORMATORY SHIRTS: JOIN THE PODLUCK: Visit us here: https://www.r…
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In this episode of the Podcast for Cultural Reformation, Pastor Nate Wright and Dr. Joe Boot think Christianly about Donald Trump's recent Joint Session Address. Episode Resources: Subscribe to our Rumble Channel - The WAIT is OVER!!! Pre-order your copy of the NEW updated a…
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In dieser Podcast-Episode präsentieren wir Ihnen den Artikel Musik im Gottesdienst von Benjamin Depner, erschienen in der Zeitschrift Bekennende Kirche (Heft BK 96, 2024). Der Beitrag untersucht die biblischen und theologischen Grundlagen des Gemeindegesangs und beleuchtet die Bedeutung der Musik im Gottesdienst. Depner geht auf historische Entwick…
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On 31st of October 1517 a hitherto unknown professor at the smallish university of Wittenberg published 95 theses. And by doing so, he unleashed a sequence of events that would fundamentally change the face of Europe and still defines communities and nations. The interesting question about the 95 theses is not why Luther rote them, but why they had…
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Por Resistance and Reformation
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Esta es la información que encontrarás este martes 11 de marzo en Aplicarán PISA ¡ por obligación ! Aumentan precios del café y cacao Tumban bolsas planes de TRUMP
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Por Andrés Gutiérrez
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Faith Anderson and Mark Reynolds explore Glenn Bleakney's book "Three Ways to Discern if God is Leading You in a New Direction," discussing how to recognize divine guidance amid life's uncertainties. Book available at: Key points: While we easily recognize temptations, we often miss God's subtle nudges toward new paths The "d…
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Por Andrés Gutiérrez
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Por Ariel Rodríguez Díaz
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When God Tears Churches to the Ground: Dealing With a Leprous House
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1:16:10Leprosy in the Bible was a picture of sin. And God uses it many times throughout the Old and New Testament to help us to think about different types of sin and the redeeming work of Christ.Recently we did a podcast on reading the Old Testament and how we should think abut the types and shadows whose substance has come in Christ. Leprosy, which was …
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Pastor Isaiah's series introduction teachings on "Angels"Por Isaiah Rugnao
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1 Corinthians 7:25-40Por Antonio Rugnao
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Join and Support us on Substack: Check out the Abide Project: We love the Christian Reformed Church; we want to see reformation in our denomination; and we recognize that reformation is typically messy. So, we’re having conversations with pastors throughout the CRC about what reformation…
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In this illuminating episode of Kingdom Reformation, Glenn Bleakney explores the profound connection between the Hebrew letter Hei (ה) and the fivefold ministry described in Ephesians 4:11. Discover how this fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet—representing revelation, divine breath, and the window between worlds—perfectly mirrors God's design for e…
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The time spent waiting for Jesus’ return should be spent learning to subdue your selfishness and serving others whether they be inside the church or out. The Beginning… and the End Arm Yourselves (vv.1-2) The Temptation to Live for Self (vv. 3-6) The Call to Live for God (vv. 7-11) Discussion Starters Monday—Whom did Satan tell Eve to serve in the …
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Por John Buma
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Por Andrés Gutiérrez
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29- Cómo orar bíblicamente
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1:02:42Si no oras de acuerdo a la Voluntad de Dios, estás perdiendo el tiempo.Por Pastor B. Lozano
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Por Joshua Schwisow
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Por Joshua Schwisow
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No se trata de si recibes poco o mucho, si no de qué haces con lo que recibistePor Valentin Dochita
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Por Gabe Rogers
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The Holiness of the Offerings
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1:22:33God continues to give restrictions to the priests, because it is not about them. It is about the holy things of God and profaning His name. When things are dedicated to the Lord, they are not to be defiled by uncleanness because that profanes the name of the Lord. The priest that is caught doing that is to be cut off from His people, meaning that i…
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Por Todd Strawser
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29- Cómo orar bíblicamente
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1:02:42Si no oras de acuerdo a la Voluntad de Dios, estás perdiendo el tiempo.Por Pastor B. Lozano
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09 MARCH 2025 Service
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1:15:30Por Pastor Ken Whitney
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Por Pastor Ken Whitney
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Por Andrew Chang
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No se trata de si recibes poco o mucho, si no de qué haces con lo que recibistePor Valentin Dochita
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Por Gabe Rogers
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Zealous For Gods Kingdom - Elder Andrew Beattie New King James Version Matthew 5:6 Titus 2:11-14 Proverbs 23:17 For more from Reformation Church please visit: Reformation Church
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How do we handle conflict biblically and not let our anger boil over into ungodliness and works of the flesh? How do we fight for unity and peace even in the midst of argument so that our marriages, family, and churches are not torn apart by sin and division?Por Cole Shinall
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Por Pastor Carlos Cruz Moya
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In a day and age when the presence of paternal influence is notably lacking, apostolic leaders face an undeniable and urgent need to transcend their conventional roles as mere leaders. Now, more than ever, they must fully embrace their true calling as spiritual fathers, offering guidance, nurturing, and unwavering care that can only be provided by …
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Esta es la información que encontrarás este 7 de marzo en Dan tregua temporal a aranceles, pero inversión queda en vilo Pega arancel a 10% de exportaciones Aumenta rechazo a ley del ISSSTE Indagan liga de político con jóvenes masacrados
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Esta es la información que encontrarás este miércoles 6 de marzo en Y TRUMP no cede en aranceles Pausa EU envío de inteligencia a UCRANIA Ofrece CCE frente común ante EU PEMEX busca ampliar mercado en ASIA y EUROPA
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Esta es la información que encontrarás este miércoles 5 de marzo en Insiste TRUMP en aranceles, se complica acuerdo No entendemos aplicación de aranceles, dice SHEINBAUM Frenan envío de mercancías Dobla TRUMP a ZELENSKY
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In this episode of the Podcast for Cultural Reformation, Dr. Joe Boot is joined by Ezra Fellow P. Andrew Sandlin to talk about Judaism. Episode Resources: Subscribe to our Rumble Channel -; CHAPTERS:00:00 Cold Open: Judaism04:52 ReformCon '25 AD05:40 Intro06:04 Welcome07:28 Understanding Judaism09:13 Theological Refle…
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Georg Huntemann betont in diesem Auszug aus einer Predigt über Jeremia 32,33: "Sie haben mir den Rücken zugewandt und nicht das Angesicht" die Notwendigkeit, dass sich ein Volk und seine Politiker dem Wort Gottes zuwenden müssen. Er weist zeigt anhand einiger Beispiele, dass dies in der politischen Praxis nicht der Fall ist, sondern dass die Gesell…
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Por Resistance and Reformation
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Esta es la información que encontrarás este martes 4 de marzo en Encuentran en puebla 8 jóvenes desmembrados Mandan al toro FÉLIX SALGADO al corral Cumple TRUMP amenaza: quita ayuda militar a UCRANIA
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Is Cremation a Sin?
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1:07:47In the 1960s, less than 4% of bodies were cremated. Now, it is about 2 out of 3 and by 2040, it is expected to be around 80%. Much of that is driven by the rising cost of funerals, since the burial plot is expensive and you can send a significant amount of money on a nice casket. On average, a cremation probably costs half of the cost of a burial. …
continue reading Scripture Reading | Genesis 3:, Matthew 4, Psalm 32 Worksheet: Closing Music: Psalm 32 (Poor Bishop Hooper) ^^^^^^^ The Quiet Reformation is a space of listening for God through the Bible and the Body of Christ, desiring change in…
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