It is our mission to help people become faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Lead Pastor Shawn Peterson, preaches from God’s Word and brings practical application to deepen and grow our faith. Everyone is welcome because nobody is perfect, and God has great plans for your life!
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This series invites us to see Jesus clearly through episodes of His life, showing how misunderstanding Him leads to fear, but seeing Him rightly brings faith, trust, and transformation.
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God expects us to wisely steward our time and talents, using them to serve others and build His Kingdom. We'll explore how to adapt to life’s seasons, prioritize rest, and invest our gifts for His glory.
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The Parable of the Talents challenges us to steward our gifts—time, resources, and abilities—for His glory. We'll discover how to invest wisely for His kingdom.
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As we wrap up our Jonah series, we see God’s relentless grace. Jonah ran, but God pursued. Jesus fulfilled the mission Jonah resisted—bringing salvation to all. Let’s live out His calling!
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God’s loving-kindness and patience shine through the book of Jonah. Despite Nineveh’s wickedness, God extends mercy when they repent. His steadfast love remains unchanging, inviting all to receive it.
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Jonah ran from God, blaming others for his anger. But God exposed his heart problem—idolatry of power and control. Like Jonah, we must confess, repent, and surrender to God's transforming grace.
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Jonah obeys God’s call to Nineveh, proclaiming judgment. The people, including the king, repent, and God relents. It highlights repentance, God’s grace, and the importance of saying "yes" to His call.
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God pursues Jonah in grace, showing us His relentless love even when we run. When we say "yes" to His call, we can experience joy, purpose, and transformation.
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Jonah’s story reminds us that God’s Word remains timeless and relevant. We see humanity’s tendency to run, God’s relentless pursuit through life’s storms, and His transformative grace for all.Por Shawn Peterson
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God often calls His people to assignments that challenge our understanding. This week, we explore Jonah’s response to God’s call, which provokes us to view our callings from God’s perspective, embrace His purposes, and trust His leading.
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This sermon encourages us to embrace a new schedule for the new year, prioritizing wisdom, intentionality, and focus. It emphasizes slowing down, managing time wisely, and seeking purpose, gratitude, relationships, and spiritual growth.
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This sermon emphasizes how the Bible enhances our perspective by helping us see others, Jesus, ourselves, and our mission more clearly.
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Discover the joy, peace, and hope that come from trusting Jesus this Christmas. Join us as we explore how His love transforms our lives and fills our hearts completely.
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Jesus’ perfect love is revealed through His choice to enter a broken world, pursue broken people, and offer life to everyone. We can experience true hope, joy, and peace by trusting in Him.
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Jesus, the source of true peace, reconciles us with God through His sacrifice. When we trust in Him, we experience unshakeable peace and calm in the storms in life.
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Hope is a gift that sustains, strengthens, and uplifts. True hope is found in trusting God’s unchanging promises, not fleeting worldly circumstances. As we anchor our hearts in Him, He fills us with joy and peace, empowering us to overflow with hope.
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Knowing God the way our hearts were designed to know Him can transform our gratitude into a sin-conquering force. We can learn to give thanks to God because He is good, regardless of our circumstances.
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In this final sermon on Ephesians 6:10-18, we explore the Sword of the Spirit, which is God's Word. We discover how to wield Scripture offensively to defeat spiritual attacks.
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In our spiritual battles, the helmet of salvation protects our minds, ensuring confidence in our salvation through Jesus. As we stand firm, praying and loving, we guard against doubt and discouragement.
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The lies of Satan come flying at us like flaming darts seeking to knock us down and draw our attention and affection away from God. God has given us Himself and the truths of the Gospel as a shield against the lies of the enemy.
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In Ephesians 6:15, we look at the power of spiritual traction, protection, and mobility through the “shoes of peace”. We learn how the gospel of peace equips us with spiritual readiness to navigate life’s challenges with agility.
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In Ephesians 6:10-18 Paul urges believers to prepare for spiritual warfare by putting on the full armor of God.
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In Ephesians 6:10-20, Paul tells the Church that we are in a very real battle, against a very real and powerful enemy. As we stand in the truth of God, we devote ourselves to prayer and push back against the evil forces against us.
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The final sermon in this series reminds us to trust God in our waiting, knowing He refines our hearts. Trust is built on His infinite power, perfect love, omniscience, and sovereign rule, leading us into deeper relationship and surrender.
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Drawing from Psalm 57, we can follow David's example of how to intercede regularly. We turn to God, frame our circumstances through His character, be honest in our lament, and seek His glory in our waiting.
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John 15 shows that abiding in Christ strengthens our connection with Him, turning waiting into spiritual growth. Through this, we experience God’s love, joy, and pruning, prioritizing connection over production.
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In moments of waiting, we often face temptations like grumbling and despair. Drawing from Israel’s experience in Exodus, we'll explore how to trust God, resist negativity, and embrace His guidance.
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This five-week sermon series, WAIT, explores how biblical waiting deepens our trust in God amidst life’s challenges. As God works, we’ll discover how to lean on Him and increase our faith.
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Words have the power to create, harm, and heal. As we seek wisdom in our speech, we recognize that true transformation comes from a heart changed by Jesus, leading to words that bring life, peace, and encouragement to others.
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In Proverbs, Solomon provides a comprehensive view of money, highlighting its inherent goodness, the spiritual risks associated with it, and the value that God’s people should place on it.
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Pride is a sneaky sin, subtly leading to self-destruction. Pride is being consumed with yourself but true freedom and joy come from humility and surrendering to God.
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Envy rots us psychologically, socially, and spiritually. Freedom comes through a profound encounter with God, shifting our desires and finding contentment in His presence and guidance.
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In Proverbs 5, we look at God’s design for our sexuality. It should cause us to marvel at Jesus because all its pleasures point to the glorious One who made them.
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Anger is a powerful emotional response when what we love is threatened. Slow to anger is even used by God to describe His character! But somewhere along the way, our disordered loves tempt us to use anger to protect ourselves.
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In Proverbs 3:1-12, we learn that trusting in Jesus, who embodies perfect wisdom, is key to growing in wisdom. This growth happens as we walk the path of life, embracing God's love, self-awareness, wise companionship, God's truth, and His discipline.
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This begins our 9-week journey to seek wisdom, explore its value, and uncover unexpected facets. We aim to understand and embody Christlike wisdom, navigating life's complexities with insight, prudence, and action.
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As we conclude our 16-week journey through Ephesians, we focus on Paul's final message of peace, love, and grace. We discover how Paul's contentment, faith, and encouragement can inspire us today.
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Ephesians 6:10-20 emphasizes the importance of spiritual strength and armor to stand firm against evil. It encourages believers to put on the full armor of God to remain vigilant and resilient in spiritual as well as life battles.
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In Ephesians 6:1-4, Paul explains how the home is to be the primary formational force on children, and gives instructions for gospel-centered families, through obedience and discipleship.
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This week we look at Ephesians 5:21-33. Focusing on the Christian household, we’ll see how love and submission, when rooted in Christ, pave the way to unity and reflect God's plan to unite all things.
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Ephesians 5:1-20 encourages believers to imitate God by living in love, avoiding darkness, and embracing the light of righteousness. Becoming an imitator of God includes growing in inner confidence and Warmth
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In Ephesians 4:17-32, we discover our true identity in Christ. We’re encouraged to embrace the transformation from the old self to the new self, living in the love, grace, and righteousness of Jesus.
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Ephesians 4 portrays marks of a healthy church: unified through humility, gentleness, patience, and love; diverse in roles and gifts; and maturing collectively toward Christlikeness.
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In Ephesians 3, Paul prays for Christians to move beyond surface faith, embracing the depth of Christ's love and power. He prays for inner strength, Christ dwelling, understanding love, and fullness of God.
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This week we look at God’s design for whole-heart work, examining the purpose, identity, and approach to work from a biblical perspective. God created people to create, protect, and use our minds and hands to serve.
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We look at various proverbs to discern God’s design for whole-hearted friendships. We discover friendships through availability, emotional connection, heartfelt counsel, and truthfulness, all rooted in the example of Jesus.
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Based on Ephesians 5, we look at God's blueprint for redeemed marriages, exploring the original design of marriage, the influence of sin, and the roles of husbands and wives in loving leadership and submissive support.
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We look at Psalm 107 to see what kind of relationship God wants with us. As we ponder His steadfast love, our response is to love God with our whole heart, mind, and strength.
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