Continually Planting with the Gospel
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FMヨコハマ「God Bless Saturday」内人気コーナー「KIRIN PARK CITY YOKOHAMA」オンエア時のスタジオの模様をお届け。
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The Canyons Ski Resort Video Podcasts
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The Regrowth Project is a podcast series hosted by London National Park City. The aim of the series is to inspire ideas and thinking about nature, the environment, and sustainability as we come out of lockdown - looking back to the year that we’ve had, thinking about shifts in behaviour and perceptions, and inspiring action in how we approach the future.
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UTSA Citymester Program is focused on further developing students and their potential through engaging them through internships, service learning projects, and networking opportunities with community partners of the San Antonio area. Confluence Park is an interactive, environmental education project that has received national recognition for it's architecture. The park which opened in March 2018 has already helped more than 60 non-profits in the area and has assisted more than 350 programs.
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Complementary New Testament Passage:Mark 4:35-41Sermon Outline:1. Send to Preach to Enemies2. Found by the Judgement of God3. The Sea of God's wrath satisfied by one manFamily Discussion Questions:Where did God tell Jonah to go?Why did Jonah not want to do that?What did Jonah try to do instead?What happened to the storm when Jonah was thrown into t…
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Sermon Outline:1. The Lord had pity for the cursed2. God will pour His Spirit on all flesh3. The Whole Earth will Face GodFamily Discussion Questions:What bad thing had just happened to Gods people before Joel gave them this message?Why did God show them mercy?What does this part of the Bible tell us that the new earth will be like?After Jesus came…
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Complementary New Testament Passage:Revelation 9:1-12Sermon Title:Locusts, Loud Trumpets, Lament, and the Lords DaySermon Outline:The Destruction of the Curse of SinLament toward GodThe Day of the Lord is NearHow to Return to the LordFamily Discussion Questions:What terrible thing happened to the land of Israel that Joel tells us about?What parts o…
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Complementary OldTestament Passage:Isaiah 58:1-11Sermon outline:A love for the brethren is a gift that God gives his childrenLove is an action, not simply a feelingEvidence of children of the devil: behaving like Cain who hates righteous deedsEvidence of children of God, want to be like the good brother, ChristFamily Discussion questions:What bad t…
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Complementary New Testament Passage:Revelation 11:15-19Sermon Outline:Despising Gods people will bring Edom lowHow Edom despised Gods peopleThe day of the Lord is near on all the nationsFamily Discussion Questions:Which man did the people of Edom come from?Who was Esaus brother?When Israel was being attacked, what did Edom do?What did Edom boast in…
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Complementary Old Testament Passage:Isaiah 43:1-15Sermon Outline:Faith Flowers into FellowshipChrist compels us to obeyAs you have received, so shareFamily Discussion QuestionsWho was Philemon and how did he know Paul?Who was Onesimus and how did he know Paul?What changes in a person when they trust in Jesus?Which authorities has God placed in our …
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Sermon Outline:There are many true churches, yet only one true churchThe Old and New Testaments are the rule and unity between the churchesGrace is multi-factor authenticated.Family Discussion Questions:Why is it important to remember that the church is Jesus only wife?Are people who trust in Jesus but go to a different church still Christians?Why …
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Complimentary Old Testament Passage:Psalm 122Sermon Outline:The nature of Christian affectionAffection for Faithful PastorsAffection for faithful brothers and sistersFamily Discussion Questions:How are Christians supposed to help other Christians follow Jesus?What is the difference between a pastor and someone who God used to write the Bible?Why is…
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Complementary Old Testament Passage:Proverbs 16Sermon Outline:Use time wisely with those outside the family of GodYour words must always have the intention of blessing othersBe ready to respond to every personFamily Discussion Questions:Who does the Bible say are in Gods family?Are people who are in Gods family better than other people?Why should w…
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Family Discussion Questions:Who should we pray to?What are things that we can thank God for when we pray?Who can you pray for that they would trust in Jesus?Who can you pray for that God would help them tell people about Jesus?What does it mean to be steadfast in prayer?Why does prayer require perseverance?How is thankful prayer a watchful thing?Wh…
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Complementary Old Testament Scripture Passage:Exodus 6:1-13Sermon Outline:Seek FreedomObey your earthly lordsWork for your Lord in heavenEarthly lords must be just and fairObey your Lord in heavenOut only comfort in life and in death is to belong to the Lord Jesus ChristFamily Discussion Questions:What was the punishment for stealing a person to ma…
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Complementary Old Testament Passage:Proverbs 17Sermon Outline:1. Gods intentional Gospel design for generations2. Children obey your parents for this pleases the Lord3. Fathers do not provoke your children4. Focus on when they will be oldFamily Discussion Questions:1. Not everyone is Gods child - who is?2. What did Jesus do so that we can be Gods c…
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Complementary New Testament Passage:Acts 2:22-41Sermon Outline:A King who will not neglect his DutyA King exposed to Gods judgmentA King with the enduring Love of the LordFamily Discussion Questions:What should David have been doing instead of taking his neighbours wife?What was special about Bathshebas husband?How did David try to cover up his sin…
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Complimentary New Testament Passage:Matthew 1:1-17Sermon Outline:A woman shamed by shameless menA man shamed by a shameless womanThe Grace of Eves promised Son redeems and transformsFamily Discussion Questions:Did the family that Jesus came from include only good people?Is it ok to sin because someone else sinned first?Have you ever felt ashamed of…
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Complementary New Testament Passage:Hebrews 13:29-31Sermon Title:That Saved a Wretch Like meSermon Outline:The Son of David was Born to Inherit the NationsManmade Religion is ProstitutionFlee the Doomed Kingdom of the World and Hide in the LambFamily Discussion Questions:Who was Rahab?Who was Rahabs son?What was different about Rahab compared to th…
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Sermon Outline:Do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus with thanks to GodWives, submit to your husbands as is fitting in the LordHusbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with themFamily Discussion Questions:In a marriage, whose role is meant to represent Christ?In a marriage, whose role is meant to represent the Church?How are Jesus and th…
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Complementary Old Testament Passage:Psalm 138Sermon Outline:Let the peace of Christ rule in youLet the word of Christ dwell in youDo all things in name of The Lord JesusFamily Discussion Questions:Why do Christians have peace with God?What is the body of Christ?Who should share the Bible?What are different ways to share the bible?What should we sin…
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Old Testament Complimentary Passage:Deuteronomy 7:6-11Sermon Outline:In love, God chose you to be holyPut on Gods heart toward sinnersPut on Gods forgiveness of sinnersLove completes the outfitFamily Discussion Questions:Does God pick people who are better than others?Does God love Christians because we are better than others?What does it mean to b…
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Sermon Outline:Put to death what is earthlyPut off the clothing of your old lifePut on Christ as your new identityFamily Discussion Questions:Why are Christians supposed to act differently?What are some actions which Christians should not do?What is the most important thing about a person?In what ways is the wrath of God a motivation for us to put …
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Complementary Old Testament Passage:Psalm 31Sermon Outline:In Christ you died to man-made religionIn Christ you were raised, so seek the things aboveWhen Christ appears, then you will appear with him in gloryFamily Discussion Questions:Where is Jesus now and what is he doing?How does Jesus death help us?How does Jesus resurrection help us?How does …
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Complementary Old Testement Passage: Ezekiel 13:1-7Sermon Outline:1. God wont condemn you for loving Christ more than His shadow2. Do not let inflated religious practices disqualify you3. Remain connected to the Head and the body for healthy growthFamily Discussion Questions:1. What were some of the special food and celebration rules in the Old Tes…
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Sermon Outline:1. When you were at your worst, you received all of Christ2. The Laws ability to condemn a Christian is cancelled by Christ3. Satan and his hosts were already disarmed by Christ at the crossFamily Discussion Questions:1. How does the Bible describe someone who is not yet a Christian?2. How close does the Bible tell us that a Christia…
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Sermon Outline:Thankfully continue in ChristDo not be taken captiveAnti-captivity armourFamily Discussion Questions:What can you say thank you to God for?What is special about Jesus that gives us reason to say thank you to him for saving us?Why should we not stop trusting in Jesus?Does God ever change?What does baptism mean?What did Jesus death do …
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Sermon Outline:1.Gods completed Word unites the church in love2.Pursue full Assurance in Christ3.All of Gods treasures are hidden in Christ4.Grounded, not gullibleFamily Discussion Questions:1.How can we make sure we are not tricked by lies about God?2.When was the bible completed?3.How dis Jesus do so that we can besurewe are saved?4.How do we kno…
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Sermon Outline:Christ made sure that the Word of God would be complete when the church was establishedThe Word of God is made complete with Christ in us, the hope of gloryPresenting the church mature in Christ by proclaiming ChristFamily Discussion Questions:How did Jesus suffer for the church?How did the Apostles suffer to get the Gospel to the ch…
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Complementary Old Testament Reading:Psalm 84Sermon outline:1.Apart from Christ all humans are in a state of war with God2.Christ has reconciled the church in his body by his death3.Reconciliation to God is only for those who faith remains in the one unchanging GospelFamily Discussion Questions:1. Are people born as Gods children or his enemies?2. H…
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Sermon Outline:1. Jesus is the only head of the church, his body2. Jesus is the firstborn from the dead3. In Christ is the fulness of God4. Christ reconciles all things to himself by the blood of his crossFamily Discussion Questions:1. Who is the head of the church?2. Why is it good that God says the church is the body of Jesus?3. Is Jesus only par…
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Sermon Outline:1. Jesus is the image of the invisible God2. Jesus is the rightful heir of all creation3. All things were made by Jesus4. All things were made for Jesus5. Jesus holds all things togetherFamily Discussion Questions:1.What does it mean that God is invisible?2. In the Bible firstborn doesnt just mean oldest - what else does it mean?3. W…
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Por Jordan Vetro
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Pastor Joel from Grace Point ChurchComplementary Scripture passage from the Old Testiment: Joshua 1:1-9
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Sermon Outline:Confident in our Adoption 1-2Faith hope and love 3-5aThe one and only true Gospel 5b-6A faithful pastor 7-8Family Discussion Questions:Who wrote the book of Colossians?What is a saint?What does faith in Jesus mean?How does loving Christians show that you trust in Jesus?How does the hope in heaven help us to love Christians?How many t…
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Complementary Old Testament Passage:Isaiah 55Sermon Title:Kingdom TreasureSermon Outline:1.What is the kingdom of heaven?2. Why use parables?3. The parable of the hidden treasure (v 44)4. The parable of the pearl of great value (vv 45-46)Family Discussion Questions:1. What do you picture when you hear the phrase, "kingdom of heaven"?2. Based on the…
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Complimentary New Testament Reading:Acts 1:6-11Sermon Outline:Christ ascended to heaven with his human body and human soulJesus reigns now for Gods glory and the good of the churchJesus serves as your priest in heaven nowFrom Heaven Christ will come to judge the nationsChrist will not relentFamily Discussion Questions:Where did the disciples see Je…
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Complimentary Old Testament Passage:Isaiah 49:1-7Sermon Outline:1. The Gospel was testified by the Prophets and Apostles2. The Gospel is the repentance and forgiveness of sins in Jesus Name3. The Spirit of God will make sure the Gospel is successfully delivered to all nationsFamily Discussion Questions:1. What did Jesus do to prove that he was real…
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Sermon Outline:The Gospel of Christ is an historical eventThe Events of the Gospel were predicted long before they happenedHow Christ makes himself knownFamily Discussion Questions:What things did Jesus do that made the 2 men walking down the road think he was the Messiah?What were the disciples hoping Jesus would do?Why were these disciples sad?Wh…
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Sermon Outline:Personally called by the voice of the Good ShepherdCalled from cruel rule to the kind kingCalled to Christ our brother and God our FatherFamily Discussion Questions:Who was the first person to see Jesus after he rose from the dead?Was Mary Magdalene a pretty good person before Jesus saved her?Why is it good that Jesus is our King?Why…
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Sermon Outline:The Resurrection is ShockingThe Resurrection of the Body is Good news for sinnersThe First Day of the Week is the day of our RestFamily Discussion Questions:Which people were the first to see the empty grave of Jesus?Why were they going to the grave?Who did they see when they went into the grave?Why were they afraid?What did the ange…
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Sermon Outline:1. The death of Christians is confirmed2. The sanctification of Christian graves is confirmed3. Christian courage is confirmedFamily Discussion Questions:1. Who made sure that Jesus was dead before taking him off the cross?2. What was the name of the man who asked if he could bury Jesus?3. What kind of a grave was Jesus body placed i…
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Sermon Outline:1. Jesus experienced being forsaken by God2. Jesus death saves His people from being forsaken by God3. The witnesses declare that this man is the Son of GodFamily Discussion Questions1. When Jesus was hanging on the cross, what did God do to the sky?2. What did Jesus cry out between noon and 3pm?3. What did the people around him say …
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Sermon Outline:1. Jesus bore our shame2. The shaming of Jesus was universal3. Jesus is the King of GloryFamily Discussion Questions:1. Where did the Roman soldiers mock Jesus?2. How did the Roman soldiers mock Jesus?3. Where was Jesus crucified?4. What did the soldiers do while Jesus was hanging on the cross?5. Who was Jesus crucified with?6. What …
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Complimentary Passage:Isaiah 6Por Darrell Young
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Sermon Outline:1.Christ was Condemned by the Pagan World2.Christ is the King of the whole world3.The righteous for the unrighteousFamily Discussion Questions:4.Who did the priests hand Jesus over to?5.What did Pilate ask Jesus and how did Jesus respond?6.What did Pilate offer the Jewish people in an exchange?7.Did Pilate think Jesus was guilty or i…
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Complimentary Old Testament Scripture Passage: Psalm 51Sermon Outline:1.Denial of Christ is a most grievous sin2.Count the cost of faithfulness because temptation and sin grow3.Rejoice and tremble at the Spirits painful work to bring repentanceFamily Discussion Questions:4.Who was the first person to recognize Peter around the fire?5.Why did Peter …
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Complimentary OT Passage: Leviticus 22:17-25Sermon Outline:1.Christ was condemned by false witnesses2.Christ did not speak in His own defence3.Christ is the Judge of those standing in judgement against Him4.Christ was accused of blasphemy, received blasphemy, and died for blasphemersFamily Discussion Questions:Which people questioned Jesus after he…
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Sermon Outline:Human power and cunning were not necessary to arrest JesusHuman power and cunning are not necessary to make Jesus KingThe Kingdom of God does not depend on the strength of its citizensFamily Discussions:What kind of crowd came to arrest Jesus?How was Judas going to show the crowd which one was Jesus?Did the crowd actually need the sw…
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Sermon Outline:The Lord was a weak humanThe Lord submitted to the will of God though it caused Him great distressWatch and pray so you do not forget your weakness and the Lords strength- Family Discussion questions -*For use within the church family to discuss and apply, AND for parents to debrief with their children to underscore understanding*Aft…
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Sermon Bible Text:Mark 14:26-31Complementary Old Testament Reading:Zechariah 13:7-9Sermon Title:The Stricken Good Shepherd and His easily scattered sheepSermon Outline:Only the Shepherd would take the crossThe Sheep would also be stricken because of the cross of ChristChrist restores his fallen sheepFamily Discussion Questions:What did Jesus do wit…
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Sermon outline:Jesus offers to you His BodyJesus offers to you His BloodJesus offers Communion to churchesJesus offers to you a feastFamily Discussion Questions:What meal were Jesus and the disciples sitting down for when Jesus gave the Lords Supper for the first time?How is eating and drinking like faith?What promise about Jesus body does the brea…
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Sermon Outline:1. Gods sovereign plan includes real human choices2. He includes those who long for his plan to be accomplished3. He includes those who do not love Him4. As our Messiah, it was necessary that Jesus was betrayed by a close friendFamily Discussion Questions:1. What celebration were the disciples supposed to prepare for?2. When was the …
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