A half hour of narrated mellow soundscapes to get stoned by. Well, maybe not "Stories" per se, but join Jason as he kicks back with you every week and maybe reads us a cookbook, or even the owner's manual on a... lawnmower. Join your Host Jason Eli of "Pick, Flip, and Drive" Fame for "Stories to get Stoned by." A little Background, Jason was getting done playing music in the band one night, he was hanging out in the back having a cigarette and bullshitting with the Boys a bit. As Jason was e ...
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This Episode celebrates poor former president George W. Bush's often, shall we say, unconventional use of the English language... Bushisms are statements, phrases, pronunciations, possible Freudian slips, misfired attempts at sarcasm, malapropisms, the creation of neologisms, spoonerisms, stunt words and ungrammatical subject–verb agreement, as wel…
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While some states are known for their food or architecture, Florida is known for the “Florida man.” Depending on what websites you frequent, you may or may not be familiar with the “Florida Man” meme. Over the years, people have noticed that the state of Florida is home to a particularly sordid and hilarious flavor of crime stories. So, sit back, r…
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Stories and old wife's tales have a way of sticking around... However, sometimes embellished and downright inaccurate, events get passed down along with history, masked as factual episodes. From whom built the Egyptian pyramids to what ninjas actually wore... And of course, there are those pesky common "Truths" we are all so guilty of blindly adher…
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There are so many amazing facts about beer that you probably don't know - and they'll definitely give you a deeper appreciation for this magical elixir. Where humans explored, beer followed. So, let's Pop a top and celebrate the world's oldest, and greatest beverage... Beer. Music bed from https://www.zapsplat.com Support this podcast at — https://…
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The Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians requires them to "do no harm." Nonetheless, as we can see from the rich history of medicine, this rule hasn't always been followed. From barbaric procedures such as lobotomy to eerie potions containing arsenic and heroin, we're relieved knowing that these things are not prescribed as valid treatments anymore…
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For as long as there has been alcohol, there have been hang-overs. So, what's a person to do to ward off that "Brown Bottle Flu"? Don't worry, Eli's got your back. Here are just a few of some of history's most absurd Hangover Cures from around the globe. Music bed from https://www.zapsplat.com Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/jason-e…
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From please and thank you to knowing which fork to use at a dinner party, manners are important. But back when etiquette reigned supreme, there were more than a few dos and don'ts that now seem utterly insane. From women wearing their hair to the *right* way to how to behave at a wedding, we're breaking down the weirdest etiquette advice from the p…
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For many postgraduate students, a Ph.D. thesis will be their magnum opus – the zenith of their academic achievement. And with such a significant amount of time and effort being invested, However left-field a particular subject might seem, there are almost certainly countless other research papers that wipe the floor with it in the weirdness stakes.…
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Lets face it, Humans love to get high - and so it shouldn't be a shock that apparently our animal friends (and some not so friendly) Love To Get High as well. While we‘re always busy enjoying and exploring new ways to expand our minds, and pass the time, many animals have actually become very proficient stoners in their own right themselves, and in…
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In our last episode of "Stories to get Stoned By" we listed some of the stupidest crimes and criminals, but that got me thinking, Jason, what about we law abiding citizens with that strong moral compass? Let's face it, Two and a half centuries is a long time to be making laws and it's impossible to know all of them. So I decided to do my due dilige…
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Stupidity itself is not a crime, but stupid criminals, well, they do get their just rewards. These individuals attempted a life of crime, but their failed attempts taught them very quickly that it just wasn’t their calling in life... Some people are simply too stupid to pull off illegal acts successfully. Truly Stoopid Crimes, on stories to get sto…
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It seems manufacturers of consumer products have to be liberal with the warning labels these days, lest they get sued. For some of these warnings, it's hard to know whether the company in question is being outright facetious. Or maybe they're simply trying to protect those among us whose faculties may be impaired enough to actually need them? Sit b…
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The Best of Craigslist - The Old Standby for years... Craigslist... Kick back while Jason brings you, "The Best of Craigslist "... Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/jason-elis-stories-to-get-stoned-by/donationsPor SideShow Productions
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The Stoned Philosopher - Only cannabis, of course, can open the mind in the manner that it can. Even if some of the things cannabis connoisseurs ask may seem absurd at first, How else could you contemplate the big issues in life like "what is the point of my existence"? and other straightforward inquiries like, "If quizzes are quizzical, then what …
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Sexist print advertisements - In this episode of "Stories to Get Stoned By" join our host Jason Eli of "Pick, Flip, and Drive fame as he takes us for another ride in the "Way-Back Machine" this time however he's treading some dangerous waters.... Jason has dug up some of the MOST sexist print advertisements from the past and you won't believe your …
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Jason Eli's: "Stories to Get Stoned By" Episode Seven - Amana RadarRange Microwave instruction manual
Microwave instruction manual - In this episode of "Stories to Get Stoned By" our host Jason Eli of "Pick, Flip, and Drive Fame is giving the unsung hero of the hot pocket its due. The Miracle Molten Munchie Machine, that proud purveyor of popcorn. Thats right, the humble Microwave. But not just ANY microwave will do for this Episode. Jason has dug …
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The Lawnmower Manual - In this episode of "Stories to Get Stoned By" join our host Jason Eli of "Pick, Flip, and Drive fame as he heads to the yard, and gets on the Grass. Jason was once again called out by our "Friends of 420" subscribers to make good on his offer to read the owner's manual on the Sears 19" Rear Bagger Lawnmower. A full uninterrup…
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"String Theory": In this episode of "Stories to Get Stoned By" once again join our host Jason Eli of "Pick, Flip, and Drive fame as he enters into the deep realm of theoretical Physics. Subscriber "Jason G" from Great Falls Montana challenged and tasked our host Jason Eli to take on... "String Theory" Challange accepted. (Anything for a "Friend of …
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“Closer Than We Think” Past Predictions for the future? In this episode of "Stories to Get Stoned By" join our host Jason Eli of "Pick, Flip, and Drive fame as he takes us for another ride in the "Way-Back Machine". This time we're going way back, to the future? From 1958 to 1962, illustrator and futurist Arthur Radebaugh thrilled newspaper readers…
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Brownie recipes - It's time to BAKE! In this episode of "Stories to Get Stoned By", join Jason Eli as he helps us to pay homage to that sweet, angelic little brown square we all love and know as ... "The Brownie". A full uninterrupted half hour soundscape of some of the best Brownie recipes from around the web. Some recipes from major food company …
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Old Cigarette Ads - In this episode of "Stories to Get Stoned By" join Jason Eli as he Takes us for a ride in the "Way-Back Machine". Back to a time when a man wasn't a man if he didn't smoke. Did you know that 9 out of ten Doctors who smoke prefer Camels? An uninterrupted half hour of soundscape featuring some of the best old cigarette ads, So, si…
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Jason Eli's: "Stories To Get Stoned By" Episode One: Victor Welding, Cutting, and Heating Guide
Join Jason Eli and spark one up as he reads from the "Victor Welding, Cutting, and Heating Guide". An uninterrupted half hour of soothing soundscape to help you "Spark up" your evening. Who knows, maybe we will learn something this week? Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/jason-elis-stories-to-get-stoned-by/donations…
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You don't have to be a "Partaker in 4:20 " to appreciate. A full Half hour mellow soundscape of Jason just talking about, well, just about anything! Really. From Brownie recipes and String theory to the Best of Craigslist and vintage Cigarette ads and all points in between. Who knew the owner's manual on the 1987 Amana RadarRange microwave could be…
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