Weekly sermons from Grace Capital City, a church in Washington, DC - Partnering with God in establishing His Kingdom through the raising and releasing of disciples.
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In this message guest speaker, Katie Luse, offers some profound truth and revelation about the work of the Spirit in our lives through seasons of trial, disappointment and suffering. Not only is Holy Spirit with us in those moments, but some of the Spirits most important work can be done in these moments if we posture ourselves to His work. Katie i…
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Whether you know it or not, you are in a war. In Matthew chapter 12 verses 22-30, Jesus showcases the reality of spiritual warfare—a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Pastor Olu in this week’s sermon unpacks what it means to be engaged in Spiritual Warfare, how to recognize the enemy’s tactics, and how to walk in the vi…
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The gift of Tongues can be one of the misunderstood and confusing of the gifts, but also one of the most life giving. In this message Pastor Chris explores what the Bible says about the gift of Tongues, how it can play a role in our lives and what its purpose is in our walk with Christ.
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As we close out Black History Month, Pastor Chris teaches us on God’s heart for the nations, the beauty of diversity and creativity in the Kingdom and the unique contribution the Black Church had made to our faith.
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Does God speak? Is God still speaking? What does God's voice sound like? In this message, Pastor Holly challenges us to increase our awareness, expectation, and experience of hearing God's voice and using the gift of prophecy.
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As we continue in our Life in the Spirit series Pastor Chris begins unpacking the role that spiritual gifts can play in the life of a believer and how we can walk in them with joy, health and wisdom.
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Dr. Bob Roberts has been a powerful Kingdom voice for decades; planting churches, advocating for religious freedoms around the world and acting as a bridge builder between people of different faiths. In this message he teaches on the role of the Temple and what it means for us as followers of Jesus to carry the Presence of God with us at all times …
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The Presence of God is one of the most important, but also misunderstood themes in the Bible. In this message Pastor Chris unpacks the significance of God’s presence, how we can understand it, but most importantly how it can become a central part of our lives.
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In this new series "Life in the Spirit", Pastor Chris explores the nature and role of the Holy Spirit, and invites us all into a posture to learn to more fully receive from Holy Spirits work.
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A people who are grounded in the spirit of God and a people who are grounded in the truth of God. How can we be a people in 2025 who are grounding our hopes, identity and values in the unchanging goodness of God? Enjoy this message as Pastor Chris explores our word for the year!
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What is joy? How can joy strengthen us? And how can we make sure that our joy is rooted in the Lord? In this message, Hannah Martha Cohen Banks explores Nehemiah 8:10 and the access we have to joy through Jesus.
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How does the Tabernacle of the Old Testament become a prophetic picture of God’s final plans of incarnation in the New Testament? In this message Pastor Chris explores John 1 and what it truly means for Jesus to make his ‘Dwelling’ among us.
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This week, College and Justice Resident Faith Anderson teaches about the peace which comes from knowing God and His divine plan for those who love Him. The peace we experience in knowing and being known by God is a part of our inheritance as followers of Jesus.
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In this message Jeff and Grace Cecilia bring a powerful teaching and testimony on the role hope has played in their lives and family. For anyone struggling to hold onto hope this is a message you don’t want to miss.
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We live in a world steeped in the lure and even mythology of what it means to live as "free people". But what does God teach us about freedom? How do we truly exercise our freedoms and what does it actually mean to be free?
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Daniel Yang is the National Director of Churches of Welcome, which seeks to remind the church of our Biblical mandate to love and welcome immigrants and refugees in our midst. In this message he teaches from Revelation 2, the letter to the Church at Smyrna, and reminds us of the persecuted church across the globe. What can we learn from our brother…
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In this week's sermon, we continue our Fall series "The Promise and Problem of More," exploring Solomon's pursuit of satisfaction in riches and possession as captured in Ecclesiastes. Despite the unparalleled accumulation of treasure, Solomon found them empty and unfulfilling, highlighting the vanity of misplaced desires. Here we will contrast this…
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In a world that is continually pushing us into our polarized groups and encouraging us to view one another with distrust and suspicion, how can we learn to be a people that value first the Imago Dei in every person and refused to dehumanize one another to simply political identities?
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We live in a world ruled by earthly empires, but King Jesus constantly calls back to our allegiance first to his reign and his Kingdom. In this message Pastor Chris reminds us of how we can center our hearts on the Kingdom of God, while still living faithfully within the empires of this world.
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In Revelation 7 we get a beautiful prophetic picture of every tribe, tongue and nation gathered around the throne of Jesus bringing their unique gift of worship. We believe that even here on earth we have the opportunity to live into that reality. On Sunday, October 13, to celebrate and close out Hispanic Heritage Month, we had our first Hispanic W…
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In this message we get to hear from Ryan and Jenni Browne. The Brownes have been a key family to GCC since our launch, and just a few years ago launched internationally to serve the nation and people of Ethiopia. What God has continued to teach them about his heart for every person, how to continually prioritize his presence and how God has miracul…
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What is success? What is it not? Could it be that feeling or thought of failing, of being a failure, is actually the kindness of God - letting us feel so we know the success we’re seeking is actually a problem wrapped up in ourselves instead of receiving a promise centered on Him? Pastor Holly gives us an honest, challenging, and encouraging messag…
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We live in a world that is in many ways defined by power. People of power, structures of power, dynamics of power, acts of power. There are times when power is used for good, but it also doesn’t take us long to point to things we see or experience that represent power not used well. So what about Kingdom power? What is God’s vision of power? We kno…
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In this message Pastor Chris explores the Promise and Problem of more Comfort. Throughout the scriptures we read about God’s promise to be our comforter, we know that comfort is something we all crave and seek, but at the same time living lives that are entirely insulated by the pursuit of more comfort can rob us of the beautiful destiny we’re each…
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In this message Pastor Chris kicks off our new series exploring our 2024 word for the year, More. When it comes to pleasure if we’re honest, we’d all love a bit more! The world seems to promise us that we can live lives off endless pleasure, but yet those promises never seem to quite hit the mark. So how do we hold our desires and longings in a way…
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In this message, Pastor Chris explores the values of Worship, Family, and Justice, why they are so central to God’s call on our church, and the vision he has called us to pursue.Por Grace Capital City
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In this episode, you'll hear a few testimonies from members of our community who participated in the last Form cohort. To apply for the 2024-25 discipleship groups and more information visit our website.Por Grace Capital City
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In this sermon, our Justice & Operations Director Hannah Martha Cohen Banks asserts that Kingdom Service is the practice of putting ourselves in discomfort, submitting to the kingdom, so we can partner with the Spirit in the making of all things new and grow in Christlike humility.Por Grace Capital City
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In this message, Pastor Chris explores the spiritual discipline of Simplicity and how important it is to keep our hearts and minds centered on God’s best.Por Grace Capital City
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Even though it's one of the most beautiful, empowering, and freeing spiritual disciplines of our faith, Submission is often noted as the most misused and abused. In this message from Pastor Holly, she gently teaches on what submission is not, what Kingdom submission actually is, the limits of submission, and ways we can practice and grow in this di…
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In our new series, The Outward Disciplines, Pastor Olu explains the need for all of us to engage in these practices in order to continue developing lifestyles modeled after Jesus. Focusing on solitude, he encourages us through Luke 4:38-44, to have a regular rhythm in our lives where we are disconnecting from the crowds and clutter so we can connec…
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In this message, Pastor Chris explores Paul’s approach to mission through Acts 17. How do we approach our witness in a way that is truly good news for all people? In a way that invites and doesn’t alienate those who may not know Jesus as Lord?Por Grace Capital City
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Acts 16 is a reservoir of insights and encouragement for those who seek to follow Jesus and share His love, power, and wisdom with others along the way. Often overlooked, yet a cornerstone of missional effectiveness is prayer. In this week's sermon, Pastor Olu underscores the pivotal role of prayer in our spiritual life and service, as it opens our…
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In this week's sermon, Pastor Olu briefly explores a pivotal moment in the book of Acts, chapters 10 and 11, where the Holy Spirit challenges Peter to connect with those he typically wouldn't, revealing God's mission of inviting everyone to His table. We will also hear from key leaders from our community, Krista Kartson, Juddie Otieno, and Dan Drey…
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Pastor Holly dives into two stories in Acts 8 involving Philip, a newly appointed leader in the early church, and leads us to ask ourselves two big and important questions: Are we willing to be interrupted AND ALSO are we willing to be the interruption?Por Grace Capital City
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The story of Stephen in Acts 6 & 7 describes to us the persecution of the first martyr of the newly formed church. There’s so much we can learn from his witness and his faithfulness as it relates to persecution that we may experience in our own walk following Jesus. How do we remain as faith and effective witnesses in the moments persecution comes …
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In this week's sermon, Pastor Olu leads us to explore Acts 4, which picks up right after Peter and John miraculously heal a lame beggar at the temple. This miracle provokes the people's positive and negative reactions, setting the stage for Peter's impassioned second message. Join us as we learn that, like Peter, we all carry a vital message, and t…
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In Acts 2 we read about the gathering of the early Christians and how they lived out their faith together. In the midst of these extraordinary stories its so easy to miss the ordinary rhythms that were such a big part of their witness, and how their lives truly did demonstrate the presence of God amongst them. In this message Pastor Chris challenge…
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Pastor Chris kicks off our series in the book of Acts by exploring the first chapter and what it means for us to be a commissioned people. Too often we settle for a back seat, spectator role, when God has called every single follower of Jesus to be a part of his work here on earth.Por Grace Capital City
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In this message, College and Justice Resident Faith Anderson leads us through the Old Testament truth that God is a home for us, paralleled with the New Testament reality that He has made His home in us. Now through the gift of the Holy Spirit, how do we embrace the work of making the house of our heart a home? This sermon gives us practical steps …
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In this message, Pastor Chris teaches on the Tower of Babel in Genesis, through to the Upper room in the book of Acts, and the importance of learning to posture our hearts and lives in a way where we are able to fully partner with God and His Spirit's work within us. [There are audio difficulties in this episode - they are resolved at the 13 minute…
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This week guest speaker Katelyn Curran delivers a powerful message on what it means to follow Jesus with resilient faith even in the midst of disappointment. For anyone who has found themselves in a season of disconnection or discouragement this word will be a great encouragement!Por Grace Capital City
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King Solomon was considered to be the wisest man who ever lived and yet, when we look at his life so much of it ended in misery and disaster. Why was this? What do we need to learn about the nature and journey of wisdom from the life of King Solomon, and how can we live as truly wise people even today?…
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In this Message Pastor Chris teaches from 1 Kings 21, the story of Naboth's Vineyard and King Ahab’s efforts to steal it. Learning to discern what is ours to carry and what is not is one of the pivotal steps we all need to take in following Jesus. This story and message gives us an insight into that journey.…
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In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, we're reminded that all scripture is God-breathed, equipping us for every good work. But what about caring for God's creation? Is it truly within the scope of "every good work"? And does the Bible empower or hinder such efforts? Join Pastor Olu and Dr. Jessica Moerman as they explore the deep connection between the Christian f…
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In this message Pastor Chris teaches from Luke 24, and the story of Jesus walking the journey to Emmaus with two disillusioned disciples. Every single one of us walk through seasons of disappointment, and this story can be a great reminder of God's faithfulness to us, even when we find ourselves walking outside of his plans.…
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In this Easter Sunday message Pastor Chris teaches from Colossians 1, where Paul calls Jesus the ‘Firstborn from among the dead’. He teaches on the curse of death and its grim realities, but most importantly the glorious hope that we have in the resurrection of Jesus.Por Grace Capital City
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In this sermon, our Justice & Operations Director Hannah Martha Cohen Banks unpacks Jesus' celebration of Passover. We'll focus on the "New Covenant" made at the first communion table and learn about the exodus Jesus leads into the unfurling Kingdom of God.Por Grace Capital City
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In Luke 21 Jesus points towards some events that will take place in what is commonly called the ‘End Times’. This can be a confusing and sometimes frightening theme as we look towards an uncertain future, but the hope and promise of Jesus provides great joy and certainty. In this message, Pastor Chris teaches us through this challenging chapter and…
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Pastor Olu continues our series, "So Our Hearts Will Burn," where a tiny man named Zaccheus, seeking to see Jesus, has a life-altering encounter. The profound transformation we so earnestly crave comes through seeking Jesus rather than spectating from a distance. We will discover that while God honors and even desires intensity in our pursuit of Hi…
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