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This podcast is hosted by Mrs. Brittany Cook who is a certified life coach, writer, and former preschool teacher who is on a mission to empower mothers. She recently launched her coaching business which can be viewed at: www.embraceyourlifecoach.com Cover art photo provided by Thomas Kinto on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@thomaskinto Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/brittany-cook7/support
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The podcast that celebrates YOU unapologetically embracing your Awesome Life. If you're tired of feeling stuck and ready for a change, this show is for you! We're honest and we're focused on helping every woman create a life they love. Your host, Lisa Grunden, is a sassy and dynamic woman who has been working with women business owners and career women to help them build maximum confidence and live their best lives. Get ready to have the life you've always wanted!
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A podcast for women (and even men) with an honest voice about the realities of living without children. It is my mission to provide a platform for this global group, to create a supportive environment & community for the Childless and Childfree to share our stories and experiences.(un)Ripe is a vibrant, supportive community hosted by me, Jo Vraca. Each fortnight, I speak with women and men, counsellors, spinsters, hypnotherapists, journalists, authors, women who are in the middle of grief, o ...
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炎炎夏日已經讓許多人吃不消,只要一到室內就立刻開冷氣降溫,不過,近日你沒有發現,以往都要一路熱到10月底,但現在即將進入9月上旬,晚上就已經不用一直開冷氣, 其實從8/7就進入節氣立秋,慢慢有秋天的感覺了呢,你有沒發現天氣開始帶來乾燥的感受 ? ✍【本集聊聊】 1.秋季的營養建議 2.秋季的瑜伽練習 3.五感官喚醒下的正念飲食 4.總結:秋老虎出現,宜調節飲食及生活習慣 - 張尹瑄營養師 @nu_shiuan70 • Instagram 安適生活|營養保健|運動生活|心靈滋養 Embrace your life • Instagram Naturbibe天然尹|身心保健專家 天然尹照顧您生活的機能飲|• Instagram 資訊平台主持人 瑜珈老師Sally @sallyhsuyogiaro…
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PS.當本集播出時,天氣雖然還熱熱的,但其實節氣已悄悄改變,若仔細觀察,白天的熱度降低,常在冷氣房的朋友記得搭個薄外套喔! 本集邀請張尹瑄 瑄瑄營養師以及主持人瑜珈老師Sally,分享『養心飲食及運動』的一個多樣內容特輯,首先為何夏天要養心? 因為節氣轉秋對應心、小腸、養心、靜心仍會是其一環節,另外本集也會提到私密免疫提升,在台灣較潮濕氣候中,仍然時時需要特別注意,相信大家一定會收穫滿滿!! ✍註: 1.Ujjayi-Victorious Breath 勝利式呼吸法:幫助代謝、增加氧氣,帶來活力! 2.夏節氣走脾胃經可加強保養,但想要氣血足,可以不分季節經常養護喔! ✍【本集重點整理】 1.聊聊中醫的養生之道(春養肝、夏養心、秋養肺、冬養腎,四季養脾) 2.從夏季開始養心瑜伽 3.分享養血、…
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👠女性健康: 你需要了解的現象 本集邀請張尹瑄 瑄瑄營養師🧡,來跟頻道的小姊姊們討論:熟女營養補充(30歲以上的女性)-四大面向 女性30後,感覺很多身體狀況都出來了....儘管有著重養生,還是必免不了歲月的追趕! 建議兩大重點先照顧,能避免後續身體來找碴,哪兩大要點呢?那就是 ✍行動力的維持 ✍輕熟齡、預防更年期提前到來的保養喔~ ✍【本集重點整理】 行動力的維持與輕熟齡、更年期保養 1.行動力與年齡的關係 2.聊聊輕熟齡、更年期 3.行動力的營養可以補充什麼呢? 4.總結:輕熟齡、更年期與營養,這是身心容易失調的時期,請重新檢視自己的飲食生活 - 張尹瑄營養師 @nu_shiuan70 • Instagram 安適生活|營養保健|運動生活|心靈滋養 Embrace your life •…
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本集暢談晶澈保健,邀請張尹瑄,瑄瑄營養師,🧡來跟大家探討護眼爲何要養肝? 最近看到瑄瑄營養師分享了一篇文章『護眼沒效?因為沒養肝!』覺得非常有意思,肝跟眼是什麼樣的互爲表裡關係呢?本集分享給安適生活的聽眾們。 瑄瑄營養師來跟大家聊聊“🧡顧眼之前先顧肝以及養肝”保健養護概念喔! 如果你\妳是眼睛不舒服、常感覺眼睛疲勞,而且保養後好像都效果不大的人,千萬注意是不是肝過勞了... ✍【本集重點整理】 1.為什麼養肝很重要?養肝跟眼睛有著什麼關聯呢? 2.哪些食物是養肝的選擇? 3.多吃什麼能養好肝?, 疲勞就改善? 4.中醫方中用「明目四君子」有何作用呢? 5.總結:健康是全面向兼顧,與生活建議 - 張尹瑄營養師 @nu_shiuan70 • Instagram 安適生活|營養保健|運動生活|心靈…
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本集暢談營養保健,再次邀請張尹瑄,瑄瑄營養師,🧡來跟大家分享春季養生怎麼做、如何趕走「春天疲勞症」? ✍春天氣溫回暖,濕氣加重,造成濕睏(春睏),容易感覺困、昏沈(剛起床但看一下電視就想睡)🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️ ✍春睏是指春天到的時候特別感受到睏倦,原因就在於氣溫回暖潮濕,而造成濕睏。 容易感覺到身體懶懶得沒力氣,剛睡醒滑手機、追劇沒一會的功夫又想睡覺了。 ✍【本集重點整理】 1.有春睏的狀況怎麼辦?為何產生此現象 2.解決的辦法是?該怎麼去濕氣補陽氣? 3.五招解決春睏 4.大總結 - 張尹瑄營養師 @nu_shiuan70 • Instagram 安適生活|營養保健|運動生活|心靈滋養 Embrace your life • Instagram Naturbibe天然尹|身心保健專家 天然尹…
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Welcome to another episode of "Un-fuck Your Life: Embrace Your Awesomeness," hosted by Lisa. In this episode, Lisa explores the profound statement, "Well-behaved women rarely make history," and reveals what this phrase means to her personally. Lisa starts by recounting how a friend once noticed a bumper sticker on her car with this saying and asked…
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Welcome to the Un-fuck Your Life podcast with Lisa, the show that's all about embracing your awesomeness and unapologetically living your adventurous life. Today, we're diving into a topic that's been flooding Lisa's inbox lately: How to find your soulmate. If you've been wondering the same thing, you're in the right place. First, Lisa advises you …
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In this empowering episode, the host, Lisa, invites listeners to celebrate their uniqueness unapologetically and to embrace a life filled with adventure and risk. She introduces the concept of quantum breakthroughs, transformative changes that can occur on both small and large scales, which are key to shattering one's old life and launching into a …
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**Podcast Summary: Un-fuck Your Life - Celebrating Adventurous Living** In this empowering episode of "Un-fuck Your Life," your host Lisa champions the unique, adventurous spirit in each listener. She encourages embracing the things that make you distinct and celebrates the "weird, unique, crazy, awesome" actions that only you can accomplish. With …
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In this episode of "Un-Fuck Your Life" hosted by Lisa, the focus is on "Manifesting Momentum." Lisa encourages her listeners to subscribe and share the podcast while delving into the concept of manifesting and maintaining momentum in life. She emphasizes that manifesting isn't just about wealth but encompasses all aspects of life. Lisa discusses th…
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Podcast Title: "Fuck Your Life Living Your Life" Host: Lisa Grunden Episode Theme: Insights from Brittany Spears' book "The Woman in Me" and Personal Growth Key Highlights: Revisiting Brittany Spears' Book: Lisa discusses the depth and insights of Spears' book, focusing on positive and constructive analysis. Understanding 'The Woman in Me': The epi…
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Join Lisa Grunden on a raw and empowering journey through the "Unleash Your Unapologetic Self" podcast, where real-life grit meets unfiltered honesty. In this episode, Lisa dives into the compelling narrative of Britney Spears' book, "The Woman in Me," unraveling the threads of vulnerability, ambition, and the quest for independence. This isn't jus…
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️ **Unfuck Your Life** with Lisa Grunden In this episode, Lisa Grunden opens up about breaking free from societal expectations and living unapologetically. She delves into topics like: - The reason behind naming her podcast "Unfuck Your Life" - Moving past the 'good girl' image and breaking free from societal constraints - Addressing family pressur…
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「 你的台語行不行?台語主播趣事多?」-不聽台語請勿入!安適生活 史上最長的專訪~ 主持人Sally老師繞台語叫賣多”練轉”? 溎媖主播教你怎麼說日常、蔬菜、動物類別台語,你對了多少? 林溎媖 主播 背景、經歷簡介: 榮獲 111年度金視獎地方新聞節目主播獎 111年度金視獎-總共有52家業者、229件作品報名參賽,歷經近2個月評選出68件入圍作品 最終在典禮上揭曉15個獎項得主,「金視獎」是有線電視系統業界最高榮譽 什麼是「金視獎」? 為鼓勵有線廣播電視業者自製優良地方性節目,民國85年由前行政院新聞局公布「優良有線電視節目暨錄影帶節目獎勵要點」 為「金視獎」前身,民國86年正式設置「金視獎」,獎勵全國各地用心製作在地節目、服務區域民眾之有線電視系統經營者 善盡地方媒體責任,增進當地民眾對…
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「 教練!我的重量訓練無法進步怎麼辦?」 本次專訪再次邀請到健心教練Jacky,「健身不是練越多越好」?! 要在訓練中取得有效的進步,就必須找到動運與修復之間的平衡,聆聽身體給我們訓練過度的警訊... 累了就好好休息,不需要逞強;畢竟健身是一輩子的事,不是一陣子的事! 【本集聊聊重點內容】 一、定錨與目標 二、你對運動健身的渴望是? 三、屬於自己的進步 安適生活,陪您一起安心舒適擁抱生活 - 健心教練Coach Jacky (@localkingjacky) - 安適生活|營養保健|運動生活|心靈滋養 Embrace your life (@yuhealth_tw) Naturbibe 天然尹|照顧您日常生活的機能飲 (@naturbibe_tw) - 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: http…
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I Am Good Enough Meaning I AM GOOD ENOUGH is the mantra it would behoove all of us to live by. In a time, in a culture where people find fault with one another and say it, write it, claim it over and over and over again. ENOUGH. You are good enough, you’ve always been good enough, you are enough and you are FABULOUS!!!!! Share your story, your goal…
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「 溝通你會了嗎?」學會撇步,溝通無國界~ 本次專訪邀請到健心教練Jacky,了解溝通本質,向外建立自我人際風格,對內學會如何處理自己的情緒~ 【本集聊聊重點內容】 健心教練的主軸精神核心 一、溝通定義 二、先行自我了解發掘自我能力 三、善用溝通三大心態 1.空杯心 2.開放心 3.共同成長心 安適生活,陪您一起安心舒適擁抱生活 - 健心教練Coach Jacky (@localkingjacky) - 安適生活|營養保健|運動生活|心靈滋養 Embrace your life (@yuhealth_tw) Naturbibe 天然尹|照顧您日常生活的機能飲 (@naturbibe_tw) - 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckis…
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「 你的身心跟上節氣列車了嗎?」 夏日炎炎守護自己與時節接軌,感受愛自己的感動 本次專訪再次邀請老朋友節氣營養師瑄瑄,分享“夏節氣養氣調身智慧飲食“ 以及水晶缽老師許綵樺、瑜珈老師兼主持人的Sally老師,一起帶領我們體驗水晶缽的共振來盛夏凈心、靜心喔~ 【本集聊聊重點內容】 純淨的水晶所散發的聲音被形容為「天堂的頻率」,讓夏日的噪動轉折為內在的創造能 平心靜氣迎盛夏,慢調私理水晶缽身心之旅-喚醒我們內在的集體智慧與品質,舒展順暢與身心共舞,有興趣的朋友千萬別錯過了! 【節氣營養師 瑄瑄】 一、你不可不知的節氣生活 二、炎炎盛夏的飲食智慧,如何守護美麗底蘊? 【水晶缽老師 綵樺】 三、水晶缽對人體的影響 四、一起來欣賞綵樺老師帶來的"慢調私理 平心靜氣 迎夏曲" 安適生活,陪您一起安心舒適擁…
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What’s Wrong with Being Confident? Not a single thing. Fearless Living Unleash Your Inner Adventuress Living Life on Your Terms So many singers, influencers, entertainers are all talking and teaching confidence through inspiration and lifestyle. If you want to throw up, to give up, maybe somebody is trying to hold you back, keep you safe, not wanti…
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「 健身也能調節血醣? 」 在一次商會中看到Gary教練正帶著百人做早操,還帶著壺鈴做示範,印象深刻,Gary還是壺鈴專項私人教練,並擁有社工背景經歷 台中二中肌力體能,配合教練及彰化矯正署運動配合教練。 Sally跟Gary教練聊聊時,聽到教練幫助很多企業主,把身體全方位變健康以及提到血糖控制,Sally超好奇! 一般都是聽到身型變好、體脂肪下降,竟然透過健身也助血醣平衡? 這集特別邀請教練來幫大家科普下~ 【本集聊聊重點內容】 一、何為血醣,在身體的功能? 身體需要適量的血糖維持正常生理功能,提供能量供大腦和肌肉等器官使用。 不過,過高或過低的血糖值都可能對身體造成負面影響! 二、血醣跟健身的關係 保持血糖在健康的範圍相信大家都同意是很重要的。但要維持這個狀況需要合理的飲食、規律的運動。…
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本集暢談運動營養,再次邀請甜美、羞澀的瑄瑄營養師,但Sally與瑄瑄一談到怎麼吃可就非常來勁! 一人一句,你來我往的,甜食~珍奶什麼時候吃才不增加體重呢? 什麼讓Sally贅詞連連呢?數食物份數到嘴抽筋…是肆無忌憚ㄌㄚˋ…因為因為狠重要所以要講五次呢!! 聽眾兵友丫~~快來聽聽Sally&瑄瑄“拉洛企”,安適給你安心舒適,聊營養 【本集重點整理】 1.運動後吃有罪惡感,不吃又很餓! 2.那該怎麼吃呢? 3.喝高蛋長肌肌? 4.運動前吃甚麼? 5.大總結 - 瑄瑄營養師(@nu_shiuan70)• Instagram 相片與影片 安適生活|營養保健|運動生活|心靈滋養 Embrace your life • Instagram 相片與影片 - 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://o…
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Mindset Reset: The Self-Love Fix You are gorgeous! You are perfect just as you are. I am shining a light for you so you can more easily see, hear, feel, sense, know the wonder of you. Cultivate a judgment free zone in your mind, body, heart and spirit by embracing the GMC. Have you got the GMC? G = Gratitude What if you chose to see everything that…
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The Body Whisperer: You’ve Got This Sign up now for your 15 Minute Discovery Session @ BookWithLisa.me You’ve got a brain, you have a mind, you have a heart, you have a soul, you have everything that everyone else has and now you know that you have your own unique Sparkle. And, it is that Sparkle that is unique to you that is the game changer. Ever…
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If the Universe is so Fricken Abundant, Why Aren't I Rich? Right now, before we begin, take out a sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle and let’s write on the left all of the nitty, dirty, gritty proof you have that you are not rich.. On the right, write down all of the glorious fabulous proof you imagine you would have if you really were. No…
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Mindset Makeover: Revitalizing Your Thinking for a Thriving Life Hello Gorgeous. You thriving begins with your intention. Your intention, the energy of it, the excitement, the joy, the smiles, the heart, body, mind, soul and spirit of it. You are magical – you were born magical. You are a manifester. You manifest things all of the time – some thing…
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當你迷網時,你怎麼尋求貴人指路? 全球通澎,AI熱潮,股市上上下下,小孩還小,另一半在煎熬,2023年第一季即將結束,你的計劃已在進行,還是沉睡中呢? 現在的你還在忙、盲、茫嗎?這時侯靜下來就顯得格外需要,連結內心生成的智慧面對各種變動與挑戰 這時若有貴人來指路,推旁側引的,讓人尤如獲至寶的機會。 你是三人同行必有我師、還是求神問卜?還是擲筊決定?.... 今個兒邀請的座上嘉賓就能滿足聽眾寶寶們的需求,讓當紅YouTuber塔羅老師Claire ~為你占卜,一起來了解塔羅和療癒🔮 【本集重點整理】 01:49-如何接觸到塔羅牌 09:01-塔羅牌的歷史(國家)及由來 13:35-為什麼有跡可循(準確度) 22:27-大眾占卜-當你迷惘時怎麼尋求貴人指路 - Claire YouTube |C…
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Body Groove; Tips and Tricks for Moving Your Body with Joy The first tip: Stop trying to get it right, to do it exactly like someone else. Do it your way. Sit down if you feel like it, chair dance, wiggle your butt, walk at your pace, smile, lift your beautiful face to the sky, the rain and exclaim I am in the process of learning to move with my bo…
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So what is something that makes you YOU. Your wacky, weird, wonderful self that is so amazingly you? Do you love to sing, to knit, write poetry, sky dive, people watch? On a sheet of paper, write down three things that you often hear people say about you even if it sounds like a back handed compliment or even negative. For me, people often called m…
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Move and Groove: Rediscovering the Fun in Fitness What is the first thing you think of when you think of your Body? Beautiful? Bodacious? Succulent? Fat? Tired? Pain? I’m lovin’ it? Great. Acknowledge whatever that is. Now, think back to a time when you were younger, when you were a little kid and you jumped and danced and ran and skipped and hoppe…
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The Sparkle Effect: Mastering Your Mindset for a Successful Life The Sparkle is source, pure love, vibration, that connection to the divine and exploring the divine within you. Some people call it Goddess, I call it Adventuress. Aligning, connecting, being one with source is the rocket fuel that propels you on this amazing thing called your life. T…
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The Sassy Mindset: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Using Your Voice Can you imagine, people who are Lively, Bold, Full of Spirit, even Cheeky living, creating, dreaming, working, playing, dancing and more in the world today? That is Sass, the Sassy Mindset. Look in the mirror and say to yourself, “Hello Gorgeous!!” and really mean it, feel it and experie…
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Empower Yourself Through Hypnosis Hi Gorgeous! Imagine your life #fabulous #inspiring #adventure #womenupliftingwomen #hypnosis #powerful #empowered #confidance Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t; you’re right”. What that means is your life is what you make it to be. What you believe it to be. What you believe it ca…
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越吃越瘦可能嗎??? 無止盡的少就是最好的瘦身嗎? 如何持續執行越吃越瘦的飲食方式才是正確呢? 歡迎來到安適生活 Embrace your life podcast 邀請到瑄瑄營養師,來和我們聊聊"營養保健-[越吃越瘦] 可能嗎?" 【本集重點整理】 01:05-會胖的飲食原因 05:10-還在害怕吃澱粉嗎?不要把碳水化合物妖魔化 07:55-蔬菜水果也算是碳水化合物嗎? 13:05-每餐都過水吃?不要害怕吃脂肪 18:50-健身者都吃蛋白質,這是不會胖的原因? 23:58-越吃越瘦方式 - 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckisvdvhh7o0l0825ae7jijl5 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firsto…
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Beyond the Confidence Code Lots of people have opinions and aren’t shy about telling you what you “should” be like. Claim your free copy of, “Unleash Your Inner Adventuress Playbook: The Ultimate Guide for Your Sparkalicious Journey” by going to LisaGrunden.com and opt in for you free download. #advemturess #confidence #community #womenupliftingwom…
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Ep. 87: Where’s All This Negative Crap Coming From? The answer is simple. NOT FROM YOU. A question I was taught a long time ago, in a land far far away (A little lightness here and hopefully you smiled), was “Is this mine or does this belong to somebody else?” Spoiler alert: it always came from somewhere else. Even the mentors, teachers, caregivers…
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什麼樣的運動,讓你環遊世界?地獄般的經驗,卻讓人懐念 壯士斯巴達的體驗 Spartan Spartan Go Go Go! 歡迎來到安適生活 Embrace your life podcast 今天跟大家聊聊運動生活,過了個好年,十天的假期,相信大家體重增加了不少,如果將生活與運動做結合,是不是就能輕鬆愉快且無負擔了呢? 邀請到青澄設計的負責人Kaven,陪我們一起來暢談他的運動生活,看看他是如何將生活與健康做結合?打造理想的健康生活方式。 名人會客室來賓:Kaven 青澄設計負責人 港灣控投共同創辦人 國際FRM風險管理師 多項產業孵化器天使投資者 熱愛:衝浪/ 自由潛水/ 水肺潛水/ 野溪溫泉/ 馬拉松等戶外活動 ✍️運動改變了什麼? ✍️推薦一個熱愛的運動 ✍️趣事與印象深刻的事 提暢…
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Ep. 86: Stop Fixing Yourself. You are Not Broken!! Hey Gorgeous! Have you ever felt if only… if only I could be 30 pounds lighter, millions richer, 5 inches taller, shorter, blond, brunette, a redhead… Something happened somewhere along the way in the Personal Development industry where we went from creating changes to create life to there are a bl…
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Ep. 85: The Self-Esteem Revolution: Boost Your Confidence and Achieve Your Desires What if you already had all of the confidence, consistently manifested all of your desires into your reality and you were just high on life. How would you know? Would you claim it? Do you greet yourself every single morning with “Hello Gorgeous!!!!”. Claim your free …
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Unleash Your Inner Adventuress Lots of people have opinions and aren’t shy about telling you what you “should” be like. Claim your free copy of, “Unleash Your Inner Adventuress Playbook: The Ultimate Guide for Your Sparkalicious Journey” by going to LisaGrunden.com and opt in for you free download. #advemturess #confidence #community #womenupliftin…
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嗨!今天好嗎? 讓我陪您一起安心舒適、擁抱生活 Embrace your life 今天是我們全新單元的開始,希望多元的訊息分享,照顧到聽眾的身心靈出發,首播單元就先帶大家聊聊“營養保健”,在林琅滿目的保健品中,隨著時代進展其實也跟著進化喔,早期有句話說:先研究不傷身,再講究效果,過去保健補充講的不傷身,但有吃有保祐的心態,似乎也沒正確補充到。 進而演進到對營養補充原料的認識概念例:(蔓越莓),再講究吸收度例:(膠囊、錠劑、液體),甚至非必要添加物的觀念。 💊到底需不需要保健品補充?如何選擇呢?是不是像太空人一樣,吞一把營養丸就飛上天呢? 營養保健名人會客室 特別邀請:瑄瑄營養師,來和我們聊聊 ✍️保健食品可取代正確飲食營養嗎/代餐? ✍️保健食品吃越多越好? ✍️挑選保健補充的大原則 - …
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Self-Talk is more than the words that come out of your mouth. Self-Talk is more than the words, thoughts, emotions and feelings bouncing around in your brain. Self-Talk is definitely more than the 1500 words flowing through your mind every minute. High self-esteem, rockin’ self-confidence, belief in oneself and abilities is an energy – ignited with…
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Go to BookWithLisa.me and I have a free gift for you - Feeding Your Mind, Heart, Body and Spirit and book a free Discovery session with me to uncover how to unfuck your fabulous life so you can live your life, your dreams, your everything!Por LISA GRUNDEN
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UYL Podcast - Sugar: What's the BFD? Is sugar really bad for you? Can sugar be good for you? What is the difference? Bad sugar is refined, processed sugar with no nutrients left - it needs to be added to other things and made into cookies, candies, and cakes... We share about 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees and they eat fruit. Delicious, fresh, tas…
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Hello Gorgeous!!! You are you and there is nobody else just like you, your smile, your essence, YOUR ENERGY. Did you know that your body is only hungry for 4 things? Four, yes, that's it - only four. And while all are important, we are going to focus more on the fourth. Your Body is Hungry for: 1. Water 2. Salt 3. Sugar 4. Energy Yes, that's energy…
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If exercise, dieting, and every fucking drug and weightloss system is so cutting edge that even Oprah endorses some of these products, then why are people getting fatter and fatter and less and les fit?FAT is a derogatory word that is in my opinion the worst Fword of all.This word must be eradicated and instead insert the word __________________. I…
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I was always fascinated by past life regression. I thought it would be magical and take me away from the pain I chose at that time to claim for myself to be true. Regression is a magnificent way to transmute, rewrite the past, jump timelines and positively program yourself with timeline therapy. There at the moment of conception to change your expe…
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Setting a boundary for yourself is hands down the most powerful thing you can do for yourself. I no longer engage in any talk, feelings, emotions of seeing myself as less than beautiful and magnificent exactly as I am. Good, healthy boundaries were not modeled for you. Instead, you saw a lot of lines crossed. A boundary is empowering, letting in on…
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