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Membahas yang perlu dibahas. Kamu dapat kirimkan tema podcast di DM Instagram @meflizaafriani.
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Business development
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Just a young boy , who wanna learn & share new thing everyday ! Cover art photo by
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Bei EJaM erwarten euch abwechslungsreiche Musik, Infos aus der ganzen EJM und vieles mehr! Natürlich gibt es auch lustige und interessante Beiträge für euch wie etwa „Witzig & Infomativ“ oder „WiWW“. Hört doch einfach mal rein und lasst euch überraschen!
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A conversation amongst 2 Best Friends.
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Wolfgang Buhre and Fulvio Pinelli, an author of Anaesthesia practice in Europe: A survey of the National Anaesthesiologists Societies Committee of the European Society ...
Listen to the Q&A between Wolfgang Buhre and Fulvio Pinelli as they discuss the surbey, “Anaesthesia practice in Europe: A survey of the National Anaesthesiologists Societies Committee of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care”, found in the March 2025 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Sarah Devroe and Nicolas Brogly, an author of ESAIC focused guidelines for the management of the failing epidural during labour epidural analgesia.
Listen to the Q&A between Sarah Devroe and Nicolas Brogly as they discuss the guideline, “ESAIC focused guidelines for the management of the failing epidural during labour epidural analgesia”, found in the February 2025 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Carolina Romero and Massimo Lamperti, authors of Preoperative assessment of adults undergoing elective noncardiac surgery: Updated guidelines from the European Society ...
Listen to the Q&A between Carolina Romero and Massimo Lamperti as they discuss the guideline, “Preoperative assessment of adults undergoing elective noncardiac surgery: Updated guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care”, found in the January 2025 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection...Q&A with An Teunkens and Per Moller, an author of Bacterial contamination and greenhouse gas emissions: A randomised study of reuse versus single-use of infusion-set components ...
Listen to the Q&A between An Teunkens and Per Moller as they discuss the article, "Bacterial contamination and greenhouse gas emissions: A randomised study of reuse versus single-use of infusion-set components for intravenous anaesthesia", found in the December 2024 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Tino Münster and Johannes Wacker, the first author of A survey and analysis of peri-operative quality indicators promoted by National Societies of Anaesthesiologists ...
Listen to the Q&A between Tino Münster and Johannes Wacker as they discuss the article, “A survey and analysis of peri-operative quality indicators promoted by National Societies of Anaesthesiologists in Europe: The EQUIP project”, found in the November 2024 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Tom Hansen and Mariana Gaya da Costa, an author of Remimazolam vs. propofol for general anaesthesia in elderly patients: a meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis ...
Listen to the Q&A between Tom Hansen and Mariana Gaya da Costa as they discuss thee article, “Remimazolam vs. propofol for general anaesthesia in elderly patients: a meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis”, found in the October 2024 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Alistair McNarry and Marc Van de Velde, an author of the role of supraglottic airway devices for caesarean section under general anaesthesia. A scoping literature review ...
Listen to the Q&A between Alistair McNarry and Marc Van de Velde as they discuss the scoping literature review “The role of supraglottic airway devices for caesarean section under general anaesthesia. A scoping literature review with a proposed algorithm for the appropriate use of supraglottic airway devices for caesarean sections”, found in the Se…
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Esther Pogatzki-Zahn and Dalia Aljohani, the first author of Experiences and perspectives of adults on using opioids for pain management in the postoperative period ...
Listen to the Q&A between Esther Pogatzki-Zahn and Dalia Aljohani as they discuss the scoping review “Experiences and perspectives of adults on using opioids for pain management in the postoperative period”, found in the July 2024 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Jean-Michel Constantin and Marcus Schultz, an author of Effects of closed loop ventilation on ventilator settings, patient outcomes and ICU staff workloads – a systematic ...
Listen to the Q&A between Jean-Michel Constantin and Marcus Schultz as they discuss the systematic review “Effects of closed loop ventilation on ventilator settings, patient outcomes and ICU staff workloads – a systematic review”, found in the June 2024 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Marc Samama and Oliver Grottke, the first author of Clinical guideline on reversal of direct oral anticoagulants in patients with life threatening bleeding
Listen to the Q&A between Marc Samama and Oliver Grottke as they discuss the guideline “Clinical guideline on reversal of direct oral anticoagulants in patients with life threatening bleeding”, found in the May 2024 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Patrice Forget and Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, the last author of Perioperative pain management models in four European countries: A narrative review of differences, similarities ...
Listen to the Q&A between Patrice Forget and Esther Pogatzki-Zahn as they discuss the article “Perioperative pain management models in four European countries: A narrative review of differences, similarities and future directions”, found in the March 2024 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Claudia Spies and Finn Radtke, authors of Update of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine evidence-based and consensus-based guideline ...
Listen to the Q&A with Claudia Spies and Finn Radtke as they discuss the guideline, “Update of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine evidence-based and consensus-based guideline on postoperative delirium in adult patients”, found in the February 2024 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Mariachiara Ippolito and Andrea Cortegiani, authors of Peri-operative night-time work of anaesthesiologists: A qualitative study of critical issues and proposals
Listen to the Q&A with Mariachiara Ippolito and Andrea Cortegiani as they discuss the qualitative study, “Peri-operative night-time work of anaesthesiologists: A qualitative study of critical issues and proposals”, found in the January 2024 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Bernard Walder, Giovanna Lurati Buse and Michelle Chew, author of the ESAIC focused guideline for the use of cardiac biomarkers in perioperative risk evaluation
Listen to the Q&A between Bernard Walder, Giovanna Lurati Buse and Michelle Chew as they discuss the guideline “ESAIC focused guideline for the use of cardiac biomarkers in perioperative risk evaluation”, found in the December 2023 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Sander Kempenaers, author of Remimazolam and serious adverse events: A scoping review
Listen to the Q&A with Sander Kempenaers as they discuss the guideline “Remimazolam and serious adverse events: A scoping review”, found in the November 2023 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Jochen Hinkelbein, Cardiac arrest in the perioperative period: a consensus guideline for identification, treatment, and prevention...
Listen to the Q&A with Jochen Hinkelbein as they discuss the guideline “Cardiac arrest in the perioperative period: a consensus guideline for identification, treatment, and prevention from the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care and the European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery”, found in the October 2023 issue of the EJA…
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Esther Pogatzki-Zahn and Eric Albrecht, author of The postoperative analgesic efficacy of liposomal bupivacaine versus long-acting local anaesthetics for peripheral ...
Listen to the Q&A between Esther Pogatzki-Zahn and Eric Albrecht as they discuss the article “The postoperative analgesic efficacy of liposomal bupivacaine versus long-acting local anaesthetics for peripheral nerve and field blocks: A systematic review and meta-analysis, with trial sequential analysis”, found in the September 2023 issue of the EJA.…
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Patricia Lavand'homme and Patrice Forget, author of Opioid-free anaesthesia: should we all adopt it? An overview of current evidence
Listen to the Q&A between Patricia Lavand'homme and Patrice Forget as they discuss the article “Opioid-free anaesthesia: should we all adopt it? An overview of current evidence”, found in the August 2023 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Tino Münster and Marcelo Gama de Abreu, author of Variable ventilation versus stepwise lung recruitment manoeuvres for lung recruitment: A comparative study in an experimental ...
Listen to the Q&A between Tino Münster and Marcelo Gama de Abreu as they discuss the article “Variable ventilation versus stepwise lung recruitment manoeuvres for lung recruitment: A comparative study in an experimental model of atelectasis”, found in the July 2023 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Prof. Sibylle Kietaibl, author of "Management of severe peri-operative bleeding: Guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care: Second update ...
Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Marc Samama and author, Prof. Sibylle Kietaibl as they discuss “Management of severe peri-operative bleeding: Guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care: Second update 2022”, found in the April 2023 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Dr. Dominic V. Atraszkiewicz, author of "Greener ‘Gassers’: key challenges in anaesthesia and perioperative medicine related to the evolving climate crisis".
Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Jan Hendrickx and author, Dr. Dominic V. Atraszkiewicz as they discuss his article “Greener ‘Gassers’: key challenges in anaesthesia and perioperative medicine related to the evolving climate crisis”, found in the March 2023 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Prof. Girish Joshi, author of the “Pain management after total knee arthroplasty: PROcedure SPEcific Postoperative Pain ManagemenT recommendations” article.
Listen to the Q&A with author Prof. Girish Joshi as he discusses his article “Pain management after total knee arthroplasty: PROcedure SPEcific Postoperative Pain ManagemenT recommendations” found in the September 2022 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Prof. Tom Hansen, author of the “Harmonising Paediatric Anaesthesia Training in Europe: Proposal of a Roadmap” article.
Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Jurgen de Graaff and author Prof. Tom Hansen as they discuss his article “Harmonising Paediatric Anaesthesia Training in Europe: Proposal of a Roadmap”, found in the August 2022 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Prof. Georges L Savoldelli, author of the “Simulation-based education and training in anaesthesia during residency in Europe: where are we now? A survey conducted by ...
Listen to the Q&A between Dr Daniel Arnal and author Prof. Georges L Savoldelli as they discuss his article “Simulation-based education and training in anaesthesia during residency in Europe: where are we now? A survey conducted by the ESAIC Simulation Committee” found in the June 2022 issue of the EJA.…
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Dr Elie Kantor, author of the “Predatory journals in anaesthesiology and critical care: what to know and how to avoid pitfalls!” article.
Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Patrice Forget and author Dr Elie Kantor as they discuss his article “Predatory journals in anaesthesiology and critical care: what to know and how to avoid pitfalls!” found in the April 2022 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Prof. Sibylle Kietaibl, author of “Regional anaesthesia in patients on antithrombotic drugs. Joint ESAIC/ESRA guidelines”
Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Marc Samama and author Prof. Sibylle Kietaibl as they discuss his article “Regional anaesthesia in patients on antithrombotic drugs. Joint ESAIC/ESRA guidelines” found in the February 2022 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Tom Hansen and author Prof. Mark Coburn as they discuss his articles “Peri-interventional Outcome Study in the Elderly (POSE) in Europe: a 30-day prospective cohort study” and “Association between benzodiazepine premedication and 30-day mortality rate.A propensity-score weighted analysis of the Peri-interventional Ou…
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Peter Frykholm, author of “The rationale for the recommendations of the European Paediatric Fasting Guideline: improving paediatric anaesthesia and perioperative medicine ...
Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Peter Kranke and author Prof. Peter Frykholm as they discuss his article “The rationale for the recommendations of the European Paediatric Fasting Guideline: improving paediatric anaesthesia and perioperative medicine.” found in the January 2022 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Nicholas Appelbaum, author of “Ideal bodyweight calculations: fit for purpose in modern anaesthesia?”
Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Robert Greif and author Dr Nicholas Appelbaum as they discuss his article “Ideal bodyweight calculations: fit for purpose in modern anaesthesia?” found in the December 2021 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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Mahasiswi Kehutanan Unja
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Dunia public speaking menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Menurut kamu gimana nih?
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Tom Hansen, author of “Neonatal Tracheal Intubation: From Art to Evidence.”
Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Souhayl Dahmani and author Dr Tom Hansen as they discuss his article “Neonatal Tracheal Intubation: From Art to Evidence” found in the November 2021 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Sabine Nabecker, author of “Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest - comparing organized groups to individual first responders: a qualitative observational study”.
Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Bernd Böttiger and author Dr Sabine Nabecker on her article “Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest - comparing organized groups to individual first responders: a qualitative observational study” and discover further insights into this timely article.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Martin Bernardi, author of “Very early changes in serum creatinine are associated with 30-day mortality after cardiac surgery”.
Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Michael Sander and author Dr Martin Bernardi on his article “Very early changes in serum creatinine are associated with 30-day mortality after cardiac surgery” and discover further insights.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Christian Puelacher, author of “Expert consensus on peri-operative myocardial injury screening in noncardiac surgery”.
Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Michelle Chew and author Dr Christian Puelacher on his article “Expert consensus on peri-operative myocardial injury screening in noncardiac surgery” and discover further insights.Por EJA
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Marije Wijnberge, author of “Clinical performance of a machine-learning algorithm to predict intra-operative hypotension with noninvasive arterial pressure waveforms ...
Listen to an interesting discussion between Dr Alexandre Joosten and author Dr Marije Wijnberge on her article “Clinical performance of a machine-learning algorithm to predict intra-operative hypotension with noninvasive arterial pressure waveforms” and discover further insights in this recent EJA article.…
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The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Aarne Feldheiser, author of “Vasopressor effects on venous return in septic patients: a review”.
Listen to the Q&A between Prof. Manu Malbrain and author Prof Aarne Feldheiser on his article “Vasopressor effects on venous return in septic patients: a review” and discover further insights in this recent EJA article. You can find the two publications mentioned Here: 1) Simon Gelman: A physiological story of venous return (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm…
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Q&A with Patrice Forget, author of “Persistent postoperative opioid use in Europe: A systematic review”
A riveting Q&A between Prof. Esther Pogatzki-Zahn and author Prof Patrice Forget on his article “Persistent postoperative opioid use in Europe: A systematic review” that is featured in the May 2021 issue of the EJA.Por EJA
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Yuk memulai bisnis. Tips tipis memulai bisnis
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Ehmm udah lama ga ngepodcast nih. Kali ini bahas tentang batasan ego. Yuk listen!
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Bersama Muhammad Aryuda Pratama
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Bareng Narasumber nih
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Selamat mendengarkan ajalah sebelum bahas yang serius heheh.
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Prank Call Partner Best Projects Jambi 🎁
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Seperti apa sih DIA? Gimana sih DIA? DIA (Jodoh)doakan saja siapkan diri untuk memperbaiki diri.
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Gagal adalah keberhasilan yang belum kamu dapatkan. Belum bukan berarti tidak bisa yah! Terus semangat!
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Kalau Anda merasa sempurna artinya Anda bukan manusia! Selamat mendengarkan.
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Hemmm di masa pandemi kok jadi mageran banget yaaah. Gimana yaaa caranya jadi orang yang produktif? Kepoo yuk dengerin.
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Ya begitulah hidup tertera banyak pilihan. Kalau tidak dilepaskan yang tetap menggenggam, kalau dilepaskan ih masih sayang. Ga usah ditahan kalau sudah mulai berubah. Yuk buka lembaran baru!
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