Rabbi Zushe Greenberg of Solon Chabad gives a weekly Torah class.
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Navigating the Passover Haggadah (Torah Class)
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1:03:56Navigating the Passover Haggadah (Torah Class)
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Torah Class - Parshat Pekudei: Things Worth Repeating
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1:11:16Torah Class - Parshat Pekudei: Things Worth Repeating Are some things worth writing and saying twice? It turns out, yes, and it's not what you think.
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Be a Bearer of good news What led the hostage activist to change her tune, and what does it have to do with the Seder? (Passover)
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Torah Class - Parshat Vayakhel: Affirmative Action or Natural Selection?
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1:06:12Torah Class - Parshat Vayakhel: Affirmative Action or Natural Selection? Does the Torah teach us to balance talent and social status? Lessons from the selection of the artisans of the Mishkan.
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Torah Class - Purim: The Purim Roller Coaster
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1:00:46Torah Class - Purim: The Purim Roller Coaster The dramatic journey of the Jewish people in the Purim story—rising to the heights of power and influence, only to become targets of destruction. What sparked this shocking reversal of fortune?
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Altar Moments The producer of Shtisel ran away from his Judaism for 18 years. But one special moment and one special place changed everything. (Parshat Tetzaveh)
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Torah Class - Parshat Tetzaveh: Will Everything Be Good? Are we supposed to believe that everything that will happen to us is good, and how should we handle the bad?
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Young ProphetsThe Bibas tragedy & the power of Jewish children.(Parshat Terumah)
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Torah Class - Parshat Terumah: the Gift of Wealth: A Blessing or a Trap?
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1:02:10Torah Class - Parshat Terumah: the Gift of Wealth: A Blessing or a Trap? Do we control our wealth, or does it control us? The Torah challenges us to use it wisely, before our wealth uses us.
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The Secret of Survival (Parshat Mishpatim)Nobody ever wanted the Jews. So how did we manage to survive?
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Torah Class - Parshat Mishpatim: Struggling? Lift Up Another!
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1:10:44!Torah Class - Parshat Mishpatim: Struggling? Lift Up Another Should we focus on lifting ourselves out of the quicksand, or can we accomplish that by lifting up another?
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Torah Class - Parshat Yitro: Why Was Moses Reluctant to Delegate? Jethro comes for a visit and suggests that Moses delegate authority to judges; otherwise, he will collapse under the burden. Did Moses not realize this himself? The fascinating difference between the approaches of Moses and Jethro—and G-d’s surprising decision.…
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The Jewish Wanderer The story and lesson of the Previous Rebbe’s life.(Parshat Beshalach/10th of Shevat)
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Torah Class - Parshat Beshalach: The People’s Torah
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1:04:15Torah Class - Parshat Beshalach: The People’s Torah Is Torah study only for those able to dedicate their lives to it? How regular people can make Torah study part of their lives.
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A Plague Of Passenger Pigeons Jews around the world were touched by the story of Agam Berger and her mother, and their journey to Judaism since October 7th.(Parshat Bo)
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Torah Class - Parshat Bo: “The Third Generation Destroys…”
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1:00:10Torah Class - Parshat Bo: “The Third Generation Destroys…” Popular wisdom suggests that the first generation makes it, the second maintains it and the third destroys it. Can this be applied spiritually as well?
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Hostages in Starodub The topic of redeeming hostages is actually a very ancient one. It's even the story of Passover, which we are reading this week. (Parshat Shemot)
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“Hashem Yitbarach Tamid Ohev Oti” The most recent Israeli hit-song tells us about the current moment—and its reflection of the Exodus from Egypt.(Parshat Va'eira)
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Torah Class - Blessing the New Month: “Keep Your Opinions to Yourself!”
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1:07:49Torah Class - Blessing the New Month: “Keep Your Opinions to Yourself!” How to speak in a way that others will listen.
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Torah Class - Parshat Shemot: The Snake that Swallowed Moses What did Moses do to deserve this? And how did a Woman save the day again?
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Wildfires in Jewish History When the Tzemach Tzedek’s home burnt to the ground, he was disappointed that the chassidim hadn’t stolen his manuscripts. But isn’t stealing forbidden? (Parshat Vayechi)
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Torah Class - 10th of Tevet: Unity at All Costs? Should we unite with everyone at the cost of our principles, or are there those with whom we cannot unite?
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Torah Class - Parshat Vayigash: What Motivates Mutual Responsibility?
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1:06:51Torah Class - Parshat Vayigash: What Motivates Mutual Responsibility? What does a loan guarantor have to do with loving our fellow Jews? And what really lies behind the expression "All Jews are responsible for one another?"
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Festival of Fire or Festival of Lights? When two sisters became observant against the wishes of their parents, the Rebbe made sure that the family relationship remained intact. (Chanukah)
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Torah Class - Chanukah: Hidden Miracles When does G-d choose to hide, and when does He reveal Himself? How the natural and miraculous come together.
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The Worst 3 Hours The Alter Rebbe’s three hours & Yosef’s three hours. (Parshat Vayeishev/19th of Kislev)
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Torah Class - Chanukah: The Menorah: Public or Personal? Should the Chanukah lights be placed at the window to illuminate the world, or rather be set inside, warming the home and hearth? Click here for the class handout
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The Sudden Change What happened this week in Syria is similar to the story of this week’s parsha. What lesson does it hold for us?(Parshat Vayishlach)
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Torah Class - Parshat Vayishlach: Kidnapped Jewish Children
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1:00:36Torah Class - Parshat Vayishlach: Kidnapped Jewish Children A historic Chassidic discourse addressed the kidnapping of Jewish children and their forced draft into the Russian army for 25 years of service. The Rebbe explores the contemporary lesson from this tragic episode.Click here for the class handout…
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The Spiritual Global Warming The world is slowly getting warmer—but this time, it’s happening in a positive way. (Parshat Vayetzei)
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Torah Class - Parshat Vayetze: The Uniqueness of Every PrayerCan we break through nature and change reality? An exploration of the unique power of each of the three daily prayers.
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Torah Class - Parshat Toldot: To Live in the Israeli Mode
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1:03:25Torah Class - Parshat Toldot: To Live in the Israeli Mode Whether we live in Israel or the diaspora, we should adopt the spiritual mindset of Israel: G-d’s continuous presence in our lives. Click here for the class handout
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The Shabbat Candle Survey (Parshat Chayei-Sarah) The difference between men & women lighting Shabbat candles.
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Torah Class - Parshat Chayei Sara: The Power of the Three-Year-Old
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1:00:52Torah Class - Parshat Chayei Sara: The Power of the Three-Year-Old Facing a moral decline of society stand Jewish women and girls on a mission to brighten the darkness. The Rebbe's Shabbat candle lighting campaign. Click here for the class handout
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Sodom vs. Urk Even Sodom & Gemorrah had a redeeming factor- Tzohar! (Parshat Vayeira)
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Torah Class - Parshat Vayeira: Who is the Boss of the Home? A bitter argument between Abraham and Sarah is settled by G-d Himself, teaching us the Jewish model for running the home, and the proper roles of husband and wife. Click here for the class handout
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How Many Children Do You Want? Be fruitful and multiply is repeated in this week’s Parsha. Don’t be intimidated by what it signifies.(Parshat Noach)
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Torah Class - Parshat Lech-Lecha: Can A Minority Survive? The size of the Atom
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Torah Class - The Shofar of Love The prophets of Israel prophesied about the shofars that will herald the coming of the Messiah. The Rebbe explains that these shofar blasts were expressed by the terrible world wars on the one hand, and the victory of the Six Day War on the other hand. A fascinating exploration of the deeper meaning of the shofar bl…
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Doorway DefenseIs there a special mitzvah that we could take on for the new year? What is G-d’s message to us in the year post-October 7th?
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Hazing What is the meaning of a bris, and why do we read about it on Rosh Hashanah? (Parshat Netzavim-Vayeilech)
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Torah Class - Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech: Behind the Mask The Torah warns that G-d may leave the Jewish people and conceal His face from them. But Rashi sweetens the pill and tells us that this isn't literal. Consolation in the concealment.
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Loud And Quiet Voices (Parshat Ki Tavo) The customs of this week’s Torah portion seem to reflect the reality of Israel today.
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Torah Class - Parshat Ki Tavo: Can Self-Reflection be a Communal Exercise? The secret advantage of the synagogue, and can others help us repent sincerely?
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Torah Class - Parshat Ki Teitzei: Who Gets the Credit?
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1:01:23Torah Class - Parshat Ki Teitzei: Who Gets the Credit? A person influenced someone else to do a good deed. Who gets the credit? The influencer or the actor?
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Torah Class - Parshat Shoftim: Do Not Fear? During Israel's War of Attrition, Moshe Dayan exhorted the troops not to be afraid, citing the Torah verse "Do not fear." The Rebbe highlights the end of the verse, which tells us why we should not fear.
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Let My People Go The missing half. Why we aren’t afraid of our enemies.(Parshat Re'eh)
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Torah Class - Parshat Re’eh: Jewish Vegetarianism? What is the Torah's stance on meat consumption? Is it permissible? Recommended? Was there time when it was forbidden? The evolving Jewish stance on meat consumption.
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The Yahrtzeit of a Giant Every Chabad family has a Levi. What’s up with that? (Chof Av/Parshat Eikev)
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Torah Class - The 20th Of Av: The Tip Of The Needle The piercing tip of the needle facilitates the connection between two parts of a garment. What is the lesson we can learn from this, and how can we "sew" materialism and spirituality together?
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