A kinda funny/kinda smart Star Trek podcast covering the new Golden Age of Trek, including Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Star Trek Lower Decks, Star Trek Picard and more. Join four friends who have varying levels of familiarity with, and affection for, Star Trek.
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Jack becomes a man by doing a podcast all by himself about every single episode of Star Trek: Discovery, Short Treks, and Picard! Join him as he listens to some sweet tunes, cracks bad jokes and reviews each episode. Stick around until the end for sweet and spicy features!
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Sternzeit - 305293. Der Weltraum - unendliche Weiten. Und goldene Zeiten für alle Star Trek-Fans. Mit “Star Trek:Discovery”, “Star Trek:Picard”, "Star Trek: Lower Decks", "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" und "Star Trek: Prodigy" feiern wir eine große Star Trek-Renaissance. Sebastian und Andreas schauen sich Folge für Folge durch das neue Seriematerial. Wohlwollend kritisch mit den Augen zweite Star Trek-Enthusiasten. Und nicht ohne das das alte Universium aus den Augen zu verlieren. Folgt uns ...
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Star Trek Discovery Podcast, featuring Picard, Lower Decks, and Strange New Worlds
Brian Meloche & Laurence Todd
The Star Trek Discovery Podcast is an in-depth, long-form, community-driven discussion about Star Trek: Discovery, shown weekly on Paramount Plus. We also cover Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Lower Decks, and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. We’re Brian Meloche and Laurence "LT" Todd, two long-time Star Trek fans, and in each episode we analyze the story, characters, and how the shows are placed in the Star Trek universe. For Lower Decks, Brian & LT are joined by Kyle McAdams. Together with our ...
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Scott McNulty and Jason Snell discuss brand-new Star Trek as it happens, including episode-by-episode coverage of “Discovery”, “Picard”, and “Strange New Worlds”, along with occasional check-ins about what’s going on with animated Star Trek series.
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Der Nerdizismus Star Trek Discovery Podcast
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A weekly look inside STAR TREK: DISCOVERY and other modern STAR TREK series with host CHASE MASTERSON (Deep Space Nine) and co-host RYAN BRITT along with special guests from across the contemporary #STARTREK universe.
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The Edge, Trek.fm’s dedicated Star Trek: Discovery podcast, follows the story of Michael Burnham and the crew of the USS Discovery as they chart new territory in the 32nd century, and also explores the creative and cultural history of the legendary franchise by deep diving into the connection between Discovery and TV series, films, books, and comics that came before.
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Come along with us as we recap, review and grossly over analyze even the smallest detail of every episode of Star Trek Discovery. Releases every Monday.
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Heather & Jeff are joined by two new Star Trek fans to discuss Star Trek Discovery every week!
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En Universo Star Trek, C.J. Navas, Dani Simón, Álex Barredo y Jorge Navas Alejo comentan las series trekkies: Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, Prodigy …
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Hello and welcome to my podcast where i will be discussing the new Star Trek show Discovery. I love Star Trek and very excited to be bringing you my thoughts. Make sure to subscribe. E-mail me at leanwarriorreviews@gmail.com or tweet me @lwrpodcast I look forward to hearing from you, thank you
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ENDLICH! Diskutiere mit uns die neue Serie – schafft es Star Trek zurück zu alter Topform? Ein Podcast des Science-Fiction-Blogs „Fantastische Wissenschaftlichkeit“ mit Marta und Kuba.
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Pete and Matt from PhantasticGeek.com take their continuing adventures to sharing news and reviews ahead of Star Trek: Discovery's fourth season on Paramount+. We also cover Star Trek in general, including breaking news about the Star Trek Universe. We are here every week to analyze, theorize, and share your feedback on PhantasticGeek.com, Facebook.com/PhantasticGeek, and Twitter.com/PhantasticGeek. We podcast each episode the week it airs.
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Episodenbesprechung: Star Trek Prodigy - "Who Saves the Saviors" (S02E03)
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1:53:16Discovery Panel - DISCOVER STAR TREK Who Saves the Saviors? – Zeitreise-Kollaps, Identitätskrisen & ein sehr schlechter Tag für Gwyn Gwyn will ihre Heimat retten, Dal hat mal wieder einen extrem kreativen Plan, Jankom Pog haut Vogel-Witze raus, und Maj'el versucht, eine komplette Zeitlinie zu retten, ohne den Verstand zu verlieren – klassischer Die…
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Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S3e8: Future's End Part I where the Voyager crew needs to stop a tech genius from destroying the future.Por Brian Meloche & Laurence Todd
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As we wait for more new Trek, we are revisiting a classic. Joins as we review and discuss The Animated Series starting with "Beyond the Farthest Star" and "Yesteryear" with Clyde, Paul, and Myrriah. Star Trek Discovery Pod is a companion podcast for all the new and classic Star Trek TV series and movies with reviews, commentary and more. Find us at…
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139 - Star Trek: Section 31 (with Sam Stovold, Sean Davis, Kregg Castillo & Barm)
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5:10:16SPECIAL PRESENTATION: STAR TREK: SECTION 31~! I know I’m sitting on a huge backlog of unreleased episodes, but we couldn’t wait to drop our thoughts on Section 31! Although since this movie is destined to be a perennial favorite I’m sure it wouldn’t matter when we drop this. It’s a big boy packed with a squad as memorable and beloved as that in Sec…
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Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S3e7: Sacred Ground where Kes stumbles into danger and Janeway goes into savior mode.Por Brian Meloche & Laurence Todd
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Continuing our Section 31 watches we are diving into Extreme Measures from Star Trek Deep Space 9. Star Trek Discovery Pod is a companion podcast for all the new and classic Star Trek TV series and movies with reviews, commentary and more. Find us at http://startrekpod.co Join our Slack Channel and Patreon https://www.patreon.com/startrekpod Buy so…
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Episodenbesprechung: Star Trek Prodigy - "Into the Breach, Part 2" (S02E02)
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2:04:42Discovery Panel - DISCOVER STAR TREK Into the Breach, Part 2 – Zeitreisen, Verrat & ein missglücktes Shuttleparken! Gwyn versucht, ihren Heimatplaneten Solum vor einer apokalyptischen Zukunft zu retten – blöd nur, dass Asencia schon vor ihr da war und ordentlich Stimmung gegen sie macht. Auf der Voyager-A wird inzwischen in bester Tradition heimlic…
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Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S3e6: Remember where B'Elanna relives some intense memories of a visiting alien.Por Brian Meloche & Laurence Todd
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Episodenbesprechung: Star Trek Prodigy - "Into the Breach, Part 1" (S02E01)
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2:30:29Discovery Panel - DISCOVER STAR TREK Into the Breach, Part 1 – Die Rückkehr der Protostar-Crew! Willkommen in der zweiten Staffel von Star Trek: Prodigy! 🚀✨ Die Crew ist zurück – aber diesmal mit einer ganz neuen Herausforderung: dem Alltag an der Sternenflottenakademie! Während einige der Protogies sich in ihre neuen Rollen einfinden, fragt sich D…
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Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S3e5: False Profits where we bump into some Ferengi from TNG (and we should have just ignored them).Por Brian Meloche & Laurence Todd
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Lieblingsfolge: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Teil 11)
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1:38:12Discovery Panel - DISCOVER STAR TREK 🖖🍕 Buckelwale in einer Boeing 747?! Kirk, was hast du geraucht?! 🛫🐋 In dieser Episode wird’s wild! Gillian Taylor erklärt, dass man mal eben zwei Buckelwale per Jumbo-Jet nach Alaska fliegt – und wir sagen: HALT STOP! Physik, Logik und gesunder Menschenverstand rufen laut „Bullshit“! 🤯 Also, setzen wir uns hin, …
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Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S3e4: The Swarm where the doc starts losing his memory and Janeway takes a huge risk.Por Brian Meloche & Laurence Todd
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Lieblingsfolge: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Teil 10)
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1:10:29Discovery Panel - DISCOVER STAR TREK 💻 Macs, mysteriöse Hubschrauber und eine revolutionäre Technologie, die angeblich Buckelwale transportieren kann?! Willkommen in einer der nerdigsten Folgen EVER! Warum hat Commodore den Amiga nicht verliehen, während Apple ganz lässig mit dem Macintosh Plus um die Ecke kam? Was zur Hölle macht ein Hughes 500-Hu…
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Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S3e3: The Chute where Tom and Harry are thrown into a dungeon with little hope of escape or survival.Por Brian Meloche & Laurence Todd
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Lieblingsfolge: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Teil 9)
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1:17:41Discovery Panel - DISCOVER STAR TREK 🚀 Willkommen zur neuen Folge! Buckle up, Freunde! 🛸 Heute steigen wir mit Kirk und Spock in den Truck von Gillian Taylor und fahren schnurstracks in die Walfang-Debatte der 80er. Während wir klären, ob Gracie eigentlich schon sichtbar schwanger sein müsste, verlieren wir uns ganz nebenbei in der ultimativen Frag…
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Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S3e2: Flashback where Tuvok flashes back to Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.Por Brian Meloche & Laurence Todd
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Lieblingsfolge: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Teil 8)
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1:16:54Discovery Panel - DISCOVER STAR TREK 🚀 Was haben Kirk, das Free Speech Movement und ein Raubüberfall mit Star Trek IV zu tun? Wir zerlegen die nächste Szene – und dabei tauchen wir tief in die 80er ein, von Actionhelden bis zu politischen Bewegungen. 🏴☠️💥 🎥 Wir starten bei 54:10 im Film… Uhura und Chekov haben ihren Plan an Kirk durchgegeben, sich…
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RBVOY 043 – Basics, Part II (S3E1)
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1:03:57Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S3e1: Basics, Part II where Paris, Suder and the Doctor attempt to retake Voyager and rescue the crew.Por Brian Meloche & Laurence Todd
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This week we are on the bridge to discuss the new Star Trek Section 31 movie. Buckle up. Star Trek Discovery Pod is a companion podcast for all the new and classic Star Trek TV series and movies with reviews, commentary and more. Find us at http://startrekpod.co Join our Slack Channel and Patreon https://www.patreon.com/startrekpod Buy some merch! …
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In prep for the Section 31 moving we are diving into the lore with a series of rewind watches. Next up is Terra Firma parts 1 and 2 from Star Trek Discovery. Star Trek Discovery Pod is a companion podcast for all the new and classic Star Trek TV series and movies with reviews, commentary and more. Find us at http://startrekpod.co Join our Slack Cha…
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In prep for the Section 31 moving we are diving into the lore with a series of rewind watches. Next up is Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges from Deep Space Nine. Star Trek Discovery Pod is a companion podcast for all the new and classic Star Trek TV series and movies with reviews, commentary and more. Find us at http://startrekpod.co Join our Slack Chan…
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Filmbesprechung Star Trek: Section 31 (Star Trek XIV)
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2:43:51Discovery Panel - DISCOVER STAR TREK 🎧 Star Trek: Section 31 – Die Review 💥 Michelle Yeoh kehrt zurück als Philippa Georgiou in einem actiongeladenen Star-Trek-Film, der alles hat: Superwaffen, Verrat und Müllstrahlen als Waffe! 🖖 🔍 Unsere Themen: Wie Georgiou einen Maulwurf jagt und eine Superwaffe aus dem Spiegeluniversum zurückholt. Terrenium: D…
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92: "Section 31" and ranking Trek movies
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1:10:03Scott and Jason review the Paramount+ original movie “Star Trek: Section 31” and then, just for fun, rank all the Star Trek movies from worst to best! Scott McNulty and Jason Snell Referenced Works Star Trek: Section 31 Show Notes & Links Alan Sepinwall's Trek movie rankings Support this show and other shows like it on The Incomparable network by b…
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In prep for the Section 31 moving we are diving into the lore with a series of rewind watches. Starting with Inquisition from Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Star Trek Discovery Pod is a companion podcast for all the new and classic Star Trek TV series and movies with reviews, commentary and more. Find us at http://startrekpod.co Join our Slack Channel …
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Lieblingsfolge: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Teil 7)
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1:14:11Discovery Panel - DISCOVER STAR TREK ✨ Eine Szene, ein Schiff, ein Abenteuer! 🖖 In der neuen Episode nehmen wir euch mit nach Alameda – Chekov und Uhura auf der Suche nach einem Nuklearschiff! 🚢🌌 Warum diese Szene so besonders ist? Wir tauchen tief ein in die Geschichte hinter den Kulissen von Star Trek IV und liefern Nerdwissen vom Feinsten! 💡 📍 H…
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Star Trek News: Januar 2025
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2:39:46Discovery Panel - DISCOVER STAR TREK In unserer ersten Star Trek-Newsfolge des Jahres 2025 blicken wir zurück und nach vorne! 🖖 Wir sprechen über die Highlights und das Ende von Discovery und Lower Decks, frische Infos zu Starfleet Academy, einen ausführlichen Trailer-Talk zu Section 31 und die spannenden Pläne für einen neuen Star Trek-Film, der d…
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Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager Season 2 Wrap Up where we talk about the highs and lows of both seasons 1 and 2.Por Brian Meloche & Laurence Todd
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Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S2E26: Basics, Part I where Seska is back with a better plan and manages to finally get her wish.Por Brian Meloche & Laurence Todd
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RBVOY 040 – Resolutions (S2E25)
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1:08:07Welcome to Rebinge Star Trek Voyager S2E25: Resolutions where Janeway and Chakotay are stranded alone leading to some sexy hand holding.Por Brian Meloche & Laurence Todd
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CARLOS BONUS 8 - The 8th Annual Continuity Carlos Christmas Special (with Jay-Z and Bryan Stovold)
For Christmas 2024, Carlos first makes the long voyage to California, Jack's ancestral homeland, and settles in for a evening of outdoor cabana Christmas Eve cheer alongside Jack, Jack's father and Jay-Z. Merry Christmas!Por Jack
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Star Trek Lower Decks Season 5 Episodes 9 and 10 Recap and Review
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1:03:08Grab the issues as we say goodbye to Lower Decks with a recap and review of Season 5 episodes 9 and 10. Star Trek Discovery Pod is a companion podcast for all the new and classic Star Trek TV series and movies with reviews, commentary and more. Find us at http://startrekpod.co Join our Slack Channel and Patreon https://www.patreon.com/startrekpod B…
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Fresh from shore leave the crew is back to recap and review episodes 7 and 8 from the 5th season of Star Trek Lower Decks. Star Trek Discovery Pod is a companion podcast for all the new and classic Star Trek TV series and movies with reviews, commentary and more. Find us at http://startrekpod.co Join our Slack Channel and Patreon https://www.patreo…
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