Kaitlan Collins goes straight to the source and chases the facts so you can get the very latest on The Source with Kaitlan Collins.
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Kaitlyn Braun, a pregnant young woman in crisis, takes dozens of birth workers through an escalating series of disasters – rape, baby loss, and even a coma. One by one, the doulas struggle to support her and grieve with her, and even save her life as they’re led down a distressing path. And then the truth comes out. In this six-part true crime series, Sarah Treleaven untangles a complex web of lies and deception to ask who Kaitlyn really is and why she did the things that she did. Cases like ...
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Saade on eetris teisipäeval kell 19:00 ja kordub pühapäeval kell 12:00. Rahva Oma Kaitse analüüsib nädala sise- ja välispoliitika sündmusi. Alustame nädala teemaga, seejärel keskendume teistele meedias vastukaja leidnud probleemidele. Otse-eetris on kaks ajakirjanikku, kes ei karda olla kriitilised nii erakondade, poliitikute kui ajakirjanduse hindamisel. Ja lõpuks - see on romantika! Saatejuhid Mart Juur ja Andrus Kivirähk Saade on eetris teisipäeval kell 19:00 ja kordub pühapäeval kell 11: ...
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Ob "Winterreise pauschal" oder "Sound der DDR" - kommen Sie mit auf musikalische Entdeckungsreisen!
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Marina, of Anime B&B, and Draggle, of Draggle’s Anime blog, discuss currently airing anime.
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A journey through interests and passions of friends, and maybe strangers, with warm beverage in hand
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This is the official Radio Podcast site of Kai DéVote. On my page you will find all DJ Live Sets. Tracks listen on www.kaidevote.de
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Jörg und Kai reden in diesem Podcast über Videospiele und alles was damit zu tun hat.
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Factor Kaiser: Una nueva manera de acercarse a la realidad y de buscar la verdad. Con Max Kaiser.
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A Cobra Kai podcast where host Peter review each episode in depth and interview cast members from the Netflix show!
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A young Texas woman with special needs openly shares her life, with love. With faith in Jesus and her friends at her side, Kaitlyn can do anything! Subscribe to hear Kaitlyn podcast all her life experiences as she makes the world a brighter place in her own amazing way. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll cookies before its over.
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Kaituhi Kōrero | Author Talks Kaituhi Kōrero - Author Talks is a podcast dedicated to shining a light on the experiences, stories, and creative journeys of Indie Authors in New Zealand and Australia. Sponsored by Pae Pukapuka, this platform dives deep into the writing process, the challenges and triumphs of Indie publishing, and the connections between authors and their characters. Through heartfelt conversations, Kaituhi Kōrero celebrates the voices that shape our literary landscape and bri ...
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Go! Go! Kaiju Show - A podcast for all things Kaiju & Tokusatsu and one of THE original Kaiju-centric podcasts since 2010!
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Welcome to the Okami Kai Chronicles. A podcast devoted to not only the students at Okami Kai Martial Arts and Fitness, but also to the fans of our school in Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada. "Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso
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This podcast collects many of the Podcastica network shows in a single place, for your convenience. We have in-depth, fun conversations about TV shows like Squid Game, Cobra Kai, Yellowjackets, The White Lotus, House of the Dragon, The Rings of Power, The Handmaid’s Tale, Andor, Dead to Me, and many more. For standalone versions of all of our podcasts, head on over to podcastica.com. We're Podcastica, and we've been doing episode-by-episode deep dives into amazing TV for over a decade now. W ...
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Kaiju Conversation is a podcast series diving into the world of tokusatsu featuring genres like science fiction, J-Horror, action, and comedy! From Godzilla, Gamera, and Ultraman to the deepest darkest places like Zeiram, Zebraman, and Tetsuo: The Iron Man.
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Presidente Fundacion para El Progreso y director cátedra FA Hayek Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Abogado. Doktor der Philosophie por la Universidad de Heidelberg, Alemania. Ha sido visiting scholar de la Hoover Institution Stanford.
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A humorously nostalgic podcast covering all things in The Karate Kid & Cobra Kai universe. Hosts: Jason Connell, award-winning documentary producer & martial arts guru, & Sal Rodriguez, comedian & toy expert/collector.
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On the charts since 2017, Off The Vine isn’t just a podcast—it’s a full-bodied pour of unfiltered conversations, deep dives, and downright ridiculous moments. Hosted by Kaitlyn Bristowe—former Bachelorette, DWTS champ, and your go-to girl for keeping it real—OTV is like catching up with your bestie over a glass of wine (Spade & Sparrows, because, duh). Whether you’re a day-one Vino or a first-time listener, expect a mix of thought-provoking chats, pop culture deep dives, personal growth, spi ...
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Die beiden Satiriker*innen Jane Mumford und Renato Kaiser setzen sich zusammen und sezieren mit dem Buttermesser die brennenden Themen unserer Zeit - aber vor allem sich selbst. Mal mit Humor, mal mit Biss, mal mit Herz, mal mit Hirn, manchmal mit Gäst*innen, manchmal live, manchmal sogar alles zusammen. MUMFORD & KAISER - Balsamico für die Seele.
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Kaitsemnutid räägib uudistest riigikaitse valdkonnas.
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Welcome to the Kaiton podcast, where amazing things happen.
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In a world as vast as the kaiju genre, there needs to be a podcast that can tackle all things giant monster - from film to fandom, television to toys, Godzilla to Gamera. That podcast is YHS on Monster Island! From the world of Yes Have Some comes a new show dedicated to the spectacle and madness of the kaiju genre; one as fun as a trip to World Children's Land and as informative as a Dr. Yamane lecture. Piloting this ship will be "The Tattooed Titan of Tokusatsu" and YHS co-founder, Jacob W ...
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Wir sind Pat und Kai und begeisterte Retrogaming-Fans. In unserem Podcast "Pixel Hunters" möchten wir per Zufallsgenerator ausgewählte Spiele der 80er und 90er Jahre nochmals bzw. erstmals erleben und davon unterhaltsam berichten. Wir sehen uns als Review-Podcast und haben nicht den Anspruch, tiefe Recherchen durchzuführen und Trivia Fakten archäologisch auszugraben. Wir wünschen Euch viel Spaß beim anhören!
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Beim König der Podcasts gucken wir chronologisch alle Godzilla-Filme und wollen auch Artverwandtes nicht auslassen. Dabei machen wir eine Reise quer durch das bunte Riesenmonster-Genre, das mehr zu bieten hat als Echsen und Affen.
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Wer trifft sich regelmäßig im „Gasthof zum Kaiser Friedrich“ im Schnoor und warum? Wer zieht in Bremen im Hintergrund die Strippen? Und wer stemmt sich dagegen? Worüber wird im Rathaus und drum herum geschnackt? Um aktuelle bremische Politik dreht sich der Podcast des WESER-KURIER namens „Hinten links im Kaiser Friedrich“ von und mit Silke Hellwig und Michael Brandt, immer sonnabends auf www.weser-kurier.de und den gängigen Streaming-Plattformen.
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“Beat Yesterday” ist der neue Podcast von Garmin und Kai Tutschke, dem Geschäftsführer von Garmin im deutschsprachigen Raum. Kai spricht im Podcast mit Persönlichkeiten aus dem Sportbereich, die zu einer neuen Version ihrer selbst geworden sind. Kai taucht tief ein in Transformationen und Triumphe der Gäste. Es geht ums Scheitern und Wiederaufstehen. Um Wachstum und Wendepunkte. Und über die großen Veränderungen im Leben, die mutige und ungewöhnliche Entscheidungen verlangen. Kurz um: Wir ze ...
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hunger games book
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Hello enjoy
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It's a podcast.
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Welcome to kaiju101, where we talk about kaiju
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A practice platform for a journey of a guy chasing his dream to be a DJ announcer. Share life, Share music, Spread love, peace. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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A.C. Cristales and Jose Barron breakdown and analyze every episode of the hit Netflix series, Cobra Kai, starting from the beginning with season one. They also provide insight and lessons from each episode to apply to your life because wisdom from Cobra Kai Never Dies.
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Podcast Com os players que fazem a diferença no marketing digital, Os que realmente possuem resultado e escrevem a historia!
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I'm telling you story of my life!! Cover art photo provided by Nong Vang on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@californong
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The audio diary of a perfectly ordinary IT guy working at a very extraordinary company.
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In my podcasts I will rant about many tv shows that I enjoy and kpop idols that I'm passionate about etc.
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Homework Cover art photo provided by Alex Rodríguez Santibáñez on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@alexrds
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Cobra Kai is fun, funny, and light-hearted, with a lot of kick-ass karate, but it's also heartfelt, and while reverent to the classic Karate Kid series it follows, it also cleverly remixes and re-contextualizes themes and situations from those movies. It's awesome! We're Podcastica, and we've been doing episode-by-episode deep dives into amazing TV shows for over a decade now. And let me tell you, I think this show is my (Jason's) favorite thing I've ever podcasted on. You can be a part of t ...
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Welcome to Kaisa Halberg, where amazing things happen.
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frauverliebt - der lesbische Podcast! Hier geht es um Coming-in & Coming-out, lesbische Filme, Bücher, Games, die kleinen alltäglichen Fragen aus dem Leben einer Lesbe & um Homosexualität in der Gesellschaft. Als lesbische Autorin und Bloggerin (www.frauverliebt.de) möchte ich meine Erfahrungen mit euch teilen & für mehr Sichtbarkeit für die LGBTQ-Community und speziell auch von Lesben sorgen. Nur Sichtbarkeit kann die noch bestehenden Unsicherheiten der Menschen bezüglich Homosexualität sch ...
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In this episode, Scott Campsall confesses that he has favourite students. How do you become a favourite though? Do you have to be more talented than others? Do you have to suck up to the teacher? Your work ethic could get you to being in the position of being a favourite, but do you have what it takes to keep you there? Let's find out. Learn more a…
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The Mixmission Radio Show with Kai DéVote on RM FM Techhouse | 15.03.2025
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2:36:12The Mixmission Radio Show with Kai DéVote on RM FM Techhouse. Including a live phone call in the live show with resident DJ Mark Plamer on his birthday from hour 2. Style´s by Techhouse & Melodic Techno. See You on www.kaidevote.dePor Kai DéVote
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"Full-Moon Party" (The White Lotus S3E5)
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2:07:29Reposted from Welcome to the White Lotus, which you can find and subscribe to at: podcastica.com/podcast/welcome-to-the-white-lotus — Well, okay then. I mean you know this is all your fault for complaining nothing was happening on this show, right? Just kidding, but what an episode — all about fluidity of identity, losing inhibitions, and the never…
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Cobra Kai - S06E06 - Benvinguts a Barcelona
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1:23:51Let's Talk - Cobra Kai Episode 197: Benvinguts a Barcelona Jason Connell and Sal Rodriguez break down Season 06 - Episode 05 (Best of the Best) of the Cobra Kai series and much more. Synopsis: With the Sekai Taikai underway, a betrayal threatens to throw team Miyagi-Do off their game. A dramatic first event unleashes the element of surprise. Record…
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Bastian Schweinsteiger ist eine der größten Fußballlegenden Deutschlands. Mit dem FC Bayern München gewann er zahlreiche nationale und internationale Titel, bevor er mit der deutschen Nationalmannschaft 2014 den Weltmeistertitel holte. In dieser Folge – live von der SPOBIS 2025 – spricht Kai Tutschke mit Bastian über die Werte, die ihn als Spieler …
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The Big 3 returns to talk about Season 6 and ending the show. Twitter: @CobraKaiPod / Instagram: @CobraKaiKompanion Email: CobraKaiPod@gmail.com Cobra Kai Kompanion Website Merch store: ckkompanion.threadless.com The Kompanion Network GroupPor Peter Veunnasack
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43: "Strike Last" (S6E14)
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1:33:07Well, it was all fairly predictable up until that explosive ending, wasn’t it? But we don’t care one little bit. We’re loving every minute of these last episodes. Go Tory and Miguel!!! Next up: The Cobra Kai series finale (gulp)! Cobra Kai S6E15 “Ex-Degenerate” Let us know your thoughts everybody. You can email or send a voice message to waxonwaxof…
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In der heutigen Episode sprechen wir über das Spiel "Der Clou!". Dieses wurde von Neo Software entwickelt und im Jahr 1994 veröffentlicht. Die Emiten: https://open.spotify.com/show/73lrK1MTse32whLtyvg4O0 E-Mail: retrocast[at]web.de Pat bei Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/pat9496.bsky.social Kai bei Bluesky: https://bsky.ap…
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Inside the room as Trump takes a sledgehammer to the Department of Education. We examine what this means for low income students, those with disabilities, and those with student loans. Plus, another academic, in the country legally, has now just been detained and marked for deportation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adc…
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#825. Arielle Vandenberg joins Kaitlyn for a heartfelt chat about her beloved dog, Stinky, who recently crossed the rainbow bridge. She opens up about the emotions, cherished memories, and what’s been helping her through this tough time. The Vinos also sent in their own questions about pet grief, and Arielle shares what’s brought her comfort. But i…
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Frauen gegen Frauen...?!
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1:06:49Lez talk about - Episode 1 Yasmin vom "Du darfst mich nicht so lieben"-Podcast und ich wollen jetzt regelmäßig über Themen, die uns beschäftigen, miteinander quatschen! In der ersten Folge der Rubrik „Lez talk about…“ im frauverliebt Podcast reden wir über: Frauen gegen Frauen…?! Warum gibt es Frauen, die andere Frauen kleinhalten? Warum unterstütz…
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A boiling point in Trump’s attacks on the judiciary, accusing a federal judge of being what he says is a radical left lunatic. But, a closer look at that judge’s past rulings doesn’t exactly line up with that. Plus, why Trump’s dismissal of a Democratic commissioner is putting his executive power grab back in the spotlight. Learn more about your ad…
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- ¿Te has preguntado cómo viven ellos las absurdas batallas políticas entre autoridades que se lavan las manos?- ¿Te imaginas el dolor que viven por no obtener respuestas?- ¿Te imaginas que se siente sumarle al dolor de no tener a tu hijo, la angustia de ser enemigo del Estado y del crimen organizado?- Te invito a imaginarlo por un momento y a refl…
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Inception: One More Time w/ Gem - KCCC 04
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1:01:19Tokusatsu has influenced a lot for myself and my good buddy Gem! We sit down and talk about his current projects and how he got into filmmaking. Sit back relax and grab a warm drink Theme By Harris Heller Socials: @KaijuCarl / @PrawnHornHeroes --- Get 5% off Player One Coffee and Support the show!
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Kaum ein klassisches Musikwerk ist so oft bearbeitet worden wie "Die vier Jahreszeiten" von Antonio Vivaldi. Und zum 300-jährigen Jubiläum der Musik in diesem Jahr kommen bestimmt noch einige neue Versionen hinzu. Ob mit spätromantischem Riesenorchester oder kleinem Kammerensemble, ob mit Mandoline, Hardangerfiedel oder achtstimmigem Chor: Unter de…
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President Trump gives his first response to the rare rebuke from Chief Justice John Roberts after Trump calls for a judge to be impeached because he didn’t like his ruling. Senator Bernie Sanders joins live. Plus, Russia launches a massive bombing campaign in Ukraine after Trump’s call with Putin. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoi…
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The Mixmission Radio Show -Deep Space Night- with Kai DéVote on RM FM Techhouse | 14.03.2025
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1:34:41The Mixmission Radio Show -Deep Space Night- with Kai DéVote on RM FM Techhouse. Style´s by Dub-Deep Techno & Electronica. See You on www.kaidevote.dePor Kai DéVote
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Mart Juur & Andrus KivirähkPor (Raadio 2)
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Russell Dickerson | How a $6 Music Video Changed Everything, "Dear Russell" Q&A, & a Shania Twain Stage Wipeout!
#824. Country music star Russell Dickerson brings his golden retriever energy to the Off the Vine studio! He spills on the $6 music video that changed everything, the four-year journey it took for Yours to finally hit No. 1, and the exact moment he prayed for a miracle—only for the sky to answer with a full-blown thunderstorm. But that’s just the b…
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- La secta morenista menosprecia a las redes sociales, pero hace corajes a diario gracias a ellas.- Dicen que no influyen en el amor del pueblo a Sheinbaum, pero ella les dedica todas sus mañaneras.- 107 millones de mexicanos usan internet, 7 horas al día, 90 millones de ellos en redes sociales.- Sí le preocupan las redes sociales al gobierno, y aq…
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An escalating showdown as a federal judge grills the DOJ after they’re accused of ignoring his court order. With government attorneys refusing to answer his questions in a testy hearing this afternoon, the White House is arguing he doesn’t have the power to question the president’s authority. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.c…
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Queridos amantes de la libertad y de la racionalidad, En este episodio, publicado originalmente el 30 de marzo del 2023 en Patreon, hablaremos sobre los mitos tóxicos en las relaciones de pareja que hacen imposible una convivencia sana o que estas se proyecten en el tiempo. Para eso, nos basamos en diversos estudios y libros que se han escrito sobr…
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What Is Going On Here?! | Go! Go! Kaiju Show #207
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1:46:34On this Go! Go! Kaiju Show transmission, Hosts Kent and Jason commentate and review more KAMEN RIDER with Episodes 78-80! Episode Track List: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:58 Find Go! Go! Kaiju Show Everywhere 00:04:10 Kent's Show-and-Tell 00:07:24 Kamen Rider: Episode 78 00:32:38 Kamen Rider: Episode 78 Review & Grade 00:34:16 Kamen Rider: Episode 7…
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I hadn’t even realized this show was happening! But it’s really fun. 00:00 Intro 00:39 SAKAMOTO DAYS 18:19 Other favorite comedies of the season 21:00 Outro Music Credits: “Clover 3” by Vibe Mountain “Seasons” by roljuiPor Marina and Draggle
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"Claimed" (The Walking Dead S4E11 Rewatch)
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1:32:22Reposted from The ‘Cast of Us, which you can find at: https://podcastica.com/podcast/the-cast-of-us — We’re thrilled to be joined by Renae Murray this week for our discussion of this ep where, among other things, her boo Rick shows what he’s made of :P Next up: TWD S4E12 “Claimed”. Let us know your thoughts! You can email or send a voice message to…
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In Episode 2 of Disney+'s "Daredevil: Born Again," Matt Murdock defends Hector Ayala, secretly the vigilante White Tiger, who is accused of killing a police officer during a subway altercation. As Mayor, Wilson Fisk manipulates city officials to solidify his power, including blackmailing the police commissioner to maintain control. Fisk and his wif…
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"Hinten links im Kaiser Friedrich" findet einmal wöchentlich im namensgebenden Gasthof statt. Marco Hünecke hat ein Ehrenamt, für das man sich Zeit nehmen muss. Er ist Vorstandssprecher des Zentralelternbeirats. Dass Bremens Eltern nicht durchweg zufrieden sind mit der bremischen Bildungspolitik, ist sattsam bekannt. Die neue Folge von „Hinten link…
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Shockwaves from President Trump’s grievance and falsehood filled tirade while speaking at the Department of Justice. The president promised law and order while delivering a bitter, blatantly political speech demanding investigations into Democrats while saying those he sees as enemies should be put in jail. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit p…
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"Thanksgiving (Canada)" (Yellowjackets S3E6)
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2:01:23Reposted from Welcome to the White Lotus, which you can find and subscribe to at: yellowjacketswtf.com — Welcome back, Yellowjackets fans! In this episode of the podcast, Wendy, Penny, and Daphne break down the latest episode. Things are getting even more intense in the wilderness and the present day, and we’re here to unpack all the shocking twist…
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Rebirth of Mothra 3 + The Greatest Kaiju Toy Haul in YHS on Monster Island History
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1:43:35Jake and Jay finally complete their review of the Rebirth of Mothra trilogy with 1998's, Rebirth of Mothra 3. Can a re-designed King Ghidorah save the trilogy? Or will puppet dinosaurs, bad CGI, and a deathmatch wrestling legend doom the big bug's big finale? In addition, there's a lot of Godzilla and kaiju toy and sofubi news from a host of makers…
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President Trump’s trade war is starting to hit home for a lot of Americans with United States whiskey makers warning that retaliatory tariffs from Europe have their businesses over a barrel. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear joins. Plus, Trump’s envoy is sent to see Putin face-to-face to try and get a ceasefire deal. Learn more about your ad choices. …
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#823. Buckle up, baby, because today we’ve got country superstar Lauren Alaina in the house! She’s getting hilariously candid, and trust me, we are laughing a lot—from pregnancy surprises to birthing class horrors, massive weddings to middle school connections (spoiler: she might be responsible for Kane Brown’s career?!). Lauren spills on how she m…
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Encuentra todo sobre Factor Kaiser en https://factorkaiser.comPor Dixo
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The allies are striking back against Trump’s tariffs with billions in tariffs of their own. As Americans prepare to pay the price, a top Republican senator joins to discuss. Plus, Vladimir Putin is decked out in his military fatigues as he visits Russian troops on the front lines of the war in Ukraine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcas…
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Abgesagt! - mit Dominik Muheim
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1:13:21Mumford & Kaiser ...& FRIENDS! Zur 100. Folge haben sich Jane und Renato nicht lumpen lassen. Sie haben alle Hebel in Bewegung gesetzt, keinen Stein auf dem anderen gelassen, sich richtig reingehängt, kurz: Sie haben zwei Tage vorher Dominik Muheim als Gast gefragt und er hat ja gesagt. Wow. Kabarettist*innen werden offensichtlich wirklich schlecht…
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Das Besondere an ihr ist ihre Stimme, vor allem die gekonnt unkonventionelle Art, mit der sie sie zum Einsatz bringt! Viele glauben, sie habe eine Opernausbildung genossen, tatsächlich ist sie staatlich geprüfte Schlagersängerin.Vom 30er-Jahre-Schlager bis zum Brechtsong, von Gospel und Mantra bis Musical hat sie alles schon einmal ausprobiert. Sie…
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President Trump now says he doesn’t see a recession coming in the United States despite not ruling one out 48 hours ago. Plus, a potential breakthrough overseas as Ukraine is agreeing to a United States proposed ceasefire with Russia for 30 days. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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"Hide or Seek" (The White Lotus S3E4)
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1:41:31Reposted from Welcome to the White Lotus, which you can find and subscribe to at: podcastica.com/podcast/welcome-to-the-white-lotus — The simmer of this show is edging towards a boil, as Rick finally reveals his true purpose in Thailand, Timothy learns his impending terrible fate, Belinda discovers the truth about Greg, and Jaclyn, Laurie, and Kate…
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Madison Errichiello | EXCLUSIVE Love Is Blind TELL-ALL: Receipts, Red Flags & Reunion Bombshells!
#822. The reunion may be over, but the drama is just getting started! Madison Errichiello joins for an exclusive post-reunion interview, spilling everything—from the wild casting DMs to the love square showdown, hidden receipts, and off-camera confessions. What really went down at the airport? Who was lying, and who got exposed? And why did product…
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Encuentra todo sobre Factor Kaiser en https://factorkaiser.comPor Dixo
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President Trump is uncharacteristically out of sight as the markets plunge after he refuses to rule out a recession. This as Elon Musk is not shying away from the cameras and referring to a former United States senator and former combat pilot as a traitor. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Saturday House Bar -Edition One- with Kai DéVote & Birdimusic on RM FM House | 08.03.2025
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5:17:13Special Saturday Night Sounds with Kai DéVote and Birdimusic on RM FM House. Saturday House Bar Edition One in a one Hour Live Set Rotation. Style´s by Soulful-Disco-Italo-French House. See You on www.kaidevote.dePor Kai DéVote
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The Mixmission Radio Show -Deep Space Night- with Kai DéVote on RM FM Techhouse | 07.03.2025
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2:00:00The Mixmission Radio Show -Deep Space Night- with Kai DéVote on RM FM Techhouse. Style´s by Dub-Deep Techno & Electronica. See You on www.kaidevote.dePor Kai DéVote
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"Heaven's Half Hour" (Daredevil: Born Again S1E1)
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1:19:39In the first episode of Disney+'s "Daredevil: Born Again," Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, and Karen Page celebrate a colleague's retirement at Josie's Bar. The evening takes a tragic turn when an unexpected attack leads Matt to reconsider his role as Daredevil. Meanwhile, Wilson Fisk sets his sights on a new position of power in New York City. Join Ki…
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"Inmates" (The Walking Dead S4E10 Rewatch)
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1:20:42Reposted from The ‘Cast of Us, which you can find at: https://podcastica.com/podcast/the-cast-of-us — Felt like a bunch of cool little mini-movies this week as our people are scattered and in various stages of hope and despair. And psychosis. Pro tip: Never hire Lizzie as your babysitter. Robot Chicken - The Walking Dead Special | Terminus, The Mus…
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Episode #1 - Claire Butler - Full Episode
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1:03:49Indie author Claire Butler spills the tea on her self-publishing adventure. From rejection blues to finding her voice and winning over readers. Her fantasy romance novels serve up deep themes, flawed characters, and all the feels. With indie publishing always changing, Claire shares gold on marketing, representation, and building epic reader connec…
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Indie author Claire Butler spills the tea on her self-publishing adventure. From rejection blues to finding her voice and winning over readers. Her fantasy romance novels serve up deep themes, flawed characters, and all the feels. With indie publishing always changing, Claire shares gold on marketing, representation, and building epic reader connec…
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Cobra Kai - S06E05 - Best of the Best
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1:27:51Let's Talk - Cobra Kai Episode 196: Cobra Kai - S06E05 - Best of the Best Jason Connell and Sal Rodriguez break down Season 06 - Episode 05 (Best of the Best) of the Cobra Kai series and much more. Synopsis: Miyagi Do's top students square off to be team captains, but a devastating tragedy changes everything. Kreese reveals his final surprise. Reco…
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"Hinten links im Kaiser Friedrich" findet einmal wöchentlich im namensgebenden Gasthof statt. Brigitte Wohner-Mäurer ist seit einigen Jahren erste Vorsitzende des Tierschutzvereins Bremen. Themen, Probleme und politische Forderungen gibt es in ihrem Ehrenamt genug: von der Durchsetzung der Kastrationspflicht bei Katzen bis hin zu Taubenhotels und T…
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