O Podcast Quadrangular Kaza foi feito para facilitar o seu dia a dia. Ministrações, Aulas da Escola Bíblica e muito mais para facilitar o seu dia a dia.
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Im "Mannheimer Morgen"-True Crime-Podcast „Verbrechen im Quadrat“ taucht Gerichts- und Kriminalreporterin Agnes Polewka in Verbrechen ein, die Mannheim und die Rhein-Neckar-Region erschüttert haben. Für ihren Nachrufe-Podcast "WeiterLeben" ist Agnes Polewka 2024 mit dem renommierten Theodor-Wolff-Preis ausgezeichnet worden.
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No ‘Na Quadra’ dos canais ESPN, você fica por dentro de tudo no mundo da bola laranja. NBA? NBB? Euroliga? É aqui com Ari Aguiar e Guilherme Giovannoni!
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Podcast Quadrangular Vida nova e Young Sessions
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Captains Quadrant a Star Trek and SciFI Podcast with your hosts Jason Roy Gaston and Joe Dove! We are be the main hub for all laughs and chats about the world of Science Fiction! New episodes premiere join us LIVE at 9pm EST on Youtube. Captains Quadrant is about looking back at all wonderings and queries about recent or past #StarTrek and #SciFI shows.
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Four-quadrant films are movies designed to appeal to the biggest, widest audience possible. In the process, they can often leave out a lot of LGBTQ+ representation – but end up loaded with subtext. In The Queer Quadrant, hosts Brooke Solomon and Jordan Gustafson examine cinema in all its cultural contexts, and explore why your favorite four-quadrant blockbuster is maybe…not as straight as you think it is.
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"Die Quadrataugen" ist ein Podcast mit Fabian Douglas, Lisa Oppermann sowie Laura Samide vom YouTube Channel "GigaTV Mag" und "Nerdkultur" Host Marco Risch. Sie reden über Streaminghighlights, Kinoreleases und Serienstarts, manchmal auch mit Spezialgästen! Der Podcast erscheint alle 2 Wochen am Freitag. Die Quadrataugen ist ein Podcast, der im Auftrag von Vodafone von der Jellyfish Germany GmbH produziert wird. Aufnahme & Schnitt: Ron Harupa Produktion: Laura Pia Samide Und wenn Du jetzt noc ...
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A chapter by chapter reread of the Empyrean series by Rebecca Yarros. We will discuss themes, foreshadowing and just generally have a good time.
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A frase que dá nome ao podcast é de Jorge Jesus. As histórias são contadas pelo Rui Miguel Tovar. O Desporto está recheado de acontecimentos e frases que nem parecem reais, mas são.
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Filmpodcast der Quadrataugenrunde
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En este podcast encontrarás historias, vivencias, conocimiento y análisis, sobre todo de temas de contabilidad y de impuestos, también trataremos temas de actualidad y temas de crecimiento personal y profesional y mucho emprendimiento.
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Aula FAT 2019
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Pour les vieux Geeks de l'apocalypse...
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Podcast by Q540
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Podcast by Igreja do Evangelho Quadrangular, Pouso Alegre - MG
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A new podcast about the movies industry, Oscar season, pop culture and more from journalist, writer, critic and Academy Awards pundit Gregory Ellwood.
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Untold stories about the battle ground at the age of 20s
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Igreja do Evangelho Quadrangular do Parque São Bento em Sorocaba - Sp, liderada pelo pastor Jefferson Campos.
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O Mesa Quadrada é o podcast oficial do Fórum Chaves (a maior comunidade sobre Chaves, Chapolin e Chespirito da internet), com equipe rotativa e muito, MUITO tempo pra conversar sobre as obras criadas por Roberto Gómez Bolaños!
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10 Fragen in 10 Minuten vom Institut Lüttringhaus mit spannenden Menschen die uns immer wieder bereichern
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Um podcast sobre basquete, falamos sobre os acontecimentos e curiosidades da nba, basquete brasileiro e mundial. Um torcedor do Phoenix suns e um torcedor do Los Angeles lakers juntos fazendo podcast é garantia de qualidade!
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Podcast que fala de internet na internet, toda segunda-feira um conteúdo novo indicado por nós.
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Alpha Quadrant 6 is a Science Fiction review show hosted by Jay, Bob and Steve Novella. They review movies and TV shows, discuss the science in Science Fiction and most importantly where all these shows got the science wrong.
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Podcast brasileiro semanal, gravado por 2 casais, tomando cerveja numa mesa de bar e batendo um papo cabeça sobre tv, cinema, internet, musica, moda, saúde e outros, com uma dose humor futilidades, e discussão de relacionamentos.
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TSF - Circulatura do Quadrado - Podcast
Pacheco Pereira, Ana Catarina Mendes, António Lobo Xavier e Carlos Andrade
É o mais emblemático programa de comentário político do país. Com Pacheco Pereira, Ana Catarina Mendes, António Lobo Xavier e Carlos Andrade.
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Um podcast cujo objetivo é proporcionar um espaço de compartilhamento de experiências, discussões e reflexões sobre os profissionais e professores de Educação Física, assim como questões relacionadas a área para os alunos dos cursos de Licenciatura e Bacharelado.
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This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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LES DESSOUS DE SAVIN - Comédie romantique - Journal intime d'un quadra gay et célibataire.
Comédie romance "Les tribulations et réflexions d'un Parisien, quarantenaire, gay et célibataire (enfin qui galère)". Sébastien Savin est un auteur parisien en pleine crise de la quarantaine, dont les repères en général et les repères amoureux en particulier ont fortement été bousculés par cette époque sans dessus dessous: les années 20. Attention 2020! 45 ans ça commence à sentir le sapin je vous l'accorde mais pas à ce point. Une série audio feel good, des personnages attachants et trucule ...
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O podcast Mesa Quadrada do Fórum Chaves tem o objetivo de debater e conversar sobre as principais notícias, polêmicas e novidades que envolvem as séries CH, Chaves, Chapolin, Chespirito e tantas outras. O Podcast tem a apresentação de: Ecco, Borges, Samuel, Rafael Sales e Trascastro.
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Quadratic Equation by Factorisation | Quadratic Equations | CBSE | Class 10 | Math
Shiksha Abhiyan
This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square | Quadratic Equations | CBSE | Class 10 | Math
Shiksha Abhiyan
This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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Neues aus der spannenden Welt der Technologie
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Quadratmeter gibt einen Einblick in unser Leben als Vermieter. Wir sprechen über aktuelle Themen aus der Immobilienwirtschaft und über Dinge die uns einfach interessieren. Ganz ungefiltert. Vermieter unter sich. Folgen Sie uns! Wir freuen uns über Lob, Anregungen und Kritik unter: [email protected]
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This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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This podcast is a part of a series for, CBSE Class 10 Maths. We recommend that you take a look at our YouTube channel, to enter this new world of virtual learning at its best. || Youtube: Shiksha Abhiyan || t.ly/dN9j8 ||
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Rich Dad's CASHFLOW Quadrant is a guide to financial freedom. It's the second book/Podcast in the Rich Dad Series and reveals how some people work less, earn more, pay less in taxes, and learn to become financially free. CASHFLOW Quadrant was written for those who are ready to move beyond job security and enter the world of financial freedom. It's for those who want to make significant changes in their lives and take control of their financial future. Robert believes that the reason most peo ...
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Na Quadra #238 - Lakers x Celtics é a 'final dos sonhos' da NBA? Quem são os favoritos ao título?
No episódio desta semana, Ari Aguiar e Leonardo Sasso discutem se Boston Celtics x Los Angeles Lakers é a "final dos sonhos" da NBA e também até onde podem chegar os seis melhores times de cada conferência! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesPor ESPN Brasil, Ari Aguiar, Guilherme Giovannoni
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Ep. 01- 5T De Anticipos, ingresos y Contabilidad - Todo lo que querías saber acerca de los ANTICIPOS y su tratamiento fiscal
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1:10:54En este episodio de "De impuestos, contabilidad y otras historias", exploramos a fondo el tema de los anticipos fiscales con un invitado de lujo: el Mtro. Amaro Jaen Torres Velázquez Cule, experto en estrategia fiscal. Desmitificaremos los conceptos clave y aprenderemos cómo optimizar el tratamiento fiscal de los anticipos en tu negocio. ¿Quieres f…
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📍L'atterrissage📍 Ce qui compte c'est le voyage, pas la destination. Cette affirmation urticante est pourtant implacable. Réfléchissons un peu. On a toujours eu ce qu'on veut de la vie. Je devrais dire ce que l’on projette ça serait plus juste car notre inconscient a aussi voix au chapitre. Donc bonne ou mauvaise la chose exprimée arrivera toujours.…
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Auf diesen Prozess warten die Menschen Mannheim seit Monaten, auf eines der größten Verfahren in der Mannheimer Geschichte: Am 13. Februar hat vor dem Oberlandesgericht in Stuttgart der Prozess gegen Sulaiman A. begonnen – den Mann, der am 31. Mai 2024 das Messerattentat auf dem Mannheimer Marktplatz begangen haben soll. Der Polizist Rouven Laur wu…
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Culto de Santa Ceia
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Sliders TV Scifi at its Best & Worst
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1:09:25The time has come to return to other stories! A discussion of the show #Sliders hosted by #JasonRoyGaston he passes the celestial gate into the #Wormhole and out of #scifi sometimes connecting #StarTrek to other Science Fiction series.Please join our Patreon- Become an elite and memorable tier of villainy. https://www.patreon.com/CaptainsQuadrant?u…
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Episode 57 - Iron Flame - Chapter 11
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1:02:22Samantha and Kellsie dive into Chapter 11! Violet's on the moon over Xaden's letter and just can't stop thinking about it. The mail is being redacted, Jesinia accidentally gets a 2nd year arrested, and Varrish really really wants to see Andarna....he's obsessed y'all. Email – [email protected] - @readersquadrantpodcastDiscord – http…
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Star Trek Nemesis is the final film of the TNG crew and is often panned by many in the community, however our special guest and Joe Dove share their thoughts on the film in a new light. Rob is the guitarist and lead singer of The Beverly Crushers a fantastic TNG focused Rock Band, please give them a listen and follow below! https://open.spotify.com…
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Na Quadra #237 - Com Lakers e Warriors voando, o Thunder ainda é favorito? Embiid lesionado!
Ari Aguiar e Guilherme Giovannoni falam sobre a fase espetacular de Los Angeles Lakers e Golden State Warriors; será que a dupla ameaça o favoritismo do Oklahoma City Thunder no Oeste? Joel Embiid fora da temporrada, o surpreendente Detroit Pistons e tudo da NBA! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Das Alien-Franchise - Unsere Review
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1:42:48Unsere Meinung zu ALLEN Alien-Filmen und der Serie Alien: Earth Mit "Alien: Earth" spielt das Alien-Universum zum ersten Mal auf der Erde. Doch ist das wirklich eine gute Idee? Oder hätte das Alien-Franchise schon längst begraben werden sollen? Darüber diskutieren die Quadrataugen Lisa, Marco und Fabian in dieser Folge! Danach siehst du die Alien-F…
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The 2024 QQ Qualifiers
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2:24:17It's the third annual QQ Qualifier Awards – aka the Quallies! In advance of the Oscars, Jordan and Brooke award the coveted "Rainbow Prism" to their favorite performances of the 2024 cinematic year, along with a healthy dose of subjective criticism, Brooke slacking on viewing stats, and Jordan's "chaos picks" for new awards. Follow us on Twitter, B…
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Quarta Pit Stop - 26/02/2025 Pr. Bruno
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After the traumatic events of chapter 9, Violet takes her life into her own hands and challenges the crazed first year. Also, the return of Xaden! Email – [email protected] - @readersquadrantpodcastDiscord – https://discord.gg/xuDZAjWHPhTiktok - @readers.quadrantBlueSky - @readersquadpodSamantha's BlueSky - @violetarcheronTip Jar - …
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Culto de Domingo
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Ari Aguiar, Guilherme Giovannoni e Dr. Marcus Montenegro falam de lesões no basquete e trombose que afastou Wembanyama da temporada da NBA. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesPor ESPN Brasil, Ari Aguiar, Guilherme Giovannoni
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📍Le décollage📍 Certains philosophes disent qu’on n’est pas « courageux » mais que l’on fait preuve de courage et que c’est une affaire de circonstance… Le courage serait un jaillissement. En faisant irruption chez moi ce jour là mes amis avaient été ce jaillissement courageux. Certes j'avais eu le courage de les suivre. (De toute façon je les suivr…
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Quarta Pit Stop 19/02/2024 Pr. Guilherme
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Join Kellsie as she chats about one of our favourite characters Ridoc Gamlyn! Email – [email protected] - @readersquadrantpodcastDiscord – https://discord.gg/xuDZAjWHPhTiktok - @readers.quadrantBlueSky - @readersquadpodSamantha's BlueSky - @violetarcheronTip Jar - https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/readers-quadrant The Pyre by Kevin MacL…
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The Enterprise transports an elderly Starfleet Admiral to negotiate a hostage crisis. When the Admiral takes a de-aging drug, he endangers both his life and the mission.#startrek#startrekthenextgeneration#flu#cats#tooshort#picard#captain #Karnas
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Ari Aguiar e Guilherme Giovannoni discutem tudo que de melhor acontece na NBA! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesPor ESPN Brasil, Ari Aguiar, Guilherme Giovannoni
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Captain America: Brave New World - Unsere Review
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1:03:52Unsere Meinung zu Captain America 4 mit Anthony Mackie Cap is back! Nach seiner eigenen Serie kehrt der neue Captain America in "Brave New World" auf die Leinwand zurück. Gelingt dem MCU ein neuer Höhenflug? Oder stürzt Captain America ab? Darüber diskutieren die Quadrataugen Laura, Marco und Fabian in dieser Folge! Timecodes: 00:00:00 Intro00:00:2…
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Scott Pilgrim vs. The World with Nat Torres
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2:08:02Jordan and Brooke are rejoined by screenwriter Nat Torres for a very special Valentine's Day episode! We talk Edgar Wright's 2011 cult classic, including swordfights, the power of love AND the power of self respect, manic pixie dream girls, bi-furiosity, Brie Larson in peak "gay awakening" mode, and some of our all-time favorite camerawork. Plus, a…
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📍La libération📍 Cela avait été un sauvetage. Le mot n’est pas galvaudé et il n’y avait pas plus de détours à prendre. C'était un sauvetage. Je me suis toujours demandé ce que mes amis ou ma famille pouvaient dire de moi en mon absence. Sur quel ton ils s’expriment. Est-ce qu’ils sont dupes? Est-ce qu’ils me ressentent jusque dans mes omissions?… Je…
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Auf diesen Prozess warten die Menschen Mannheim seit Monaten, auf eines der größten Verfahren in der Mannheimer Geschichte: Am 13. Februar hat vor dem Oberlandesgericht in Stuttgart der Prozess gegen Sulaiman A. begonnen – den Mann, der am 31. Mai 2024 das Messerattentat auf dem Mannheimer Marktplatz begangen haben soll. Der Polizist Rouven Laur wu…
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Compartilhe este episódio com mais alguém, e nos siga nas redes sociais: @quadrangularvidanova
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Compartilhe este episódio com mais alguém, e nos siga nas redes sociais: @quadrangularvidanova
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Aquilo de que não se fala no futebol, com Beto
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1:08:07Foi guarda-redes do Porto, Braga, da seleção, ganhou a Liga Europa pelo Sevilha. Mas mais do que a carreira vem falar de um estigma no futebol, a saúde mental nos jogadores. Beto Pimparel. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Por Observador
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Sam rides solo as we get into Chapter 9! Listen in for the details! Email – [email protected] - @readersquadrantpodcastDiscord – https://discord.gg/xuDZAjWHPhTiktok - @readers.quadrantBlueSky - @readersquadpodSamantha's BlueSky - @violetarcheronTip Jar - https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/readers-quadrant The Pyre by Kevin MacLeod (incom…
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We return to the AGONY BOOTH with a#StarTrekTNG classic "When The Bough Breaks" a very slow episode, of kidnappin. A planet that was able to cloak itself for thousands of years suddenly reveals itself, with its inhabitants proposing peace. But, after initial negotiations, children of the Enterprise are kidnapped due to the infertility of the inhabi…
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Guilherme Giovannoni, Ari Aguiar e um convidado muito especial discutem tudo que aconteceu no mercado de trocas da NBA: Doncic nos Lakers, Butler nos Warriors, Fox nos Spurs, LaVine nos Kings e muito mais! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesPor ESPN Brasil, Ari Aguiar, Guilherme Giovannoni
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📍Le D-day 📍 Soyons franco de porc! L’action qu’on appréhende le plus nous les humains, c’est justement de passer à l’action. Je ne parle pas d’actions moyennement consistantes comme remettre la housse de couette après l’avoir lavé, je vous donne cet exemple parce que je dors actuellement dans des draps fantômes depuis 3 jours… Ça me fout les boules…
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Pr. Bruno
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Due to various life circumstances, we weren't able to record this week. So please, enjoy this replay of our reading of Rebecca Yarros's contemporary novel and soon to be made for Netflix movie, In the Likely Event! Email – [email protected] - @readersquadrantpodcastDiscord – https://discord.gg/xuDZAjWHPhTiktok - @readers.quadrantBlu…
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Welcome to our new series, WORMHOLES where Jason Roy Gaston chooses the scifi show a cheesy one, or an epic one for he and Joe to look back on! Our first Episode Benji Zax & the Alien Prince this #80s cult classic stars the dog from the high grossing #Benji films. Take a trip through the wormhole back into 1983. Where Prince Yubi his trusted robot …
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O ABC do Evangelho!
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1:02:49Pr. Guilherme
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Pitch Perfect with Alison Sivitz (Bald Ann Dowd)
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1:37:48Jordan and Brooke are joined by Alison Sivitz (aka Bald Ann Dowd), as we rocket agrressively back to 2012 and every piece of culture that comes with that. We discuss why this movie has aged like milk but still hits, questionable fashion choices (heeled...Converse...), queerbaiting the audience, actual Peacock spinoff show "Bumper in Berlin," what K…
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Unsere Lieblingsserien 2024
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1:40:46Wir stellen Euch unsere Lieblingsserien aus 2024 vor Das Serienjahr 2024 war richtig stark! Neben den üblichen Verdächtigen haben uns viele Serien überrascht. Egal ob Drama, romantische Comedy oder Agenten-Thriller: Die Quadrataugen Lisa, Laura und Fabian stellen Euch ihre Top-3 der besten Serien für 2024 vor, natürlich spoilerfrei. FALLOUT: So geh…
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Episode 54 - Iron Flame - Chapter 8
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1:09:51Sam and Kellsie get back to Iron Flame with Chapter 8! We meet a couple new characters and one crazy-ass one-eyed dragon! Onyx Storm Connections are at the very end of the episode, so feel free to listen in even if you haven't finished it yet. Don't worry, we give you a big warning when we're about to get into it. Onyx Storm theory - https://www.in…
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Pr. Bruno.
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In Star Trek: Section 31, Emperor Philippa Georgiou joins a secret division of Starfleet tasked with protecting the United Federation of Planets, and must face the sins of her past.#StarTrek #Section31 #MichelleYeoh #Action
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Em mais um episódio, Ari Aguiar e Leonardo Sasso analisam TUDO das últimas rodadas da NBA. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesPor ESPN Brasil, Ari Aguiar, Guilherme Giovannoni
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📍Au nom de l'ancien monde📍 C’est avec épouvante que je constate que fais partie du camp des grenouilles cuites. Vous ne connaissez pas ce conte? " La grenouille qui ne savait pas qu'elle était cuite"? C’est une pauvre grenouille qui plonge dans une marmite d’eau froide, elle ne se rend pas compte que la température de l’eau augmente lentement, très…
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It's here! Join Kellsie and Sam as we discuss our very first readthrough of Onyx Storm. Be warned!!! Spoilers abound!! If you have not yet finished Onyx Storm do not listen to this episode. Email – [email protected] - @readersquadrantpodcastDiscord – https://discord.gg/xuDZAjWHPhTiktok - @readers.quadrant The Pyre by Kevin MacLeod (…
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Compartilhe este episódio com mais alguém, e nos siga nas redes sociais: @quadrangularvidanova
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