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Join entrepreneur, educator, and proud Indonesian, Gita Wirjawan in exploring the ways forward for our society through stories and experiences by thought leaders, trailblazers, and opinion-makers from Indonesia and the region.
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The GITN podcast is dedicated to exploring the paranormal and sharing your ghostly experiences. Sharing our experiences will help solve the mystery behind this phenomenon. If you want to share your paranormal experiences, send us an email at Plus we will share evidence from our investigations, so be sure to subscribe and get involved in the conversation.
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In 'Gitaarmannen, de podcast' praat gitarist Ed Struijlaart met zijn favoriete NL gitaristen (m/v) over hun leven en muziek, met de liefde voor de gitaar als rode draad. Word Gitaarvriend voor extra afleveringen:
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Podcasten, der hjælper kvinder i og omkring overgangsalderen med at opnå et varigt vægttab, minimere symptomer og skabe en sund fremtid. MENOPAUSE ⎮ KOST ⎮ VANER ⎮ MOTION ⎮ OVERSPISNING ⎮ VELVÆRE ⎮ SUKKERTRANG ⎮
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GITA Podcast

Jai and Gaura Sharan

This podcast exists to systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all people in the techniques of spiritual life in order to check the imbalance of values in life and to achieve real unity and peace in the world....Lets dive into the Gita
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Timeless Wisdom for Troubled Times-- Join us on a fun and enlightening journey through The Bhagavad Gita, one of the oldest and coolest yogic texts around. We’ll dive into its ancient wisdom and find ways to make it totally relevant to your life today. Starting from page one, we’ll uncover practical lessons that’ll uplift, entertain, and inspire you. By the end of each episode, you’ll be ready to live a more connected, empowered life—Gita inspired! ht ...
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Gitbar, programmazione e sviluppo web. Un piccolo punto di ritrovo per lo sviluppo fullstack. Parleremo di php laravel e symfony, javascript e VueJS, angular o react, di continuous integration, deployment, docker, kubernetes, scrum fino ad arrivare al machine learning e alla blockchain che come sapete sono un pò come il prezzemolo e ci stan bene su tutto. Parleremo anche della vita dello sviluppatore, pattern e soft skills. Io sono @brainrepo, sviluppatore e host di questo podcast e il vostr ...
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Our mission is to share the wisdom of Vedanta (the knowledge of universal oneness) and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness - enabling people to become positive contributors to society. The Podcast features the teachers of Chinmaya Mission, who capture the essence of the Bhagavad Geeta, the Upanishads and other ancient Hindu scriptures and bring them to us in a contemporary language with messages relevant to our times. Find more Geeta treasures including access to an exclus ...
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Bhagavad Gita has always been male oriented since every character therein is male. From Arjuna to Shri Krishna, Duryodhan to Karna, Bhima to Dushyasan and even the Masters are male, Women would find it extremely difficult to correlate to it since it is the battlefield and men fought the wars. This is a spiritual masterpiece which needs to be deciphered. Our Master KrsnaG or fondly called Krsna Guruji also goes by the name Krsnaknows decodes this wonderful journey from the beginning to the en ...
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Kopflastig. Gitarre & Bass im Gespräch

Vitali Petrovic & Sebastian Bluschke

Frank Zappa sagte einst: "Über Musik zu reden ist wie über Architektur zu tanzen." Ungeachtet dessen trauen sich Vitali Petrovic & Sebastian Bluschke in ihrem Podcast über alle Themen rund um die Musik zu sprechen: Gibt es Talent? Was ist Erfolg? Kann man in jedem Alter noch ein Instrument lernen? Wozu braucht man Musiktheorie? Wie richtet man einen Proberaum ein? In ihren Gesprächen vermischen die beiden Berufsmusiker persönliche Erfahrungen, wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und nützliche Tip ...
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GIT Thailand

GIT Thailand

ทุกเรื่องราวอัญมณีและเครื่องประดับ โดยสถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาอัญมณีและเครื่องประดับแห่งชาติ (องค์การมหาชน)
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True Crime Geschichten direkt aus dem Knast. Von einem Ex-Gefangenen und einer Justizbeamtin. Außerdem: Fragen, Antworten, Wissenswertes und Diskussionen über den Strafvollzug und Maßnahmenvollzug. Ein sehr genauer Blick hinter Gitter, der offenbart was hinter Gefängnismauern wirklich los ist und was an den Berichten in Film und TV tatsächlich stimmt und was nicht.
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Gitarowe rozmowy z ludźmi z branży muzycznej. Znajdziecie tutaj tematy związane z pracą muzyczną, produkcją sprzętu, realizacją nagrań itd. Podcasty pojawiają się na moim kanale YouTube w formie filmów wideo (nagrywamy obraz w trakcie rozmowy) -
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Gitu Ceritanya

Gitu Ceritanya

satu orang, satu pertanyaan. buka kesempatan untuk jadi teman cerita. bagi yang tertarik untuk cerita bareng bisa kirim email ke instagram: @gitu.ceritanya
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This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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git reset

Kyle McDonald

Sit back and relax. The git reset podcast is a fresh take on the web development world that will (hopefully) make you laugh. A new guest each episode who will answer somewhat ridiculous questions about web development and tech.
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The GITA Interviews talks to some of today's top CEOS to discuss how they're working on a global scale by utilizing GITA. GITA is an alliance of carefully selected and OEM validated, professional IT partners. They open the door for companies to an international landscape, serving multinational organizations, no matter where on the globe they do business.
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Bhagavad Gita Hindi

Yatharth Geeta

This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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show series
On February 18th, 2025, legendary actor Gene Hackman was found dead in his home. With a career few actors experience, Hackman was a two-time Oscar winner and was a part of over a hundred separate cinematic projects. This pairing is dedicated to the career of Gene Hackman, starting with 1986's Oscar-nominated basketball film "Hoosiers!" Directed by …
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Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, is a revered spiritual leader known for his clear, profound Vedanta teachings. His wisdom guides many towards self-discovery and inner peace, making complex concepts accessible and inspiring globally.
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Welcome to episode 88 where I share with you a simple exercise I use to increase productivity and profitability in my fashion business when I feel stuck | Membership | Free guides | Facebook group | Questions | Donations | Instagram | | #fashionbusiness #fashionentrepreneur #fashionstartup #howtostartafashionbusiness #profitab…
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Tony stellt in dieser Folge drei besondere Songs vor, die 2025 ein Jubiläum feiern: Monster Magnet – Negasonic Teenage Warhead (30 Jahre, 1995) Alice Cooper – House of Fire (35 Jahre, 1990) The Cure – Pictures of You (35 Jahre, 1990) Diese Songs sind nicht nur Meilensteine der Rock- und Alternative-Geschichte, sondern auch prägend für Tonys ganz pe…
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Small Talk ist wichtig. Die lockere Plauderei kann den Einstieg in ein Gespräch erleichtern und eine Grundlage für intensivere Unterhaltungen bilden. In diesem Sinne small-talken die beiden unterhaltsam drauflos. Es wird zunächst auf ältere Kommentare und Fragen eingegangen, und fast schon mit einer Selbstverständlichkeit wird das aktuelle „ii V Li…
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Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, is a revered spiritual leader known for his clear, profound Vedanta teachings. His wisdom guides many towards self-discovery and inner peace, making complex concepts accessible and inspiring globally.
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A chilling story of obsession, identity theft, and digital deception—this is the shocking case of Cari Farver, a woman who vanished in 2012, only to “stay active” through thousands of disturbing messages. But the truth was far darker than anyone imagined.For four years, single dad Dave Kroupa was relentlessly stalked and terrorized by someone posin…
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Bhagavad Gita Ch. 11 “Yoga of the Vision of the Universal Form” Verses 50, 51, & 52 The lecture discusses Arjuna’s request to see Krishna in the form of Vishnu. Instead, Krishna showed him his gentle human form as Vasudeva, son of Vasudev, and why. Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt -…
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How to control the senses so that you can control the mind is discussed here in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verses 67 Onwards by Krsnaknows. For more details click the link below 👇For more: https://krsnaknows.comSubscribe to us on Youtube:
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Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, is a revered spiritual leader known for his clear, profound Vedanta teachings. His wisdom guides many towards self-discovery and inner peace, making complex concepts accessible and inspiring globally.
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Education, economy, and sustainability—where do we start to achieve Indonesia Emas 2045?Dominic Jermey (British Ambassador to Indonesia) emphasizes that collaboration is the key. From increasing the number of Indonesian students in the UK, tackling energy transition challenges, to attracting foreign investment, everything revolves around one thing:…
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Do hear HG Gaurmandal Das, Vice-President Hare Krishna Movement- Mumbai giving lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam. Human society, at the present moment, is not in the darkness of oblivion. It has made rapid progress in the field of material comforts, education and economic development throughout the entire world. But there is a pinprick somewhere in the …
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🔥 Join the Gitaarmannen WhatsApp Community! 👉 🔔 Subscribe for more legendary guitar interviews! 👉 🟡 Why is Tommy Emmanuel STILL the greatest acoustic guitarist in the world? In this episode of Gitaarmannen, de podcast, I sit down with the legendary Tommy Emmanuel…
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Dit mindset er afgørende for dit vægttab, især i overgangsalderen. Mange kvinder kæmper med uhjælpsomme tanker, der spænder ben for deres succes. Ved at justere dit mindset og erstatte negative tanker med mere realistiske og hjælpsomme tanker kan du opnå større motivation og bedre resultater. Jeg inviterer dig til mit gratis online vægttabsarrangem…
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Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, is a revered spiritual leader known for his clear, profound Vedanta teachings. His wisdom guides many towards self-discovery and inner peace, making complex concepts accessible and inspiring globally.
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In dieser Folge reisen Sandra, Flori, Basti und Tony zurück ins Jahr 2005 und schauen sich die damals bestbewerteten Spiele auf Metacritic an! Welche Titel haben sie besonders geliebt? Welche Überraschungen gibt es? Und wie sieht die Top 10 der bestbewerteten Spiele des Jahres aus? Freut euch auf Nostalgie, spannende Einblicke und jede Menge Gaming…
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Do hear HG Gaurmandal Das, Vice-President Hare Krishna Movement- Mumbai giving lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam. Human society, at the present moment, is not in the darkness of oblivion. It has made rapid progress in the field of material comforts, education and economic development throughout the entire world. But there is a pinprick somewhere in the …
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Perezida Donald Trump yatangaje ko guverinoma ye iri mu biganiro na sosiyete z’ubucuruzi enye zifuza kugura TikTok. Amerika iriteguriye gukorana na Kongo amasezerano mu vy'ubutare n'amabuye y'agaciro. Prezida w’agateganyo muri Gabon azahatanira umwanya w’umukuru w’igihugu n'abanyapolitike 3.Por VOA
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The second film in our pairing of Scottish cinema reunites director Ken Loach and writer Paul Laverty, this time for a dramedy heist film that still has all the working-class pathos Loach is famous for! In "The Angels' Share," the story begins by showing us a series of individuals all getting sentenced to "community payback" (community service) for…
  continue reading Marcia Bittencourt und Julian Scarcella: Musik für die Leichtigkeit Hannover ist bisher nicht als Nabel brasilianischer Musik bekannt. Dennoch haben sich in Norddeutschland die Sängerin Marcia Bittencourt und der Jazz- und Rockgitarrist Julian Scarcella für eine fast traditionelle Komposition…
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The technique described by Shri Krishna to attain the peace of mind is discussed here in following verses from the Bhagavad Gita For Women Chapter 2 by Krsnaknows. For more details click the link below 👇For more: https://krsnaknows.comSubscribe to us on Youtube:
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