Sunday sermons from Reality Church London by Pastor Bijan Mirtolooi and others. We are a community following Jesus, seeking the renewal of our city. For more information, please visit www.RealityChurch.London or email us at [email protected]
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This week Pastor Mike explores what it means to be a church devoted to prayer. Practically we notice that prayer is based on our relationship with God and it is given to encourage our reliance upon God.
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This week we continue our series by looking at the third aspect the early church was devoted to. Devoted to the breaking of bread. We explore the significance of the meal in fostering community and unity and it's ultimate embodiment in the Lord's Supper.
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This week Pastor Mike continues our series looking at the life of the very earliest church launched after the day of Pentecost. This week we see how the Apostle's teaching and the ministry of the Holy Spirit led to a community that was devoted to one another. Seeking the good of the other through joy, generosity, and sincerity.…
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This week Pastor Mike continues our series looking at the very first church. We see in Acts 2:42-47 four aspects which defined the early church, they were devoted to teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. But what does it mean and what does it look like to be devoted to teaching? This is the question we explore today.…
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This week we continue our series focusing on the church. We see that the central message of the church is a message of hope. In a world where we see so much decay and destruction, the reality of Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension reminds us that decay is not the end. God is at work building something better and more beautiful.…
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This week, Pastor Mike unpacks the significance of Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit was poured out. The Spirit empowers all believers, not just a select few, to share the gospel. Equally, we see the importance of unity in diversity and the importance of seeking the Holy Spirit.
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This week Pastor Mike starts our new sermon series looking at the role of the church and especially the vision of Reality Church London, that we want to be; "A community following Jesus, making Him known, seeking the renewal of the city".
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This week Pastor Mike looks at one of Paul's prayers for the Colossian church showing how it demonstrates what growth looks like in the Christian life, that we are to be filled by knowledge of his will, and strengthened by his power for patient endurance.
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Psalm 111 invites us to behold at the greatness of God through His works, His wisdom, and His faithfulness. Today, Pastor Mike explores how this psalm calls us to respond with reverence and gratitude to God's unmatched goodness
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This week, Pastor Mike continues our Advent series. We focus on the first few verses of John's letters, seeing that Jesus was always the plan from the very start.
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This week Pastor Mike kicks off our Advent series looking at the Song of Zechariah found in Luke's gospel. This Song is a prophetic announcement of the salvation that God is about to bring to his people through the coming of Jesus Christ, and Pastor Mike explores how the themes of this song apply to our daily lives.…
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Bringing to end our first part of our series in John - Mike looks at the healing of the officials son in John 4. The official demonstrates exemplary faith as he seeks Jesus for the good of the other and trusts the word the he says.
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Continuing our series looking at the Gospel of John, Pastor Mike shows us that crucially we must be people with our eyes open to see what God is doing within our communities and in our time.
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This week, Pastor Dave Lomas from Reality San Francisco continues our series through the Gospel of John. Showing us that the only place we can find true, abiding, and lasting satisfaction is when we meet Jesus and as him for a drink.
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This week Pastor Mike continues our look at the Gospel of John asking us the crucial question of whose kingdom we are ultimately building. John the Baptist was never worried about the gaining notoriety and influence of Jesus, and was always quick to point his followers to Jesus. He must become greater and we must become less - but in so doing we fi…
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John 3v16 is perhaps arguably the most widely known verse in the entire bible, but what does it actually mean? Well, to help us understand this famous verse, Pastor Mike explores the wider context of John 3 showing us the centrality of the new life we have by Christ.
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This week Pastor Mike continues our series on John's Gospel. True worship matters to Jesus and we see it clearly this week as he clears the temple courtyard of those who were buying and selling animals to be used for sacrifice. The issue wasn't in the business happening, the issue was where the marketplace had formed.…
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How do you think about ambition in the Christian life? Jesus, the king of the universe came not to be served but rather to serve others, and as such we should commit to doing the same. This week Pastor Jonty Alcock, of Globe Church London, helps us understand this by looking at two encounters Jesus has where he asks the question: "What can I do for…
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This week Pastor Mike looks at Jesus' first recorded miracle in John's Gospel, the turning of water into wine. Although this story may be familiar to many of us, we explore the deeper truths that this miracle points towards.
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This week Pastor Mike continues our look through the Gospel of John. Showing us how Jesus is the centre of the story, how he steps into our story, and indeed invites us to come and see the best story.
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This week Pastor Bijan explores one of the fundamental realities of the Christian life. Being a follower of Jesus means we really need to follow him. Having Jesus be the ultimate desire of our hearts is crucial.
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This week Pastor Mike continues our series looking at our series on the Gospel according to John. This week we explore the character of John the Baptist and his call for us to 'Behold the Lamb of God'.
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This week Pastor Mike Sohn looks at the introduction to John's gospel account of the life and ministry of Jesus. Seeing that Jesus is the ultimate and true reality with which we can understand this world.
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This week, Pastor Mike Sohn explores Psalm 146. Showing us the fundamental realities this Psalm has for the Christian life.
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This week Pastor Girma concludes our summer series looking at the Fruit of the Spirit, demonstrating that the fruit of the Spirit isn't an extraordinary part of the Christian life, rather they are the characteristics which frame its entirety.
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This week Pastor Christian Simas from one of our sister church's Reality Stockton, continues our series on the Fruit of the Spirit looking at the aspect of Self-Control.
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This week Pastor Joel wade of Christchurch London preaches to RCL from Psalm 27
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This week Toyin Odusanwo continues our series looking at the Fruit of the Spirit
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This week Edward Smith explores the character of Goodness. Biblically goodness is hard to pin down because it is found throughout the Bible and has different meanings and applications depending on the context. This week we explore how the book of Micah shows us what fake goodness looks like, what the marks of genuine goodness are, and what is the f…
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This week Pastor Tim Chaddick explored the biblical concept of kindness and why it is it such a crucial and often overlooked characteristic of the Fruit of the Spirit. To do this he unpacks the theme of kindness found in 2 Samuel 9, where David demonstrates the underserved, unreserved, kindness to Mephibosheth, the lame Son of Jonathan.…
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This week Pastor Efrem Buckle continues our series looking at the Fruit of the Spirit by exploring the godly characteristic of patience.
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This week Pastor Bijan looks at John 14 to explore the characteristic of Peace and why it is so important in the Christian life.
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This week Bijan concludes our sermon series looking at lives changed by an encounter with God. Curiously, God is hardly mentioned in the book of Ruth. At a time when we look for God to be active through a judge or king, God instead works out his will through the everyday faithfulness of his people.
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This week Pastor Bijan continues our series looking at the fruit of the Spirit. This week we look at the characteristic of Joy and how the christian life is not joy devoid of sorrow, but how through Christ we may have joy amidst sorrow.
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In 1 John 4 we get one of the best definitions of what love actually is in Scripture. The week Ed looks at the first characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit 'love' and shows us why it is absolutely central to the Christian Life
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This week Pastor Bijan explores the life changing encounter that Isaiah has when he see's the Lord. When we encounter the Lord it is always through grace and it always leads us and pushes us into mission.
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Continuing our four-part series, Pastor Bijan examines the encounter between God and Moses at the burning bush. In this we see the wonders of God as he meets with his people and challenges them to do things which would be impossible without faith.
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This week we start a new sermon series at RCL. Throughout the next few weeks we will look at people from the Old Testament whose lives were dramatically changed when they encountered God. This week we see how this plays out in the life of Jacob.
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This week Pastor Girma, as part of his ministry at the Gratitude Initiative, helps us see the value of Gratitude. Looking at the total and universal benefits of us delighting in God and all that he has done for us.
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This week Pastor Mike Sohn from the Globe Church explores what it means for Christians to be both salt and light in the world. Asking the question, can those around us taste and see that we are followers of Jesus.
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This week, in a stand alone sermon, Pastor Bijan shares the central mission for the church. We are to be a community that always points to and looks like Jesus.
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This week Pastor Bijan culminates our series through Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Finishing by looking at how we may stand as a church for the good news of Jesus Christ.
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This week Pastor Bijan explores the true purpose behind marriage and the ultimate reality to which it points.
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This week Pastor Girma shares with us the amazing realities and truths that are found in Romans 8. These truths equip and encourage the Christian to face all things.
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This week we recommence our Ephesians Series after our Easter break. Pastor Bijan explores how Ephesians 5:1-14 commands that the Christian is to live counter-cultural for the common good, and how we may a light in our city.
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This Easter Sunday, Pastor Bijan explores the transforming power of the resurrection and how we too may experience Jesus as he meets his people in community, when they're desperate, in their obedience, and all through grace.
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This week Pastor Girma explores how Psalm 131 deals with the topic of rest and humility in a restless and prideful world.
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This week we look at Psalm 126 where the writer beautifully acknowledges the reality of joy and sorrow within our world. How do we wrestle with both joy and sorrow before our ever-present, ever-kind God.
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This week Pastor Bijan continues our series looking at rhythms and practices which mark out the renewed life. Particularly, focusing on the topic of waiting and what does it look like for the Christian to be in a season of waiting in their day to day life.
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This week Pastor Tim Chaddick explores the concept of envy and how we may crowd it out with true worship.
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