YUTORAH: Machshava/Tefillah
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An in-depth look into Tefilah: the Siddur, its history, halacha, and perspective. Delivered in Netivot Israel Congregation, Wednesdays at 8:30PM
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Welcome to a teaching and learning English podcast. Meet Gav & Em, two experienced teachers, discussing the most important topics for both teachers and students. Each week they'll cover teaching techniques and learning tips. Whether you're up at the board, or behind the desk, you'll get something from How To English TEFL Podcast. Show your support here: https://ko-fi.com/howtoenglishpod
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Wie viel Teflon muss man eigentlich sein, damit alle Unebenheiten des Lebens an einem abperlen? Der Podcast von zwei Freundinnen, die (fast) alle verhaltenspsychologischen Unfälle in Sachen Selbstbild, Männer, Chefs, Familie und andere Menschen schon erlebt haben. Ganz ohne Filter und mit sehr viel schwarzem Humor wird über die nahezu vollständige Klaviatur an Abfuck berichtet, die das Date von Freitag, Kunde XY oder die Kindergarten-WhatsApp-Gruppe bisher abgespielt haben. Das Ziel: Wenn au ...
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Embark on a journey through the intricate tapestry of our daily Tefillah as we comprehensively unravel its layers, delving into the profound structure, themes, and meanings behind the words woven into our Davening. Using the classical commentaries on Tehillim and Tefillah, we are endeavoring to bridge the gap between the form and essence of prayer. Together, let's uncover the timeless wisdom encapsulated in each heartfelt utterance.
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Moi c'est Jean K, ton spécialiste pour t'aider à réussir les examens en français! Sujets du DELF B1, B2, DALF - aide à la préparation du TCF/TEF Canada... Toutes les ressources sur https://getsetfrench.com
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The Art of Reinvention by TeflonJohn is the ultimate guide for individuals who wish to become the best version of themselves. With its insightful content and engaging format, this podcast offers a unique perspective on life's challenges and how to overcome them. Featuring interviews with successful entrepreneurs, business leaders, and influencers from various industries, listeners are sure to gain valuable insights into what it takes to achieve success. The podcast covers topics ranging from ...
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My name is Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss, and this is the hub for all of my shiurim (classes) on Tefilah (Prayer) and related topics, such as Tehilim (Psalms) and Berachos (Blessings)! The shiurim I upload here are given in a variety of formats with different lengths and intended for different audiences. The common theme which unites all of these shiurim is our focus on strengthening our relationship with Hashem through Avodah she'ba'Lev (Service of the Heart). If you have any questions feel free t ...
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Belgesel, araştırmacı gazetecilik ve dosya haber serilerinin yer aldığı T24 ve Podbee Media ortak yapımı podcast.
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Spor-şiir-sanat; üç gencin çeşitli denemeleri. Twitter: @utmpodcast
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Black woman gives insight on the issues of the black community
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Welcome to the Let’s Talk TEFL podcast with Jackie Bolen and Jennifer Smith. We’re going to discuss everything ESL/EFL teaching, including experiences teaching abroad, activity and game ideas, teaching tips, interviews with old friends, and more. Come join us in the Let’s Talk TEFL teacher’s lounge for some inspiration and entertainment!
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Shiurim on Tefillah
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Tefsir Kur'ana, Dr.Safet Kuduzović.
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Serijal predavanja iz Tefsira Prof. Hajrudin Ahmetović
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Lemme add value to your life.
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hfz.mr.Muhammed (Fadil ) Porča Tefsir Kur'ana: el Fatiha, 30 džuz i el Bekara
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Change your davening forever with this in-depth line-by-line analysis into Davening beginning with Modeh Ani.
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Your weekly source for real talk, motivation and success tips.
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2020: Learn about tefillah over the 49 days of Sefirat Haomer with 49 women from around the world.
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In the Jewish world, laying tefillin is considered to be a traditionally-male mitzvah—but men aren't the only ones who perform this mitzvah. Listen in for conversations with women who lay tefillin about their experiences, perspectives, and challenges.
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Shiurim com explicações dos textos das Tefilot que rezamos
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TEFL commute is a podcast for language teachers. It is not about language teaching though inevitably it might crop up. All three of us are avid podcast listeners and like playing around making our own. TEFL commute is meant to be a light-hearted listen aimed at brightening your daily commute to class. Each episode is built a round a topic that you could use in your teaching and the podcast will have page on this site that will link you to articles, questions and resources you can use with yo ...
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Steve and Troy waffle about the exciting and wonderful world of Teaching English in a foreign country.
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This is a business podcast/show all about real stories from real entrepreneurs keeping it real. No huff, no puff no fluff. @SimonTefula speaks to people pursuing their entrepreneurial, personal development and growth journeys. The aim is to inspire you to pursue your own entrepreneurial, personal development and growth journey. He interviews entrepreneurs and creatives to find out How they got started. What inspired them to pursue their entrepreneurial journey? How have they overcome obstacl ...
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Podcast by BigMike and Andy Nash
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Welcome to the Journey, a podcast where I engage in conversations that help us, or rather me become the best version of myself as a young Christian trying to navigate life and its trajectories. This podcast is all about healing, growing and evolving. If you are also on that journey, join me as I unpack topics that help us grow in Christ, become more self-aware and instill habits that bring us closer to God and the purpose He has for us. I am your Host, Naledi Teffo and thank you for listenin ...
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The TEFLology Podcast is a bi-weekly podcast all about teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) and related matters, presented by three self-certified TEFLologists. We take a lighthearted look at the fields of English language teaching (ELT) and applied linguistics, with topics ranging from TESOL methodologies and approaches to current affairs and history. Email: teflology@gmail.com Follow us on Twitter @TEFLology
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In these podcasts Robert William McCaul and Marek Kiczkowiak discuss different matters related to learning and teaching English, as well as other foreign languages. Each podcast is about 20 minutes in length. If you've enjoyed the podcasts, please rate them on iTunes here: https://itun.es/i6LZ4T3 Visit our website to stay up to date with all the recent epsiodes: www.theteflshow.com The podcast music theme is under Creative Commons ShareAlike 3.0 International License and was downloaded from ...
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Rabbi Elyahu Silberberg serves as Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Eliyahu, Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago, and during the summer months, as Scholar in residence at Machon Alte women's seminary in Tsfat, Israel. He is a beloved Rabbi, teacher and father, and lives in Lincolnwood, Illinois, with his wife and children, where he dedicates his life to mentoring, teaching, and inspiring others. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at https://to ...
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Welcome to 'Decoding Bias', a podcast series brought to you by the Racial Justice x Technology Policy (RJxTP) program at Brandeis University's Heller School. Our program explores the critical and often overlooked realm of AI and algorithmic bias, shedding light on how these technological advancements can perpetuate 'algorithmic oppression' in marginalized communities. Each episode is a journey into the intricate world of AI, focusing on how algorithms, if unchecked, can reinforce societal bi ...
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Purim: ובכן in the Megilla and in Tefilla - Mar 12, 2025 -Por Schreiber, Rabbi Dani
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Shemoneh Esrei 82: Harotzeh Bteshuva - Mar 20, 2025 -Por Friedman, Edan
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Shemoneh Esrei 81: Vhachzireinu Bteshuva Sheleimah Lefanecha (2) - Mar 19, 2025 -Por Friedman, Edan
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Shemoneh Esrei 80: Vhachzireinu Bteshuva Sheleimah Lefanecha - Mar 18, 2025 -Por Friedman, Edan
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Shemoneh Esrei 79: Vkarveinu Malkeinu Laavodasecha - Mar 17, 2025 -Por Friedman, Edan
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In this shiur we study the ancient origins of Aleinu, and we explore the development of liturgical rubrics known today as 'Maamadot'.
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Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text! Length: 57 minutes Synopsis: Tonight (3/19/25), in our Wednesday night tefilah shiur, we began learning the perek before the one we did last time. We had seen opinions that 43 is part of 42, and the proof definitely seems to be in the pudding, so we're going to proceed on that assumption. T…
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6 Minute Siddur Snippets #622: Modim (Part 18) - Mar 19, 2025 -Por Goldberg, Rabbi Efrem
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Yishtabach - Mar 19, 2025 -Por Schwartz, Rabbi Ezra
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Davening with the Sfas Emes zy’a (5) - Mar 19, 2025 - חיי שרה תרל׳׳הPor Bloom, Rabbi Oshi
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Jeder kennt das: da ist ein ziemlich großes Delta zwischen Soll und Ist auf der Wage. Und auch zwischen dem gephotoshopten Bild von Insta-Bitch 90-60-90 und dem eigenen Spiegelbild. Aber warum ist uns Attraktivität eigentlich so wichtig? Ist sie sogar wichtiger als Persönlichkeit? Und woher kommt der ganze Druck — von innen oder von außen? Lass uns…
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Davening with the Sfas Emes zy’a (4) - Mar 17, 2025 - ואתחנן תרמ"ח - תרמ"טPor Bloom, Rabbi Oshi
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Shemoneh Esrei 78: Avinu Lsorasecha - Mar 13, 2025 -Por Friedman, Edan
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The Power of Tears During Tefillah - Mar 16, 2025 -Por Friedman, Edan
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Shemoneh Esrei 77: Hashiveinu - Mar 12, 2025 -Por Friedman, Edan
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Shemoneh Esrei 76: Chonein Hadaas - Mar 11, 2025 -Por Friedman, Edan
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Shemoneh Esrei 75: Vhaskel - Mar 10, 2025 -Por Friedman, Edan
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Tefillah Outlined #88: לדוד ה׳ אורי וישעי - Mar 16, 2025 - Explanation of לדוד ה׳ אורי וישעי, where we discuss דוד's ultimate request in life (despite all his struggles) --- to connect with הקב״ה, and this theme is internalized throughout the ימי התשובה.Por Rothman, Rabbi Moshe
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Explanation of לדוד ה׳ אורי וישעי, where we discuss דוד's ultimate request in life (despite all his struggles) --- to connect with הקב״ה, and this theme is internalized throughout the ימי התשובה.Por Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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🎙️ Welcome to How to English – Teach and Learn with Gav & Em! 🎙️In this episode, we're diving into the letter D in our A to Z of TEFL series! We chat about the dos and don’ts of English learning, the importance of determination and discipline for both teachers and students, and whether you should focus on accuracy or fluency first. 🍩 Plus, we discu…
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Episode #87 | Life After Near-Death, My Second Chance | Anthony "Train" Johnson | The Art of Reinvention Show
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1:35:22🔥 What if the moment that almost ended your life… became the spark that ignited your purpose? 🔥 Welcome to The Art of Reinvention Show with your host, Johnathan "TeflonJohn" Smith! 🎙️ In episode #87, we’re honored to welcome a very special guest, the incredibly talented Anthony “Train” Johnson Jr., widely recognized for his captivating performances…
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In this class we learn more about some common Purim misconceptions, and we explore the origins of Taanit Esther, women reading the Megillah, masquerading, Purim plays, and Hamantaschen. We also note the profound effect that the Jews of Renaissance-era Italy had on Purim.
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Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text! Length: 56 minutes Synopsis: Tonight (3/12/25), in lieu of our Wednesday night tefilah shiur, we took up a Purim-related tefilah topic: Esther’s tefilah! "But wait," you might object, "where in the Megillah does it say that Esther davened?" The answer: it doesn’t—at least not explicitly. Bu…
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Megilas Esther: The Hidden Hallel - Mar 12, 2025 - This shiur explains how and why the reading of the megillah replaces reciting Hallel on Purim, based on the teachings of Rav Soloveitchik z'l and Rav Hutner z'l.Por Gewirtz, Rabbi Dr. Chesky
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The Unique Role of Tefillah Throughout the Days of Purim - Mar 12, 2025 - This shiur highlights the connection between Ta'anis Esther and Purim. Specifically, the Tefillah and fasting of ta'anis Esther was meant to be an integral part of Purim itself. Alongside the celebration of Purim, there is the awareness that there is always more to daven for.…
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Purim- Shushan Purim 5785: Ten Short Purim Insights and Lessons From The Tzadikim - Mar 12, 2025 - Lilui nishmas R' Avraham Abba ben R' Moshe Chaim, Mazal bas R' Ephraim, Esther Tehila bas Rav Gavriel Pinchas, Shifra bas Yitzchack, Yechezkel Aharon ben Chaim Meir, and for bsoros tovos, yeshuos and nechamos for our brothers, sisters, soldiers and ca…
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Tefilas Esther: The Dog, the Lion, and the Sister in the Palace - Mar 12, 2025 -Por Eisenberg, Rabbi Daniel
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6 Minute Siddur Snippets #621: Modim (Part 17) - Mar 11, 2025 -Por Goldberg, Rabbi Efrem
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Tefilas Mordechai: Layers of Prayers - Mar 11, 2025 -Por Eisenberg, Rabbi Daniel
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Davening with the Sfas Emes zy’a (3) - Mar 11, 2025 - אלול תרל׳׳דPor Bloom, Rabbi Oshi
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Help Me Daven! - Mar 10, 2025 - CBYomi Tefillah Series Shiur 10👉https://chat.whatsapp.com/IxnPGaOIE1rCO0JSHGUPmiPor Schrier, Rabbi Elliot
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Führung passiert in allen Lebenslagen, nicht nur in Chefetagen. Führung ist keine Last, Führung ist Pflicht — haben wir auch erst lernen müssen, bzw. können wir immer noch nicht. Warum sogar der People Pleaser die Zähne auseinander kriegen sollte und wie er seine Lieben verletzt, wenn er’s nicht tut, erzählen wir euch.…
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When Things Are Looking Up... Daven! - Mar 10, 2025 - 5 Minutes of Torah ZoomPor Steinmetz, Rabbi Jonah
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ויגד לו מרדכי את כל אשר קרהו: Amalek's Attack, Mordechai's Fascinating & Frightening Dream and The Power of Prayer
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1:00:50ויגד לו מרדכי את כל אשר קרהו: Amalek's Attack, Mordechai's Fascinating & Frightening Dream and The Power of Prayer - Mar 9, 2025 -Por Horowitz, Mrs. Michal
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Tefillah Outlined #87: שיר של הלויים ליום שישי (ה׳ מלך) - Mar 9, 2025 - Explanation of שיר של הלויים ליום שישי, where we discuss the end of days as all of mankind recognizes Hashem and His kingdom.Por Rothman, Rabbi Moshe
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When There Are No Words: Tefillah B'Eis Tzarah From Mordechai To Today - Mar 9, 2025 - Westside Shul Sunday ShiurPor Steinmetz, Rabbi Jonah
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Explanation of שיר של הלויים ליום שישי, where we discuss the end of days as all of mankind recognizes Hashem and His kingdom.Por Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Amidah Analysis: Avos (Part 6) Atoh
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1:04:34Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text! Length: 1 hour 4 minutes Synopsis: This Friday morning (3/7/25), in our tefilah-focused Machshavah Lab series for women, we resumed our analysis of berachos. After reviewing and slightly expanding upon our explanation of what kavanah to have when we say Hashem's name, we delved into a quest…
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Shearim Betfilla of Rav Shimshon Pincus Zt"l- Shiur #147-Daven to Improve Your Davening and Siyum of the Sefer
Shearim Betfilla of Rav Shimshon Pincus Zt"l- Shiur #147-Daven to Improve Your Davening and Siyum of the Sefer - Mar 7, 2025 -Por Malitzky, Rabbi Sariel
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In this shiur we study the mysterious origins of Ein Ke'Elokeinu, and its parallels in the Heichalot literature. We also touch briefly on Shir Shel Yom.
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Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text! Length: 56 minutes Synopsis: Tonight (3/5/25), in our Wednesday night Tehilim shiur, we successfully and SMOOTHLY "landed the plane"! Not only did we get the main idea and purpose of the perek, but we explained nearly every phrase in the perek - except for the very last phrase, which we dec…
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Are you a block- or a ghostbuster?
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1:03:29Oder, um es klar auszudrücken: wurdest du schon mal blockiert oder geghostet? Wir haben hier allerhand erlebt, was wir gern mit euch teilen würden. Hier kommen unsere Highlight-Momente, in denen wir geblockt oder geghostet wurden, aber auch anders rum.Por Cathy & Laura
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Explanation of the שיר של הלויים ליום חמישי, where the מזמר calls for the recommitment of the Jewish nation to serve Hashem, recognizing Hashem's care for His people during יציאת מצרים, modeled by יוסף's freedom from prison as well as the need to serve Hashem with a mission and joy amidst the exile.Por Rabbi Moshe Rothman
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Welcome back to How to English with Gav & Em! This episode is all about the letter C in TEFL. They're talking about C1/C2 exam tips, the art of Concept Checking Questions (CCQs), the role of culture in the classroom, and even some cheesy English chat-up lines—because why not? ☕ Love the show? Support us at https://ko-fi.com/howtoenglishpod Join the…
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In this class we discuss the last official section of Shacharit, which includes Ashrei, Psalm 20, and U'Va LeTzion.
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Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text! Length: 59 minutes Synopsis: Tonight (2/26/24), in our Wednesday night Tehilim shiur, we continued our analysis of the short perek we began last time. After reviewing our translation, our pivot point theories, and our questions, we came up with a few ideas and approaches. I presented the fi…
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Amidah Analysis: Avos (Part 5) "Hashem" and "Baruch"
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1:07:38Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text! Length: 1 hour 7 minutes Synopsis: This morning (2/21/25), in our tefilah-focused Machshavah Lab series for women, we resumed our analysis of the first berachah of the shemoneh esrei ... well, of ALL berachos! We began by reviewing what we covered last time - namely, what we mean by "Hashem…
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Endlich springen die Weiber auf das Trendthema Nummer 1 mit auf — leider nein, wir müssen euch enttäuschen, denn wir sind der Meinung, nicht jeder, der eine schlechte Kinderstube hatte, sich toxisch verhält, einen stehen lässt oder verletzt, ist zwangsweise verhaltenspsychologisch krank, sondern manchmal einfach ein Arsch. Ob, wann und wo wir mal n…
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Episode #86 | From Fighter to Boxer The Shocking Journey of Heavyweight James Willis | The Art of Reinvention Show
Join Teflon John in this captivating episode of The Art of Reinvention Show as he dives into the dynamic world of boxing with two influential figures: Scott "Cujo" Sigmon and heavyweight James Willis. This episode offers an in-depth exploration of their journeys, the much-anticipated March Badness event, and the transformative power of boxing. Meet…
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Explanation of the שיר של יום רביעי, where we describe the suffering of the Jewish people in the גלות, the success of the evildoers and their theological claims, and the response to suffering and declaration that Hashem will destroy evil in the end. Ultimately through this process the Jewish nation along with the rest of the world will praise Hashe…
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