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Baniak Baniaka

Baniak Baniaka

Michał „Baniak” Bańka od 2013 roku prowadzi kanał filmowy youtube o nazwie "Baniak Baniaka", który jest poświęcony w 100% grom fabularnym. Po kilku latach działalności zdobył tysiące fanów, dzięki regularnym publikacjom, humorowi i oferowaniu wsparcia dla Mistrzów Gry. Sam często podkreśla, że tworzy pomoc tylko dla początkujących MG, lecz oglądają go także doświadczeni gracze, ze względu na przystępną i ciekawą formę opowiadania o tym niszowym hobby. Jest autorem serii poradników, filmowych ...
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Awayken Space is your key to enhanced personal and spiritual living. The show focuses on concepts relating to psychology, spirituality, metaphysics and more! Your host, Chris Banisch, is a certified CBT life coach, a student of psychology and discovered his love for helping, serving, and even healing others after his own journey within. Chris believes that in order to change and heal the world, we must change and heal ourselves. New episodes every Sunday at 12PM EST
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Amna Khalid and Jeffrey Aaron Snyder

Banished explores academic freedom, free expression, campus politics and the culture wars. Hosted by Amna Khalid and Jeffrey Aaron Snyder.
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There’s no question AI is reshaping the way teams work, and for legal professionals, the pace of change can feel both exciting and daunting. How should leaders approach their AI journey? And what steps can they take to navigate this evolving landscape with confidence? Welcome to The AI Sidekick: Banishing Legal AI Anxiety with Robin AI - the podcast designed to guide legal teams through the complexities of AI. Through candid conversations with industry leaders and actionable insights, we bre ...
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Atlasul Banilor

OTP Bank

Ne bucurăm să-ți facem cunoștință cu cel mai nou podcast despre geografia banilor, un maraton în 10 episoade scurte și la obiect în care afli detalii esențiale despre investiții și nu numai. Dacă vrei să investești, dar nu știi de unde să începi, urmărește Atlasul Banilor, un podcast realizat împreună cu colegii noștri de la @OTP Asset Management, în care vei afla semnificația termenilor din domeniul financiar, vei înțelege cum funcționează piețele de capital și fondurile de investiții și ve ...
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Cand banii sunt subiectul, toata tara asculta. "La bani marunti" e podcastul de inteligenta financiara cu specialisti care intorc banii pe toate partile. Fa-I loc intre podcasturile tale preferate si afla raspunsurile la cele mai grele intrebari de economie. "La bani marunti" - un podcast creat de BCR.
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Educația financiară este despre viață, nu despre bani. Petrecem aproximativ 80% din timpul nostru treaz fie să producem, fie să cheltuim banii. Cu toate acestea nu ne învață nimeni, nici la scoală, nici acasă sau în societate, cum să folosim corect aceasta resursă importantă. Care sunt principiile corecte și sănătoase ale banilor? Care sunt greșelile de evitat? Cum economisim și investim corect? Te invit la o discuție sinceră despre viața și banii tăi.
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A revolution in the area of brain plasticity is currently taking place. Neuroscience is discovering more about the remarkable capacity of the human brain to change itself for the better at any age. NeuroMovement® is at the forefront of this revolution. Anat Baniel's passion is to share her revolutionary, breakthrough knowledge and work with as many people as possible. This Method has helped both adults and children, from five days to 90 years old, transform their lives physically, emotionall ...
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This is a place for the open-minded and outspoken where we celebrate the freedom to speak openly about our past and what's going on in the world. Many people out in the world try and stifle or "Cancel" others with whom they disagree, but we are opposition to those causes of political-correctness run amok and the identity politics of our time.
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“Becoming Bani Adam: Exploring Twelver-Shii Discussions on Human Ancestry” is a new podcast series which is an audiobook version of a long paper written by Ustadha Fatemah Meghji on the topic of human evolution in Twelver-Shii tradition with a focus on exegetical literature i.e. from tafsir. How does a person of faith grapple with evolution in today’s world? The audiobook is narrated by Br. Justin Mashouf and each episode includes an introduction by the author herself with a summary of previ ...
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enRICHed life radio is dedicated to giving hardworking women a place to come and rejuvenate their spirit with practical self care tips, inspirational words, positive affirmations, and motivational mindset work to increase your happiness and enrich your life. ELR is hosted by Steph Thorne, creator of the self care and lifestyle blog, “Self care is not selfish: it’s a necessary part of our lives.”
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show series
În acest episod special al podcastului Banii Vorbesc, l-am invitat pe Alin Breabăn, co-fondator Vestinda și expert în automatizarea investițiilor, pentru o discuție practică despre cum să treci de la economii la un portofoliu solid de investiții. Vom explora etapele prin care trece un investitor, cum să îți optimizezi strategiile și ce trebuie să ș…
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In this episode of The AI Sidekick: Banishing Legal AI Anxiety podcast, host Ryan Heath speaks with Jordi Goodman, a legal expert with deep experience in private markets, compliance, and AI-driven legal operations, to break down the transformation happening in law firms and corporate legal teams. Together, they discuss: How AI is democratizing lega…
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Seria "Lone Wolf" jest dostępna u wydawcy Black Monk Games:➡️ Wolf: Ucieczka z mroku to I Księga serii Kai, czyli pierwszej części kultowej linii gier paragrafowych autorstwa Joe Devera! W tej grze książkowej wcielisz się w ostatniego z wojowników Zakonu Kai i ruszysz do stolicy, by ostrzec Króla przed na…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Sprawdź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️ PDki bohaterom➡️💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka…
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AI is transforming business operations, but without the right governance, it poses legal, regulatory, and reputational risks. In this episode of The AI Sidekick: Banishing Legal AI Anxiety podcast, host Ryan Heath speaks with Stanford’s Marietje Schaake, a leading expert on AI policy and governance, about what business leaders need to know about AI…
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In the first episode of The AI Sidekick: Banishing Legal AI Anxiety podcast, host Ryan Heath is joined by Lisa Weaver-Lambert, Author of The AI Value Playbook. Together, they discuss the real-world impact of AI on businesses, including how AI is transforming workflows, why vertical AI is the future, and how private equity firms can prioritize AI in…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Sprawdź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️ PD Koziemu:➡️💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka …
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Sprawdź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️ razem bez PD. 💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka 🎧 Posłuchaj sesji: / baniak-baniaka 🎙…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Zostaw PDki Koziemu➡️ź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka 🎧…
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Ken Stern (Director of the Bard Center for the Study of Hate) joins Amna and Jeff to discuss these urgent questions: Are campuses hotbeds of antisemitism? How do we define antisemitism in the first place? Is there a difference between antisemitism and anti-Zionism? How have colleges handled the student protests around Gaza? Why are so many higher e…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Sprawdź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️ PDki bohaterom:➡️ zestaw łamigłówek➡️ / 638112303292528 💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem: http://patro…
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Am revenit cu cel de-al doilea episod al sezonului 9, un episod în care vorbim despre situația actuală, atât la nivel internațional, cât și național, și despre cum ar trebui să ne dezvoltăm un portofoliu în acest an, care se anunță plin de provocări. Despre invitatul din acest episod: Adrian Codîrlașu este unul dintre cei mai respectați experți fin…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Zostaw PD Clogiemu➡️ź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka 🎧 …
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Kto zasłużył na PDki?➡️ź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka…
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Our friend and colleague Stony Brook sociologist Musa al-Gharbi has a new book out. And it’s a tour-de-force. We Have Never Been Woke is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the economic, political and cultural divides between the haves and the have-nots in the United States. We were delighted to host Musa for a book talk on the Car…
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There’s no question AI is reshaping the way teams work, and for legal professionals, the pace of change can feel both exciting and daunting. How should leaders approach their AI journey? And what steps can they take to navigate this evolving landscape with confidence? Welcome to The AI Sidekick: Banishing Legal AI Anxiety with Robin AI - the podcas…
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Our friend and colleague Stony Brook sociologist Musa al-Gharbi has a new book out. And it’s a tour-de-force. We Have Never Been Woke is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the economic, political and cultural divides between the haves and the have-nots in the United States. We were delighted to host Musa for a book talk on the Car…
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Revenim în 2025 cu primul episod al podcastului Banii Vorbesc, un episod pe care îl realizăm în compania unui educator financiar de top în România pe care vi-l recomandăm să-l urmăriți. În acest episod lansăm jocul ”Libertatea financiară” – un joc de cărți pe care îl poți juca în familie și care te va ajuta să înțelegi care sunt cele mai importante…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Sprawdź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️ PDki dla naszych Chłopów➡️💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / ban…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Sprawdź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️ PDki➡️💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka 🎧 Posłuch…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Baniak Baniaka x QWorkshop na 33.Finał WOŚP❤️ź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️ PDki➡️💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem: http://pat…
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We were thrilled to have the opportunity to talk to PEN America’s Jeremy Young about what a second Trump administration holds in store for higher education. It was an informative—and sobering—conversation. Over the next four years, we should be prepared for a tsunami of ideologically-driven threats to academic freedom, campus free expression and th…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Sprawdź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️ z PDkami:➡️ę AI wygenerował Legion💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem:…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ PDki Koziemu➡️ postaci znajdziesz tutaj➡️ąc na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patronem…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ opanowała Instagrama. Dołącz do niej tutaj: / ballantines_poland (+18)Karty postaci znajdziesz tutaj➡️📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniak…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ postaci znajdziesz tutaj➡️ PDki Graczom:➡️📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka 🎧 Posłuchaj s…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ postaci znajdziesz tutaj➡️ PDki Koziemu:➡️📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka 🎧 Posłuchaj s…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ postaci znajdziesz tutaj➡️ PDki Koziemu:➡️📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage:…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ postaci znajdziesz tutaj➡️ PDki Graczom:➡️📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka 🎧 Posłuchaj s…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ź na warsztaty "Kryminalistyka w RPG"➡️ postaci znajdziesz tutaj➡️📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage:…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ została wyświetlona na Twitchu 166.100 razy. Zostaw PDki dla Graczy:➡️📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka 🎧 Posłuchaj sesji: / baniak-ban…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ PDki Graczom➡️ postaci znajdziesz tutaj➡️📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka 🎧 Posłuchaj se…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ PDki Koziemu:➡️ postaci znajdziesz tutaj➡️📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage:…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ PDki Koziemu:➡️ postaci znajdziesz tutaj➡️📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakbaniaka 🎧 Posłuchaj…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage:🎧 Posłuchaj sesji:🎙 Twitch📸 Instagram http://instagram.…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ postaci znajdziesz tutaj➡️ PDki:➡️ę na Twitchu obejrzano 136.600 razy. Najwięcej osób oglądających na raz to: 2643. 📰 Subskrybuj:❤️ Zostań Patro…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Pomóż Kociej Oazie➡️ź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️ PDki➡️💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem: http://pa…
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Kupując na G2A, wspierasz moją działalność ➡️ Zostaw PD Lewemu i Nikosowi➡️ź karty postaci Bohaterów i Chłopów➡️💰 RPGowe zakupy u Baniaka:❤️ Zostań Patronem:🗣 Fanpage: / baniakb…
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În acest episod al podcastului Banii Vorbesc, îi avem ca invitați pe Radu Puiu, investitor și Research Analyst în cadrul XTB România, și Răzvan Topa, Senior Strategist & Partnership Manager. Discutăm despre evoluțiile de pe piețele financiare internaționale din 2024 și despre așteptările pentru anul 2025, într-o analiză detaliată și extrem de valor…
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