Welcome To The Shifter Podcast tentang otomotif, Gadget dan Film Pokoknya Seru dan asik dengan pembahasan yang menarik sekali. Setiap Rabu dan Kamis Update Podcast Cover art photo by https://www.instagram.com/jeremy__for__life
Do you like the roar of an engine, the smell of burning rubber, or the mesmerizing sound of metal parts meshing together? If the answer is yes, then you've arrived at the right destination. Welcome to 'The Gear Shifters,' an automotive podcast, where our host, Siddharth Vohra, will take you to the fascinating world of automobiles. From electric vehicles to classic vintage cars, automotive technologies, and advancements, we've got you covered. Join us and embark on this thrilling automotive j ...
It's no secret we live in chaotic times. We are all being called to heal our trauma, raise our frequency and join together, realizing we are more alike than we are different.This initiative, "The Frequency Shifters Show", is our way of creating the container to help facilitate our needed healing and awakening, bringing people together to share this ancient wisdom and empower others to recognize their own inner power. We are stronger and shine brighter, together! And we can utilize the hidden ...
How will the story end for our Martian settlers now that Earth has been destroyed? Tom and Christopher review the 3rd and final chapter of The Martian Chronicles. Promo: Tuning Into Sci-fi TV (http://tuningintoscifitv.com/) Please click, follow, rate and review! https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Tom and Christopher return to The Martian Chronicles to see what has happened on the planet since last time. Promo: The Bloody Pit (https://rodbarnett68.podbean.com/) Please click, follow, rate and review! https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Tom and Christopher journey to the red planet as depicted in this 1980 adaptation of the Ray Bradbury novel and look at part one of the 3-part miniseries. Promo: Good Movie, Bad Movie (https://sites.libsyn.com/469407/GoodMovieBadMovie) Please click, follow, rate and review! https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_Podcasts (Celebrity voice impersonated)…
We take a look at the OTHER Mars movie from 2000. Another star-studded cast, but given even less to do. Potential, thy name is Red Planet. Promo: The Disney Indiana Podcast (https://disneyindiana.com/) Please click, follow, rate and review! https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
The first manned visit to Mars ends in disaster, and a potentially miscast group of characters have to try and save the day. What could go wrong? Promo: FilmGazers Podcast (https://rss.com/podcasts/filmgazers/) Please click, follow, rate and review! https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_Podcasts (Celebrity voice impersonated)…
Our next trip to Mars finds a lone astronaut struggling to survive in this futuristic retelling of the classic story. Promo: The Test of Time Podcast (https://testoftimepod.com/) Please click, follow, rate and review! https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_Podcasts (Celebrity voice impersonated)Por The Time Shifters Team
We make our first trip to the red planet with 1990’s TOTAL RECALL to launch our new series. It’s “Get Your Cast to Mars!” Promo: Good Beer, Bad Movie Night Podcast (https://goodbeerbadmovienight.com/) Please click, follow, rate and review! https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_Podcasts (Celebrity voice is AI generated)…
Christopher and Tom look back on some of the films they’ve covered in 2024, and talk about some other things that they got up to this past year. (And they reveal the theme for 2025!) Please click, follow, rate and review! https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Tom and Christopher watch Ryan Barton-Grimley’s (Hawk and Rev: Vampire Slayers) newest film, a psychological drama called, Listen Carefully Please click, follow, rate and review! https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Christopher and Tom unmask two versions of The Phantom of the Opera! The 1925 silent, and the bombastic 2004 musical. Promo: Monsterkid Radio (http://www.monsterkidradio.net) Please click, follow, rate and review! https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Tom and Christopher are dripping with their praise of Creature of the Black Lagoon and The Shape of Water!Promo: Classic Horrors Club Podcast (https://classichorrors.club/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Ah-Woooooo, The Time Shifters of podcasting, Tom and Christopher, howl over three werewolf films.Promo: We'll Bring the Popcorn (https://www.wellbringthepopcorn.com)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Christopher and Tom report from the Sharonville Convention Center at the 2024 Cincinnati Comic Expo "Northern Edition!"Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsAlso, check out our new podcasting friends, "We'll Bring the Popcorn" by visiting https://www.wellbringthepopcorn.com!…
Tom and Christopher's enjoyment for these two films become immediately transparent, er...apparent.Promo: The B-Moviecast (https://bmoviecast.com/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Tom and Christopher uncover the 1932 film and can't help but get wrapped up in the fun that is 1999's The Mummy!Promo: The Bloody Pit (https://rodbarnett68.podbean.com/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
We've only stitched together two films for this episode, and it still turned into a little bit of a monster!1931's Frankenstein and 2023's Poor ThingsPromo: Classic Horrors Club Podcast (https://classichorrors.club/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
We begin the spooky season by exploring three films featuring THE original vampire, Dracula!1931's Universal classic and its Spanish language counterpart, and 1992's Bram Stoker's Dracula.Promo: MonsterKid Radio (http://www.monsterkidradio.net/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_Podcasts…
Christopher sits down with Bryan Louzil, MOMETU's VP of Business Development.Have a listen and learn all about one of the newest free streaming platforms on the block.Check out Mometu for yourself, https://mometu.com/Learn more about the Mometu College Filmfest here, https://www.instagram.com/mometucollegefilmfestPlease click, follow, rate and revi…
Tom and Christopher finally got their "dumb action movie", but at what cost?Promo: For Nerds By Nerds (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/for-nerds-by-nerds/id1504805349)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Tom and Christopher were thinking 1996's "Barb Wire" would be a dumb but fun action film, and they were half right...Promo: Flash Pulp Podcast (https://flashpulp.com/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Christopher went to Indianapolis Gen Con 2024 and met the filmmakers behind the fantasy adventure film, Empire Queen: The Golden Age of Magic.Watch the trailer for the film here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzMwup_SKJIPlease click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Tom revisits "The Matrix", while Christopher takes a "Deep Look" into PBS, before the two delve into the secret of 1973's "Soylent Green"Promo: British Invaders podcast (http://britishinvaders.com/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Christopher finally gets a chance to watch the Gizmoplex, Tom finally finishes The Expanse, and then they discuss the disappointment that is Johnny Mnemonic.Promo: Good Beer, Bad Movie Night Podcast (https://goodbeerbadmovienight.com/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_Podcasts…
Director Chris Cronin joins Christopher and Tom to talk about his first feature film, THE MOOR (2023) and about the trials and hurdles of venturing into horror film making.Hear our review of THE MOOR by following this link - https://www.timeshifterspodcast.com/the-moor-2023/Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_Podcasts…
Christopher found a documentary of the "50 WORST MOVIES" and found some glaring omissions. Tom is raising a new "DUNE" fan. After that, the duo check into the HOTEL ARTEMIS to see what amenities 2028 has to offer.Promo: Video Fuzzy (https://videofuzzy.blogspot.com)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_Podcasts…
Tom and Christopher find themselves at odds with this new independent action film. Have a listen and watch the film to see which side YOU fall on.Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
In this enlightening episode, our host Sid Vohra delves into the impending Bharat Stage 7 (BS 7) emission norms and their profound implications for the Indian automotive industry. As India gears up for this significant regulatory shift, we explore this transition's technological, economic, and environmental facets. As the country strives for cleane…
Tom and Christopher go in expecting one thing and find the exact opposite! Have a listen and find out what they thought of this nearly forgotten film.Promo: FilmGazers (https://rss.com/podcasts/filmgazers/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
A mystery, a supernatural thriller, and a horror movie all wrapped up into a stunning package. Have a listen to hear us discuss the new film, The Moor.Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
**Podcast Title: The Magic of Monaco: Why the F1 Race is So Special****Podcast Description:**Join host Sid Vohra as we explore the amazing Monaco Grand Prix, the most famous race in Formula 1. Learn why this race is so special, from its tight, twisty streets to its beautiful views of the Mediterranean Sea. We’ll talk about Monaco’s long history and…
Fellow citizens! We are so pleased to provide for you a fun look at an action/comedy film from the ancient 20th, Demolition Man!Promo: The Test of Time podcast (https://testoftimepod.com/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
In this episode of Gear Shifters, we are thrilled to welcome Jayanth Kolla, Convergence Catalyst co-founder and principal analyst. Jayanth also hosts the AI Rising podcast on HT Smartcast and is a renowned expert in AI and technology trends. Our host Sid Vohra and Jayanth discuss the future of artificial intelligence in the automobile industry, the…
Christopher and Tom bring you a short review of the 2023 film, "New Life". A very interesting thriller that subverts some expectations of both reviewers.Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Welcome back, gearheads, to another exciting episode of Gear Shifters. Today, we're diving into one of the most fascinating and futuristic cars ever created—Chrysler's legendary Turbine Car. You may have heard whispers about this experimental vehicle from the 1960s, but today, we're uncovering the hidden stories and surprising facts that even the m…
Christopher and Tom take a look at this alternate 2024, when they explore the relationship between Vic and Blood after the world has gone mad.(Warning! Due to the nature of the plot, there are several mentions of sexual assault.)Promo: Classic Horrors Club Podcast (https://classichorrors.club/the-classic-horrors-club-podcast/)Please click, follow, …
Welcome to this special Mother's Day episode of The Gear Shifters! We're thrilled to have Manjula Narayan, the Editor of the Books page at Hindustan Times, joining us. Not only is Manjula a distinguished journalist, but she's also a mother to two sons and three dogs, and a proud rider of a Royal Enfield Thunderbird. In this episode, Manjula shares …
All hope for humanity is lost as Christopher and Tom explore 2006's dystopian drama, Children of Men.Promo: Monster Kid Radio (http://www.monsterkidradio.net/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Today, we explore the exciting world of air taxis—small aircraft that can take off and land vertically, making short-distance travel a breeze. Companies like Boeing in the U.S. and InterGlobe in India are pioneering this technology, offering a solution to urban congestion. Picture flying from Rajiv Chowk to Gurugram in 7 minutes instead of 90. In t…
Christopher and Tom talk a little Star Trek:Discovery and a couple random films, one being another Charles Band film that Tom watched, before they both chomp down on Band's 1982 3-D monster flick, Parasite!Promo: Bottom of the Stream (https://bottomofthestream.podbean.com/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_Podcasts…
Your text looks great! However, here's a slight tweak for clarity and smoothness. What if Chinese mobile manufacturer Xiaomi launched its own car? Surprised? Us too! But that's not all – on our podcast, we're diving into not just Xiaomi's bold move, but also the unexpected twists of other big brands like Apple. From iPhones to electric vehicles/rid…
We found this new film streaming on Mometu to be a great idea, but not well realized...Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_Podcastshttps://watch.mometu.com/feature/stupid-gamesPor The Time Shifters Team
Electric Vehicles or Hybrids: What's the Best Option for You? That's the question we'll be exploring in this podcast. Tune in to the latest episode of The Gear Shifters where our host Sid Vohra is joined with Amrinder Singh, Audio Engineer at HT smartcast. If you're thinking about getting a new car and you're curious about electric vehicles (EVs) a…
After their usual banter, Christopher and Tom share their thoughts on the 2014 remake of the cult-classic, Robocop.Promo: I Saw That Years Ago (http://www.isawthatyearsago.com/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
Christopher and Tom check out the latest film from Monte Light (Blood Covered Chocolate)! This psychological mystery will be streaming exclusively on Mometu beginning April 5th!Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_Podcastshttps://watch.mometu.com/Por The Time Shifters Team
In this episode, we're tackling the automotive world's biggest myths: 5 underrated cars in India. Our host Sid, will break down the vehicles that deserve more recognition and those that might not live up to the hype. Whether it's the hidden gems that deserve a second look or the overhyped models that fall short, we've got you covered. Tune in for a…
This sci-fi murder mystery from the Czech Republic surpassed all of Christopher's expectations!Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
They can replace almost any organ in your body...for a price. If you don't, or can't pay, you have to watch out for the Repo Men!Promo: Based on a True Story Podcast (https://www.basedonatruestorypodcast.com/)Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
We peek into the closet to find this anthology film lurking within! Listen to find out what we thought of "Beware the Boogeyman".Please click, follow, rate and review!https://linktr.ee/TSPandOE_PodcastsPor The Time Shifters Team
The three of us sat down and shot the shit. These guys have ridden all across the country and done some pretty amazing things. Dont forget to follow Thepacwestvtwinshow put on by none other than Crash Inc.Por The Shifter Show