W podcastach OSW rozmawiamy o wydarzeniach i procesach ważnych dla świata wschodu. Interesujemy się światem od Berlina po Władywostok.
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Stu Burguiere dissects and debunks leftist propaganda with a lethal blend of wit, wisdom, and mockery.
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Publicistický podcast Filipa Titlbacha se zajímavými osobnostmi a redakcí Deníku N.
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Vsakodnevna pogovorna radijska oddaja o aktualnih temah je zasnovana po načelu okrogle mize in edina tovrstna v slovenskem radiofonskem prostoru.
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Die Themen des Tages mit einem Gast aus Medien, Kultur oder Politik: Das ist die Mischung von "Studio 9" zur Mittagszeit. Ein Salon zu den Fragen der Zeit – in einer Zeit mit mehr Gesprächsbedarf denn je.
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Interviews, live performances and music from local and regional artists out of Richmond, Va.
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(Fotocredit: beerphotographer / Adobe Stock)
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Politik, Debatte, Hintergrund. Georg Restle und spannende Gäste diskutieren, streiten, sprechen Klartext. Bei studioM setzen wir Themen und nehmen uns Zeit für Gespräche, die bewegen.
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Fördjupar dagens stora händelser i Sverige och världen. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Klas Wolf-Watz
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Auf unserem Studiosofa sprechen Marc Bohn und Klaus Baetz wöchentlich mit Profis aus der Studioszene über: 🎙️Recording 🎛️ Mixing 🔊 Mastering 🎶 Songwriting ⚙️ Recording-Gear 🆕 News der Audio-Branche Jetzt reinhören ➡️ https://spoti.fi/2F8weat
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Comedians Stu Murphy and Joe Heenan love movies and love talking to each other about movies. The podcast where serious analysis comes second to faffing about and good times are to be had by all who choose to listen. "Two big thumbs up" - BBC London
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In Studio Den Haag praten politiek verslaggevers Sophie van Leeuwen en Leendert Beekman elkaar bij over de achterkamertjes en wandelgangen van de Tweede Kamer. Je wekelijkse portie politieke therapie in de podcast, en de dagelijkse Haagse zaken vanuit onze BNR studio in Den Haag. Presentatie: Mark Beekhuis.
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A Knitting, Photography and Crafting Podcast
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Stu Allan Foundation Podcast service incorporates Stu Allan Radio - OSN Radio - OSN Radio PLUS - Bounce Nation Radio www.stuallan.com or search your app store for STU ALLAN....
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Projekt svobodného internetového rádia české alternativy
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From weekly series examining unique angles on Jews’ place in the world, to inquiries into the details of Jewish text and tradition, Tablet Studios podcasts bring you insight and inspiration for the modern-day Jew. Our shows include How to Be a Jew, Unorthodox, Rootless, Re-Form, and more to come.
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Retrouvez nos podcasts ici.
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Der Überblick mit Hintergrund: Interviews, Reportagen, Kritiken – mit originellen Gesprächspartnern.
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A podcast about language, with host John McWhorter.
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Varje vecka bjuder vi på fördjupning och analys med utgångspunkt i egna publiceringar och andra viktiga nyhetshändelser inom Expos bevakningsområde. Ansvarig utgivare: Daniel Poohl
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Een podcast van Breinwijzer vzw
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Studio Streamers is a variety podcast brought to you by Studio ARTES. Giving a voice to adults with disabilities on the north-side of Sydney!
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In my very 1st podcast I talk about the first DBZ episode I saw & why I fell in love with the series. I also talk about my favorite videogame of all-time and what I'm currently playing.
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Jose Luis Cova y Jose Luis Yajure present: Studio79’ 04/2020 *Upside Down* 1 . France Joli – Come To Me 2 . Kool & The Gang – Get Down on it 3 . Karen Young – Hot Shot 4 . Stacy Lattisaw – Jump on the Beat 5 . Paches & Herb – Shake your groove Thing 6 . Earth, Wind & Fire – Fall in Love with you 7 . Village People – Macho Man 8 . The Gap Band –Burn Rubber on Me 9 . Dianna Ross – Upside Down 10 . Gonzalez –Haven’t Stopped dancing yet The best music of 70s & 80s
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A catalog of artist interviews with a focus on providing a platform for visual artists to share their work and provide an in-depth look into their studio practice.
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Klix Studio donosi najvažnije teme i najnovije informacije sa uvijek aktuelnim gostima.
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Studio 7 for Zimbabwe provides comprehensive and reliable radio news seven days a week on AM, shortwave and satellite, and the Internet.
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Matt Simon and Will Johnson talk Aggie Sports from Kyle Field.
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Energy researcher Remco de Boer In Search of Europe's Energy Future.
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Blue Tiger Studio Podcasts
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MKI Studios audio presentations and expositions. For the Glory of Yah !
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Providing fatherly advice to young people and encouraging young men to take responsibility for their lives and families.
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【聯經書房 · 點亮思想】 由聯經知名文史哲的作家、學者,以及聯經編輯等專業人士擔任講者,依據時事與議題,搭配聯經出版適合的書籍,提供不同的人文思想觀點與深度觀察。在這個訊息龐雜,世界急遽變化的時代,讓您能快速掌握書籍中的黃金知識要點,高效率的吸收資訊。 ──現在,就讓我們用聲音,陪伴您一起進入浩瀚的知識之海。 【經典聯聯看】 ★★ 聯經50週年特別企劃,50種跨時代經典說書計畫 ★★ 慶祝聯經出版50週年的時刻,精選出具代表性的50種經典作品,精心策畫的全新Podcast節目。 2024年3月15日起,每週五中午12:00更新。 由聯經出版發行人林載爵、《聯合文學》雜誌總編輯王聰威、聯經出版總編輯涂豐恩、聯經出版副總編輯陳逸華擔任各集主持人,每集以一部經典及一個主題,邀請熟習該作品的個領域專家學者、譯者與作家,帶領我們進入作品的世界,在資訊紛亂的時代,告訴你該如何又為何要重讀這些作品。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Pravidelné debaty redakce Alarmu nad aktuálními tématy z Česka i zahraničí.
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Hétről hétre a legfontosabb történéseket vitatjuk meg újságíró kollégákkal a Klubrádió stúdiójában.
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The Stu Bryer Show bringing you the best in guest interviews, listeners calls, Potpourri, The Lunchtime Oldies, and The Anything Goes Hour
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Sports, music, politics, self-improvement, comedy. We have shows of every variety - and talented hosts that bring you the best content. Be entertained!
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De podcast waarin Randy Martens, Wimar Bolhuis en Wouter Welling politiek, economie en maatschappij bespreken om zo een onafhankelijke en geïnformeerde dosis Tegengif tegen alle gekte in het Nederlandse debat te geven. Onze podcast is volledig onafhankelijk en niemand anders bepaalt wat we zeggen. Het kost wel geld. Wil je ons steunen, dan kan dat via: https://vriendvandeshow.nl/studio-tegengif
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Some truth hurts, but this TRUTH heals! Stu Epperson, Jr. digs deep into the Word of God every time with humor, friends, heart and soul. Listen. You'll always be glad you did!
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Unlock remarkable tips and tricks for improved recordings in your studio. Unusually great for beginners and professionals.
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Lij Shaw Interviews music producers, engineers, studio owners, and other professionals to bring you inspiring stories, tricks, and insights from the recording studio. So that you can take your recordings to the next level and become a rockstar of the recording studio yourself! - Guests: Vance Powell, Michael Beinhorn, Russell Wolff, Graham Cochrane, Joe Gilder, Björgvin Benediktsson, and many more...
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Join Michelle, Casey and Emma as professional tutu artists who come together to caffeinate, laugh, and talk everything tutus!
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Saturday Nite Mashup Show with Rob Tissera - 1st February 2025
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Saturday Nite Mashup Show with Rob Tissera - 1st February 2025Por Stu Allan Foundation
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In this episode, Stu welcomes author, speaker, and apologist Alex McFarland to discuss his impactful ministry and what it means to be named " Missionary of the Month" Alex shares his passion for spreading the Gospel, his experiences in ministry, and the challenges facing Christians today. Tune in for an inspiring conversation about faith, evangelis…
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Stu Burguiere returns to the subject of his Blaze Originals documentary, “Countdown to the Next Aviation Disaster,” as he covers the latest details in the horrific collision between a passenger jet and a military helicopter over Washington, D.C., and looks ahead to the changes Donald Trump needs to follow through on to bring the Federal Aviation Ad…
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Por Stu Bryer
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From Longlegs to Toot And Come In. In this episode Stu & Joe discuss, among other things, a world with a very niche populous and Charles Bronson; voice of a generation. "You are John Waters in a Spielberg world."Por Stu & Joe
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Frenzel, Korbinian www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9 - Der Tag mit ...Por Frenzel, Korbinian
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Orzessek, Arno www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Orzessek, Arno
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Reski, Petra www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Reski, Petra
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Fleischer, Chrisitine www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Fleischer, Chrisitine
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Weltweit müssen 160 Millionen Kinder arbeiten. Eigentlich sollte bis Ende des Jahres Kinderarbeit abgeschafft sein, doch das wird nichts werden, sagt Ninja Charbonneau von Unicef. Dabei sei klar, was es bräuchte, um die Situation zu verbessern. Charbonneau, Ninja www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9…
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Sieb, Antje www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Sieb, Antje
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Helms, Franz Paul www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Helms, Franz Paul
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Helms, Franz Paul www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Helms, Franz Paul
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Dornblüth,Gesine www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Dornblüth,Gesine
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Klein, Sebastian www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Klein, Sebastian
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Kaess, Christiane www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Kaess, Christiane
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Die Brände in Los Angeles sind gelöscht, die Schäden noch da. Für Betroffene wurden Spenden bei der Grammy-Verleihung gesammelt. Bei den Auszeichnungen konnten sich unter anderem Kendrick Lamar und Beyoncé freuen. Sie setzte einen neuen Meilenstein. Dampz, Nils www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Dampz, Nils
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Helms, Franz Paul www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Helms, Franz Paul
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Helms, Franz Paul www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Helms, Franz Paul
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van Laak, Claudia www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por van Laak, Claudia
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Allweiss, Marianne www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Allweiss, Marianne
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Kingston, Laura www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Kingston, Laura
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Hamberger, Katharina www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Hamberger, Katharina
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Studio 760 minutesPor VOA
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Dampz, Nils www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Dampz, Nils
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Demmer, Anne www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Demmer, Anne
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In Berlin demonstrierten über 250.000 Menschen beim „Aufstand der Anständigen“ gegen die CDU und ihre Abstimmung mit der AfD für eine Verschärfung der Migrationspolitik. Viele warnten vor einem Rechtsruck und zogen Parallelen zur NS-Zeit. van Laak, Claudia; Jaedicke, Thomas www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9…
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Wofür genau steht das AMA-Gütesiegel? Wie streng wird kontrolliert, ob die Kriterien auch alle eingehalten werden? Wie wichtig sind uns Österreicherinnen und Österreichern eigentlich Lebensmittel? All das hat Felix Jaeger mit der AMA-Marketing Geschäftsführerin Christina Mutenthaler-Sipek besprochen!…
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Grützmacher, Felix, Jaedicke, Thomas www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Grützmacher, Felix, Jaedicke, Thomas
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Bensch, Karin www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Bensch, Karin
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Segador, Julio www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Segador, Julio
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Hamberger, Katharina www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Hamberger, Katharina
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In this episode of Truth Talk Live, Stu talks with author Greg Hinnant to discuss his eye-opening book, Freemasonry: An Exposé. They go deep into the secrets history and controversies around Freemasonry exploring its influence on society politics and culture. Greg shares his research, revealing hidden truths and challenging commonly held beliefs ab…
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Flashback to the Old skool with Neil Shine & Lady Hani - 1st February 2025
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Flashback to the Old skool with Neil Shine & Lady Hani - 1st February 2025Por Stu Allan Foundation
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Studio 760 minutesPor VOA
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Johnston, Jennifer www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Johnston, Jennifer
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Ganslmeier, Martin www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Ganslmeier, Martin
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Remme, Klaus www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Remme, Klaus
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Segador, Julio www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Segador, Julio
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Capellan, Frank www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Capellan, Frank
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Detjen, Stephan www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Detjen, Stephan
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Dittmer, Nicole www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9 - Der Tag mit ...Por Dittmer, Nicole
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Syria ostatnio przeżyła spore zmiany. Baszszar al-Asad stracił władzę. Zainteresowana była tym Turcja i dzisiaj to ten kraj jest jednym z najważniejszych podmiotów zainteresowanych odbudową Syrii. Dlaczego to dla Turcji tak ważne? Jaki wpływ ma na to sprawa kurdyjska? Na te i inne pytania odpowiadają Zuzanna Krzyżanowska i Adam Michalski.Poprzedni …
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Psy majú terapeutické účinky. Potvrdí aj Anna Šípošová, ktorej práve psia prítomnosť dodávala odvahu počas nahrávania neďaleko frontovej línie na východnej Ukrajine. Psia pomoc zaujala aj Viliama Hauzera, ktorý si všimol, že zlatý retríver pomáha s odbúravaním stresu na letisku v Skopje. Ako sa dá precestovať svet pomocou chrobákov, priblíži Boris …
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Psy majú terapeutické účinky. Nedosvedčujú to iba štúdie, ale aj redaktorka Anna Šípošová ktorej práve psia prítomnosť dodávala odvahu počas nahrávania neďaleko frontovej línie na východnej Ukrajine. Psia pomoc zaujala aj Viliama Hauzera, ktorý si všimol, že zlatý retríver pomáha s odbúravaním stresu na letisku v Skopje. Ako sa dá precestovať svet …
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Hatting, André www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Hatting, André
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Jaecker, Tobias www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Jaecker, Tobias
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Schmal, Peter Cachola www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de, Studio 9Por Schmal, Peter Cachola
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