A power couple sharing the How To's of relationship and marriage goals!
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Rozhovory Lucie Výborné. Zajímavé osobnosti mluví o věcech, jimž rozumějí. Své dotazy pokládejte přes formulář na webu. Všechny díly podcastu Host Lucie Výborné můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz.
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What's on the menu at Lucid Cafe? Stories of transformation; healing journeys; thought-provoking conversations about consciousness, shamanism, psychology, ethics. Hosted by Wendy Halley of Lucid Path Wellness & Healing Arts.
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Lucid Lab is a wild ride through life’s most interesting topics - the paranormal, true crime, little green men, consciousness, and wicked history.
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Gabriel Delascasas dirige este programa que es una extraña mezcla de realidad y ficción.
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Dive into the fascinating multiverse of Phillip Aisling, where lucid dreams and interdimensional adventures captivate readers of all ages. Join our exploration of this beloved series as we uncover the magic that makes these dreamscapes so incredibly enchanting.
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Follow this crazy couple's journey of Fun and Food Adventures..... "Welcome to 'Life with Lucia and Glynn,' your ultimate vlog for thrilling adventures in fun, food, music, and travel! 🌟🍔🎶✈️ Join us as we dive into exciting escapades across these four exciting niches, sharing all the highs and lows. Our channel is your ticket to unique experiences and unforgettable moments. From exploring local gems to savoring delicious cuisine, discovering new melodies, and traveling to breathtaking destin ...
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Discussion sur tout ce qui touche Marvel, DC, Starwars et tout sujet qui touche le monde geek en général.
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Laetitia et Lucile sont journalistes, autrices et expertes en sexualités. Dans chaque épisode, seules ou accompagnées, elles décryptent des phénomènes liés au sexe. Légendes urbaines, fantasmes, anorgasmie, vaginisme, pop culture, histoires d’horreur… “Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe”, c’est le sexe sous toutes les cultures, par tous les prismes – surtout les moins vus et les moins entendus. Pour en découvrir toujours plus. “Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe” est un podcast hebdoma ...
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What's more important than your thoughts? And why think anything less than your best? Here at Lucidesse we explore everything in order to dissolve limitations and inspire ourselves to live our fullest life. We believe the greatest change is that which happens within, so join us as we shine light into murky areas of life and explore the things which limit our potential....and on the way, let's learn to live our personal truths, together. Together, we are stronger. Let's explore everything, fr ...
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Managing Your Financial Future with Johnny Dean and "Professor" Rick Plum, CFP® Brought to you by the advisors and investment professionals at Lucia Capital Group, a registered investment advisor. Integrating financial planning and investing decisions, designed to help you reach your own financial goals. Want the best tips on which hot stocks you should buy this week? Go somewhere else - we don't do that. It's all about planning, strategy, managing your future and taking control of your fina ...
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In this series, we sit down with CEOs and entrepreneurs from startups and tech companies all around the world. Each episode features candid conversations with trailblazers who share their stories, challenges, and critical moments that shaped their companies. Understand how their mind works, how they turn ideas into reality, navigated startup life, and the lessons they learned.
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Les Podcasts de Sports Lucides se penchent sur la NFL, la NCAA, le Fantasy Football et la NHL !
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In Lucid Dreaming, curator and writer Pamela Cohn interviews a constellation of artistic luminaries working within contemporary contexts of documentary practice and experimental moving image. Together they explore artistic inspirations, conceptual intent and processes, and the expanding socio-political possibilities of creating personal memoir. Support us on Patreon > https://www.patreon.com/luciddreamingpodcast
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We know we're drinking and we think we know what we're talking about. We're Lucid Drinking. https://www.stickermule.com/unlock?ref_id=3127072701&utm_medium=link&utm_source=invite https://www.stickermule.com/stevisfilmz https://www.tiktok.com/@luciddrinkingpodcast https://www.instagram.com/luciddrinking https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/luciddrinkingpodcast
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Welcome to Luciano, where amazing things happen.
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Bringing together local businesses and neighbors of Port Saint Lucie. Good Neighbor Podcast hosted by Benjamin John helps residents discover and connect with your local business owners in and around Port St Lucie, Florida. Is your business serving the residents of Port Saint Lucie? Then, we need to talk! Visit gnpPSL.com to schedule your free interview.
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A range of topical information based radio programming brought to you from the Government Information Service of Saint Lucia. This podcast aims to bring an array of programming to the listening public. Our goal is to keep listeners up to date with all government developments, from the political arena through to the cultural sphere. Learn about the latest policy changes, growth initiatives and social projects. Stay attuned to Saint Lucia's rich heritage and culture, from our annual Independen ...
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Enter the confession box with comedian Lucie Isle, as she decides whether to send her guest to their own personal heaven or hell. In each confession session Lucie's guest proves their worth before the final judgement. A trial of honesty, confession and redemption, prepare to see the very best, and absolute worst sides of people you thought you knew. Featuring guests from trans, queer, drag and SW communities, and our allies. Season 1 is now complete. Thank you to all our guests for supportin ...
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Human transformed to artist in a collision between the physical and spiritual world, discussing all that humans endure, and ways to discover a life with more bliss.
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Welcome to the lucia podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Ricardo y Lucía Luzondo del Ministerio Renovación Familiar nos presentan diversos temas a través de sus experiencias profesionales y en la fé, para optimizar nuestro buen vivir. Miércoles a las 6 PM hora del este.
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Welcome to Marcos Lucio, where amazing things happen.
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Talking about anything and everything I want too.
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Jeremy Lucious
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Welcome to the Lucidd podcast, where i struggle to provide qualitative productions,.... only basic outlines for potential touching work
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Short stories about interesting concepts, thoughts and ideas by Isaac Lindenberger
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Guillaume Luciani website : podcast, news ...
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The life of Charles aka lucky
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Great rap
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Uma cópia do Nerdcast, que gosta de Não Ouvo mas escuta mesmo PeeWeeCast
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Let's talk about life, friends, love, music. Se habla Español.
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Consciousness, psychedelics, science, and more
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Um podcast que falo sobre coisas aleatória que me intrigam (ou nem tanto), porém me fez pensar no dia
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I’m a story teller Cover art photo provided by Kristina Kashtanova on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@icreatelife_
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Following your dreams can turn out to be a total nightmare…
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Learn all about investing in real estate in Port St Lucie, Florida with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Port St Lucie plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Port St Lucie).
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I’m 18 and I freestyle hard
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👉🏽👉🏽tackling controversial topics and meaningful topics that everyone can relate👈🏽👈🏽 Ig deets. Kenny-@kdub_280 Quil-cousinn.quil
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Un homenaje a la gratitud, las luciérnagas también se perciben de día a día, hay que ser gran observador para estar atento y poder encontrarlas en el caminar.
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A minha visão sobre todos os campos da vida, o que aprendi com livros, mentores, filmes e coisas afim.
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Welcome to Timothy Lucia, where amazing things happen.
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Killed it
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This podcast was created in Anchor. To make your own podcast for free, visit https://anchor.fm/lucie
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Lucid Dreaming
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Welcome to the Big Foot podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Visually impaired students in Saint Lucia have received a major boost in their educational journey, thanks to the Saint Lucia National Conservation Fund (SLUNCF). On March 19th, SLUNCF officially handed over assistive learning devices to the Saint Lucia Blind Welfare Association (SLBWA), fulfilling a request made through the Ministry of Education. …
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The Ministry of Agriculture strengthens its fight against the Tomato Russet Mite, equipping farmers in Marquis and Black Bay with vital skills to protect crops and boost productivity.
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A life-changing mission is underway in Saint Lucia as a team of ocular specialists provides much-needed prosthetic eye services to those in need. With treatments valued at over $55,000 USD, patients who would otherwise struggle to afford this care are receiving a new lease on life.
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Saint Lucia’s farming sector enters a new era with the completion of the National Agriculture Innovation and Technology Center, integrating cutting-edge NFT hydroponic systems to boost efficiency, sustainability, and food security.
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In the headlines: The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs launches Sweet Life, a diabetic prevention program and; Prime Minister Honourable Philip J. Pierre returns to the island following the 76th meeting of the OECS in Saint Martin. For details on these updates and more, visit govt.lc
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Hana Sahulová Součková si vyzkoušela několik povolání, ale zjistila, že navzdory náročné práci je nejšťastnější na rodinné farmě. Naučila se nejen pěstovat různé druhy zeleniny, ale také navazovat obchodní vztahy. „Ze začátku jsem měla proutěný košík a sklízela jsem od každého něco. Byl to můj parťák v prvních obchodních jednáních,“ vypráví s úsměv…
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A multi-faceted project aimed at developing competencies in youth that will be useful across a wide range of situations and work settings is underway in Saint Lucia. The OECS Skills and Innovation Project (OECS SKIP) recently held a consultation with a wide range of stakeholders focusing mainly on innovation to increase the island’s competitiveness…
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In the headlines: Saint Lucia commemorates the closing of the LAMLAT Medical Mission and; more than 200 Saint Lucians graduate with certifications in various vocational fields. For details on these updates and more, visit govt.lc
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Malátný: Chinaski slaví 30 let na scéně. „Není to žádná nostalgie, slavíme v nejlepší formě“
„V životě jsem si neuměl představit, že budeme hrát takto dlouho, že budeme mít 12 desek,“ přiznává Michal Malátný, frontman skupiny Chinaski, která výročí 30 let na scéně oslaví mimo jiné koncertem se Symfonickým orchestrem Českého rozhlasu. Které písně zazní? Jak probíhalo jejich aranžování do symfonické podoby? A hraje Jan Steinsdörfer raději ja…
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El discurso de las marchas y no hay plata para emergencias pero si para consultas populares
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1:40:31Escuche el programa de este miércoles 19 de mayo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 33 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.
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Lo bueno, lo malo y lo mejor de las marchas; Mal uso de camionetas y escoltas y Sin Anestesia con Susana Muhamad
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2:02:42Escuche el programa de este martes 19 de marzo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 33 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.
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„Proč jsem se já narodila zdravá?“ Skleněné děti si nesou pocity viny, říká režisérka filmu Ta Druhá
Dilemata, která vznikají mezi péčí o sestru s poruchou autistického spektra a vlastními aspiracemi, zachycuje dokumentaristka pohledem osmnáctileté Johanky. Pro starostlivé, ale mnohdy upozaděné sourozence používá termín skleněné děti. „Je nutné říct, že skleněné děti si často ty tíhy, otázky a dilemata nechávají pro sebe a nesdílí je s okolím,“ po…
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In the headlines: Anchorage on the waterfront is set to redefine the consumer experience while fostering economic growth within the city and; Saint Lucian vendors have embraced digital payments, aiding in the boosting of sales and productivity. For details on these updates and more, visit govt.lc
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In this premiere episode of "Lucid Journeys," we embark on a fascinating exploration of the Phillip Aisling multiverse, introducing listeners to the remarkable world of dreams and interdimensional travel that forms the backbone of this captivating middle-grade fantasy series. Our hosts delve into the central question that has fascinated humanity fo…
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La exministra de Ambiente, Susana Muhamad, llegó a los micrófonos de ‘Sin Anestesia’ para hablar de los problemas que enfrenta el Gobierno del Pacto Histórico.
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Susana Muhamad estuvo tras los micrófonos de ‘Sin Anestesia’ para abordar su salida del Gobierno y su postura frente al nombramiento de Armando Benedetti.
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The Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs of Saint Lucia proudly hosted a closing ceremony for the United States Air Force Southern Medical Mission, Lesser Antilles Medical Assistance Team 2025 (LAMAT-25), marking the fourth U.S. Medical Mission to the island. In collaboration with Taiwan’s highly skilled medical team, this initiative p…
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In a significant display of commitment to educational advancement the Ministry of Education, under the Human Capital Resilience Project, in partnership with Monroe University, hosted a graduation ceremony recently to honour nationals who successfully completed the Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ).…
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A follow-up assessment by the National Competitiveness and Productivity Council (NCPC) has revealed that a number of vendors at the Vendors Arcade have successfully transitioned to accepting digital payments, exceeding initial expectations. This transformation follows an initiative launched during Productivity Awareness Week 2022, when the NCPC, in…
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Marchas de mañana y escasez de medicamentos
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1:33:55Escuche el programa de este lunes 17 de marzo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 33 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa
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Dans cette édition, les Lucides discutent de la fin du règne de Katleen Kennedy, de la prise de contrôle créatif d'Amazon sur James Bond et notre versus Darth Maul versus Qimir! https://youtu.be/pyajBWslc14 Rejoignez-nous sur notre groupe facebook Les Lucides MGE podcast! Merci à notre partenaire: L'Abyss https://www.abyssgamestore.com/…
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In the headlines: The Royal St.Lucia Police Force expresses confidence in its domestic violence response, and; agriculture workers develop skills in farm equipment maintenance. For details on these updates and more, visit govt.lc
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Lab Reports Vol 13: Sandwich Stalker, Aurora Quadruple Homicide, The Tragic Lynching of Mary Turner and An Unsettling Roommate
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1:21:17On Vol 13 of our Lab Reports episodes, we share two listener stories, both with stalkerish vibes. One listener tells the story of a creepy customer interaction at her sandwich shop and another shares her trauma from an unsettling roommate situation. For our mini episodes, Jessica covers a somewhat recent Domestic Abuse situation in Aurora, Colorado…
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Historik: Vlasta Burian miloval Spartu a nejradši byl hvězdou společnosti. Doma propadal depresím
Nebýt divadla, mohl král českých komiků chytat za fotbalovou Spartu, kvůli které posouval i začátek představení. Jako brankář by ovšem Vlasta Burian nebyl v záři reflektorů. „Když byl na fotbale už jako divák a vrátil se do divadla, všichni poznali, jestli Sparta prohrála, nebo vyhrála. Protože pokud vyhrála, tak se hrálo třeba o hodinu déle,“ líčí…
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The first trading two weeks of March, 2025 were brutal for stocks. Nearly $4 trillion of value was lost in less than a month. All of this negative volatility, with suspicions that more is to come, has created a great deal of fear and panic among savers who don't want to see their gains wiped out. What many people don't understand, though, is that v…
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Avez-vous déjà ouvert un kamasutra ? Lucile, elle, en a déjà écrit un ! Dans ce nouvel épisode de "Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe", on parle de tous les petits secrets du kamasutra original, de ses bons comme de ses mauvais côtés, d'acrobaties, de bien-être, de plaisir évidemment, et de la place des femmes dans tout ça. “Laetitia et Lucile p…
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In the headlines: Saint Lucia records an 8% unemployment rate, the lowest in its history and; the country is one step closer to establishing a sovereign wealth fund. For details on these updates and more, visit govt.lc
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„Je důležité si uvědomit, že u těchto nomádských společenství, která jsou založena na přesunu z místa na místo, jsou ženy opravdu součástí společenství. Takže mají svoje obydlí, mají svůj vůz, ve kterém jedou, mají finance a řídí svoje území,“ popisuje sinoložka Helena Heroldová, autorka výstavy Čingischán, která je aktuálně k vidění v Historické b…
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We're back! It's been several months but we had to get some things in order before recording again! This week, Should trans women be allowed in female only gyms and where are the Boricuas in Tech???Por Flacs & Reese
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Fasting is a quickening of energy, even as the body slows. I share my emotional, mental, physical and spiritual experience of fasting, plus the many elements of quickening which occurred during my 3-day fast. I also touch upon the power of the breath during fasting, to get through those moments of great energetic shift. I invite you to add the many…
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The Critical State of Thinking with Dr Janine Oliver
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1:13:27This seems like one of the more important episodes I’ve released since the podcast started back in 2018. My guest Dr Janine Oliver is a clinical psychologist who has expertise in social media, reality TV, and critical thinking. In this episode we discuss her research, its implications and practical ways to take care of your amazingly resilient brai…
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Todos los días sale un nuevo candidato, muchas investigaciones de papá pitufo, ¿Y las investigaciones que? y excusas para tomar trago
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1:40:55Escuche el programa de este viernes 14 de marzo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 33 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.
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Secrets to Improving Cash Flow
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1:24:38Learn the secrets to maximizing cash flow on rentals in Port St Lucie. This class is Module 26 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include how to improve cash flow: When selecting a real estate agent/broker Locking/floating your mortgage interest rate Searching for less expensive properties Searchin…
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In the headlines: The government of Saint Lucia is providing relief to banana farmers to the tune of EC $1.8 million and; the Minister of Tourism is committed to promoting Saint Lucia as a top corporate retreat destination. For details on these updates and more, visit govt.lc
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Milan Koláček je reprezentantem České republiky v zaoceánském sólovém jachtingu. Je například vítězem francouzského sólového šampionátu roku 2012. Zoltán Demján, první Čechoslovák na Mount Everestu, řekl, že hory skutečně spatřil, až když na ně přestal lézt. Viděl Milan Koláček moře? „Viděl. Nejvíc mě uchvátilo, když jsme jeli severním Atlantikem, …
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Para consultas populares si hay plata y el colombiano no se le niega a nada
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1:41:28Escuche el programa de este jueves 13 de marzo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 33 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.
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In the headlines: The Millennium Highway and West Coast Road Infrastructure Project champions disability inclusion and; the EU and OECS host climate finance training in SaintLucia. For details on these updates and more, visit govt.lc
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Ředitelka Linky bezpečí: Negativní zprávy přichází ze všech směrů. Nedivme se, že mají děti úzkosti
„Vezměte si, co se na nás valí dnes a denně z televize, z rozhlasu, kde je pořád válka na Ukrajině, předtím to bylo tři roky v kuse všechno o covidu,“ říká Soňa Petrášková, ředitelka Linky bezpečí. Ta už 30 let pomáhá dětem a mladistvým překonávat těžké životní situace. Kam se za dobu své existence posunula? A k čemu slouží její rodičovská linka? P…
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Petro plantea consulta popular y la culpa de los problemas es de los demás
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1:42:53Escuche el programa de este miércoles 12 de marzo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 33 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.
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Health Ministry Reopens La Ressource Wellness Centre Enhancing Healthcare Access in the Dennery Region
Residents of La Ressource, Dennery, and surrounding communities are celebrating the long-awaited reopening of the La Ressource Wellness Centre. Government officials and representatives from the Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Elderly Affairs gathered to mark this milestone, underscoring the administration’s commitment to expanding access to quali…
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School principals from institutions throughout Saint Lucia recently gathered for the annual Conference of the National Principals Association, which this year examined the significance of embracing changes in technology as part of preparing Saint Lucian youth for future service to country.
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Dans cette édition, les Lucides discutent à savoir si Kevin Feige est encore l'homme de la situation pour le MCU, de comment bien adapter les X-Men dans le MCU et de qui gagnerait dans une confrontation entre Red Hulk versus Green Hulk! https://youtu.be/0REpKgbl3MA Rejoignez-nous sur notre groupe facebook Les Lucides MGE podcast! Merci à notre part…
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Zakládání remízků a tůní, které vysušené zemědělské lány protnou, pomůže udržovat potřebnou biodiverzitu. Jak dál zajistit vsakování vody v krajině? „Alfou omegou všeho, kromě těchto malých drobných opatření, kterých musí být desítky tisíc, bude přechod na tzv. regenerativní zemědělství, kdy oživíte půdu takovým způsobem, že příroda vám půdní struk…
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In the headlines: The Ministry of Health monitors a recent surge in measles cases in the region of the Americas and; Saint Lucia embraces climate-smart agriculture solutions with support from the Republic of Guyana. For details on these updates and more, visit govt.lc
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Ricardo y Lucía Luzondo del ministerio Renovación Familiar nos presentan diversos temas que enfocan las situaciones que ocurren en el mundo actual y que nos afectan a los hombres, mujeres, jóvenes y niños en cualquier condición o estado de vida. A través de sus enseñanzas, experiencias, invitados y con la participación del público en vivo nos orien…
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Escuche el programa de este martes 11 de marzo. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 33 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.
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El exministro de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, expresó en ‘Sin Anestesia’ de Caracol Radio su visión sobre el equilibrio de poderes en el país
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I overheard these words as I walked by, and my mind began to discuss one of the possibilities of their meaning. And that has been on my mind now for a couple of weeks. Namely, sometimes life pulls you backward, so you can relive, remember, renew yourself by traveling back in time and space to see, feel, know experiences with 'updated' eyes. I'm cur…
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Exploring the Crescent Hotel: A Legacy of Lies and Ghosts
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1:27:43In this episode, we unravel the fascinating history of a reportedly haunted American location, the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. We explore the hotel's origins, from its construction in 1886 as a luxury resort for the wealthy to its transformation into a college and then into the notorious Baker Hospital, run by the fraudulent "Dr." N…
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Tomáš Sedláček: Boj na Ukrajině je projevem duchovního rozkolu. Pravda musí vždy nakonec vyhrát
„Dostali jsme facku jak zleva, tak zprava. Dostali jsme jednu facku z Ruska – takovou opravdu odpornou, válečnou. A druhou facku, verbální, teď dostáváme ze strany Ameriky. Jako by obě facky měly posloužit k tomu, abychom se probrali,“ zamýšlí se ekonom a nový ředitel Knihovny Václava Havla Tomáš Sedláček. Jak tuto instituci plánuje proměnit? A pro…
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