Mountain View Community Church, Snohomish, WA (
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0:00-2:13 Introduction of guest speaker and Special Prayer for Boeing employees, Pastor Brian Hebert 2:13-17:37 Opening Worship and Prayer 17:37-1:08:43 Sermon, Jim Manchester, Envision Cleveland 1:08:43 - 1:16:07 Envision Cleveland (Video) 1:16:07 - 1:18:15 Closing WorshipPor Jim Manchester: Envision Cleveland
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0:00 - 2:12 Opening Worship and Prayer 2:12 - 40:14 Sermon and Closing Prayer 40:14 - 40:46 Invitation to CommunionPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Genesis 18; Hebrews 13:2; Matthew 0:00-2:20: Opening Worship and Prayer 2:21-39:44: SermonPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Genesis 1:22, 31; 3:15; 12:1-9 0:00-4:58: Opening worship and prayer 4:59-46:20: Sermon and closing prayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Matthew 5:21-26; Romans 5:6-10; Romans 8:18-25; Hebrews 10:19-25; I Corinthians 13; II Corinthians 5:15-21; Colossians 1:19-23; II Timothy 2:2; Jude 3 0:00-1:02:48: Life Groups Reboot 1:02:48-1:03:58: Closing Prayer 1:03:58-1:04:51: Invitation/Instructions for Communion 1:04:51-1:07:52: Closing Worship and Communion…
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Scripture References: Revelation 3:20; 21:1-9; I Corinthians 3:16; Genesis 3:8; Matthew 15:11; Psalm 24:1; 139:7-9; John 1:50-51; Romans 8:18-22; Jeremiah 23:24Por Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Psalm 73; II Timothy 3:16 0:00-34:29: Sermon 34:30-39:44: Closing Worship and Prayer 39:45-42:38: New Members Introduction 42:38-43:42: Closing WorshipPor Ken Draper, Guest Speaker
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Scripture References: Mark 16:15, 20; I Chronicles 16:23-24; Colossians 3:17 0:00 - 2:26: Opening Worship and Prayer 2:26 - 37:55: Sermon and Closing Prayer 37:55 - 38:36: ClosingPor Ted & Gracie Quiocho, Costa Rica
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Scripture References: I Timothy 1:3-11; 3:16; 4:4-6; II Timothy 3:10-17 0:00 - 57:01: Sermon and closing Prayer 57:02 - 1:02:52: Closing WorshipPor Mountain View Community Church
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Scripture References: Exodus 32:32; Proverbs 29:18; Isaiah 2:2-4; Jeremiah 32:9-12; Daniel 11:32-33; 12:1-13; Amos 8:11-13; Matthew 21:21-24; Luke 10:20; John 3:16-18; Revelation 20:12 0:00-1:48: Opening Worship and Prayer 1:49-44:00: Sermon and Closing PrayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Daniel 11 0:00-52:16 SERMON- The Not So Silent Years - CLOSING PRAYER 52:16-56:16 CLOSING WORSHIPPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Daniel 10; Revelation 1:13-17; Revelation 20:10; II Kings 6; Acts 9:7; Hebrews 2:2; Galatians 3:19; Genesis 3:15; Genesis 15:1; Genesis 26:24; Judges 6:23; Luke 1:13; Luke 18:1; Job 1:12; Job 2:6; Psalm 68; Colossians 2:13-15 0:00-21:45 OPENING WORSHIP & PRAYER 21:45-1:10:53 SERMON & CLOSING PRAYER 1:10:53-1:16:37 CLOSING WORS…
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Scripture References: Daniel 9:1-27; Jeremiah 25:1-11... ; Jeremiah 29:10; II Kings 21:3-7; Lamentations 2:3; I Thessalonians 5:2; II Thessalonians 3:10 0:00-17:24: Opening Worship and Prayer 17:24-1:17:07: SERMON "Anticipating God's Promises" 1:17:08-1:19:32 Closing Worship and PrayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Daniel 8; Matthew 25:1-13; Mark 13:32-36; Zechariah 9:13-16; I Thessalonians 5:2; II Peter 3:10-12 0:00-5:20: Opening worship and prayer 5:22-47:30: Sermon and closing prayer 47:31-51:37: Closing WorshipPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: I Samuel 17:42-47; Genesis 27; Esther 3 0:00-16:17: Opening Worship and Prayer 16:17-40:11: Sermon 40:11-44:54: Closing Worhip and PrayerPor Scott Bachler, MVCC Elder
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Scripture references: Psalm 97:10; Isaiah 41:10, 59:17; Matthew 7:24; Luke 11:21-23; John 1:1, 8:4, 31; Romans 6:23, 8:38-39; I Corinthians 16:13; II Corinthians 5:21; 10:5; Ephesians 6:11-18; I Timothy 4:7-8; Hebrews 4:11-12; I Peter 3:15, 5:8 0:00-39:56 - Sermon - Clinton Dickey 39:56-44:45 - Closing Worship and Prayer…
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Scripture references: Daniel 7; Genesis 1:2; Malachi 4:5; Luke 1:17; Matthew 11:14; 17:10-13; 26:64-65; Revelation 11:13-15; 13:1-8; 21:1; Ps 18:15; 104:3-4; 68:4; Isaiah 19:15; 27:1; Nahum 1:3-4; Habakkuk 3:15; Job 7:12; Jeremiah 5:22; II Thessalonians 2:3-8 0:00-53:25: Sermon 53:25-1:01:36: Cambodia Mission Team - Dedication Prayer 1:01:36-1:06:4…
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Por Mitchell Harper, Former MVCC Youth
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Scripture references: Daniel 6:1-28; 14:8; 5:12; Psalm 35:19; John 15:25 0:00-3:38: Opening Worship and Prayer 3:38-46:31: SermonPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Daniel 5 0:00-40:46: Sermon 40:47-41:45: New Members Introduction and Welcome 41:45-47:44: Closing Worship and PrayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Daniel 4: Ezekiel 31:1-17; Isaiah 2:12-13; Luke 12;; Leviticus 26 0:00-1:23: Opening Worship Prayer 1:23-42:06: Sermon: The Tree Of Life 42:06-42:17: Closing WorshipPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: Psalm 14:2-3; Matthew 5:48; Matthew 19:17-22; Romans 3:23; Colossians 1:27-28; 3:1-4; I John 3:2; 4:7-21; Revelation 21:3-7 0:00-4:25: Opening Worship and prayer 4:25-43:57: Sermon and closing prayer 43:57-49:46: Closing Worship and prayerPor Steve Croyle, Associate Pastor
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Scripture References: Matthew 28:19-20; John 16:1; Acts 8:14; Hebrews 11:1-2; I Corinthians 13:9-11; John 16:1; Acts 14; Colossians 1:21-23; Hebrews 6:11-12; James 1:2-4; I Peter 4:12-19; I John 2:21-27; Jude 3&4, 17-25; Luke 8:4-18; John 6:45-69 0:00-1:02:48- Sermon 1:02:48-1:04:21 - Prayer and Communion…
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Scripture References: Daniel 3; Deuteronomy 28:64; I Peter 4:14-19; Isaiah 43:2; Matt 28:20; Romans 8:37-39; Heb 11:33; Acts 5:29; Job 13:15 0:00-13:52 Opening worship and prayer 13:52-1:02:38 Sermon 1:02:38-1:06:42 Closing worship and prayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Daniel 2:1-49; Psalm 115:2-8; Isaiah 46:6-7; I Peter 5:7; Philippians 4:6-7; I Corinthians 1:20; Hebrews 11:1; Ephesians 2:10 0:00-0:20 Opening Prayer 0:20-45:49 Sermon: THE STONE OF MYSTERIES 45:50-46:11 Closing WorshipPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture Reference: Daniel 1:8-21 0:00 - 41:37 SERMON: A DANGEROUS PROPOSAL 41:38 - 48:04 CLOSING WORSHIP and PRAYERPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: Daniel 1:1-7; Leviticus 26:3-6; Leviticus 26:14-19; II Kings 21; II Kings 24:1-6 0:00 - 2:38: Opening Worship and Prayer 2:38 - 51:46: Sermon and Prayer 51:46 - 52:29: Closing WorshipPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Matthew 12:22-25; Philippians 3:8-11; Romans 1:18-25 0:00-5:28: Opening Worship and Prayer 5:28-43:48: Sermon and Closing PrayerPor Josh Mangum, MVCC NextGen
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Personal TestimoniesPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Revelation 21:22-27; Revelation 22:1-5; Joshua 14:7-12; I Timothy 5:1-2 0:00 - 2:48 Work Interview 2:48 - 39:20 Sermon 39:20 - 44:15 Closing Prayer and WorshipPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: II Corinthians 2:14-17 0:00-14:22 Worship and Prayer 14:22-43:22 SermonPor Sisay Desalegn
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Scripture References: Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 14:13-14; Exodus 33:12-14; Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Matthew 11:25-30; Psalm 121:1-2; Psalm 127:1-2; Isaiah 40:28-31; Isaiah 42:1-3; Jeremiah 6:16-17; Jeremiah 31:25; Zechariah 9:9; John 6:28-29 0:00 - 0:32: Opening Prayer 0:32 - 1:18: Worship 1:19 - 45:23: Sermon 45:24 - 46:58: Closing Prayer…
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Scripture References: Genesis 37, 39-48, 50:19-20 0:00 - 41:10 Sermon 41:101 - 52:35 Cambodia/Jumpah trip report 52:45 - 57:36 Closing Worship and PrayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Acts 18; Romans 16:3-5 0:00-3:46 Opening Worship and Prayer 3:46-37:52 Sermon 37:52-38:21 Closing Worship and PrayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Matthew 5:13-16; Genesis 12:1-4; 18:17-33; 19:1-2, 9, 29-30, II Peter 2:6-10; Jeremiah 29:7; Micah 6:8; Ezekiel 22:30 0:00-1:04: Opening Worship & Prayer 1:05-42:00: Sermon 42:00-43:03: Closing Prayer 43:03-44:00; Missions Conference AnnouncementPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Genesis 3:16-19; Genesis 9:1-7; Genesis 11:1-9; Matthew 24:37-39; Colossians 3:23-24; I Corinthians 10:31 0:00 - 40:41 - Sermon 40:41 - 45:00 - El Salvador short-term mission team Dedication Prayer 45:00 - 56:45 - Closing worship and prayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Genesis 1:1-2, 26-31; 2:7-9, 15-17; Romans 8:21-22; Matthew 6:9-13; 25:31-36; Psalm 24:1; 47:7; Isaiah 54:5; 58:12; Deuteronomy 10:14 0:00 - 4:37: Opening Worship and Prayer 4:37 - 40:57: Sermon 40:57 - 41:05: ClosingPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Luke 19:11-27 0:00 - 43:57 - Sermon 43:57 - 49:48 - Closing Worship and PrayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Galatians 3:23-29; 4:1-9; I John 1:12; John 8:42-44; Ephesians 2:2-3; II Peter 3:9; John 8:42-44; Genesis 3:15Por Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Luke 14:1-24; Romans 2:9-11; James 2:5; Ephesians 6:9; Galatians 3:28; Deuteronomy 22:4; Isaiah 2:4; 11:6; 25:6-9 0:00 - 6:00 Opening Worship and Prayer 6:00 - 42:53 Sermon: MEALS WITH JESUS: Messianic Hope 42:53 - 48:06 Closing Worship and PrayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Luke 9:10-17; Matthew 14:15-16; Mark 6:37; Luke 12:48; John 6:6, 22-33, 48-51; Romans 12:5 0:00 - 21:05 - Opening worship, meditation, and prayer 21:05 - 1:00:22 - Sermon 1:00:22 - 1:09:35 - Closing Worship and PrayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Luke 22:1-38; Isaiah 53:12; I Peter 2:11; Philippians 3:20-21; Ephesians 6:10-12; Psalm 23:4-5 0:00 - 4:17: Opening worship and prayer 4:17 - 43:59: Sermon 44:00 - 47:17: Communion and Closing PrayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: Luke 18:35-43; 19:1-10; Exodus 22; Psalm 51:7; Galatians 4:3-7 0:00 - 41:00: Sermon & Prayer 41:02 - 47:12: Closing Worhip and PrayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: I John 4:16; Jeremiah 31:3; Psalm 86:15; Romans 5:8; I Peter 5:7-8; Galatians 2:20-21; Luke 22:31-34; Luke 22:54-62; Mark 16:7; Luke 22:54-62; John 21:15-17; John 3:16; Romans 10:11-14; Isaiah 41:10; Romans 8:38-39 0:00 - 3:55: Opening Worship and Prayer 3:55 - 44:22: Sermon - Clinton Dickey 44:22 - 49:40: Closing Worship and …
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Scripture References: Luke 5:30,39; Luke 7:22-23; Luke 7:29-50; Luke 8:1-3; Luke 14:12-14 0:00 - 4:01: Opening Worship and Prayer 4:02 - 42:38: Sermon 42:38 - 44:14 Closing Worship and PrayerPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Sermon Scriptures: Luke 5:27-39; Luke 11:37-41; Luke 19:10; Matthew 11:19; Matthew 20:28; John 1:38-39; Leviticus 13-14; Leviticus 21:16-21 0:00 - 4:45: Opening Worship and Prayer 4:45 - 49:15: Sermon and Closing Prayer 49:15 - 51:21: Closing and New Member WelcomePor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: I Corinthians 1:10; Matthew 23:23; II Corinthians 8:3-5; 9:6-7; Deuteronomy 14:22-29; Numbers 18:21-26; 27:30-32; Leviticus 27:30-32; Genesis 14:19-20 0:00-3:17: Opening Worship 3:17-6:55: Baptism 6:55-27:40: Worship and Prayer 27:40-1:08:46: Sermon 1:08:46-1:18:56 Closing Worship and Prayer…
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Scripture References: I Corinthians 15:35-58; II Corinthians 5:8; Philippians 1:23; Luke 22:43; Psalm 115:17-18 0:00 - 3:18: Opening Worship and Prayer 3:18 - 43:33: Sermon and Prayer 43:34 - 44:10: Closing WorshipPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scriptures: I Corinthians 15:20-34; Psalm 8:6; 110:1; Matthew 11:27; Matthew 22:41-46; Matthew 28:18; Ephesians 1:22 0:00 - 34:23: Sermon 34:23 - 36:05: Closing Prayer 36:05 - 43:23: Closing WorshipPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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Scripture References: I Corinthians 15:1-9; 1:21-23; 15:12-19; 2:2; John 3:18; 11:23-24 0:00-3:04: Opening Worship and Prayer 3:04-45:06: Sermon 45:06-45:51: Closing WorshipPor Brian Hebert, Lead Pastor
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