A climate change comedy podcast about gardening, going off the grid, becoming anti-tech, and dropping out of dominant culture. Come smoke weed and contemplate ecocide with us. After that, let's stick our hands in the soil and grow something. Together. Creative folks are needed for our descent into the 'Second World.' That you? carbonsinkhole@protonmail.com
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040 Euphoric Gardening
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1:18:08Aside from the... obvious, these past seven months have been pretty great. And you?
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037 Coronavirus Collapse... or Just Allergies?
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2:20:45KC & JP were not going to do an episode about COVID 19 because it felt like a media grab. But then they realized Maximum Carbon Sinkhole is buried too deep into the weird that even though the rest of the world is now soaking in it, they haven't reached MCSH depths, yet. Plus, a pandemic that is shutting down major US cities is kind of, like, a thin…
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036 Feedback Loops
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2:37:26Por KC Snow & JP Hurst
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035 Unlistenable
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1:38:20Por KC Snow & JP Hurst
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Por KC Snow & JP Hurst
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Por KC Snow & JP Hurst
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033 Coping with Climate Change Stress
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1:34:40KC and JP discuss how adaptation is more than learning how to live on a warmer planet. It isn't just about retreating from the rising seas, the burning forests, the flooded plains, or the spreading aridification. It's about our emotional response to the knowledge that everything we know, everything we take for granted—clean water, clean air, ample …
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032 Start Here : Humor not Doomer
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1:28:16Come soak in the weird with KC & JP as they set out to give newer listeners a fully baked thesis. Of what? That question remains unanswered. However, they dive right into our impending extinction crisis and try their best to keep from being pulled under by using the best tool in the climate-change-stress toolbox: humor. What IS CO2's contribution t…
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Is isolation a bad thing? What if you don't identify with the humans around you? Is emancipation from the human race inevitable? Come join in on the fun while KC & JP discuss their feelings of living among the plants and animals and KC's further drift away from society.EPISODE SPONSORS:-Dick Blister's Used Mattress Emporium (00:00)-Enabler App (01:…
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030 XR feat. UK JA : Breakin' the Law
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2:48:56Our man on the inside shares his view from the fall 2019 Extinction Rebellion protests in London. Have the protestors meaningfully connected with the result of what they're asking for?After a few days on the street with XR, JA tells us what's good, bad, and weird about XR. JP & KC wonder what, if any, lessons can be applied to the US. JA makes cont…
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The end of the world needs a comedian. 4:24 "How Can You Be That Cynical? (Grist Bingo)"17:41 "$2 Bills"19:34 "The End of the World Needs a Comedian"20:29 " Not Scared of Cannibals... or Anarchists"22:04 "Jobs Aren't Real"23:25 "Feminism and Climate Change"44:34 "Welcome to the Co-Dictatorship"49:17 "Yeah, Well..."52:11 "Garden, yes. MPDG, no."…
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028 Teenage Wasteland : What to do if You're Fifteen
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2:15:54So you're fifteen and just realized the planet is undergoing its sixth mass extinction and you've got two papers due, a math quiz, your parents are riding your ass for you to participate in more extra-curricular activities so you can go to your Dad's alma mater. What do you do? KC & JP try to answer that question and others posed to us and the inte…
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027 Against Science : The Unbelievers
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1:31:04O-thou dearest SCIENCE, what may we do to earn your salvation?!KC was kicked out of Catholic school for asking too many questions; now 'science' keeps asking the wrong ones. A rubric for better science.KC & JP have lost their faith. Plant of the Episode:- Red Malabar Spinach (Basella Alba)EPISODE SPONSORS:- Dick Blister's Used Mattress Emporium (01…
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026 Navigating Dystopia - Prepping for Goodtimes
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2:29:38KC & JP discuss how to navigate our current dystopia. Did you know you were living in your favorite dystopian trilogy? Our current world has all the ingredients: human misery, squalor, oppression, disease, poisonous food, noxious air, contaminated water, and of course, too many fucking people. It's easy to get distracted by collapse rabbit holes, b…
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025 BlackOps New Deal : Wartime Effort?
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1:16:03So you want a wartime effort? Ready for sacrifice? KC & JP walk through what a wartime effort would really look like. Food rationing. Healthcare rationing. Tire rationing. ELECTRICITY rationing. Unlike the New York Times, there is no fucking around in the sinkhole.Plant of the day (week): Pink thing also known as Spider FlowerWartime Effort Slogan …
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024 What the Fuck Are We Doing?
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1:16:12It's nearly impossible to try to build a sustainable life in an unsustainable world. Do you do the best you can even if that means irrigating your garden with water contaminated with lead? Fuck. JP surprises KC with 11 recent WTF moments which create some self-skepticism, some laughs, some anger, but mostly facepalm moments.Episode Sponsor:FLAVORCH…
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023 Adaptation Stories : Intentional Communities w/ Jasmine Dale of the "Hobbit House"
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1:00:02Dropout with Jasmine Dale, because she and her husband Simon never really did the first world, anyway. LINKS:http://beingsomewhere.net/Por KC Snow & JP Hurst
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KC & JP visit their bioregion's annual pink moon celebration to get some tips on how to survive this clusterfuck.Por KC Snow & JP Hurst
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021 Fight The Death Machine By Growing a Fucking Attack Garden
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1:37:23Mission: go put your hands in the dirt and grow some shit. Gardening is the most impactful direct action you can take. Feeling despair? Broke? Sick? Tired of signing petitions and marching and taking place in sanctioned protests? Stick your boot in the ground and drop in some seeds. Eat the food around you. Drop out. For reals. INTRO: Paul Harvey 2…
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020 Second World Art: Reimagining Human Civilization
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1:28:53Sure, art is dead... or something. But what role can marginalized (cough) artists play in helping visualize what's ahead? No matter where or what calamities arise, creative thinkers will be needed. 12:12 JA from the UK reveals the truth about Banksy31:23 NPR Gross Air Weekend: Terri Fresh speaks with Elka Bellweather on her new book "My Year Runnin…
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019 Adaptation Stories : Rewilding & Finding Feral at Chickenfoot Ranch
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1:24:54KC & JP talk with Karen and Jordan of Chickenfoot Ranch about their experience dropping out of dominant culture... as much as the law allows. Enlightening discussion about rewilding, the death machine we're all riding, becoming 'bilingual,' the merits of sleeping outside, and the limits of protest.See more of Karen and Jordan in Korey Rowe's 2017 d…
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018 Collapse : When?
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1:21:02When is it all going to end? Working through fears, conspiracies, and uncertainty. KC & JP's crystal ball isn't working but that doesn't stop them from trying to figure out when they can stop paying the mortgage."The Bonobo and the Atheist" by Frans De Waal - pp 224 "The Hay Wain" paintingShit House Pizza: 0:30:41Dick Blister's North Shore Arctic C…
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017 Edging Around Permaculture : Staving Off Despair with Biointensive Gardening
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1:00:31Food ties us to the machine. What is 'permaculture,' and where might it lead us? KC & JP push through their aversion to 'movements' and immediately make a more productive homestead. TRY IT AT HOME: Fuck You Attacks (20:00)Por KC Snow & JP Hurst
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016 The American Dream Disease : A Pathogen
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2:06:13For 40 years, we've been pronouncing the American Dream to be dead. Yet, the consumption choices and lifestyle habits of subsequent generations imply the dream is still alive and well. Why this paradox? How does this pathogen survive immune system detection, how can we inoculate ourselves and each other against this unseen disease, how can you brea…
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Correspondent JA from the UK lets us know where to ride out the sinkhole in not-America.EPISODE SPONSORS (by JA!): Association of British Winemakers (26:56)| John Deere East of England (42:36)CHILDREN OF MEN (clip) = fair usePor KC Snow & JP Hurst
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014 50 State Death Rank : Where You'll Die the Most Least
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1:24:45Where is your life most likely to get disrupted by climate catastrophe? And how the hell did JP & KC end up in Florida?REALITY SHOW SEGMENTS: Climate Craig's AM I FUDGED? (0:00) | CRESTE DE FUEGO FIX & FLIP (51:46)PLANT OF THE WEEK: crinum lilyPor KC Snow & JP Hurst
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Are you doing a small-community, micro-homes, off-the-grid thing? Tell us that dropping out story. In the meantime, uh, sure, let's pass a bill?DOCUMENTARIES: CNN Foresight 2020 (0:00)| Earth Squad (18:47)PLANT OF THE WEEK: Smokebush (not that kind)Por KC Snow & JP Hurst
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Professor Mark Hineline wrote GROUND TRUTH: A GUIDE FOR TRACKING CLIMATE CHANGE AT HOME, which KC & JP talked about extensively in episode IV. Mark joins us to talk about zero carbon clubs, boomers, bioregionalism, and time discipline. EPISODE SPONSORS: Tough, Smart, Capitalism Lawyer (18:00) & Join the Allman Brothers (30:22)ADDITIONAL BOOKS MENTI…
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JA from the UK shares his adaptation story, which includes living on a boat. Maybe artists — already used to starving — are best prepared for what’s next. The UK has a booty. Banksy is basic AF. Gardening claims another soul. Fuck your lawn. EPISODE SPONSOR: the For-Profit Art Council (39:54)FUTURE SCHOOL LESSON PLANS: (19:53)…
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010 Dropping Out as Adaptation : Building a New Climate Change Culture
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1:43:28JP & KC take to the evening air. THEY LIVE taught us how to see. Since our own culture is killing us, dropping out is step one in forming whatever comes next. PLANT OF THE WEEK: Elephant EarHOROSCOPE: (0:00)EPISODE SPONSORS: Tender (48:30) & Adaptation (1:24:58)Por KC Snow & JP Hurst
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009 Screaming Into the Sinkhole : 6 Degrees, Here We Come
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1:02:56KC and JP soak in the sinkhole. Are you screaming too? Internally or externally? Both? Any of that working? What the hell are we doing? ALL HAIL: wormsGreen-anarchy vs. nihilism vs. eco-grief vs. adaptation vs. green-revelationism vs. guilty-remnanting vs. sinkholing.SERMONS: (0:00 & 25:00)SLAM HYMNS: both read by Wikus/Dick Blister (20:00 & 40:52)…
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008 An Inconvenient Self-Own : Al Gore's Failure to Adapt
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1:39:11By request, KC & JP attend Al Gore's quarterly earnings report / sales motivation training / career retrospective (?) called, AN INCONVENIENT SEQUEL: TRUTH TO POWER. What's Al Gore been up to this last decade? Yelling in the wrong direction. UK CORRESPONDENT: JALOCAL NEWS: Tipper Gore's Latest Crusade Against Podcasters (19:20)EPISODE SPONSOR: Al G…
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007 The Carbonated, Caffeinated Culture of Our Climate Catastrophe
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1:27:16In a "Post IPCC World," KC and JP ponder the mechanisms of changing our culture, if that's even possible. Aside from political & economic climate change mitigation arenas, climate researcher Alan Robock says we also need to change our "culture," but who controls it, and how is culture defined?PRESS CONFERENCE: United Nations Engineering Defense Cou…
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Have a seat at our table for some end-times parenting lessons. Go on location for CCR's birthday. Cheer him on as he berates adults.EPISODE SPONSORS: Frigart-Bell Heaven's Gate Memorial Charter School (8:45) & Bill Cummings for School Board (12:34)Por KC Snow & JP Hurst
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005 Climate "Fix" Vaporware : The Engineers Will Not "Save" Us
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1:23:35KC & JP break their delusional solar-salesman — whose hope for a "fix" is not uncommon. Then, in the two weeks since the UN's IPCC report has rightfully freaked everyone out, take a tour of the best vaporware headlines keeping us stupid. EPISODE SPONSORS: Domino Financial (5:00)& Dick Blister's Used Mattress Emporium (23:40)…
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IV A New Hope : Cultivating Decarbonized Mythology, Goals & Happiness
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1:00:43KC & JP extend the War on Christmas to include canceling fake Halloween decorations. Jeff Bezos personally delivers your packages; squirrels are our new shamans. Tips for detoxing from the machine. An intro to phenology, not the bad kind. READINGS FROM: Ground Truth; A Guide to Tracking Climate Change at Home by Mark L. HinelineEPISODE SPONSORS: Di…
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003 Slaying Hope : An Intro to Dark Ecology
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1:10:51What is hope? What are we hoping for? Who is behind this false hope? What's keeping us stupid and placid? JP and KC talk about losing their hope in Portland circa 2006. KILL THESE WORDS: solution, fix, save, manageREADINGS: CONFESSIONS OF A RECOVERING ENVIRONMENTALIST by Paul KingsnorthEPISODE SPONSORs : Eco-Buddy — Your path to a cleaner conscious…
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002 Operation Bearlift : The Arctic Sucks Now
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1:13:20Arctic sea ice — who needs it?! KC & JP celebrate yet another human achievement. Tour recent, arctic headlines and their origins as science "fiction." KC tells her bear-encounter stories.Readings from MADDADDAM by Margaret Atwood & WE'RE DOOMED, NOW WHAT? by Roy Scranton.Weaponize the bears. Leo: go on Maximum. EPISODE SPONSOR: Operation Bearlift: …
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001 Children of the Storm : Florence, Irma & Dick
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1:39:05In the aftermath of hurricane Florence, we wonder why anyone is still surprised. Then we tour North Carolina's North Topsail Beach where homes are already coming down (pre hurricane) due to sea level rise. JP takes aim at that fucking CNN graphic. KC remembers the cannibals of hurricane Irma. Hello and welcome.EPISODE SPONSOR: The Reelection Campai…
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