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show episodes
Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you quick tips (mostly 2-5 minutes, but some are up to one hour long) on the mindset, strategies or tactics successful people implement for effective time management and productivity. Note to podcast aficionados: This is not a show, so there’s no set format. These are recordings of musings, recommendations and interviews – all designed to help you understand key time management strategies to achieve the balance you seek. The author of two Amazo ...
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Helen and Olga are kindly old ladies who open their hearts and wallets to down-and-out men in Los Angeles. In a city named for angels, the two women seem heaven-sent. After one of the men is killed by a hit-and-run driver -- and then another suffers the same fate -- investigators uncover a horrifying and twisted plot that stuns even the most seasoned detectives. Listen to all episodes of The Thing About Helen & Olga now completely free, or subscribe to Dateline Premium to listen ad-free: Dat ...
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Helena, o podcast tá pronto

Alana Azevedo e Raíla Azevedo

Um podcast apresentado pelas primas Alana Azevedo e Raíla Azevedo, com histórias desinteressantes pra ouvir a caminho da clínica. Sim, aqui, você é uma Helena do Maneco. Apoie e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: orelo.cc/donahelenapodcast Instagram: instagram.com/donahelenapodcast
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Tap into your feminine energy and magnetism to effortlessly attract the life and love of your dreams! If you want to learn the secrets to attracting the man you want and inspiring his love, devotion and commitment, get my FREE “3 Keys To Attract The Man You Want” report and audio training here: https://helenahartcoaching.com
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What the Helena

Forward Montana

What the Helena is a podcast from Forward Montana that attempts to answer the questions: what the hell is going on in the Montana State Legislature, and why should I give a shit? Each week, we will provide updates on the goings-on at the Capitol, as well as tell listeners exactly what they can do to make their voices heard.
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Afternoons with Helen Farmer

Dubai Eye 103.8

A laid back look at life in the UAE. Stay up to date with what's happening and where to go with free advice, expert opinion and storytelling which gives an inside scoop in to real life UAE. Calling foodies, culture vultures and people who want answers from our trusted team of engaging experts.
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Helen Polly and her duo of spirited misfits navigate her nomadic life in a purple (or is it mauve?) skoolie while solving paranormal mysteries and evading a private investigator hired by her controlling mother. Content warning for coarse language and mature themes. Written and directed by Jay Hazen. Visit happymediumpod.com to learn more. For early releases and bonus content, join us at Patreon.com/JHPFiction
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Hélène est de retour et se pose plein de questions, cette fois-ci sur la forme physique! De manière générale, qu’est-ce que ça veut dire « être en forme »? Quelles sont les différentes composantes de la forme physique? Grâce à des entrevues avec des spécialistes du sujet et des athlètes de tous horizons, la série Hélène reste en forme explore la notion d’être en forme et comment le rester.
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Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who realise there is more to life, their career, and their relationships and they are not prepared to settle anymore. Here we speak to thought leaders from the worlds of health, leadership and mindset, so that you can gain a new perspective on what you can unlock in yourself when you step into the authentic and unapologetic version of who you were always meant to be. This is the place to be for inspiration on what the unapologetic versio ...
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The Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn Report

Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn

Although very spiritual, and once ranked one of the world's top psychic healers, Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn is known for being very outspoken and is not afraid of speaking out, saying things the way they really are. In spite of this she fun and usually takes a positive approach to looking at our world . Her vast life experience and spiritual knowledge is without comparison in today's inspirational- motivational arena and you'll learn a lot through her programs. Author of award winning books Co ...
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Welcome to the Helena podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Fabrizio Conti on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@staticlaw
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Helen is pleased to feature in a tapestry of media interviews and podcasts recorded at varying times of the day and in different moods with unsubtle leanings towards Helen's new book ‘Losing It’ and food.
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Helen Millar

Helen Millar

SHIFTING FROM HEAD TO HEART LIVING: practical life tips & philosophy on navigating the expansion of consciousness. Keeping you grounded, creative & happy as you create the future.
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On her Podcast Defining You, Helena J invites incredible women, who come on, and get vulnerable, share their extraordinary stories of triumph and encourage her audience to overcome fear and live the life they always wanted by doing what they love ❤️
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Glenton og Brodtkorb

Helena Brodtkorb er en frittalende kunstskribent fra beste vestkant. Thea Glenton Raknes (Thea & The Wild) er en bohemsk popmusiker fra Løkka. Begge har de bare ett ydmykt ønske her i livet: alt. I denne podcasten forsøker de å komme til kjernen av hva det egentlig innebærer.
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The St Helena Podcast where we talk just about anything St Helena the Island where Jonathan is the oldest living animal and Napoleon came for a long visit. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesthelenapodcast/support
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Even helemaal wegdromen, naar een andere wereld. De wereld van het ware, het goede en het schone. Ieder verhaal is een reis naar binnen, waar je bijzondere avonturen kunt meemaken, tot mooie inzichten kunt komen of gewoon even lekker dobbert op een luchtbed in de zee. Verhalen voor in de klas, na de yogales of thuis voor het slapen gaan. Als je je lekker ontspant, een paar keer diep ademhaalt en je ogen sluit, komt het verhaal ook voor jou tot leven! (de illustraties op de covers zijn van At ...
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Where real meets real estate! "Let Me Explain" is a edgy podcast about the reality of real estate and entreprenuership. Queen Helen will discuss BOSS mindset, Work+Life Balance, Entrepreneurship, Pitfalls in Real Estate, Traveling the World, Being a New Agent, and Collaboration.
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Sex tips and techniques for modern lovers who want to create more passion, love and playfulness. Great Sex with Helena is a modern, informative and relevant podcast for singles and couples desiring more pleasure, fun and fulfilment in their bedrooms. Helena Nista is a gifted sex therapist and educator. She brings together passion, vision and a desire to educate. Helena's approach is both insightful and practical. She is also a Tantra practitioner with a deep passion for ancient ecstatic prac ...
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Hélène se pose plein de questions sur la gestion des déchets. Où vont nos déchets une fois qu’ils sont lancés dans un camion? Est-ce que le plastique se recycle vraiment? Comment se forme le compost, au juste? À travers les épisodes de cette série balado, suivez le chemin de nos déchets, qu’ils soient jetés dans la poubelle, dans le bac de récupération ou dans le bac à compost! Avec la participation financière d’Éco Entreprises Québec.
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Helena com 8 anos e Cecilia com 1 ainda são muito novas pra ouvirem certos assuntos. Por isso, decidi guardar esses pensamentos pra depois, torcendo pra elas quererem ouvir. Mas além de falar o que é importante pra formação delas, vou pôr pra fora tudo aquilo que acho interessante refletir. Cada episódio traz um tema que merece ser esclarecido, tanto pra mentes jovens quanto adultas. [email protected] Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/historiasprahelena/ Facebook – https://www ...
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Learning how to do gentle towards yourself can be, for you, the key to loving living life. At least, that's what doing gentle did to me, Helena Roth, once I understood that it was actually an option. Imagine having turned 30+ before ever realizing it's possible to be gentle with myself. From that moment in time, I've re-learned how to be in the world - both inside and outside of myself. Here I will be sharing the tools and tricks I've picked up along the way, hoping it will help you transfor ...
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show series
In this episode of Becoming Unapologetically Me, host Helen Norbury talks to Meg Rouje, a brand expert known for capturing an individual's true essence through color. Meg shares her journey of discovering her unique ability to see people in colors, a trait stemming from her synesthesia. The discussion spans her path from studying fine arts and adve…
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Helen does some late-night recon and finds a clue. Harper learns the finer points of scaring. Helen and Gunter meet a mysterious grizzled dude in the pool room.Episode 6:See You is coming on March 6 (February 27th on our ⁠Patreon⁠).Content warning for coarse language and mature themes.Written and directed by Jay Hazen.Music by Lance Conrad and Jay …
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Hey Dateline fans! As a bonus, we’re giving you a special preview clip of our new podcast series, Murder in the Moonlight. In this podcast, Keith Morrison takes listeners to a quiet farmhouse on America’s Great Plains, where Sharmon and Wayne Stock have just celebrated Easter with their big, loving family. That night, under a pale moon, the couple …
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In this episode with Mike Goldstein, I shared my thoughts on feminine energy, detaching from the outcome, authenticity, letting a man know what you're looking for in a relationship, being a "high-value" woman, and so much more! Schedule a free strategy session with Mike here if you're interested in private coaching from one or both of us: https://w…
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On this AHGSS... Conlan, Daniel, and Stew are back together as its tourney time on the the hardwood. Tipping off with Carroll, the boys breakdown the Fighting Saints respective seasons... women(9:50) men(23:10), and their prospects at the Frontier Conference Tournament in Great Falls. In high school hoops, they look at the postseason scenarios for …
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Existem plantinhas que ficam na na história e fazem parte da nossa memória afetiva. Às vezes, você tá tranquilo, sente o cheiro de dama-da-noite e, de repente, se vê teletransportado para o quintal da sua avó Quer ouvir episódios extras? Apoie a partir de 10 reais e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: linktr.ee/donahelenapodcast…
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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L’alimentation est considérée comme l’un des piliers de la santé. Mais au-delà des grandes recommandations, comment savoir si notre alimentation est optimale pour "être en forme"? Que faut-il manger avant, pendant (?) et après avoir fait du sport? Entre les calories, les nutriments, les vitamines, les protéines, glucides et lipides, qu’est-ce qu’on…
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Pourquoi le poids d’une personne est-il si important? Le fameux IMC (indice de masse corporelle), d’où vient-il? Est-il un bon indice pour déterminer la forme physique d’une personne? Pourquoi l’industrie du fitness insiste tant sur la perte de poids? Est-ce qu’on peut être en surpoids et en forme? Et inversement, est-ce qu’on peut être mince et pa…
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Pour les personnes qui vont au gym, il a y a peu de choses aussi satisfaisantes que de soulever un lourd poids et de le traîner sur plusieurs mètres pour montrer qu’on est en forme! Est-ce qu’on manque de forme physique parce que nous ne sommes pas capables de porter du lourd? Comment les muscles se forment-ils? Est-ce que les culturistes sont des …
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La génétique est une pièce maîtresse du casse-tête que représente la forme physique. Comment ça fonctionne, les gènes? Est-ce qu’on a des gènes de forme physique? Y a-t-il des gènes spécifiques associés à l’endurance ou à la force musculaire? Quelle est la part des gènes dans la forme physique d’un individu?…
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Lorsqu’on s’entraine, notre rythme cardiaque s’accélère et nous avons l’impression de nous faire du bien, de muscler notre cœur. Mais qu’est-ce que l’aptitude cardiorespiratoire ou encore l’endurance cardiovasculaire? Qu’est-ce que ça permet de faire et quel est son rôle dans la forme physique globale d’une personne? Comment l’améliorer? Comment sa…
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This week we dive right in with a vibe check. Couple new contenders including an anti -vaxx bill and a couple focusing on voter rights (aka your rights). Rounding out the episode is a villain you've all been waiting for... Struggling to keep track of all these bills? (TBH me too) here is a link to our Bill tracker! Psssst!!! We really want you to c…
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Learn exactly what to do and say when a man is distant, "hot and cold" or pulling away (but you still feel attached to him) in this livestream with Madeline Charles. Sign up for Madeline's FREE Irresistible Woman Expert Interview & Gift Giveaway here (you can claim your spot now and it will be delivered to your email inbox once it starts on March 4…
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On our 30th episode of AHGSS, Daniel and Stew are joined by Helena TV Sportscaster Jack Marshall of SWX, ABC Montana, and Non-Stop Local. Tipping off with Carroll hoops, the Fighting Saints women and men enter the final week of the regular season moving in opposite directions(4:36). On the high school hardwood its the Helena Bengal boys and girls h…
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Já que estamos neste mundo para errar e aprender, batemos no peito e assumimos: já fomos molecas. Não é à toa que Xande de Pilares disse que todo mundo erra, todo mundo vai errar. Eu hein! Quer ouvir episódios extras? Apoie a partir de 10 reais e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: linktr.ee/donahelenapodcast…
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In this episode of Becoming Unapologetically Me, host Helen Norbury engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Stephanie Thoma about the nuances of networking as an introvert. They explore the strengths and potential pitfalls introverts may face in social and professional settings. The conversation delves into the development of confidence, dif…
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This week Zuri & John give us the update on the anti-trans bills, medicaid bills, and some of the wins we saw this week! We were also introduced to a few bills that attack MEPA (Montana Environmental Protection Agency). An agency and upholds the our constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment! How to leave public comment: As with most…
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Discover three irresistible feminine moves that make a man fall in love and feel completely devoted to you in this livestream with Mat Shaffer. Join Mat's "Mastery of Connection" course for FREE here (it starts on on February 17th!): https://matshaffer.typeform.com/to/YRMRQl You can watch a video of this episode here: https://www.youtube.com/live/S…
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Ever wonder what it takes to build an all-in-one marketing powerhouse—and keep it profitable from day one? In this episode, we chat with Sean Clark, CEO of GoHighLevel, for a candid look at his customer-centric approach that’s reshaping local business marketing. Sean opens up about the early roadblocks GHL faced, the strategic leaps that led to exp…
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In this episode of Becoming Unapologetically Me, host Helen Norbury invites Nimisha Mehta to discuss the psychology of fashion and the journey toward embracing one's authentic style. Nimisha shares her upbringing in a strict Indian household in East Africa that imposed restrictive clothing norms, affecting her self-perception and identity. She reco…
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Episode 5, "Lie to Me" is coming to the world on February 20th, BUT, if you simply can't wait, you can listen to it NOW on ourPatreon. A great side-effect of this (only $4/month) is supporting disabled veteran creators and the cast. How f***ing cool is that?! Either way, thanks for listening! ~Jay patreon.com/JHPFiction happymediumpod.com…
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Hey Dateline fans! As a bonus for you, we’re sharing the trailer for Murder in the Moonlight, an all-new original podcast series from Dateline and Keith Morrison. In this podcast, Keith Morrison takes listeners to a quiet farmhouse on America’s Great Plains, where Sharmon and Wayne Stock have just celebrated Easter with their big, loving family. Th…
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This week ended with some drama!! like, "tmr we're gonna duel" type drama. In this episode we chat about some important legislative bills, a villain who is scared & petty, and a hero who stood up for the health of montanans. Remember, folks these senators and representatives, represent YOU. and so we REALLY REALLY want you to reach out to them so t…
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Learn what you can do and say if a man isn't ready for a relationship or deeper commitment but you still want to be with him in this livestream with Teal Elisabeth. If you'd like some support around your personal situation, you can book a free call with Teal here: https://calendly.com/tealeriege/hh-love-breakthrough You can watch a video of this ep…
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