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This meditation is for the breastfeeding mother who finds herself at the intersection of myriad emotions and responsibilities. If you're feeling sleep-deprived, anxious about your baby and your milk supply, overwhelmed by the profound shift in your identity, torn between the roles of mother and wife, grappling with the loss of freedom, experiencing…
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This is it my lovelies - the last episode of the podcast series on Hypnobirthing! In this episode, we're exploring the conscious and unconscious mind – two aspects of our thinking that can have a significant impact on our childbirth experience. The conscious mind is the part of our thinking that is aware of our surroundings and makes rational decis…
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Welcome back to our podcast series on Hypnobirthing! In this episode, we're talking about brain waves – a key aspect of the Hypnobirthing approach. Brain waves are the electrical activity that occurs in our brains, and they can affect our mood, perception, and overall state of consciousness. By understanding brain waves and how they relate to child…
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We're nearing the end of this series so I thought I'd answer some of the most frequently asked questions that you may have about this approach to childbirth. I'll also address other common concerns and misconceptions about Hypnobirthing, providing insights and tips to help you make informed decisions about your childbirth journey. Remember, Hypnobi…
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Welcome back to our podcast series on Hypnobirthing! In this episode, we'll be discussing how to use hypnotic anchors – a powerful technique for deepening your relaxation and entering a hypnotic state during childbirth. Hypnotic anchors are a way of associating a physical sensation or object with a relaxed state of mind. By using an anchor during c…
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Welcome back to our podcast series on Hypnobirthing! In this episode, we're discussing how to strengthen your intuition during pregnancy. Intuition is a powerful tool that can help you make informed decisions and approach childbirth with confidence and clarity. By learning how to tap into your intuition, you can enhance your birthing experience and…
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In this episode, we're discussing how to use visualization effectively – a powerful technique for preparing your mind and body for childbirth. Visualization is a way of creating mental images or scenarios in your mind's eye. By using visualization during Hypnobirthing, you can tap into your subconscious mind and create a positive and empowering bir…
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Cognitive biases are a natural aspect of the human brain, but they can sometimes lead us to make inaccurate judgments or decisions. By understanding the different types of cognitive biases, we can learn how to recognise them so that they don't get in the way of your birth preparation journey. In this episode, we'll cover: What cognitive bias is and…
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Welcome back to our podcast series on Hypnobirthing! In this episode, we're discussing how your beliefs and expectations can impact your childbirth experience. Your mindset plays a crucial role in how you perceive and approach labor, and by cultivating positive beliefs and expectations, you can achieve a more comfortable and joyful birthing experie…
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In the second episode in our series on Hypnobirthing , we're diving deeper into the concept of the Mind-Body Connection – a fundamental aspect of the Hypnobirthing approach. The Mind-Body Connection refers to the relationship between the mind and body during labor and childbirth. When we're in a state of deep relaxation and using Hypnobirthing tech…
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Welcome to the first episode of our podcast series on Hypnobirthing! In this episode, we'll be discussing the foundational principles of this incredible approach to childbirth. Hypnobirthing is a powerful method that can help you achieve a more comfortable, positive, and even enjoyable birthing experience. By focusing on relaxation, visualization, …
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Congratulations! You've just found out that you're pregnant – but now what? The journey of pregnancy can be a rollercoaster of emotions, from excitement and joy to discomfort, anxiety, and overwhelm. In this episode, we're exploring the importance of trusting your body during this transformative time. Pregnancy is a time of incredible physical and …
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It's part 2 of the Vagus Nerve and how you can "switch it on" to assist you during labor. In this episode you'll learn about Breathing techniques to tone the vagus nerve Massage techniques and touch points for the vagus nerve Toning and sound during labor As usual, there's lots of laughs and sex just always seems to come up but hey! that's how we r…
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Let's take a trip into your body and learn about the longest nerve in your body and how it can guide and assist you during pregnancy, labor and birth. The vagus nerve is your body’s superpower and it’s used to counteract your fight/flight system. Now you definitely don't want to be in fight or flight when you are in labor. The vagus nerve helps you…
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Hermine Hayes (Opening Keynote) Hermine Hayes-Klein, JD is an international birth rights lawyer with extensive experience advocating for the human rights of birthing people, around the U.S. and internationally. From 2007-2012, Hermine taught international law at The Hague University in The Netherlands, where she was also the Director of the Bynkers…
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One of the routine blood tests that you’ll have done in early pregnancy is a test to determine your blood group. Unless you’ve had major surgery or needed a blood transfusion, you might not know. But in pregnancy it’s important because your baby’s blood group may be different to yours. In this episode you will learn the different blood types what i…
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Choosing your birth environment is more than deciding whether you will be giving birth at home, in hospital or at a birth center. In this episode we talk about creating a safe sanctuary to welcome your baby into that goes beyond the aesthetics of your chosen place of birth and includes the preparation of your space and the people you bring into it.…
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Transition is the final phase of the first stage of labour and marks the cervix opening to its widest diameter and the descent of the baby's head. It's physically and emotionally intense and is often the time when you think you can't go on anymore. Karen talks about the 4 D's of transition - denial, despondence, defiance and desperation and they sh…
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I have a love/hate relationship with birth plans so we thought it would be a great topic to bring to our weekly chats about everything pregnancy, birth and beyond. In this episode we chat more about why birth plans became popular and the importance of using the right language when creating one so that what you are really creating is a birth day wis…
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Waterbirth is known for its pain relieving effects and the benefits do not stop there. Water helps the mother to be buoyant and gives her added capacity for mobility. The water softens the tissues as the baby moves down the birth path and provides the baby with a gentle landing, as it transitions from the amniotic waters into the waters of the pool…
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Charlene had a call from a client in early labor on the morning of recording this episode so we thought it would be a great topic to chat about. Despite the call, we still managed to record this episode and have a few cups of tea and a chat before it was time for Charlene to head over to be with her and the baby was born later that evening. So in t…
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Enjoy this 1-hour track of soothing music with positive birth affirmations. I recommend listening to it daily during pregnancy during deep meditation or as background while doing other tasks. During labor, you can have it playing quietly in the background or listen with headphones to keep you focused and grounded. Don't underestimate the power of y…
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This week we had a great question from a listener who is concerned about the size of her baby. She sent us a one liner message asking "Is a baby really ever too big to give birth to vaginally?" As always, we consider both facts and opinions and explore the different perspectives of doulas, midwives, birthing mothers and obstetricians. More about Ka…
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In this episode, we cover the topic of induction as requested by a listener on our Relax Into Birth PLUS mom's whatsapp group. "Dear Charlene and Karen. I am 39 weeks tomorrow and this morning at my routine checkup, my doctor recommended that I come in for an induction of labor on Thursday. Part of me is like 'hell yes, let's get this baby out plea…
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This was an uncomfortable topic to tackle. Unfortunately bait and switch tactics are common, especially in South Africa. The conversation was started by a query in our private Whatsapp group which got everyone sharing their experience and encouraged us to open the discussion on our podcast. In this episode Karen and Charlene attempt to look at it f…
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If you've been wondering about using Essential oils during pregnancy, your'e going to love this episode with Gayle Friedman from Sunshine Health in Cape Town. Gayle is founder of the Sunshine Colour and Health Academy and Registered Member of Allied Health Professions Council of SA and WOMBS. Gayle has been in the Health Care Field for over 30yrs a…
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In this episode we talk about the various scenarios you might face and the tools and resources you will need to feel confident. We know that it's tempting to go in earlier rather than later "just in case", but your labor won't progress any faster because you are in hospital. In fact, the clinical environment may slow or stall your labor and pave th…
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In this episode, because we love it - we talk about a natural footling breech twin birth, weekends away in the mountains to recharge and last but not least, we answer a mom's question about tearing and episiotomies. We cover the full spectrum from what an episiotomy is, when is it necessary to perform one, when tearing is better than an episiotomy,…
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This week is the first in our interview series where we speak to birth workers making a difference around the world. Cecile and I trained at Addington Hospital in Durban, South Africa in 1980 something (yes! we are "that old"...) and then years later, we met up when we were both working in the Middle East. We both hold a vision of restoring normali…
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Letter of the week: Dear Karen and Charlene, I have just finished your course - and I loved it by the way, but I have a few questions about pain relief. I have been thinking about about how labour will be - and if i will cope. I have heard that epidurals are amazing for pain relief - but have also heard that they can have an adverse effect on the b…
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Our weekly listener email Dear Charlene and Karen I actually found your podcast when I was doing a google search to know the difference between a midwife and a doula so it would be great if you could talk about that in one of your shows. I listened to your episode last week about which gyn to choose but recently I have been considering working with…
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Every week, we cover topics of pregnancy, birth and motherhood – and we read your letters and interview relevant folk to bring you the most up to date info in every podcast. We do our research – thoroughly… In this episode, we answer a letter from 20-week pregnant mama Jennifer, asking us for advice on how to best choose a doctor and hospital for h…
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Each week you are invited to send us your big birth question and we'll give you every angle of the dangle. This week a listener, Fran, shares her concerns about whether her midwife or OBGYN will know if she has had sex when she is examined - if sex was the activity that induced her labour? Also, she is feeling mighty frisky - and we assure her this…
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Each week you are invited to send us your big birth question and we'll give you every angle of the dangle. This week a listener shares her concerns about how her partner might react during birth. Will he still find her desirable afterwards and will her body change? Charlene and Karen share their recommendations and some anecdotes - both funny and s…
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I've partnered up with the best doula in South Africa Charlene Yared West, founder of Relax into Birth. We have been working together for the last few months bringing our collective knowledge and expertise into a course that highlights "the doula and the midwife" perspective and we had such fun doing it that we decided to share it on our podcast. W…
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Teresa LW and Inderjeet Kaur, Fernandez Foundation, India The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends Delayed umbilical cord clamping (not earlier than 1 min after birth) for improved maternal and infant health and nutrition outcomes. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of delayed vs early cord clamping on breast feeding and skin …
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In Indian health care settings Midwifery-led care is in its infancy. In public maternity settings, practice of prophylactic episiotomy is implemented for all primigravidae and for those with diagnosis of meconium-stained liquor or LGA baby. From December 2020 to January 2021, 55 mothers were supported during birth by the midwifery mentors and train…
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Acupressure for induction and augmentation of labour Loredana Zordan, Independent midwife, Italy Acupressure is an ancient Chinese technique based on the principle of acupuncture which involves the use of finger pressure (without the needle) on specific points along the body. Chinese culture believes the points to the junction of the meridian pathw…
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Reviewing evidence and revisiting the option of caesarean sections in breech mothers by offering physiological breech as a choice of birth Kalavathi Mudili and Inderjeet Kaur, Fernandez Foundation Introduction: At Fernandez Foundation, the Breech clinic was introduced weekly in June 2019 after multidisciplinary breech training by Shawn Walker. Meth…
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Midwifery postpartum clinical guideline following a term stillbirth Barbora Snuggs, University of North Georgia, Vanderbilt University, USA Many pregnancies and births bring joy and excitement while some end with the death of the baby prior to labor and delivery, also known as an intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD) or a stillbirth. Midwives are closel…
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Signs of a healthy birth / Zeichenlehre der gesunden Geburt Rafaela Joos Signs of a healthy birth. Observation of the healthy birth process by midwives. Background: «Unique normality», that each person’s uniqueness is normal for them, has been recently postulated in the literature as a new paradigm in midwifery practice. Midwifery skills should inc…
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Pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia: Knowledge, anxiety and motivation Niken Bayu Argaheni, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia Background: The COVID-19 pandemic threatens such as pregnant women who are predicted to be at higher risk and more susceptible to exposure. The purpose of this study was to find out the knowledge abou…
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Improving midwifery students motivation and learning outcome in contraceptive course Erika Agung Mulyaningsih, Stikes Pemkab Jombang, Indonesia UNESCO said 73% of schools were closed for 3 months or more due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Face-to-face learning at Diploma III Midwifery Program has been stopped for more than 9 months. Efforts to achieve c…
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Promoting a positive norm towards planned home birth practice among midwives: A randomised controlled trial Auwalu Muhammed, Department of Nursing Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto; Lee Khuan; Shariff-Ghazali Sazlina; Salmiah Md Said; and Mairo Hassan, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra…
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Midwives' knowledge of pre-eclampsia management: A scoping review Midwives in poorly resourced settings are engaged in pre-eclampsia management and deliver lifesaving interventions depending on the prescribed scope of practice. Therefore, we aimed to produce a synthesized summary of what midwives from around the world know about pre-eclampsia manag…
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Nikoleta Chatzipanagiotidou, Midwifery Department, University of Western Macedonia, Greece Lupus is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease that occurs when the body's immune system attacks its own tissues and organs because it cannot tell the difference between viruses, bacteria, and other germs and the body’s healthy cells, tissues, or organs. Out …
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Marcela Mendoza es una obstetra peruana que actualmente reside en Australia. Esta es su tercera conferencia como facilitadora/moderadora y nos cuenta cómo ha sido su experiencia en estos últimos años desempeñando este rol. Que significa Equidad de Nacimiento para Todos. Y también anima a personas interesadas a formar parte del equipo de facilitador…
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Kaveri Mayra is a midwifery, nursing and public health researcher from India. She has over twelve years' research experience working on nursing and midwifery workforce policies and practice. Having seen mistreatment during childbirth early on as a student midwife and experienced the lack of leadership and decision making power to midwives and nurse…
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