Talks about traditional Catholicism given by or supported by the Latin Mass Society
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Iota Unum talk from 25th October, given by Dr Shaw - ‘The Family and Catholic Culture'. Dr Shaw is chairman of the Latin Mass Society and The Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce (FIUV).Por Latin Mass Society
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Dr Joseph Shaw in conversation with the "Learn Latin" youtube channel.
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1:05:31Dr Joseph Shaw in conversation with the "Learn Latin" youtube channel. The subject is the Traditional Latin Mass, Gregorian Chant, Pilgrimages and Latin in general!Por Latin Mass Society
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Talk given to the LMS AGM on Saturday 29 June 2024. Dr Joseph Shaw on "Newman & church and state"Por Latin Mass Society
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Iota Unum talk from 17th May, given by Dan Hitchens - ‘Sr Clare Crockett: a modern saint?’ Dan Hitchens is senior editor at First Things.Por Latin Mass Society
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Talk given to the Catholic Writers' Guild (Keys) by Dr Joseph Shaw on the subject of Monarchy. Joseph Shaw is Chairman of the Latin Mass Society and FIUV.Por Latin Mass Society
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A talk given by LMS and FIUV chairman, Dr Joseph Shaw in Washington DC on Sunday 7th April.Por Latin Mass Society
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Talk given by Dr Joseph Shaw at the Catholic Central Library, Dublin.Por Latin Mass Society
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Talk given by Dr Joseph Shaw to the Latin Mass Society of Ireland, Waterford.Por Latin Mass Society
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Talk given by Dr Joseph Shaw to the Roundtower Conference, Galway.Por Latin Mass Society
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'A Defence of the Monarchy' - Dr Joseph Shaw - Book launch at St Wilfred's Hall - London Oratory
Introductory talk given by Dr Joseph Shaw - editor of 'A Defence of the Monarchy'Por Latin Mass Society
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'A Defence of the Monarchy' - James Bogle - Book launch at St Wilfred's Hall - London Oratory
Talk given by Jamie Bogle - contributing author to 'A Defence of the Monarchy'Por Latin Mass Society
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'A Defence of the Monarchy' - Sebastian Morello - Book launch at St Wilfred's Hall - London Oratory
Talk given by Sebastian Morello - contributing author to 'A Defence of the Monarchy'Por Latin Mass Society
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Talk given in Rome by Dr Joseph Shaw, chairman of the Latin Mass Society, on the occasion of the launch of his new book: "The Latin Mass and the Intellectuals": Petitions to Save the ancient Mass from 1966 to 2007.Por Latin Mass Society
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Iota Unum talk from 17th May, given by Dan Hitchens - ‘Sr Clare Crockett: a modern saint?’ Dan Hitchens is a columnist for The Spectator and senior editor at First Things.Por Latin Mass Society
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Talk given by Dr Joseph Shaw, chairman of the Latin Mass Society, on the 9th November at St Wilfrid's Hall, London Oratory. The occasion was the launch of his new book: "The Latin Mass and the Intellectuals": Petitions to Save the ancient Mass from 1966 to 2007.Por Latin Mass Society
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Iota Unum talk from 28th September, given by Dr Joseph Shaw, chairman of the Latin Mass Society.Por Latin Mass Society
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Dr Shaw talks about the intellectuals and their petitions to save the Latin Mass between 1967-2007.Por Latin Mass Society
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Mr John Smeaton, former Chief Executive of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, spoke to us on his personal experience of "Discovering" or rather "Rediscovering" the Latin Mass!Por Latin Mass Society
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Iota Unum talk from 30th June, given by Professor Thomas Pink on the topic of 'Religion and Human Nature'.Por Latin Mass Society
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Iota Unum talk from 24th March, given by Dr Sebastian Morello on the topic of 'Technocracy and the Process of Un-Personing'.Por Latin Mass Society
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This is the introductory talk given by LMS Chairman, Dr Joseph Shaw at the launch of his new book: The Liturgy, the Family, and the Crisis of Modernity.Por Latin Mass Society
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Iota Unum Talk with Caroline Farey - Does Morality affect Beauty in the work of Artists?
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1:07:22Does Morality affect Beauty in the work of Artists? With special reference to: St Fra Angelico (15th Century) Caravaggio (16th Century) Fr Marco Rupnik (20th Century)Por Latin Mass Society
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Dr Joseph Shaw, Chairman of the Latin Mass Society. Given at the Annual General Meeting of the Latin Mass Society, held at St Mary Moorfields, London, on Saturday 30th July 2022Por Latin Mass Society
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This talk was recorded on Friday March 25th in London. Pierpaolo Finaldi ‘On the vocation of the Catholic author’ Pierpaolo FinaldiPierpaolo Finaldi is the CEO and Publisher of The Catholic Truth Society, Master of the Catholic Writers' Guild, a regular guest on EWTN global Catholic TV, a Catholic Herald top 100 trailblazer Catholic, a husband and …
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Iota Unum Talk No.13 - Dr Jeremy Pilch ‘St John Henry Newman and Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces’
Dr Jeremy Pilch ‘St John Henry Newman and Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces’ Jeremy Pilch Following undergraduate studies at Oriel College, Oxford, and an MA at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (UCL), Dr Jeremy Pilch was awarded a scholarship for a doctorate at the University of Bristol, researching on the doctrine of deification in …
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Iota Unum Talk No 12 - Dr Tim Stanley : ’Whatever Happened to Tradition?’
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1:13:56‘Whatever Happened to Tradition?” Dr Stanley is a well-known historian and journalist, and author of the recent Whatever Happened to Tradition? This talk is a follow up from his successful book published in 2021 The West feels lost. Brexit, Trump, the coronavirus: we hurtle from one crisis to another, lacking definition, terrified that our best day…
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Thomas Pink is a Professor in Philosophy at King's College London and a Patron of the Latin Mass Society. He has a particular interest in the history of theology in the early modern and modern periods, on religious liberty and the role of the Papacy.Por Latin Mass Society
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Iota Unum Talk 9 (Part 2) : What is a Catholic Community? - Family life, Asceticism, and Contemplation. Prof Robert Lazu Kmita talks to Joseph Shaw
Prof. Lazu Kmita is a Catholic philosopher and writer living in Romania. His works can be seen on the Academia website (English C.V. here); he has also written for The Remnant (e.g. here), Gregorius Magnus (e.g. on p. 32 here), Polonia Christiana (Poland), Radici Cristiane (Italy), Second Spring (Oxford) and many other journals. Also known as a Tol…
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Iota Unum Talk No. 10 : The Church and Tradition in the former Communist Bloc: Russia, Poland, and Romania.
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1:44:02Joseph Shaw talks to FIUV contacts in three former Communist-bloc countries From Russia: Oleg-Martin Martynov of Una Voce Russia Oleg-Michaël Martynov (b. 1977) is a founding member of Una Voce Russia, and is on its governing Board. He is also a member of the FIUV Council . Born and raised in a typical secular family in the last years of the USSR, …
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Iota Unum Talk No. 9 (Part 1) : What is a Catholic Community? - From St Benedict to the Internet. Prof Robert Lazu Kmita talks to Joseph Shaw
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1:19:44Prof. Lazu Kmita is a Catholic philosopher and writer living in Romania. His works can be seen on the Academia website (English C.V. here); he has also written for The Remnant (e.g. here), Gregorius Magnus (e.g. on p. 32 here), Polonia Christiana (Poland), Radici Cristiane (Italy), Second Spring (Oxford) and many other journals. Also known as a Tol…
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On the issue of the Motu Proprio 'Traditionis Custodes', Chairman of the LMS Joseph Shaw launches our second series of the popular podcast series with an in depth analysis of the recent apostolic letter on the restrictions of the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass. Documents quoted and referred to in the Podcast: Pope Francis, Apostolic Lett…
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The New Age: Roger Buck talks to Joseph Shaw Continuing from Part 1: What is the New Age? Part 2: Theosophy and the roots of the New Age Roger Buck was born in California, was brought up partly there and partly in England, and has also lived in various places on the Continent. He is currently living in Ireland. He spent close to three years living …
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The New Age: Roger Buck talks to Joseph Shaw Part 1: What is the New Age? Part 2 : Theosophy and the roots of the New Age Roger Buck was born in California, was brought up partly there and partly in England, and has also lived in various places on the Continent. He is currently living in Ireland. He spent close to three years living at the New Age …
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In the second part of this Iota Unum Podcast with Catholic writer and researcher Kevin Symonds, Joseph Shaw discusses conspiracies and conspiracy theories.Por Latin Mass Society
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Iota Unum Talk 5 (Part 1) : The Origin of Prayer & More - Joseph Shaw in Conversation with Kevin Symonds
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1:07:25In the latest series of talks from the Latin Mass Society, Joseph Shaw discusses with Kevin Symonds, Catholic writer and researcher, the Origin of the prayer of St Michael, the third secret of Fatima and was Bugnini a freemason?Por Latin Mass Society
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Iota Unum Talk 4 : Attacks on the Family within the Church - Sebastian Morello in Conversation with Maria Madise
Maria Madise works for Voice of the Family and is the editor of their monthly magazine Calx Mariae Among other things, Maria discusses the original ‘schemata’ presented to the Second Vatican Council, which were intended as the first drafts of Council documents. Nearly all of these schemata were rejected, when the more progressive Council Fathers so…
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Iota Unum Talk 3 : Spirituality of the Amazon and the Traditional Latin Mass - Joseph Shaw in conversation with Daniel Dolley
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1:19:18Daniel Dolley holds a DPhil in Social Anthropology from the University of Oxford. He has studied indigenous religions within the Amazon region, and also on the western side of the Andes where he conducted his own ethnographic field research. The indigenous cultures of these two lowland regions have much in common and are distinct from those of the …
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Iota Unum Talk 2 : Lockdown, Riots & the French Revolution - Dr John Rao in Conversation with Dr Joseph Shaw
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1:02:24In the Second of the Latin Mass Society's Iota Unum Series, Dr John Rao speaks with Dr Shaw on the destruction of New York in Lockdown, on the impact of the recent riots in the USA and Jacobinism and the French Revolution. John Rao received his DPhil from Oxford University, and for many years has been Associate Professor at St John’s University, Ne…
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Iota Unum Talk 1 : Gregorian Chant and Prayer - Matthew Ward in Conversation with Joseph Shaw
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1:06:01What is the relationship between Gregorian Chant and prayer. Matthew is the Director of Music at Mayfield School and a Regional Director of Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge. A Cambridge graduate, with a doctoral thesis on twelfth-century chant, he was involved in singing Gregorian Chant at the Catholic Chaplaincy, Fisher House, and has since then don…
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Fr Michael Mary of the Transalpine Redemptorists addresses the LMS Conference on ‘The Traditional Mass and Spirituality: “That we may relate it in another generation” (Ps. 47:14)’
The superior of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Transalpine Redemptorists), based at Golgotha Monastery on the Orkney island of Papa Stronsay. A completely Traditional Order, their canonical status was regularised after having reconciled with the Holy See following Summorum Pontificum, having previously worked for many years with the SSPX.…
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Chris Hodkinson speaks on ‘Liturgy, Culture and Evangelisation’ to the LMS Conference in May 2014
Chris Hodkinson is the director of the Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge, one of the leading influences in the revival of Gregorian Chant in England in recent years.Por Latin Mass Society
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Bishop Athanasius Schneider speaks about ‘The Renewal of the liturgy according to the perennial sense of the Church’ to the LMS Conference in May 2014
From Kazakhstan, Bishop Schneider is well known as the author of Dominus Est - It is the Lord! - a defence of the traditional manner of receiving Communion.Por Latin Mass Society
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Professor Thomas Pink of King's College London speaks on ‘Church and state after Vatican II’ at the 2014 LMS Conference
Professor Thomas Pink is a lecturer at King's College, London, and is known for his work on the fraught topic of religious liberty.Por Latin Mass Society
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The critically acclaimed author of several biographies of Catholic literary figures, including Chesterton, Belloc, Tolkien and Oscar Wilde, as well as Literary Converts - the conversion stories of a string of early 20th century English writers who were received into the Catholic Church. He has recently written his autobiography 'Race with the Devil…
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