Was tust du gerade? Was nimmst du gerade wahr?
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Dharma talks on Zen Buddhism from students of the Village Zendo in New York City.
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Dharma talks on Zen Buddhism from the Village Zendo in New York City.
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Dharma talks by Jundo Cohen Roshi & priests from Treeleaf Zendo
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Ordinary Mind Zendo's podcast will play Dharma talks from Zen teacher and psychoanalyst Barry Magid. Barry Magid is a Dharma heir of Charlotte Joko Beck. These talks address a psychologically minded Zen practice adapted to the needs of American students practicing in the context of their everyday lives. Though much of the material here is specific to Zen practice, non Zen folk will find it interesting as well, as it addresses issues of our shared humanity. New episodes will generally be uplo ...
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Rinzan Osho is a priest and teacher at No-Rank Zendo, a Rinzai Zen Buddhist Community in Portland, Oregon. His Dharma talks explore various aspects of Rinzai Zen Buddhist practice, spirituality and religion. He emphases practice as a means to develop and cultivate a tender open-heartedness that allows a deep engagement with a troubled world. http://www.norankzendo.org
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This is a podcast of dharma talks given at O-An Zendo near State College, PA, a Soto Zen Buddhist Meditation Center.
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A daily set of word symbols to guide a year's personal growth
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Discussing about a Bitcoin world.
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Leadership Podcast
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Tales of Zendaria is a Young Adult fantasy-fiction audiobook, which chronicles the adventures of reluctant Princess April and her canine companion Willow through the ancient Kingdom of Zendaria. Magic, mystery and mirth await! Written and narrated by Alexander Worth.
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Here, we don't just talk about it, we Be About It! In Zen Nation, through meditation and contemplation, we will tap into our peace of mind, tranquility, love, and joy that will assist us in enriching our lives, Body, Mind & Spirit! Please join us here Monday Mornings in Zen Nation! Be Blessed! Namaste'
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Hey its Meghan here. As a paramedic, counseling therapist, and a coach I’ve seen it all. The best and worst and everything in-between. I talk to people that make us want to stop what we’re doing and listen to what they have to say. Or hell, let’s just burn it all down. Listen and decide.
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Der Zendepot Podcast liefert dir Ideen und Strategien für den erfolgreichen Vermögensaufbau in Eigenregie. Themenschwerpunkte: Passives Investieren in ETFs, Verhaltensökonomie (Behavioral Finance) und philosophische Fragen der Geldanlage.
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Get quick bites of Zend Framework – the leading development framework for PHP. Find out what's new, what's going on, and how to use it, in less time than it takes to drink a coffee — every Thursday.
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بوی خوش زندگی برای ویژهبرنامهٔ نوروز ۱۴۰۰ رادیو پیام دوست ساخته شده. در این برنامه جناب بهرام فرید در رابطه با نوروز و دیانت بهائی صحبت میکنند.
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ZENdero Bambú es un podcast que nace de las ganas y la curiosidad de descubrir y aprender más sobre mí. El conocimiento y la sabiduría es fundamental para crecer como especie y seres humanos. Sabemos que la vida es un balance entre cuerpo, mente y espíritu, ojalá este podcast contribuya o aporte un poco de luz a tu trayecto. Soy Mr Darius y te invito para que aprendamos juntos en este sendero llamado vida.
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تا به حال به این فکر کردین که میتونیم به زندگیمون و خانوادمون مثل یک گیاه، یک موجود زنده نگاه کنیم که به میزانی که براش محیط مناسب و آب و نور فراهم کنیم ریشههاش تو خاکعمیق میشه و شاخ و برگش به آسمون میره و از سایه و میوههاش آدمای دیگه هم میتونن استفاده کنن. تو برنامهی «درخت زندگی» با آدمایی که از نحوه رشد درخت زندگیشون و جنس آب و نور و خاکی که باهاش رشد میکنن برامون میگن آشنا میشیم.
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In this Teisho, given on February 28th, 2025, the first day of No-Rank Zen Temple's Spring Odayaka Sesshin, Rinzan Osho examines case 59 of the Hekiganroku: Joshu's "Why Not Quote to the End?" The Real Way is not difficult. It only abhors choice and attachment. So how can we be free to flow in a world of like and dislike?…
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Podcast Audio The post Talk by Shinryu Roshi, “Sangha and Maha-sangha” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Teacher Talks
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Por Barry Magid
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In today's episode, we look at an earlier and less popular version of master Dogen's Fukanzazengi, which has quite some differences from the popular version we all know. So, what exactly did Dogen Zenji change in the rewrites to his manual for zazen? Further reading and discussion for this talk are available on the Treeleaf forum: March Monthly Zaz…
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Podcast audio: The post Talk by Kenko “Calling All You Hungry Hearts” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Talks
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Por Sven Precht
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Por Barry Magid
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Por Barry Magid
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In this Teisho, given on January 26th, 2025, Rinzan Osho examines The Hidden Lamp: Kakuzan Shido's Dagger. Zen training initiates us into a new way of being. How do we respond to the world with authenticity, depth and presence?Por Rinzan Pechovnik
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Podcast audio: The post Talk by Joan Sensei: “Challenging Ingredients” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Teacher Talks
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Podcast Audio The post Talk by Ryotan Roshi, “Samadhi in the Ocean of Life” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Teacher Talks
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In this Teisho, given on January 21st, 2025, the fourth full day of No-Rank Zen Temple's January Rohatsu Sesshin, Rinzan Osho examines the Hidden Lamp: Ling's Question. "To be a human being is to live in calamity." How is it that we live a caring spiritual life amidst this?Por Rinzan Pechovnik
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Por Barry Magid
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Podcast Audio: The post Talk by Gessho, “Holding True” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Talks
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Por Barry Magid
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In this Teisho, given on January 20th, 2025, the third full day of No-Rank Zen Temple's January Rohatsu Sesshin, Rinzan Osho examines case 54 of the Hekiganroku: Ummon Stretches Out His Hands. Who are we when we greet the world that is beckoning us forward? How do we respond to its open armed invitiation.…
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Podcast Audio: The post Talk by Ryoshin Hoshi, “The Zen Peacemaker’s Path” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Teacher Talks
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Podcast audio: The post Talk by Kimu “Touch, Voice, Posture: Horse-Whispering, Aikido, and Zen” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Talks
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Today we dance with an insightful scholar's paper on Dogen Zenji's unique and profound ideas regarding fullness, universal liberation, the sacred as "immanent in space and time", Buddhahood in the "fundamental activity of the world," practice-realization as "liberating activity", Zen practice as the "practice of Buddhahood," and the fullness and sa…
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Podcast audio: The post Talk by Musho Hoshi: “Heavy Metal Hermits” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Teacher Talks
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Por Barry Magid
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Podcast Audio: The post Talk by Shinryu Roshi, “Non Duality in a Polarized World?” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Teacher Talks
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Por Barry Magid
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Podcast Audio The post Talk by Seicho, “Serving Up Nonviolence” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Talks
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Podcast audio: The post Talk by Jiyru “Which Beings are Sentient?” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Talks
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Podcast Audio: The post Talk by JiSei, “Build Great Temples from Ordinary Greens” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Talks
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Podcast audio: The post Talk by Mukei “Let’s Not Be Willy Nilly in Our Practice” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Talks
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Por Sven Precht
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In this Dharma talk, given on December 15, 2024, Rinzan Osho talks about the importance of taking responsibility in our work in developing spiritual maturity.Por Rinzan Pechovnik
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Por Barry Magid
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Por Sven Precht
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Por Sven Precht
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Podcast audio: The post Talk by Bokushu Sensei: “Supreme Mind, Supreme Meal” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Teacher Talks
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Por Sven Precht
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Por Sven Precht
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Por Sven Precht
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Podcast audio: The post Talk by Soten “Death Bed Visions: Reflections of a Compassionate Universe?” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Talks
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Podcast audio: The post Talk by Fugan Sensei “The Practice of Three Minds in the Tenzo Kyokun” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Teacher Talks
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Happy New Year to you all! We continue our study of the koans from the Blue Cliff Record, with a new batch of them today, beginning with case 13. Further reading and discussion for this talk are available on the Treeleaf forum: JANUARY 2025 MONTHLY ZAZENKAI »Por Treeleaf Zendo
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Por Barry Magid
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Podcast Audio: The post Talk by Fugan Sensei, “Not Sparing the Dharma Assets” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Teacher Talks
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Podcast Audio: The post Talk by Ryotan Roshi, “The Supreme Meal of Joy and Sorrow” first appeared on The Village Zendo.Por Village Zendo Teacher Talks
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