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El objetivo de From Passion To Profession es compartir las ideas y las historias de las mentes más creativas y brillantes en Negocios, Wellness, Artistas, Atletas de alto rendimiento e Influencers para ayudarte a descubrir todo sobre cómo vivir a full y cómo convertir "tu pasión en tu profesión". Además, Documentar el proceso de convertirme en un educador para ayudar a otras personas a vivir a full haciendo lo que te gusta!
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El proposito de este programa es llebar este mensaje para que el mundo conosca a cristio jesus, el hijo de dios. Mi nombre es el hermano Juan Fernandez y nasi en Goya, Argentina. Conosi al senior jesuchristo cuando tenia 20 anios, despues, de un anio resibi al Espiritu Santo. Luego estudie en las escuela de Fellowship Prision donde estudie para evanjelisar en las prisiones. Luego me gradue del insituto mizpa en Julio, 12 del 2014 y desde entonces mi passion es evanjelisar al mundo. La biblia ...
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Caffecito Time

Caffecito time

Hola! Somos Angélica, Grazielle, Paula y Paulina. Te queremos dar la bienvenida a este espacio. Somos cuatro mujeres unidas por la amistad y nuestras fascinantes experiencias de migración. Aunque nuestros caminos se cruzaron en momentos diferentes de la vida, compartimos la misma pasión por echar chismecito y contar nuestras historias. En este espacio auténtico, respetuoso, acogedor y de mucha amistad, te abrimos nuestros corazones con la esperanza de que encuentres una visión genuina de las ...
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Pulgeros Podcast

Yovanny Alfonso

There are three things that help us create a wonderful life. "Our energy, our focus and our passion". Everything else is pure fantasy. How do I know that? Well, in the last decade I wanted to understand the relationship between these 3 principles. Hello! I am Yovanny Alfonso and today I encourage you to improve your life, to rescue your dreams and find a purpose in your life. In this weekly program you will laugh, enjoy and learn where to begin a new life. Support this podcast: https://podca ...
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¡Bienvenidos a nuestro podcast! En el episodio de hoy, exploraremos un recurso valioso y eficiente en el ámbito de la literatura: el resumen de un libro. Discutiremos cómo este compendio conciso presenta las ideas principales, argumentos, temas y conclusiones de una obra escrita, permitiendo a los lectores obtener una visión general sin tener que leer el texto completo. Abordaremos las ventajas de utilizar estos resúmenes, como ahorrar tiempo, facilitar la toma de decisiones sobre qué libros ...
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DJ Leo Fernandes

DJ Leo Fernandes

Leo Fernandes (born June 6, 1980 in Sao Paulo Brazil,) From an early age in Brazil Leo Fernandes had a connection with the drums & beats. His fist contact with music was at his father's TV production company, as a child he was always behind the scene but always dreamed of coming to the states. When he finished school 2003 he obtained a visa that would allowed him to come to New York. There his fist weekend in the Big Apple his friends took him to the Legendary ROXY night club. Peter Rauhofer ...
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Joan Ibañez nacido en 1979 en la ciudad de Terrassa, Barcelona. Su pasión por la música comenzó a la temprana edad de 7 años, estudiando solfeo y piano en el conservatorio de su ciudad natal.A los 14 años daba sus primeros pasos mezclando música electrónica con vinilos.En 2001 inició su carrera profesional en uno de los after mas conocidos en toda España Fritz Group, actual mente elRow, en 2005 pasó a formar parte del Grupo Colors of sound & Mansion de gran éxito en Barcelona.Su trayectoria ...
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Arte , Fotografia , Videos, Cine, Social Media , Consejos para productores independientes , Emprendedores y Soñadores por Exelencia , Este mi audio documentacion del proceso hacia el exito con diferentes artistas !
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The Podcast Project by Eva Ferguson and Maria Paz Acosta Raimondi

Maria Paz Acosta Raimondi and Eva Ferguson Podcast Project

JoinEva and Maria, the epitome of girl power, on a 5-part podcast series where they share candid and inspiring stories of overcoming challenges and pursuing dreams. From finding passion to defining success on your own terms, this isn't your average podcast. Recorded on a Mediterranean island, their empowering and insightful perspective will inspire you to take your own life and career to the next level. So, grab your headphones and tune in to get real, get inspired, and move towards your own ...
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* Nueva temporada 3... lee abajo. Temporada 1 y 2 basados en el libro Cuentos de Buenas Noches para Niñas Rebeldes. Mas episodios del libro Las Niñas son de Ciencias. Temporada 3 - Inicio Marzo 2019 (en pausa) Cuentos de todos los rincones 😊 Temporada 4 - Lecturas del libro Cuentos para Niños que se atreven a ser diferentes.
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En Francia los franceses no hablan el francés que usted escucha en los cursos de francés en América Latina. Los franceses hablan más rápido. En el francés oral, una palabra equivale en ocasiones a tres o cuatro del francés escrito. ¿Cómo entrenarse para entender este francés de la calle, cotidiano, 'en pijama'? Escuche este programa.
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Este podcast reposa en la divulgación del conocimiento, la motivación para la creación de contenido y la adquisición de los buenos hábitos. Para ello, nos centramos en 4 pilares principales: desarrollo personal, innovación tecnológica, el aprendizaje de idiomas y experiencias de vida. El objetivo es claro: ser personas más productivas con más tiempo de ocio y mejor calidad de vida. Encuéntrame también en YouTube como: Tiempo de Astucias.
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show series
How does the author portray the character of MICHELANGELO in The Agony And The Ecstasy? In "The Agony And The Ecstasy," the author portrays Michelangelo as a complex and multifaceted character. He is depicted as a passionate and driven artist who is constantly striving for perfection in his work. Michelangelo is shown to be fiercely independent and…
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How do CULTURAL ATTITUDES towards nature and the outdoors impact children's access and enjoyment of natural spaces? Cultural attitudes towards nature and the outdoors can have a significant impact on children's access and enjoyment of natural spaces. In cultures that place a high value on spending time outdoors and connecting with nature, children …
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How does the novel explore the concept of ARTISTIC INSPIRATION AND THE RELATIONSHIP between the artist and his creations? In the novel, the concept of artistic inspiration is explored through the character of the protagonist, who is portrayed as a struggling artist searching for his muse. The novel delves into the complex relationship between the a…
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****Este episodio contiene discusiones sobre temas sensibles relacionados con la pérdida de un infante, traumas de embarazo y parto. Entendemos que estos temas pueden ser desencadenantes para algunas personas y queremos asegurarnos de que te sientas preparado emocionalmente antes de ver este contenido. Si crees que este contenido puede afectarte ne…
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What role do public policies and urban planning initiatives play in creating more inclusive and accessible green spaces for all children, in line with Louv's recommendations in LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS? Public policies and urban planning initiatives play a crucial role in creating more inclusive and accessible green spaces for all children in line w…
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What are the potential dangers of misinterpreting or misapplying the findings of genetics in relation to race? 1. Perpetuating harmful stereotypes: Misinterpreting genetics in relation to race can lead to the reinforcement of harmful stereotypes and biases, which can have negative impacts on individuals and communities. 2. Justifying discrimination…
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How does WADE integrate historical, anthropological, and genetic evidence to support his thesis? Wade integrates historical, anthropological, and genetic evidence to support his thesis by drawing on a wide range of research from these fields. He explores historical records to trace the migration patterns of different human populations and how they …
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En este episodio, exploramos el complejo y a menudo desafiante terreno de las relaciones con las familias políticas en la experiencia migrante. Desde diferencias culturales hasta expectativas sociales, cada interacción con la familia política puede ser un viaje emocional cargado de tensiones y alegrías. Acompáñanos mientras navegamos por las fronte…
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How has the use of checklists improved safety in various industries as outlined in the book? Checklists have improved safety in various industries by providing a systematic way to ensure that all necessary steps and procedures are completed. By using checklists, workers are able to make sure that they do not overlook any important safety measures o…
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What are the key takeaways and actionable insights that readers can apply from The Checklist Manifesto in their personal and professional lives? 1. The importance of utilizing checklists in complex and high-pressure situations to prevent errors and ensure tasks are completed accurately. 2. Implementing checklists can help to improve communication a…
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En este video hablamos de las muchas cosas que extrañamos de nuestros paises, creemos que podriamos hacer solo una serie basada en este concepto. Ser Mexicana, Ecuatoriana o de cualquier otro lugar en el extranjero es... un ajuste de personalidad y de costumbres cañon! En este episodio exploramos un tema profundamente personal y universal: las cosa…
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How does Patagonia's customer base influence its business decisions and product offerings? Patagonia's customer base, which consists of environmentally and socially conscious individuals who prioritize sustainability, greatly influences its business decisions and product offerings. The company has a strong commitment to environmental and social res…
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What impact has PATAGONIA had on the broader conversation around environmental stewardship and climate change? Patagonia has had a significant impact on the broader conversation around environmental stewardship and climate change by consistently advocating for sustainable practices and environmental protection. The company's commitment to using rec…
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En uno de los momentos estelares de la edición 2023 del Festival de Cannes, Wim Wenders fue reinstalado e el panteón de los "grandes directores", tras la exhibición de Perfect Days, la película que poco antes había filmado en Tokio, con un equipo local, de un modo similar a como hizo Werner Herzog poco antes con la también sorprendente Family Roman…
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Hola Hola! Por que el titulo VJE? JAJA Buscanos en nuestro instagram para la respuesta @caffecitotime ¡Bienvenidos a nuestro emocionante podcast donde conocerán a nuestras increíbles coanfitrionas, Graz y Angélica! En este episodio de presentación, te invitamos a adentrarte en las vidas de Graz y Angélica, dos mujeres inspiradoras con historias úni…
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How does BALL'S DISCUSSION of color and chemistry in the book shed light on the interplay between science and art? Ball's discussion of color and chemistry in the book highlights the importance of scientific knowledge in the creation and understanding of art. By exploring the chemical composition of pigments and dyes used in art, Ball demonstrates …
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What role does CULTURE play in shaping our understanding and use of color? Culture plays a significant role in shaping our understanding and use of color. Different cultures have their own unique associations and meanings attached to various colors. For example, in Western culture, white is often associated with purity and weddings, while in Easter…
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Rudolp Höss es un trabajador incansable. Rudolph Höss es un dedicado padre de familia. Rudolph Höss es un oficial nazi a cargo de la administración de un campo de concentración y como tal es responsable de cientos de miles de muertes.Adaptado libremente a partir de la novela homónima de Martin Amis, el filme de Jonathan Glazer —que con este cuarto …
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¡Bienvenidos a nuestro podcast, donde conocerán a nuestras fabulosas coanfitrionas, Paula y Paulina! En este episodio inaugural, nos sumergimos en las vidas de Paula y Paulina, dos mujeres apasionadas y llenas de energía que están listas para compartir sus historias, perspectivas y humor con nuestra audiencia. Desde sus antecedentes hasta sus inter…
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HOW DOES THE BOOK EXPLORE GINSBURG'S PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS? The book explores Ginsburg's personal and professional relationships through anecdotes, interviews, and insights from her friends, family, and colleagues. It delves into the deep connection she had with her late husband, Marty, who supported and respected her career aspir…
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WHAT ARE THE MAIN THEMES AND MESSAGES CONVEYED IN THE BOOK ABOUT RBG'S LEGACY? 1. Gender Equality: The book emphasizes Ruth Bader Ginsburg's lifelong dedication to fighting for gender equality and advocating for women's rights. Her work as a lawyer, judge, and Supreme Court Justice was instrumental in breaking down barriers and creating opportuniti…
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A principios de los años 80, y con impecables credenciales en la comedia negra, el italiano Ettore Scola intentó una suerte de imposible: filmar una historia de amor en que el concepto tradicional de belleza es puesto bajo severo cuestionamiento. Apoyado en Fosca (1869) una novela ambientada y publicada en los primeros años de la Italia independien…
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What is the significance of the title "The Sea Wolves" in relation to the content of the book? The title "The Sea Wolves" symbolizes the ferocity and cunning of the German U-boats that prowled the Atlantic Ocean during World War II, striking fear into the hearts of allied ships. The U-boats were known for their stealthy attacks and ruthless tactics…
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How does McChrystal define the concept of "resilience" and why is it important for teams in today's world? McChrystal defines resilience as the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to changes, and continue performing effectively in the face of adversity. He believes that in today's world, where challenges are constant and unpredictable, team…
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How did the Vikings navigate the seas and what tools did they use for their expeditions? The Vikings were skilled navigators who used a variety of tools and techniques to navigate the seas during their expeditions. They primarily relied on their knowledge of the stars, sun, and moon to determine their position and direction. They also used landmark…
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How does McChrystal define a "team of teams"? McChrystal defines a "team of teams" as a network of agile, interconnected organizations and individuals that work together collaboratively to achieve a common goal. It involves breaking down traditional hierarchical structures and fostering a culture of trust, transparency, and open communication among…
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Emprendida con un nivel de concentración y energía que hacía presagiar la ambición artística puesta sobre ella, La princesa Mononoke es, en cierta forma, la pieza central en la inmensa obra de Hayao Miyazaki. Sus raíces pueden rastrearse desde Nausicaa (1984) y sus ecos se extienden hasta El niño y la garza (2023), pero este relato acerca de un prí…
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What is the meaning of The Happiness Advantage "The Happiness Advantage" is a concept developed by positive psychologist Shawn Achor, which suggests that being happy and positive can lead to greater success in various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and health. It emphasizes that happiness is not just a result of success, but a key …
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The author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street book The author of "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" is Burton Malkiel, an economist and professor at Princeton University. Malkiel's book is considered a classic in the field of investing and personal finance, offering insights into the efficient market hypothesis and advocating for a passive, index-base…
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A fines de los años 80, Paul Newman comisionó a su Stewart Stern la realización de una serie de entrevistas con colegas, amigos y familiares, de cara a un futuro proyecto de autobiografía. Una década después, el actor —desinteresado, según él, en todo lo que tuviese que ver con "Paul Newman"—quemó todas las cintas de audio sin saber que Stern había…
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The author of The Happiness Advantage book The author of The Happiness Advantage book is Shawn Achor. He is a renowned positive psychologist and speaker who has conducted research on the science of happiness and success. Achor's book explores how a positive mindset can lead to greater success and overall well-being, and provides actionable strategi…
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WHAT IS THE MEANING OF A RANDOM WALK DOWN WALL STREET "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" is a book written by Burton Malkiel that explores the concept of efficient markets and the randomness of stock prices. The book argues that it is impossible to consistently outperform the market through stock picking or market timing, as stock prices follow a ran…
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THE AUTHOR OF THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES FOR MAKING MARRIAGE WORK BOOK Dr. John Gottman is the author of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. He is a renowned relationship expert and psychologist who has spent decades researching and studying the dynamics of healthy and successful marriages. In his book, Dr. Gottman outlines the seven key princ…
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THE AUTHOR OF THE LUCIFER EFFECT BOOK The author of The Lucifer Effect is Dr. Philip Zimbardo, a renowned psychologist and professor emeritus at Stanford University. Dr. Zimbardo is best known for his groundbreaking Stanford Prison Experiment, which he conducted in 1971 and which serves as the basis for his exploration of the dark side of human nat…
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WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES FOR MAKING MARRIAGE WORK The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is a book written by Dr. John Gottman, a renowned psychologist and relationship expert. The book outlines seven key principles and strategies that couples can utilize to improve their relationship and build a strong, lasting marriage. …
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WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE LUCIFER EFFECT "The Lucifer Effect" refers to the phenomenon where individuals, often normal and moral people, can commit evil actions when placed in certain situational contexts that encourage such behavior. The term was coined by social psychologist Philip Zimbardo, who conducted the famous Stanford prison experiment th…
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THE AUTHOR OF THE UNDOING PROJECT BOOK The author of The Undoing Project is Michael Lewis. He is a renowned American author and journalist, known for his insightful and provocative non-fiction works. Lewis has written numerous best-selling books, including Moneyball, The Big Short, and Flash Boys, which have garnered critical acclaim and a wide rea…
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THE AUTHOR OF NEVER EAT ALONE BOOK The author of the book "Never Eat Alone" is Keith Ferrazzi. Ferrazzi is a renowned business speaker and relationship expert. In his book, he shares his insights and strategies on how to build and foster professional relationships for career success. Ferrazzi emphasizes the importance of networking and creating a s…
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WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE UNDOING PROJECT "The Undoing Project" is a non-fiction book written by Michael Lewis, published in 2016. It recounts the collaborative work of two Israeli psychologists, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, who pioneered the field of behavioral economics. The book delves into their groundbreaking research and ideas, highligh…
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WHAT IS THE MEANING OF NEVER EAT ALONE "Never Eat Alone" is a popular phrase that emphasizes the importance of building relationships and networking with others, particularly in professional or social settings. It encourages individuals to avoid eating meals alone and instead seek opportunities to connect with and learn from others. The concept sug…
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THE AUTHOR OF THE ART OF LOVING BOOK The author of "The Art of Loving" is Erich Fromm. He was a renowned psychologist and philosopher who explored various aspects of human nature, socio-political issues, and the role of love in personal growth and fulfillment. Fromm believed that love is not just a feeling, but an art that requires conscious effort…
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THE AUTHOR OF SOURCES OF POWER BOOK The author of the book "Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions" is Gary Klein. SOURCES OF POWER BOOK SUMMARY "Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions" is a book written by Gary Klein. In this book, Klein explores the decision-making process and focuses on the sources of power that influence decision-make…
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WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE ART OF LOVING The Art of Loving is a book written by Erich Fromm, a renowned psychoanalyst and social philosopher. Published in 1956, it explores the nature of love and its various aspects in the context of human relationships. Fromm argues that love is not just a feeling or an emotion, but a skill that requires effort, u…
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WHAT IS THE MEANING OF SOURCES OF POWER Sources of power refer to the different factors or resources that individuals or entities can leverage to exert influence or control over others. These sources are often categorized into two main types: formal and informal. Formal sources of power are typically derived from an individual's position or authori…
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WHAT IS THE BOOK NO FILTER ABOUT No Filter by Sarah Frier is a book that explores the rise of Instagram, the popular photo-sharing app, and its impact on society, culture, and the tech industry. The book delves into the story behind the creation of Instagram, its acquisition by Facebook, and the subsequent controversies and challenges that the app …
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Concebida como un laborioso sistema de ficciones que encierran a otras, el undécimo largometraje de Wes Anderson es una suerte de punto focal a través del cual observar su cine en distintos niveles. En el filme no sólo está presente la noción de mundo cerrado, la articulación el concepto de familia y la idea de la pantalla como un crisol —todos, el…
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WHO WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN HELEN KELLER'S LIFE The most important person in Helen Keller's life was her teacher and lifelong companion, Anne Sullivan. Sullivan played a crucial role in teaching Keller language and communication skills despite her deafblindness, and helped her achieve academic success. Sullivan's dedication and commitment …
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