This is a free sample version of the Crush Live Poker Podcast.
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Bart breaks down a hand from a 5/5 PLO sessionPor Bart Hanson
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On this week's podcast get, into Bart's mind as he "works through" some of the more interesting spots from a recent $2/$5 NL cash game at the Encore Boston Harbor.Por Bart Hanson
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Bart discusses the mind games that he sometimes goes through when playing with opponents that are CLP subscribers or other players that might know him. He makes a rare play in the first hand then says that he never would never have taken that line if he had known about the last hand. He also briefly touches on high hand and bad beat jackpot promoti…
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This week Bart takes a look at some wet board runouts and discusses when you should turn a hand as good as top pair in to a bluff on such runouts.Por Bart Hanson
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Bart covers a selection of hands from a Christmas weekend session played at $5/$10 $2k cap.Por Bart Hanson
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Bart discusses the perils of trying to run a multi street bluff with the stiff nut suit when the front door flush comes in. He describes examples of what he called the polarity paradox in live poker.Por Bart Hanson
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This week Bart plays a non standard session at $2/$5 3betting almost every possible VPIPed handPor Bart Hanson
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In this week's episode Bart discusses the importance of not out leveling yourself and giving your opponents too much credit. He does this through a hand history where it was very important to examine the details of a given configuration.Por Bart Hanson
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This week bart takes a look at a few situations that involve what he calls "combo bets" and goes over a hand at the end of the podcast that demonstrates a key concept that will increase your winrate in live poker.Por Bart Hanson
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Bart takes a look at some close check raise river lines for value. He also discusses other spots dealing with thin value and bet sizing tells.Por Bart Hanson
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Bart continues a review of a session where he played a mix of stakes and in this episode he speaks a lot on multiway theoryPor Bart Hanson
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This week Bart cover a clump of hands where he plays 2/2 PLO, 2/5 NLHE and 5/10NLHE. He was gifted a large pot at 5/10 when his opponent slowplayed his hand to death then made a huge mistake trying to get an opponent off of a chop, illogically.Por Bart Hanson
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This week Bart reviews a clump of hands played from a rare Saturday afternoon session at the Encore in Boston Harbor. In this session he encounters several situations which required a bit of creativity in order to get the maximum value against opponents with smaller stacks.Por Bart Hanson
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This week Bart takes a look at some "fishing exploits" that he made at a recent 5-10-20NL game played at the Encore Boston Harbor where most of the lineup were pros but with one big fish at the table. He discusses how he played differently against this fish and how he might take different lines vs the pros.…
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This week Bart takes a look at some interesting math spots, mostly dealing with preflop, at 100 big blind stack depths. He found himself playing $5-$10-$20 NL the the Encore Boston Harbor this week where the game has a $2000 max buy-in.Por Bart Hanson
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This week Bart takes a look at interesting hands recently played where the board was paired or contained trips.Por Bart Hanson
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In this week's episode Bart discusses how to play hands when you miss.Por Bart Hanson
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Bart reviews a few PLO hands that he recently played and then discusses situations where you should pull back and not bet thinly or as a bluff.Por Bart Hanson
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On this week's episode Bart covers some bizarre situations that he encountered in a recent $2/$5 NL session at Encore Boston Harbor.Por Bart Hanson
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This week breaks down hands where he found thin value-- but the critical part of the hands had to do with bet sizing which he found through proper hand reading.Por Bart Hanson
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In this week's episode Bart discusses big blind play in limped pots. He covers a situation where he check raised a draw in a limped pot leading to a thin value situation.Por Bart Hanson
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On this week's episode Bart reviews some key hands from a poor session recently played at the $2/$5 $1000 cap game at the Encore Boston Harbor. He talks through his decisions, describes his mistakes and also discusses what he learned from his own session notes.Por Bart Hanson
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On this week's episode Bart discusses his strategy on sometimes showing your hand to gain extra EV at the table. How might showing your hand effect the way that you might play other hands in the short term?Por Bart Hanson
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Bart reviews some of the best hands from a $2/$5 session that he played on the same day as the recording. He is dealt an unbelievable amount of high pairs across several hours leading to interesting preflop and post flop discussion.Por Bart Hanson
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Bart continues his review of a $2/$5 session played at the Encore Boston Harbor where he faced interesting spots against what he deemed to be a rare opponent (a battler at $2/$5).Por Bart Hanson
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Learn how to navigate situations and win more money. Featuring Turn Donks, River block bets, bluff catching and turning bluff catchers into bluffs.Por N8Ball (Nate Schmitt)
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Bart plays a $2/$5 NL Hold'em session where he battled it out with a younger asian opponent. 0:00 Intro and AnnouncementsPor Bart Hanson
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On this week's episode Bart reviews a big $6000 win at a recent $5-$10 session and discusses the influence of bad (fishy) players in a game.Por Bart Hanson
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Bart reviews interesting hands from his 2024 WSOP Main Event.Por Bart Hanson
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This week Bart logs a short $1-$3 $500 max buy in session at a local cardroom and speaks about the odd SPR situations that occurred due to the game being often straddled and the restricted buy in structure.Por Bart Hanson
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In this episode Bart covers interesting hands played across all three flights of this year's (2024) $1500 Millionaire Maker at the WSOP.Por Bart Hanson
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In this week's episode Bart gives a 2024 WSOP trip report and discusses his results from the previous two weeks. He then breaks down interesting hands from a recent $5/$10/$20 NL session that he played in the high limit Kings Lounge.Por Bart Hanson
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This week CLP coach Nate Schmitt (N8Ball) takes over the podcast to discuss advanced strategies to use while playing as the preflop caller. Learn proper bluffs from both in and out of position.Por N8Ball (Nate Schmitt)
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In Part 2 of this two part episode Bart reviews a recent "super session" where he won nearly 1000 big blinds of the course of a short 4.5 hour afternoon. He discusses why having a winning image will increase your winrate when playing such a session and breaks down the final portion of hands from his big win.…
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In Part 1 of this two part episode Bart reviews a recent "super session" where he won nearly 1000 big blinds of the course of a short 4.5 hour afternoon. He discusses why having a winning image will increase your winrate when playing such a session and starts to break down some of the more memorable hands from his big win.…
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This week Bart breaks down the math of having too many for profit players in a single game and how that effects overall winrate when factored in with the rake. In his session there was a rare situation where 5-6 winning 5/10 players were grinding it all out waiting for a new 5/10 game to start, something that never happened.…
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CLP coach Nate Schmitt (N8Ball on Discord) covers learning how to continue on different flop textures after we 3 bet from OOP.Por Bart Hanson
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This week Bart leads the show off with a financial discussion and then explains why your low stakes live poker approach should be the opposite to your financial approach in life.Por Bart Hanson
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In this week's episode Bart covers "mega multiway" spots that can sometimes be typical in loose live games at $2-$5 and below. How should we approach these spots if we are the field caller? How should we approach these spots as the preflop raiser? How does the multiway nature of a hand change the way that we should think about certain situations?…
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Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 126: How Competent Does Your Opponent Need to Be to Make Exploitable Folds?
This week Bart plays a full $5-$10 session at the Encore Boston Harbor and gets himself into a very difficult spot flopping top and bottom out of the big blind. The hand begs the question, "How competent is your opponent, where you should be making an exploitable fold?Por Bart Hanson
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Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 125: Ultimate Texas Hold'em and the Afternoon with Doug Polk
This week Bart discusses his afternoon with Doug Polk at a Red Sox game and then delves into some advantage play dealing with Ultimate Texas Hold'em.Por Bart Hanson
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This week Bart goes over situations where he thinks that it is correct to give up on triple barrel bluffs. In most of these spots it is important to recognize board texture, especially on rainbow boards, and realize that an opponents' range becomes much more compact after calling an overbet on the turn.…
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This week Nate (N8Ball on CLP Discord) take's over the reigns of the CLP podcast and discusses all about cold calls.Por Bart Hanson
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This week Bart decides to turn aggression up an extra notch post flop.Por Bart Hanson
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Bart takes a look at interesting hands that he played at $2/$5 NL at the Encore Boston Harbor where he explains how a spot was impossible to bluff catch while at the same time a great spot to bluff. He also discusses why you are often "forced" to lead the river when you complete your draw at the mid to low stakes of live No Limit Hold'em.…
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Bart examines some of the most common winning and losing plays at the low stakes of live NL by giving hand examples from recent sessions that he played at $1/$3 $500 cap and $2/$5 $1000 cap.Por Bart Hanson
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This week Bart takes a look at four bluffs that he ran in a recent $2/$5 session. He makes note of what is important when structuring good bluffs at the mid to low stakes of live NL and also discusses the concept of incentive as it relates to entering a pot.Por Bart Hanson
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This week Bart covers a 2/5 NL session from Encore Boston Harbor where he starts stuck about $2300 in the first few hours and was able to claw his way back to almost even.Por Bart Hanson
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This week Bart reviews the most interesting hands that he played from a recent session at $5/$10 $2000 max buy in at the Encore in Boston.Por Bart Hanson
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This week Bart takes a look at later street raises at the mid to smaller stakes of live No Limit Hold'em? How do we determine whether or not we should continue with strong hands like top pair and overpairs when we are raised on a later street post flop?Por Bart Hanson
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