HR is no longer just about managing people—it’s about shaping the future of work. Jens Baier, BCG’s HR transformation expert, discusses how AI and shifting employee expectations are forcing companies to rethink talent strategies. From re-recruiting to upskilling employees, HR must adapt to a rapidly changing landscape. Learn More: Jens Baier: BCG on People Strategy: Decoding Global Talent:…
Cody Willard's Cody Underground Podcast. Irreverent, straight-forward and sometimes funny. Stocks, investing, politics, economy, pop culture, sports, music and more.
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Everybody’s getting theirs, but you don’t get yours it's so so so obvious their disguise is see throughthe pendulum swings hypnotize the peoplea spell on you that's what you heardread straight out the book of the magic wordsthe lines are blurred between right and wrongthey won't fight hunger but they'll fight this songuseless music the blues will s…
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In this episode, Cody talks with investigative journalist and author David Cay Johnston about the redistribution of wealth, entitlement programs, tax credits, lobbyists and the U.S. media landscape.Por CodyWillard
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On this episode, Cody talks with Jonathan Hoenig about individualism, politics, the markets and what it means to be an American.Por CodyWillard
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In this episode, Cody talks about the stock market meltdown, political campaign attack ads and sports with Ross the Boss.Por CodyWillard
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In this episode, Cody talks about the senate confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Facebook's worse hack ever and sports with Ross the Boss.Por CodyWillard
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In this episode, Cody Willard talks to Author Thomas Frank. The two discuss the labels of "liberal" and "conservative," the Obama and Bush bailouts, the corporations that fund candidates, and how the New York Times, Washington Post and Fox News frame the debate for many these days.Por CodyWillard
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In this episode, Cody brings context to the ten year anniversary of the 2008 crash. He also covers the booming economy and wages finally starting to creep up. Later in the show, Cody and Ross the Boss talk about week one of NFL football.Por CodyWillard
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In this episode, Cody talks about Amazon joining the trillion dollar club, the crypto crash, the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, plus sports with Ross the Boss.Por CodyWillard
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Gerald Celente joins Cody Willard to discuss: What will crash the economy and the markets next? And when? Whether you should buy gold, GLD, gold futures or other precious metals. Is there a future for bitcoin and the cryptocurrencies? Can "blockchain democracy" save the United States? Ross the Boss joins with sports, including if Tom Brady should t…
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Cody explains how China will one day nationalize every US asset/factory/subsidiary in China; How we can do best for society when we give individually to other individuals; Why everybody hates Twitter; Everybody loves Apple; And why we should all be hating on syrup instead.Por CodyWillard
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In this episode, Cody talks about Trump saying companies shouldn't have to report quarterly earnings anymore. He then asks if Elizabeth Warren is more capitalist than Trump. Plus, sports with Ross the Boss and more!Por CodyWillard
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How will the collapse of Turkey's economy impact you?What's the point of lobbying anyway (using the NM Governor Race commercials as examples)?If Facebook becomes a bank, will we call it Facebank and will it be worth a trillion dollars?Why gold will go up 500-1000% in my lifetime,"Are they Revolutionary or are they Fitbit?And sports with Ross the Bo…
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In this episode, Cody talks about Elon Musk's drive towards taking Tesla private, Amazon vs. Apple vs. The World and the Alex Jones InfoWars shutdown.Por CodyWillard
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Latest episode of The Cody Willard Show. I have a solution on how to pay for EVERY tax cut going forward; I discuss how easy it should be for Facebook (and you!) to fix Russian meddling; What's next for tech stocks and the market; Ross Mark The Boss joins me for segment on sports; How (not) to invest in 5G; Cory Turner joins us for his hilarious Am…
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Cody hits on the latest news, including the Facebook stock crash, the $12 billion bailout for farmers, how the Great Trade War of the 21st Century will end, Michael Martin Murphy's song, "Geronimo's Cadillac," how activism is important but too hard for most people to do, Cryptocurrency in divorce and more.…
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The Cody Willard Show | Episode 2 by CodyWillardPor CodyWillard
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In this episode, Cody talks about:- Tariffs, trade wars and Brexit- The Dow up 800 points in the last week- Facebook Data Scandal- Why Americans don’t trust autonomous vehicles- The future of 5G- Is it time to sell Twitter stock?- Augmented realityPor CodyWillard
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Cody Willard discusses how to invest in Revolutionary Technologies, how The Republican Democrat Regime is corrupted and how that affects your money plus which cryptocurrencies he owns and why he's so bearish on cryptos right now anyway.Por CodyWillard
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Immigration, Family Separations, Zero Tolerance, Stocks, Economy and more by CodyWillardPor CodyWillard
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North Korea, Trumponomics, Crypocurrency Crash and much more by CodyWillardPor CodyWillard
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We’ve just released the new IAm Cody Willard App for iOS and Android. Be sure to download it today so you can log in and ask me questions live in the video stream.I’ll also take questions over the phone on our conference call line (Dial-in: 641-715-0700 Access Code: 709981), in the Trading With Cody chat room or just email us your question to suppo…
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Subscriber: Cody, are you expecting/preparing for a crash? Is there an event that you are looking for to trigger a crash?Subscriber: What percentage of my portfolio should be cash reserve for when there’s a pull back buying opportunity, in your opinion?Subscriber: Cody, what are your top five Artificial Intelligence stocks?And MUCH more.…
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Nvidia at highs. Equifax at new lows. Let's discuss.Por CodyWillard
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In this podcast, I talk about what the most likely catalyst for the next stock market crash is, why I'm selling the bitcoin at $100 and am now the only former bull turned bear on bitcoin, whether or not you'll actually like the iPhone X, how Amazon could be one of dozens of trillion-dollar stocks and much more. Introducing The IAm Cody Willard App:…
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Jay Leno joined Cody Willard, Ross Mark and Mike Alexander on The IAm Show. Jay talks The IAm Jay Leno App, about if he'll be appearing on David Letterman's new show, what it would take for him to host another talk show (think $100 million), whether or not he'll do a TV show for Apple or Netflix next, why it's so fun to watch Jay Leno's Garage on T…
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The truth about the Fed and the stock market, The Amazon Alexa Voice Revolution and much more
Cody Willard discusses the how to predict and profit from the Fed's bubbles and crashes, why you have to just keep buying more Amazon stock (Alexa is changing the world), how to balance your portfolio and much more.Por CodyWillard
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Trump fires Comey, markets meet politics, Nvidia rules, is the market about to crash and more
Visit to subscribe and get one free month for a limited time!Let’s talk markets. I guess right now you can’t talk markets without talking politics. Comey. Fired. The FBI Director fired by the President of the United States who is under investigation by the FBI for Russian influence in the elections. I guess that is the be…
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Remember how I kept saying that President Trump would turn out to be extremely friendly to giant corporations and banks and how he wouldn’t be anything like the so-called Populist he pretended to be? Long-time readers and those who used to watch me on TV would also remember that I kept saying that President Obama would turn out to be extremely frie…
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Trading With Cody Conference Call #2 by CodyWillardPor CodyWillard
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Here is the transcript to this week's Trading With Cody Q&A Conference Call. Cody: Welcome to the first ever old-fashioned telephone conference call for Trading With Cody.Let's start with today’s news: Everyone is looking at the healthcare bill. Will it be passed or not? What will the market’s reaction be to it after it is or is not passed?Feet to …
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Cody Willard and John Mooney discuss Trump vs Clinton, Bank Bailouts and more. Is The Donald part of the establishment? Which candidate is better for the markets.Por CodyWillard
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Cody Willard interviews Tim Sykes about trading penny stocks, why you have to avoid the scams that so often plague penny stocks and much more.Por CodyWillard
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Stepping back and looking at the broader economic trends, the anecdotal data from my NYC whirlwind trip and the replies I got — my analysis continues to point to this economy being stronger than the consensus expects it is and most signs currently point to the economy continuing to expand, with some acceleration in the employment numbers too.Given …
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Todd Harrison joins Cody Willard to talk about life, business, politics, Presidential Election and much more. Find out Todd's favorite stock, how the stock market used to "rhyme" and who he's (not) voting for. Find Todd Harrison, Cody Willard and other successful traders on or on the Scutify apps.…
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The Smart Phone Revolution is dead. Long live the Smart Phone Revolution.There's a rising backlash against the smartphone dominant culture we find ourselves living in these days and that backlash is finally catching steam. I read an article today called "We've reached peak smartphone" and it captures some of the smartphone angst that's growing ever…
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Tech investing legend and Venture Capitalist Brian Gallo talks about how he's become so successful investing in tech, how he lost so much money in Twitter and where his next big investment will be.Por CodyWillard
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Over the next few years, virtual reality will carve out its own niche in the consumer electronics space if it can just prove to both consumers and investors that it is not a fad that will disappear and never be adopted by the mass market.Por CodyWillard
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Despite all my harsh criticisms and outright anger over bailouts, corporatist government policies, a race to devalue our nation's currency, zero percent interest rates enabling public debt creation that our grandchildren will have to pay back and so on...For the last twenty years, I've often written and said on TV that "There's never been a better …
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Patience with our investing and our money can be the key to long-term success. Here's a great quote from investing legend BenjaminGraham to start out today's report:"People who invest make money for themselves; people who speculate make money for their brokers."There's a time and place for being aggressive, for trading, for using options, for betti…
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What sector and what stocks will be targets as tech M&A heats up; virtual reality stock picks' what's up with IBM and AI; how will Hillary vs Trump impact the stock market; and why I'm running for President as a write-in candidate for 2016.Por CodyWillard
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Here's a complete run down of the Virtual Reality sector, including the best and brightest and a few dark horse stocks to invest in.Por CodyWillard
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Brian Bain from Investor in the Family asked me to join him on his podcast to talk about my new report, Everything You Need to Know About Negative Interest Rates. Here's the full interview where we hit on what negative interest rates are, why the Fed will always do what the big banks tell it to, why the economy and stock markets will have to underg…
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Nobody ever believed that such a crazy concept as “Negative Interest Rates” could exist in the real world, and certainly not in developed economies around the world simultaneously. But such is reality today.Negative interest rates and negative interest rate policies (“NIRP”, not to be confused with 0% interest rate policies or “ZIRP”), where a cent…
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The most important part of $AAPL’s earnings is this, as it underscores how big the Apple Ecosystem has become: Apple has more than 1 billion devices online — something it’s never revealed before. What you need to know about investing in Apple for the long-term. A Facebook earnings preview and what would make me buy Twitter?…
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Why the Fed is going to cut rates and bring back QE and what that means for the market. I outline the most likely scenario for the near-term market direction, and have a new trade to help profit from it. And much more in this four page report on the global and US economies, the stock market set-up and how to position yourself now.…
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I used to poke fun all the time at the permabears for not being able to recognize the boom times for what they were, say from 2010 to 2015. Peak oil, unemployment, valuations, currency wars, and China were always their reasons for pending Armageddon. Now though, here in 2016, peak oil is proven silly, deflation is real, currency wars are real and C…
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A few themes run through my new ebook called "Stocks Wanted for 2016" that are worth noting. First, despite all the carnage in the last few months in a lot of individual stocks, there isn’t but a handful of stocks rated 7/10 or higher in the book. In my own personal portfolio, I own about a dozen names and have a handful of short positions. My long…
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It's about to get even worse for satellite companies and the traditional broadcast television business model. Why? Look at the NFL and Howard Stern.Por CodyWillard
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Why gold might be topped out near-term but is probably going up 5-10 fold over my lifetime. Why biotech is in a bubble and about to crash. Why Facebook remains the best app company on the planet and more.Por CodyWillard
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People ask me all the time if the reason I am so bearish on companies that lean on the taxpayer to fund their businesses like Wells Fargo and other too big to fail banks or even Tesla is because I'm taking a moral stance against corporate welfare. The answer is no. I am an opportunist with my money and my investing/trading. And anyway, every single…
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