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Phoebe carried Paul's letter to the Romans and he commended her for her service, asking that they receive her with hospitality. He also greeted other friends in Rome, including Priscilla and Aquila, a couple who ministered together in many capacities. All through history couples have served the Lord together.…
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As Christians we have the liberty to do many things, although some people regard them as sinful. Smoking, drinking, dancing and many other activities are frowned on by some, although the Bible doesn't give clear direction on the matter. Nevertheless, if a "weaker" brother views it as wrong, according to his conscience, we need to make sure we don't…
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Christianity was never meant to be doctrine only, but also a way of living. Romans chapters 12-16 are all about application, how we transfer doctrine to our daily lives. We need to live a certain way based on what God has done for us – it’s not what we do but why we do it. Paul tells us to present our bodies as living sacrifices. This means all of …
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Israel has been disobedient and rebellious, and in some respects was cast aside when the Gospel was given to the Gentiles and the Jews didn't believe. But that does not mean God is done with Israel. As the Gentiles were grafted into the Jewish olive tree, so too will the Jews be grafted back in at some time in the future. Israel is still loved and …
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Some people believe that the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 marked the end of Israel as God’s chosen people. Not so. God has not cast away His people but promised a covenant with them forever. Paul’s conversion was a sign that God had not abandoned Israel and today’s Messianic Jews are a living demonstration of His covenant. These Jews are God’…
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Paul explains that even though Israel was the people of promise that not all Israel has been chosen and those Gentiles who have been born again are actually spiritually Israel. God is sovereign and can do what He wills, and has chosen people apart from human expectations. Election is based on grace and not race.…
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Earlier in Romans 8 Paul declares four spiritual freedoms we enjoy because of Christ: freedom from judgment; from defeat; from discouragement; and from fear. We can have a fear of losing God’s love but we are secure in the love of Christ. Paul gives us five immutable facts: God is for us; Christ died for us; God has justified us; Jesus and the Holy…
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Romans 8, verses 28-30, deals with a topic that has been divisive for centuries: are we predestined to be believers in Christ or does it depend on us? On the one hand, Calvinism says it’s all up to God. We are predestined to believe and when called we do. Arminianism says it’s up to the individual to make their own decision about salvation. Of cour…
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This is one of the most-beloved verses in the Bible. However, it’s not a universal truth for all mankind but only for those who love God. The Father and the Spirit will work all things – the good as well as the bad – together for our good but this might be our character, perseverance, hope, genuineness of faith, etc. and might have nothing to do wi…
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Jeff Patterson, pastor of Renew Church in Oregon City, and the guest speaker at the Men's Muster, teaches today on Psalm 44. We often question our own experiences vs. the reality of God. God is faithful but we often don't recognize His faithfulness. If we’re honest, we ask God “why?” We can become disappointed, feel forsaken, and have difficulty tr…
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We have been bought with a price and owe nothing to the world, so why would we serve the flesh? If we live by the flesh we will die; if we die to the flesh we will live. We need to put the old (fleshly) man to death and mortify, or kill, the fleshly deeds. Mortification is not 1) perfection; 2) deceiving others about your sin; 3) improvement toward…
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One can either live according to the flesh or set their mind on things of the Spirit. A fleshly mind results in death; a spiritual mind results in life. If you have been born again and have the Holy Spirit inside you, your mind should be set on the things of God.Por Rory Rodgers
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Advent is a season of hope, but it’s a different hope than the hope the world has. The world’s hope is nothing more than wishful thinking. Biblical hope is the trust and confidence that we have in God, knowing He’s forever true and will keep His promises. It is this latter hope that kept the Israelites going, and God provided for them as they had n…
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Because we have a sin nature, even though we have Christ in our lives - and the Holy Spirit - we still do wrong. Paul said he doesn't do what he should and does what he shouldn't. If Paul had this internal struggle, we shouldn't feel bad if we do as well, because we will, and do. However, as we grow in Christ, our struggles will lessen and more and…
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There are three types of "believers": Those who keep the law and become legalistic Christians (are married to the Law); those who totally reject the law because they're covered by grace and live as they want; and those who recognize they're saved by grace, are in love with Jesus, and keep the law (Christian living) out of their "marriage" to the Lo…
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Justification places us in a status as having never sinned, and there are six blessings that come from this: 1) We have peace with God. We’re no longer at war with Him;. 2) We stand in grace. It’s like having a backstage pass to be in the presence of the Lord; 3) We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God – a hope-filled certainty; 4) We have glory…
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It doesn’t matter if you’re “pagan” or “righteous” (appearing), we’re all guilty and salvation for all is only by grace through faith. There are two sides: the law, which says “you must,” “you will;” and the promise, which says “I (God) will,” “have faith”, “believe.” The law promotes sin because If you know it’s wrong you want to do it all the mor…
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