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There is such incredible power in God’s Word! Power to change. Power to make an impact in this world. That’s what Christianityworks is all about – in depth teaching straight out of God’s Word. Join Berni Dymet as he opens God's Word to discover what God has to say into your life, today.
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FRESH is a Daily Devotional taking you deeper into God's Word + closer to Jesus. Each devotion will have a powerful Scripture verse, together with some words of inspiration, hope and encouragement. It’s all about helping you hear from God so that you can live in a rich, dynamic, powerful relationship with Jesus. God’s Word. Fresh, for you, each day.
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God has a habit of wanting to speak right into the circumstances that we’re travelling through here and now; the very issues that we each face in our everyday lives. Everything from dealing with difficult people … to discovering how God speaks to us; from overcoming stress … to discovering your God-given gifts and walking in the calling that God has placed on your life And that’s what these daily 10 minute A Different Perspective messages are all about.
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show series
When we have a need – a real need – something we can’t do or fix or resolve for ourselves – what we need, is a helping hand. And of we get that helping hand – the person who’s attached to that hand, well, they go up in our estimation. They earn the right to say things that others can’t to us. Funny thing happens through a helping hand. Whenever the…
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Cleaning up your act, whatever act you’re needing to clean up in your life, is tough. Those old habits die hard. They just seem to want to cling to you and drag you down. Or is it just me? That process of cleaning up your act is what theologians refer to as “sanctification”. And out of His great love, that’s exactly what God’s calling us to do: 1 T…
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Many a time we know all too well that we’re falling short – that we need to do better here or there in our lives – but it’s so hard to have all your bases covered at once. Something, it seems, has to give. So you cut a corner here, make a compromise there, just to get by. And on top of everything, if you believe in Jesus … well, He demands obedienc…
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Have you ever met someone and … all they do is talk. They never seem to stop long enough to listen – only to figure out what they’re going to say next. They’re … well, boring. Sometimes I think though when we’re telling others about Jesus, we think we have to be like that – all talk. If only we could learn to preach with our ears. It never, never, …
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If someone believes in Jesus – they’re called to be an Ambassador of Christ. Now – the stock in trade of an Ambassador is diplomacy. But what does that mean and how do we use it – when God is making His appeal to a lost and hurting world – through us. Now I don't know about you but most of us have blind spots. In fact the reason they're called blin…
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Question: If God forgives us our sin through Jesus’ sacrifice on that blood-drenched Cross, do we then need to change the way we live, turn away from our sin that alienated us from God in the first place … or is His sacrifice more than sufficient? That’s a question that many who believe in Jesus studiously avoid. After all, if God’s forgiveness is …
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Anyone who believes in Jesus – is also meant to be an Ambassador of Christ. Now – that’s not an easy role. Sometimes being Ambassador requires some tough talk. Other times it’s about diplomacy – the question is, knowing when to call a spade a spade, and when to be more … circumspect. One of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen as a Christian…
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Every now and then, it pays to go back to basics – both to ensure that we’re getting them right, and to remind ourselves of what’s truly important. And the single most important thing of all is how you’re going to spend your eternity because eternity is a very, very long time. It never ends. Now this is something that God is very clear on; that whe…
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The reason that so many people who believe in Jesus are struggling is, quite frankly, because they’re not men and women of God’s Word. They don’t take God’s Word seriously. Well, today, that’s something we need to deal with, because there is such an incredible blessing waiting for you, in God’s Word! God's Work Takes Time Waiting for something that…
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The idea of living a victorious life is a seductive one, but also one that’s easy to misconstrue in an age where success has become the holy grail of human existence. It’s all too easily to imagine that victory is about winning at everything, when God has a completely different and much more powerful take on what a victorious life truly looks like.…
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Empathy is one of the most poignant and powerful expressions of love known to humanity. Being there for someone, aching with them, or indeed celebrating with them, just speaks love like nothing else. Yep, empathy’s a wondrous thing. And yet in the daily cut and thrust of life, as you’re trying to do all that you have to get done, dealing with your …
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There’s nothing worse than a hypocrite. One of the things we’re called to be, if we believe in Jesus, is Ambassadors of Christ. But if how we live our lives – what we say, what we do – if our lives don’t measure up – then what sort of Ambassadors are you and I going to make? When people look at us – what do they see? An Ambassador, or a hypocrite? …
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When you see a man walking down the street with a bunch of flowers, do you ever wonder why he bought them? Out of a spontaneous act of love, for a special occasion … or as an act of contrition? Scenario: husband and wife argue. He realises he’s been a bit of an oaf, so he buys her some flowers after work to make it up to her. How many times has tha…
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Have you ever wondered why sometimes the joy you once had, the joy you believe God wants you to have, seems to have evaporated? Poof, gone! It’s almost as though God’s deserted you. Look, sometimes He will take a step back to give us what feels like the rather dubious honour of having a wilderness experience – because that’s where our character is …
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Imagine having a job where you had to try to convince people of something you yourself didn’t really believe. That’d be a tough gig don’t you think. And yet that’s how many a Christian feels about telling others about Jesus. Because they themselves haven’t been convinced that He really makes a difference in their lives – on the inside – how can the…
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When you stop and think about it, we know instinctively that our actions flow directly out of what’s going on in our heart. The problem is, all too often, we don’t stop and think about it. So, when was the last time you were cranky. Why? What triggered it? Doubtless some stupid little thing that really didn’t matter, but still you reacted to it bas…
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Most of the people who believe in Jesus have a sense that part of that involves sharing their faith – sharing their Jesus – with other people. That somehow we’re meant to be Ambassadors of Christ. But you look around at the culture in which we live, and you have to ask yourself – does anyone really want to know? How do I share the Good News of Jesu…
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When we head down the wrong path, when we know that what we’ve done is wrong, we instinctively want to run and hide from God. Crazy, right? Yet that’s exactly what we try to do. You’ve been there, I’ve been there – we’ve both had that instinctive reaction and so we know that trying to sweep things under the carpet, hoping that God won’t notice, onl…
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Many a Christ follower has this feeling that something is missing. Oh – they may well be warming a pew on Sundays … but is their life really making an eternal difference here on earth? Jesus said something outrageous – He said that we would end up doing things even greater than the things He did while He was on the Earth. Question is: Did He mean t…
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Most of us are immersed in the cultures in which we live. And that’s as it should be. But there’s a risk for the person who believes in Jesus, in getting to thinking that they’re a local … a citizen of this earth. They’re not – they’re a citizen of Heaven and what’s more, an Ambassador of Christ. Right now and depending on how you count some of the…
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With all that’s going on around the world, many of us are asking ourselves – when is all this evil going to end? And that’s not, by any stretch, an unreasonable question. When will it end? Why does a God of love allow all this warmongering with so many innocent victims, many of them children, being killed, maimed, traumatised? Why are the rich gett…
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If only we realised the power of our words. I heard someone say once that words are containers of power. The things we say to others can either bring life or death, truly. I was watching a speaker on YouTube recently talking about this very thing. He told the story of his best friend who’d always sought his father’s approval. But Dad was a hard tas…
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Sometimes it’s hard to remember that God is good, when life simply isn’t. In fact, sometimes it’s downright impossible. That’s why God is revealing His goodness every moment of every day, through His Word. God is Good So life is going along ok I guess, with its ups and downs, but something doesn’t quite feel right. You’re not completely happy with …
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What do you do when you find yourself in a tough spot feeling completely alone? Come on! What do you do? Do you just suffer your way through it alone? Or do you reach out to God? That feeling of loneliness when you’re down in a deep dark hole is way more common than you’d think. R.C. Sproul was a prominent 20th century theologian, pastor and broadc…
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Life is mostly just about doing the same things day after day. As a wise mentor of mine likes to say, some days you just have to plod for God. But every now and then, you hit a brick wall. So what do you do when that happens (and not necessarily some great existential crisis, but just some practical problem that you don’t even imagine God would be …
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Have you ever found yourself in two minds over something. Perhaps this, but on the other hand, that. Hmm. This or that? This or that? Will I or won’t I? Sure, it’s good to way things up, but sometimes, we can take procrastination and turn it into an art form. Okay, today it’s time to call a spade a spade. Fact: Most of the people who say that they …
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I have yet to meet someone who enjoys being disciplined; who loves it when someone else pulls them up for how they’re behaving. How about you? A good many people – and I number among them – are self-disciplined. We somehow have this knack of reigning ourselves in, in certain areas of our life. I, for instance, am good at getting up very early each …
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So, here’s a question? Would you like to be wiser than your enemies? Oh, you do have enemies. We all do. But do you want to have real wisdom in dealing with them; God’s wisdom; more wisdom than them? If so, you’re in the right place. I remember back in the days when I worked as a consultant in the corporate world, the brutality of office politics w…
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Sometimes other people seem to want to do things in their own good time, a time that doesn’t fit with our timetable. It’s incredibly frustrating isn’t it? And sometimes, sometimes God wants to do His things in His good time too. Then what? Waiting for something that you really want, waiting and waiting and waiting, is incredibly hard. Particularly …
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Have you ever wondered whether people notice that you’re different? With a gentleness perhaps, kindness, humility, warmth … wisdom. Or don’t they get that vibe from you? That’s challenging, especially if you call yourself “a Christian”. After all, you should be different. And that difference comes down, let me say it even if you don’t want to hear …
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Whenever you or I feel pain, our immediate response is to do whatever we can to stop the pain. It’s natural response. It’s the way we’re programmed. But just as an athlete improves stamina and performance by pushing their bodies beyond the limit, so God sometimes does that with us. Let me be perfectly honest with you. I hate pain: Physical pain, em…
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If we’re going to be completely honest with ourselves, a good many of the things we desire in this world are selfish, misguided … just plain wrong. And come on, that selfishness is hard to put down. Have you ever wanted to get the better of someone, simply because they annoyed you? Or wanted more money, when, really, you have more than enough and s…
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When you picture God, what is it that comes to mind? What’s He like? If you had to rattle off three adjectives to describe God, what would those three adjectives be? The reason I ask, is that our impression of God, your impression of God, has a lot to do with how you live your life. So life is going along ok I guess, with its ups and downs, but som…
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Most of us have a pretty good sense of the difference between right and wrong. And so we set about trying to do more right than wrong. Just a little bit more right. Just a little bit less wrong. Hopefully, that’ll do it. Imagine for a moment that you have to have a cancerous growth removed. So, would you like the surgeon to remove part of it or all…
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Peace is about more than dealing with the stuff that happens to you – the people, the circumstances, the challenges … all those externalities. It also involves being comfortable in your own skin; understanding and relishing your place in the universe. Self-worth is an essential part of experiencing the peace that God wants to give you. And yet, whe…
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If only the going was always easy. But life’s not like that. Sometimes we have to travel through difficult times. Times that test our patience, our endurance and our faith. And it’s right in the middle of those times that God’s Word holds the answers that we need to make it through. Life Wasn't Meant to be Easy These days, it’s a bit unpopular for …
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Okay, so how do you actually experience the stillness, the calmness, the peace of God – which He absolutely wants you to do – when the hurly-burly of life constantly crashes over you like waves along a shoreline? How do you do that for real? I’m a rubber-hits-the-road kind of guy. The reason our ministry is called “Christianityworks” is that Christ…
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Day-to-day, let me ask you, what drives your thinking? What causes you to do what you do; to be who you are? Most people, if they’re honest, would have to say … their circumstances, the people around them, the places in which they find themselves. All too often we become who we are because of the things we’re reacting to. Think about it. If you gre…
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So often we struggle to do the right thing. Or is it just me? I see people try and try and try to honour God and fail. Trying just isn’t going to do it. What we need first, is a change of heart. If I were to ask you today, what is the one thing that you’re focussing on at the moment, what would that be? What’s the biggest thing going on in your hea…
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It’s one thing to obey God when everything’s going along just fine, but it’s another thing entirely to live a life of obedience when you’re under pressure. And yet, it’s in those difficult times that the power of God’s Word has its greatest impact. These days, it’s a bit unpopular for someone like me to be talking about obedience to God’s Word. It’…
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Here’s a blunt, inconvenient truth: your attitude towards the difficult people in your life can either maintain your sense of God’s peace or rob you of it. No, your peace isn’t contingent on their behaviour. Rather, it depends on how you choose to respond. Blunt yes, but absolutely true. That may or may not be what you want to hear. It’s so easy to…
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So many things in life can rob you of your peace. But right up there at the top of the list are our relationships. Those difficult people. The conflict. A sharp word, or even a sideward glance, can shatter your peace in an instant. You know how it goes. You roll out of bed with all the best intentions of having a good day, of living in the peace an…
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Sometimes, let’s be honest about it, we can be incredibly spiritually thick. God puts something right under our noses and we miss it completely. Come on, it’s true isn’t it? So perhaps it’s time to get a revelation of the blindingly, glimpsingly obvious. You know, it never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to ignore the things that we’re taught. I …
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The stuff that life throws at us sometimes can be downright terrifying. Other times, it just seems to grind us down. Either way, what we really need is peace. Where, pray tell, do you find that? When the stuff of life attacks the very fibre of your being, peace seems impossible to lay hold of. How can you have inner peace when your finances are cru…
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Heart disease, in most countries these days, is the number one killer. But as much as our physical heart can fail us, what’s going on in the heart of your soul – well, that can either fill you with life, or rob you of it. So let me ask you, today, right here, right now, what do you have going on in your heart? If you’re a parent, you’ll know what i…
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How many times have you heard, “read your Bible more”? Well? You know you should, but, hey … life is busy. It’s hard to understand. You have enough to deal with … without someone heaping another burden on your back, right?! I know you’ve heard it all before. You should read your Bible more; we get that, but for many people, it’s a chore. When you h…
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Deception is all around us these days. Whilst editors and journalists have been putting their own spin on the so-called news for years, these days, because fake news is rampant, it’s becoming more and more difficult to spot the truth amidst all the lies. And it’s not just in the world of news and information that we have this problem – it happens i…
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There’s nothing worse than a whinger, is there? Someone who’s constantly complaining about everything as though the world owes them. Nothing’s ever good enough. No one’s ever good enough. Life just stinks. So let me ask you, how much do you enjoy being around someone like that? If you see them heading toward you, you try to cross the road to avoid …
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Sometimes the blindingly, glimpsingly obvious isn’t all that obvious, but here it is anyway: Men and women of God’s Word, men and women who actually read their Bibles, end up living a much more powerful, much more victorious, much more fulfilling life than those who don’t. It’s obvious, you’d think. The Way to God’s Blessing I know you’ve heard it …
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So, what are you hoping for in your immediate future? Doubtless some good things, yeah? And perhaps a blessed release from the pressures and problems of today. But things don’t always work out that way, do they? You have to laugh sometimes. People get suckered in by scams on social media that promise to predict their future. I saw one posted recent…
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