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這個頻道想要跟大家分享Remix歌曲的過程,或是聊聊創作的想法,Hardstyle是我們Dreamer其中之一喜歡的風格,透過音樂與更多朋友們交流,是我們的夢想,因此將創作的第一個作品命名為「The Dream」。 This channel wants to share the process of remix songs, or talk about composition process. Hardstyle is one of our favorite styles. It is our dream to connect with more friends through music, so we created the first one work is named “The Dream”. 🤝合作邀約Cooperation : 💰贊助本頻道Sponsor : 🔎IG : 🔎Twi ...
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這次要介紹的曲風是上集有提到過的Rawstyle,同樣是Hardstyle底下的子曲風。此曲風BPM是150~160,大多集中在155左右,在Hardstyle子曲風中,算是偏硬的子曲風,Rawstyle的特色在於那鮮明的Screech音色,以及帶有一點失真的強硬鼓組,最重要的是他的Kick Roll,Kick Roll有點類似流行歌曲中的過門鼓,通常鼓組會打的相當急促,對Rawstyle來說,有好的鼓跟Kick Roll即是Rawstyle的重要核心元素。以旋律上來說,Rawstyle寫的較為激昂,而每位製作人還是會做出各具特色的歌曲感覺,那就請聽眾朋友們聽聽看!如果有喜歡記得按下訂閱我們的頻道,或留言分享按讚評分唷! 🤝合作邀約Cooperation : Hardwav3rz@gmail…
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這次的曲風是Rawphoric Hardstyle,同樣是Hardstyle底下的子曲風。此曲風BPM是150~160左右,是由上一次介紹的Euphoric Hardstyle和之後會介紹到的Rawstyle的混合體,將Euphoric Hardstyle的旋律性融合Rawstyle的鼓組,這就是Rawphoric Hardstyle的誕生,而此類曲風常用元素跟Euphoric Hardstyle差不多,有些人會將Rawphoric Hardstyle一併合稱為Euphoric Hardstyle。但Rawphoric Hardstyle有可能會加上Rawstyle的Screech音色,而Screech是一種較為尖銳的高頻音色,通常會寫的很急促。Rawphoric Hardstyle跟Eup…
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這次要介紹的曲風是Euphoric Hardstyle,是Hardstyle底下的子曲風。此曲風同樣是4/4拍為主的音樂,跟前面介紹的曲風比起來,BPM更快了一些,大多是150~160左右,年代再早一點的歌曲可能會是148左右。元素主要是使用合成器的音色,而每位製作人的音色都會不一樣,還有搭上鋼琴、一些弦樂器,再依歌曲配上不同的人聲,而Hardstyle的精髓在於Kick,每個製作人製作出的Kick都不一樣,有時為了製作一個好的Kick,可能就會花好幾個小時喔!Euphoric Hardstyle顧名思義,在Hardstyle子曲風中,帶給人較為愉悅、放鬆的感覺,而不會太強硬。這類曲風也較吃重情緒,那就請聽眾朋友們聽聽看!如果有喜歡記得按下訂閱我們的頻道,或留言分享按讚評分唷! 🤝合作邀約C…
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這次要介紹的曲風是Uplifting Trance,是Trance底下的子曲風。Trance這類曲風的節奏,跟House一樣是4/4拍,但跟House的BPM不一樣。關於BPM,在這邊簡單說明一下,BPM的全名是Beats Per Minute,是一分鐘有幾拍的意思。前幾集介紹的House各曲風,BPM大多是120~130左右,而Uplifting Trance則多為136~140左右。元素主要跟上次介紹的Progressive House差不多,都使用合成器的音色,還有鋼琴、一些弦樂器,但配上更為柔和的人聲,因此Uplifting Trance帶給人的感覺較為明亮、愉悅、溫和的感覺,同時有Trance曲風中迷幻的特色。跟Progressive House相比起來,Uplifting Tra…
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這次要介紹的曲風是Progressive House,一樣是House的分支曲風。這類風格的歌曲中每一段都有不同的元素進行逐漸變化,因此叫做Progressive House。元素主要使用合成器的音色,還有鋼琴、一些弦樂器,配上較為柔和的人聲,有時候也融入了一點點Trance元素,而關於Trance的曲風之後也會介紹給各位喔!因此Progressive House帶給人較為明亮、愉悅、溫和的感覺,在House的子曲風中是屬於比較注重在情緒上的風格,因此在情緒鋪陳的部分相當講究喔!這集同樣有小小分享歌曲接點的想法,那就請聽眾朋友們聽聽看!如果有喜歡記得按下訂閱我們的頻道,或留言分享按讚評分唷! 🤝合作邀約Cooperation : 💰贊助本頻道Spon…
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這次要介紹的曲風是Future House,同樣是House的分支曲風。至於前面Future這個字,一開始創詞的人說明,它應屬於任何未被發明的House音樂。即使如此,後來Future House還是成為流派之一,而起初Future House使用Bass寫旋律,與上集介紹同樣用Bass寫旋律比較沈重的Bass House,Future House的感覺就相對柔和。而近幾年Future House底下又出現一個分支叫做Future Bounce,跟Future House不一樣的是,Future Bounce的旋律改為使用合成器的音色組成,而Bass聲音會跟著旋律一起出現,給人一種比較跳動的感覺,所以才稱為Future Bounce。另外,這集有小小分享這次歌曲接點的想法,那就請聽眾朋友們聽…
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這次要介紹的曲風Bass House,跟前兩集一樣,是House底下的分支曲風,那它的鼓組結構如何呢?沒錯!也就同樣是簡單的4/4拍。而Bass House風格是屬於較為黑暗一點,它讓人有這樣的感覺,在於歌曲使用大多較為沈重、暗黑的元素的,另外這類曲風往往會用渾厚的Bass寫旋律,而這個特色也因此讓它被稱為Bass House。而每首Bass House也會各自用不同的Bass聲去組成旋律,另外,因為Bass House感受上不會太柔,也不會太嗨,所以是常用來準備銜接到Big Room的曲風喔!那就請聽眾朋友們聽聽看!如果有喜歡記得按下訂閱我們的頻道,或留言分享按讚評分唷! The music style introduced in this episode of Podcast is Ba…
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這次要介紹的曲風為Bounce,也是House底下的分支曲風,鼓組結構因此同樣大多為簡單的4/4拍。而Bounce有跟上次介紹的分支曲風Big Room有類似的特色,擁有簡單、洗腦的旋律之外,它最大的特色就是鼓後的Bass會出現在反拍上,帶給聆聽者一整個跳動的感覺,正因為這獨特之處,才被稱之為Bounce,而有些人說的「土嗨」其實就是指Bounce,關於「土嗨」一詞如果聽眾朋友們不了解,之後再來分享介紹歐!那事不宜遲先請聽眾朋友們聽聽看這類的歌曲!如果有喜歡記得按下訂閱我們的頻道,或留言分享按讚評分喔! The music style introduced in this episode of Podcast is Bounce, a branch of House. The rhythm …
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這次分享介紹的曲風是House中的Big Room,House是相當常見的電子音樂曲風,鼓組結構往往是簡單的4/4拍,而Big Room是House底下的分支曲風。它的特色是擁有簡單、洗腦的旋律、芭樂的音色,鼓後會帶有較厚的Bass,而稍後的Podcast曲目主要都是Big Room,但其中參雜了Bounce、Hard Trap的曲風元素,這些曲風元素之後也會再跟聽眾朋友們分享介紹歐!那就請聽眾朋友們聽聽看!如果有喜歡記得按下訂閱我們的頻道,或留言分享按讚評分唷! The music style introduced in this episode of Podcast is Big Room, a branch of House. House is a common electronic …
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這是我們的第一部Podcast,這個頻道想要將Hardstyle這種曲風介紹給更多朋友們認識,跟大家聊聊創作的想法,或是Remix歌曲的過程,如同去年創作的第一個作品命名為The Dream,就當作夢想起點的實踐. This channel wants to share the process of remix songs, or talk about composition process. Hardstyle is one of our favorite styles. It is our dream to connect with more friends through music, so we created the first one work is named “The Dre…
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This is a live recording of my set at the recent Corium 2019 which was the main event in the Brisbane Leather Festival. Full playlist as follows: 1. My Air (Original Mix) Offer Nissim Pres. Deborah Cox. 2. Is That A Pistol? (Sgt Slick Remix) Mark James 3. Reach The Sky (StoneBridge & Damien Hall Extended Mix) Fadi Awad ft Addie Nicole 4. Don't Be S…
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Welcome to my latest podcast aptly named Soar, as it is packed full of uplifting new anthems from todays HOT artists, to send your spirits soaring. Full playlist is as follows. 1. Blur (Felix Cartal Remix) MØ 2. Heaven (Clean Extended) Avicii 3. I'm A Mess (BPM Supreme Dance Pop Remix) (Clean Extended) Bebe Rexha 4. The Same Way (Clean Extended) Do…
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Hello to all lovers of Eurovision, here is my latest podcast and it is full of all the best remixes of the best of Eurovision from the past 20 years or so. Not necessarily only the winners, but songs that should have won, as they have left a big impression (well on me anyways. haha), so here it is, so sit back, get the glitter out, grab a glass of …
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Welcome to my latest podcast which is a live recording from my most recent Bootco gig here in Brisbane. It features the latest house music plus a few oldies, but it's a funky feel good mix. It also features my new podcast logo DM (my initials) inside the House Icon. Enjoy my new house mix. Full playlist is as follows: 1. Supergirl (Alle Farben Club…
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This is the 2nd part of my Q Anthems podcast. It's full of hands in the air uplifting tracks, starting with the Spice Girls and ending with Pet Shop Boys, so I guess you will not be surprised by what comes in between. lol. I selected the tracks that you would have likely heard played at most LGBTI venues or Pride Events during the past 20 years or …
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Starting with the iconic, "I Never Knew" by Gloria Gaynor, this sets the mood for this 2 part podcast of selected classic "gay" or "queer" anthems from the last 20 years or so. Full playlist as follows: 1. I Never Knew (Hex Hector Club Mix) Gloria Gaynor 2. Reach for the stars (Almighty mix) S Club 7 Almighty Mix 3. My Love Is Your Love (Jonathan P…
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Welcome to my latest podcast of fresh new tunes for my Aussie followers or Winter tunes for my northern hemisphere followers. If you are like me and have experienced a rough 2018, here's hoping 2019 will be much more kinder year for us all, and lets all Lick It, instead of it licking us. Playlist is as follows 1. I Need (Original Mix) Wilkinson ft.…
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Welcome to Sweat, my latest podcast which is a mix of dirty tribal sexy beats, that is sure to get you all hot and sweaty. So turn on the air conditioning, get a cold drink and gather your mates around you and Party. Playlist as follows: 1. Gingersnap (Gingersnap (Original Mix)) Piemont 2. Bozami (EP) (Bozami (Original Mix)) Arkane (UK) 3. Guettin …
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Welcome to Journey, my latest podcast which is over 2.5 hrs of soaring uplifting magical trance. So sit back, get comfy and get ready to transported to another realm. Full playlist is below 1. Magnum Opus Vol.1 (Intro) Sound Apparel 2. Magnum Opus Vol.1 (Serenity (2016 Remaster)) Sound Apparel 3. Fly To New York (Above & Beyond vs. Jason Ross Club …
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Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, I am back doing my first love Music again, and also doing live DJ gigs and this is my brand spanking new podcast. Full of lots of hot new tracks with some great new artists to keep an eye on. I hope you all enjoy Rise Again, and it's great to be back. Please like on iTunes and please make comments if you downlo…
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This is my latest podcast that I have been working on for quite some time and it only contains all my own original remixes or my own mash up creations, and it also contains my most popular tracks and my very best and latest work which I am so very proud to include as most of my followers and supporters will not have not heard much of this before. I…
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Welcome to my latest podcast which is a mix of all my fav tracks of the moment, including my fav In My Blood by local Brissie girls, The Veronica's. This is my own extended remix and hence why I also used it as my theme for this podcast. playlist as follows: 1. I Was Wrong (Robin Schulz Remix Clean) Arizona 2. New Times Ahead (Original Mix) Larsson…
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My latest lounge mix of cool new lounge/ambient tunes. playlist as follows: 1. Let Me Take You (On A Journey) (Fantasy Voyager Rework) Van Bellen 2. Finally (Holter & Mogyoro Remix) Sweed, Jalana 3. Love & Happiness (Emergency ft. Nick Tart (Original Mix)) Oxen Butcher ft. Lisa Eaton 4. Okinawa Original Mix- Techtowerq 5. Spaceship (Extended Mix) C…
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As we near the end of 2015, here is a very special podcast, with lots of fabulous new tracks which is the perfect mix to party with this New Years and beyond. It's a mix with Disco Disco Disco but with a modern twist, so put on your dancing shoes and get ready to party. Featuring latest tracks by Kylie, Sia, Adele, Lady Gaga and more. Thank you all…
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Welcome to my latest podcast called Bubbles as it was recorded at a recent Foam Party I played at and which I played a set of hands in the air party anthems. Full track list is below but this mix also includes my original remix of Destiny by Markus Schulz feat Delacey but it has plenty of new tracks also. My fav new tracks are The Girl, Some Kind o…
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Welcome to my latest podcast, Favourites Volume 2. This mix is a collection of my all time favourite clubbing tracks, so it contains some classics. But it may also contain some surprises and hopefully some new tracks that you may never had heard before. It finishes with my fav new track from Above and Beyond which is destined to be a huge hit for t…
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It has been a few months since my last podcast and it's been a quiet period between gigs for me so I guess I have been lacking in motivation to pump out a new one until today, when I was the opening DJ for a new club here in Brisbane. This one contains quite a few new tracks and a few older ones that I only recently discovered. Offer Nissim who is …
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Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Still With Me (Suncatcher Remix) Hiroki Nagamine - Forever & Ever (Original Mix) SoundLift - Bravery (Original Mix) Luminary - Amsterdam (Super8 & Tab Remix) Super8 And Tab feat. Alyna - Delusion (Original Mix) Solarstone & Clare Stagg - Jewel (Daniel Kandi's Emotive Mix) Evbointh - One Wish (Daniel Kandi & Mark Andre…
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Well, here is my latest podcast and its back to what I love most, it's ultra camp and contains some old classics reborn for 2015. Highlights for me are brand new cover of Fleetwood Mac classic Sara by Stereolove from Melbourne but also Proud Mary by Julian Marsh, cool cover of Like A Prayer by Cassey Doreen and Sugar by Maroon 5. I hope you enjoy T…
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Hi and welcome to my latest podcast Dream. This is an euphoric and uplifting mix of soaring progressive/trance mix which features 2 of my most recent remixes, my All The Flowers D&M Remix of Sinead O'Connor classic Nothing Compares 2 U as well as a mash I made of Calling, by StereoJackers and Darren Hayes monster I Knew I Loved You. Full Playlist i…
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Hey #sydneytrancefam, it's time for this week's instalment of Sydney Trance. I will be at the helm this week with a recreation of my 5am closing set @ Progadelic. Big shouts out to everyone that made it down to support our amazing local talent and a special mention to those of you that rocked out with me until close. #trancefamily #psydney Tracklis…
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Welcome to my latest podcast, called Rise Above. We all have our challenges in life and we sometimes get hit by multiple ones all at once, and we have no option but to rise above these and to move on with our lives. I have made this podcast with the latest new tracks of many genres, starting off with a bit of house, and rising higher and higher unt…
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Hey #sydneytrancefam, it's time for this week's instalment of Sydney Trance. Up this week we have a special live guest mix, recorded live at ST pres Coming Soon on the 27.09.2014 @ Miind Nightclub, from Galaktik, Enjoy! Tracklist: Sorry no tracklist. Have you joined our FaceBook Group? Sydney Trance Scene Have you joined our FaceBook Page? Sydney T…
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Hey #sydneytrancefam, it's time for this week's instalment of Sydney Trance. Up this week we have a special live guest mix, recorded live at ST pres Coming Soon on the 27.09.2014 @ Miind Nightclub, from Pato De Gomah, Enjoy! Tracklist: Sorry no tracklist. Have you joined our FaceBook Group? Sydney Trance Scene Have you joined our FaceBook Page? Syd…
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Hey #sydneytrancefam, it's time for this week's instalment of Sydney Trance. Up this week we have a special live guest mix, recorded live at ST pres Coming Soon on the 27.09.2014 @ Miind Nightclub, from Mr ST, Zac Slade, Enjoy! Tracklist: Sorry no tracklist. Have you joined our FaceBook Group? Sydney Trance Scene Have you joined our FaceBook Page? …
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This is UP, my new podcast and it features new artists and new tracks and back to my normal uplifting fun style after getting dirty last month. I hope you enjoy this mix. Special mention of remix artists Kygo and Starmain who feature on this podcast and who continue to rock my world and my fav 2 tracks are by Example and Alexandra Burke. Enjoy Doug…
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Hey #sydneytrancefam, it's time for this week's instalment of Sydney Trance. Up this week we have a guestmix from our resident DJ, VJ & Graphic Designer Pato De Gomah. PDG has put together a 1 hour 20 guest mix for your listening pleasure. Enjoy! Tracklist: 1. Spencer Brown - Chalice (Original mix) 2. Evave - Falling in My Eyes (Original Mix) 3. Kr…
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Hey #sydneytrancefam, it's time for this week's instalment of Sydney Trance. Up this week we have a guestmix from Mr Versatile, TONTO. Tonto has put together a 1 hour guest mix for your listening pleasure. Enjoy! Tracklist: 1. Phaxe - Street lights (Original Mix) 2. Ticon - Hops of Hades (Original Mix) 3. Coming Soon - Become One (Interactive Noise…
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Hey Sydney Trance Family, It's time for this week's instalment of Sydney Trance. Up this week we have a Steve Ari. This is an absolute cracker of a mix so sit back relax and enjoy. Track list: valley of the kings - claudia cazacu the void - ReOrder, darren porter physical overdrive - johan gielen high on mel - astrix mad - coming soon, vini vici un…
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Hey Sydney Trance Fam, It's time for this week's instalment of Sydney Trance. Up this week we have a 2hr special courtesy of Brune aka BB from TrancenDence. This is an absolute cracker of a mix so sit back relax and enjoy. Track list: 1.Ilan Bluestone - Big Ben 2.Above & Beyond Feat. Richard Bedford - On My Way To Mariana Heaven (Above & Beyond Mas…
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Artist: Kabbage1977 Title of the Compilation: Trancetastic Mix 197. Date of Recording: [28/07/14] Time: 1:56:30 Bit Rate/File Format: 128 kbps Mp3 File Size: 114 MB Equipment Used: Pioneer CDJ 1000 Mk2/ DJM 600. Genre: Uplifting/ Progressive/ Tech Trance. Hello and good day! 2 hours! here we go, Trancetastic Mix 197 with Bonus Guest Session from Mi…
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Hey Sydney Trance Family, It's time for this week's instalment of Sydney Trance. Up this week we have the lovely and extremely talented Amy Parnell. Tune in this week to experience a side of Amy that few of us have had the chance to experience, her PSY Side! Track list: 1)Unseen dimensions, Shake- Wake Up 2) Astrix- Vicious Cycles (Symphonix Remix)…
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Hey Sydney Trance Family, This week's episode features a re-creation of my set from STpres. Will Atkinson Mainline tour. Enjoy. Make sure to join my Face Book Page: Zac Slade In other news we are now broadcasting from 12am to 1am every Friday Night on Beatz Radio FM 99.3. make sure to tune in. Track list: 1) Pleasurekreaft, Jaceo, Vedic - 313 Detro…
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Sydney Trance Family, It's time to get warm. Our good friend Will Atkinson aka Dark Boy has kindly put together this exclusive guest mix celebrating his Australian Debut. We can't wait to host this extremely talented Dj/Producer and thought you would enjoy a little taste of what to expect from his set @ The Civic Hotel Sydney on the 19th of July! L…
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Episode 3 of my monthly radioshow. Tracklist: Cold Blue - Black Rock (Original Mix) [Monster Force] Paul Rigel - Never Look Back (Original Mix) [Blue Soho] Andres Sanchez - Raw Nerve (Original Mix) [FSOE] Kaveh Azizi - Tabriz (Nick Callaghan Remix) [Monster Force] Johan Ekman - Rocking (Extended Mix) [In Trance We Trust] Steve Raw & The Pulsarix - …
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Here is my latest podcast of euphoric dance music, and its called Sunshine High, which was the winning name suggested by by follower Daniel Clapper. Enjoy this very special mix, highlights for me are the newbies by Chicane and Gareth Emery. full playlist is as follows: Everybody (Extended Mix) Mydca Magnetic EP (Magnetic (Original Mix)) Manufacture…
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Second episode of my monthly radioshow. Skywell - Pressure (Max Stealthy's Alive Remix)[Stories In Trance] Cold Rush - Dreamwalker (Original Mix) [Digital Society Recordings] Terry Kane, Tanya Baltunova - Another Way To Run (Mohamed Bahi's Driving Take Remix) [Magic Trance] Luke Terry - Ice Cap (Original Mix) [Monster Force] Paul Rigel - Ehrgeiz (O…
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