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Life In the Spirit

Holt Assembly of God

Join Pastor Jay Tyler and the congregation of Holt Assembly of God for the Life in the Spirit podcast. For more information about Holt Assembly of God please visit our website www.holtag.org or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
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Hier lernst du alles über deinen Körper, Geist und Seele. Hier sprechen wir über Entspannung, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Energiebehandlung. https://lifecoach-2-0.jimdosite.com
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Spirit of Life Ministries

Beatrice Jackson

Spirit of Life Ministries is an end-time ministry aimed at the born-again Believer, as well as people At-large. To the born-again Believer in order that we live in union with Christ. To people At-large that they come into a saving knowledge of God through His Son, Jesus Christ. Lastly, as a whole, for revival of our heart toward God and restoration of the soul. Disclaimer: Spirit of Life Ministries, Inc. is not a political platform; however, based on God's mandate on my life and this ministr ...
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Live Life in the Spirit

Pastor Penny Schulz and Kristen Scharrenberg

Join us, Pastor Penny Schulz and Kristen Scharrenberg, adventurers through the holy lands and warriors in Christ, as we explore the fascinating, the weird, the difficult, and the obscure while unpacking the Bible. Come and see as we dig into spiritual warfare and the fallen realm, aliens and UFOs, the Nephilim or Rephaim, prophecy, angels, giants and so much more! We promise to bring you joy, hope, inspiration, and intriguing, out-of-the box thinking, and ultimately salvation through Jesus C ...
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“Tabla Beyond Borders: Life, Spirit, and Rhythm with Ritesh Das” is a journey into the transformative world of tabla, led by acclaimed musician and cultural innovator, Ritesh Das. Through captivating stories, deep reflections, and engaging conversations, this podcast explores the art of tabla as a bridge that transcends borders, uniting cultures, fostering community, and connecting with life’s profound spiritual rhythms. Join Ritesh Das and his guests—musicians, students, cultural leaders, a ...
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All about life – Mindset, Spirit & Achtsamkeit

Seraphine Monien, Benedikt Heiming

Hier ist der offizielle Podcast des Sera Benia Verlags – mit über 100 Folgen für deine Selbstfindung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, für mehr Achtsamkeit, Authentizität und Leichtigkeit im Leben. In diesem Coaching-Podcast gewinnst du einen neuen, erfrischenden Blick auf dich selbst und deinen Alltag. Spiritual Life Coach Seraphine Monien und unser Creative Director Benedikt Heiming sprechen über die ganz normalen Themen des Lebens, über die großen und kleinen Herausforderungen und Probleme, ...
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The Listening Room is your home for relaxing inspiration on all things practical and spiritual for your spiritual growth. With regularly scheduled episodes, you'll learn about the benefits of meditation, energetic downloads, the eternal power of Spirit and how to better infuse it into you life. Subscribe and receive your direct downloads right into your iTunes.
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A Podcast for All Evolving Souls/Enlightened Ones. Astrology, Gematria, Numerology, Tarot, Occultism, Rituals, Psych, Metaphysics, Spiritism, Animism, Hidden History, Spiritual Encounters, Paranormal Research, Conspiracy Theories, Clairvoyant/Clairsentient/Psychic/Intuitive Messages, Law of Attraction, Past Lives, Animal Totems, I-Ching, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Health, African Spirituality, Voodoo, Santeria, Crystal Healing, Feng Shui, Herbalism, Shamanism, Meditation, Prayer ...
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Spirit and Life Franciscan Conferences Podcast

Franciscan University Conferences

Personal conversations about God's work in peoples' lives, in the Church and in the world. Joining host Mark Nehrbas from Franciscan University of Steubenville are many of the men and women who speak at Franciscan University's Summer Conferences. A weekly podcast from Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, USA.
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A Better Life With Spirit

Robert Hilliar & Annie Hilliar

Spirituality is powerful. It can turn the impossible into the possible. Emotions can be challenging. They can be the source of blockages from which there seems to be no escape. Yet with spiritually there is always a way to move forward. Sure there are times when getting back in flow feels impossible … because the limitations seem just too great to overcome. With spirit there are always solutions. These may be difficult in the beginning, but the eventual outcomes make it all worthwhile. These ...
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The Spirit of Life in Ibiza

The Spirit of Life in Ibiza Niaby Codd

Come and join me as I chew the fat with various guests, as we try to deconstruct some of the core beliefs of society that no longer serve us. Allow yourself to be taken on a journey that will enable a different train of thought to that which we have always been taught. Hear the words of wisdom that come through my connection to the higher source of spirit. Allow yourselves to be challenged, not only in order to see a path that will better serve your own needs but will also better serve the n ...
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show series
Send us a text Today we continue our dive into the alien and UFO phenomenon. We dig into one of the most well-known encounters in the United States, and ask the question of what really happened at Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947. We also explore why the government changed the story overnight about what happened and what was found, and to this d…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast we will be looking at the conclusion of 1 Corinthians Chapter 14 (v.v 22-40). Paul instructs the church in the proper order of the use of the vocal gifts in public assembly as well as proper order in a church service of its members.+++++++You can find more information on my website: htt…
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🧘‍♀️ Autogenes Training – der Weg zu mehr Ruhe und Gelassenheit 🧘‍♀️ Suchst du nach einer Methode, die dir hilft, Stress abzubauen und innerlich zur Ruhe zu kommen? Autogenes Training ist eine der effektivsten Techniken, um Körper und Geist in Einklang zu bringen – ganz ohne Hilfsmittel, überall und jederzeit. In dieser Folge von „All about life“ e…
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This is a continuation of the message “Restoring the Soul ofa Nation (pt 2).” God set several things in motion upon His divine reset on November 5, 2024; just to name a few. One, He began to expose and bring down the false idolatrous gods that tore at the fabric of our nation. Two, He began to re-establish Himself as the only One True and Living Go…
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God has a plan and purpose for your life, but the biggest obstacle is often ourselves. When we surrender our own desires, we can see, understand, and walk in God’s preferred future. Vision is the ability to perceive His plans and step forward in faith. It all begins in Christ—where we truly get out of our own way.…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast, we will be looking into 1 Corinthians Chapter 14 which covers the proper use of the vocal gifts, that is, The Gift of Prophecy, Diversities of Tongues and the Interpretation of Tongues. These three gifts of the Holy Spirit are valid, direly needed and profitable for the edification and…
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Send us a text Are aliens real? Does it matter? As a Christian, why should I care? Did you know that the existence of and encounters with "aliens" were recorded in ancient history? Today we are going to dive into all of this and more as we look at evidence from around the world and answer the question of whether or not there is something "out there…
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In this powerful episode of Life in the Spirit, Pastor Jay Tyler explores one of the most profound moments in Scripture—the prayer of the criminal on the cross. As Jesus hung between two criminals, one chose to mock Him while the other humbly recognized his need for salvation. With just a few simple words, “Jesus, remember me when You come into You…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Program we will be looking into 1 Corinthians 13 which is popularly called the "Love Chapter". There is no love that can be greater and more effective than the love of God.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https://pastorjohndunning.com/You can hear my personal testimony on this …
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We going to begin to look at another aspect of God’s divine reset; “Restoring the Soul of a Nation (pt 1).” In the Old Testament we read where kings that were in authority had an effect on an entire nation, for better or worse depending on that king. Likewise, today we in America have presidents that can have a positive or negative effect on an ent…
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In this episode of Life in the Spirit, we explore the incredible power of corporate prayer as seen in Acts 12, where the early church interceded for Peter while he was imprisoned. This passage reminds us that when the church prays together, miracles happen, strongholds are broken, and God’s purposes prevail.…
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🧘‍♀️ ACHTSAMER MINIMALISMUS – 44 TIPPS FÜR EIN BEWUSSTERES LEBEN 🧘‍♀️ Minimalismus bedeutet mehr als nur Dinge loszuwerden – es bedeutet Klarheit, Freiheit und mehr Raum für das, was wirklich zählt. Aber wie fängt man an? Mit 44 einfachen und alltagstauglichen Tipps zeigen wir dir, wie du minimalistisch und bewusst leben kannst. In dieser inspirier…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast, We will conclude our study of 1 Corinthians Chapter 12, which speaks to us of the unity of every member of the Body of Christ and how the Lord has set in the Church the ministry gifts of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers.+++++++You can find more information on my w…
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This is the last of the messages regarding God’sfoundational structure of the Body of Christ. What we build on sets our life on course, for the better or the worse. Therefore, it’s vital to the Body of Jesus Christ that we follow God’s spiritual blueprint for the building of His Church.In short, God is bringing reformation to the Body of Christ bas…
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Send us a text Today we continue our look at stargates, portals, and wormholes, and look more specifically at a few amazing cases. The Bermuda triangle, the Lake Michigan triangle, the reconstruction of the temple ruins at Abydos...all of these are full of unexplained phenomena that can leave a person with more questions than answers. Tune in today…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of LifeRadio Broadcast, we will be looking into 1 Corinthians 12:9b-10, speaking of the last of the 6 Gifts of the Spirit will be discussing, which are the Gifts of Healing, the Working of Miracles and the Discerning of spirits.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https://pastorjohndunning.com/Y…
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This week we will continue God’s reformation of “theChurch,” the Body of Christ based on God’s divine order. Why did God set or placed certain spiritual and ministry gifts in the Body of Christ the way He did? Today we will look at the importance of why. Our scripture references are found in 1st Corinthians 12: 27-28, 2:9-10, 12-13, 3:6-11: 1st Sam…
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I like to hear from you In this episode, I dive into the contrast between live performance and studio recording—two different experiences that shape the way we create and hear music. 🎵 Live vs. Studio: What’s gained, what’s lost—does one capture more soul than the other? 🛕 The Oral Tradition: In Indian classical music, we internalize and master com…
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🌿 DIE KRAFT DER AROMATHERAPIE – ENTSPANNUNG FÜR KÖRPER UND GEIST 🌿Hast du schon die Kraft der Düfte für dich entdeckt? Aromatherapie ist eine der einfachsten und wohltuendsten Methoden, um dein Wohlbefinden zu stärken. Mit ätherischen Ölen und Raumdüften kannst du Stress abbauen, deine Stimmung heben und deinen Körper gezielt unterstützen. In diese…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast we will be looking into 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 concerning Spiritual Gifts, primarily 3 of them; the Word of Wisdom, the Word of Knowledge and Wonder-Working Faith.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https://pastorjohndunning.com/You can hear my personal testimony on th…
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This week we will continue God’s reformation of “theChurch,” the Body of Christ based on spiritual / ministry gifts in line with God’s divine order. Our scripture references are found in Philippians 2:5-7; 1stCorinthians 12: 1,4-7, 18, 27-28 and Ephesians 4:7-8, 11-13. I pray this message enlightens and stirs you. Listen, for life!…
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Send us a text Stargates, portals, and wormholes...that title might have you wondering if you stumbled on a sci-fi page rather than a Christian one. But if you dive in with us today, you will soon see that there is much more to this than meets the eye. And that as Christians we cannot afford to turn a blind eye to all that people are seeing and rep…
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In this inspiring episode of Life in the Spirit, Pastor Jay Tyler unpacks the parable of the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8). Discover the power of unwavering faith, persistent prayer, and the assurance that God hears and answers in His perfect time. Be encouraged to pray boldly, trust deeply, and never lose heart.…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast, we will be studying Chapter Eleven of Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthian Church. This chapter includes Paul's teaching on the proper standard of conduct and proper decorum during worship and observance of the Lord's Table in the house of God.+++++++You can find more information on …
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Since God’s divine reset, everything, and everyone, whochooses to go with what the Spirit of God is doing gets a makeover. On a personal level, the Body of Christ and the nation. A couple weeks back we looked at how God is restoring our soul; and last week we discussed our identity as the born-again believer. This week we will discuss God’s reforma…
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King David wrote Psalm 51 as a heartfelt response to his sin, offering a timeless example of genuine repentance. This powerful psalm serves as a model prayer for believers—a prayer of confession and restoration. Repentance, however, is not merely a one-time act at the moment of salvation. It is an ongoing spiritual discipline, essential for deepeni…
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🌙 10 TIPPS ZUM EINSCHLAFEN – BESSER SCHLAFEN, GESÜNDER LEBEN 🌙Fällt es dir schwer, abends zur Ruhe zu kommen und schnell einzuschlafen? Schlaf ist essenziell für unsere Gesundheit und unser Wohlbefinden – doch viele Menschen kämpfen mit Schlafproblemen. In dieser Folge von „All about life“ erfährst du:✨ Was während des Schlafs in deinem Körper pass…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast, we will be looking into 1 Corinthians Chapter Ten where Paul is speaking of believers not using their Christian Liberty as a license to sin. We are to Hold Fast to our obedience to Christ.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https://pastorjohndunning.com/You can hear my …
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Our heavenly Father’s heart is that we know our identity as His children; especially during times of “appear” to be uncertainty. Too often we equate our identity with what we do. For example, our job, our spiritual / ministry gifts, our position in the family; such as mother, father, sister, brother. However, what we do is not who we are, it’s what…
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💼 Turn Your Passion Into a Soul-Aligned 2-Hour Work Day Business: Free Workshop 👇https://courses.thespiritnomad.com/workshopFeeling like life’s slipping through your fingers? I’ve been there—stuck in self-doubt, wondering if it’s too late to turn things around. In this episode, I’ll share the truths that helped me find clarity, rebuild my confidenc…
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Paul prayed three times for God to remove the thorn from his flesh, but God replied, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” This reminds us that God may allow difficulties for a purpose. When we pray, we should align our requests with His Word and trust His perfect timing, knowing His grace sustains us through e…
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In this session, we will be looking into the 9th Chapter of 1 Corinthians where Paul continues his exhortation on Christian Liberty. True Christian Liberty comes with Christian responsibility to the call, plan and purpose of God in carrying out the Great Commission whatever the cost may be.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https:/…
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This is a continuation on God’s restoration of our soul.Sometimes there are some areas within our soul that “seem” as though there not going to change or be restored. When that happens, fasting may be in order to give us breakthrough in these areas. It is God’s will that we be whole in our soul; for He cares about what concerns us. He’s a good and …
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Send us a text Have you ever wondered about bigfoot, the abominable snowman, werewolves and other animal hybrids, giants, or aliens? Are any of them real? Why are they so elusive, and yet also so prevalent? If there was nothing to these legends, surely interest in and sightings of them would have died out by now. Yet, the newest bit of information …
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Discover the hidden truth about letting go that's keeping you stuck in pain and preventing your healing. In this deeply personal episode, I share my own journey of releasing someone I loved and how it led me to my true soul partner. 💼 Turn Your Passion Into a Soul-Aligned 2-Hour Work Day Business: Free Workshop 👇https://courses.thespiritnomad.com/w…
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Jesus has called His followers to be people of prayer, and He has established His church as a house of prayer for all nations. In this first message of our series, we will explore the power and purpose of intercessory prayer—standing in the gap and lifting others before the throne of God. Intercession is an expression of Christ’s love, a reflection…
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✍️ JOURNALING – DEIN WEG ZUR SELBSTERKENNTNIS ✍️Hast du dir schon einmal überlegt, deine Gedanken, Gefühle und Ziele bewusst festzuhalten? Journaling ist weit mehr als nur Schreiben – es ist ein kraftvolles Werkzeug, um Klarheit zu gewinnen, Stress abzubauen und dich selbst besser zu verstehen. 🙏 In dieser inspirierenden Folge von „All about life“ …
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In this session we will begin a study on "Christian Liberty." How much liberty do we actually possess? What happens when our Liberty causes another brother or sister to backslide into the sin they were once delivered from? Can our liberty destroy or defile a weaker believer? Paul addresses these issues in 1 Corinthians Chapter 8.+++++++You can find…
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This episodes focus is on the importance of having anintimate relationship with the Lord and His word. Also, the restoration of our soul is connected to our proper view of God. Moreover, we must pay attention to our thoughts in the building of our soul, and life for that matter. Our scripture references are found in Matthew 7:24-27; Psalms 19:7a; J…
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👉 Find your life purpose in 5 simple steps with my free guide ➡ https://courses.thespiritnomad.com/purpose 😍Unlock Your Spiritual Awakening with the secrets of angel number 101! As a spiritual seeker, you're about to discover how this powerful number can guide you towards your life purpose and help manifest your dream life.Have you been seeing 101 …
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The Holy Spirit inspired the authors of Scripture, ensuring that the 66 books of the Bible we have today are divinely inspired, authoritative, and infallible. The Spirit will never lead us or speak in a way that contradicts the Word He inspired. To walk in alignment with the Holy Spirit, we must discern His voice amidst all others, relying on the t…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio broadcast we will be looking into 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 and Paul's exhortations concerning marriage, divorce and remarriage.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https://pastorjohndunning.com/You can hear my personal testimony on this website: https://www.ifyouonlyknew.life/…
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I like to hear from you In this reflective episode of Tabla Beyond Borders with Ritesh Das, we welcome Isabelle Delaney from Montreal, a gifted percussionist whose journey with tabla and congas offers profound insights into life and balance. Through Ritesh's teaching philosophy—rooted in ear training and recitation—Isabelle discovered not only rhyt…
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We're continuing our series on reconstruction and restoration taking place in our lives, the church AND the nation. This episodes focus is on the soul as we look at rebuilding it on the word of God; allowing God to heal and restore our soul through His word. Our scripture references are found in Matthew 7:21-27; Psalms 19:7, 34:4 and Colossians 3:1…
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⭐️ VISION BOARD ERSTELLEN – DEIN SCHLÜSSEL, UM TRÄUME ZU LEBEN ⭐️Hast du einen Traum, den du dir endlich erfüllen möchtest? Ein Vision Board ist weit mehr als eine Collage aus schönen Bildern – es ist dein Schlüssel, um deine Träume zu visualisieren und Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. 🖼️ In dieser inspirierenden Folge von „All about life“ erfährst d…
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