Podcast by West Hills Church
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West Hills Friends is a Quaker meeting in Portland, Oregon. You can find more about us at www.westhillsfriends.org. Included on this page are words of people in our community, and visitors.
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Weekly sermons from West Hills Community Church. At West Hills we want to see people become disciples of Jesus Christ who love God (Worship), actively love people (Community), and make other disciples (Mission). We encourage people to join us in living out these values. Below you will find messages from our Sunday sermon archives filled with biblical application for our lives. For more information about West Hills Community Church, visit www.westhills.org. Archive sermons are available.
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This podcast is dedicated to the Sunday morning teaching series happening each week at Rolling Hills Church in Nashville, TN.
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Our God is a God of miracles. In one of Jesus’ most famous miracles in the Bible, Jesus feeds 5,000 men (probably more like 15,000 to 20,000 people) with only five loaves of bread and two small fish. When we place a little in the hands of Jesus, He multiplies it and more. So often, we forget about Jesus. When we are in need, call out to the God of …
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Por Jason Trapp
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Ask the Pastors S6 E10: “Talking to Your Kids about Faith, Baptism, Communion, and Church pt.1”
Ask the Pastors S6 E10: “Talking to Your Kids about Faith, Baptism, Communion, and Church pt.1” by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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Mark Pratt-Russum shares a message about looking at your life as if it’s a book you couldn't put down. What if we trusted that the next chapter will be as riveting as the last? How does such a perspective shift reorient your thinking about the future? How does nostalgia reveal what you care about? What skills have you learned from these passions? H…
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"Fear or Faith? (Numbers 13-14)", Will DuVal | 3/16/25 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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After the Sermon: Numbers 13-14 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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The story of Jesus healing at the Pool of Bethesda is more than just a physical miracle—it’s a picture of spiritual transformation. Just as the man had been waiting for years by the pool, stuck in his condition, many of us find ourselves trapped in cycles of waiting, hoping for change but unsure of how to step into healing. Jesus doesn’t just resto…
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Por Nathan Wells
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Ask the Pastors S6 E9: “Should Christians obey the law when it conflicts with our “care for the sojourner”?”
Ask the Pastors S6 E9: “Should Christians obey the law when it conflicts with our “care for the sojourner”?” by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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“Grumbling, or Gratitude? (Numbers 11-12)", Will DuVal | 3/9/25 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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After the Sermon: Numbers 11-12 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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Por David Frederick
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Ask the Pastors S6 E8: “Why did Abraham have to negotiate with God if he is all-knowing?” by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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"Following the Lord (Numbers 9-10)", Will DuVal | 3/2/25 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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After the Sermon: Numbers 9-10 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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Miracles happen. God’s miracles did not only occur in Biblical times, but the same God still does miracles today. In our Easter series, we will walk through the eight miracles of Jesus recorded in the Gospel of John. Jesus’ first miracle was turning water to wine at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. This miracle saved a couple from social embarrassment…
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Por Jason Trapp
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Ask the Pastors S6 E7: “Do non-Christians have spiritual experiences?” by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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"Compassion Sunday (Deuteronomy 15:1-11)", Will DuVal | 2/23/25 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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Parenting is the hardest thing you will ever do in your life and yet the most beautiful and rewarding. The church is called to raise up the next generation in the Lord. This takes all of us. Parenting today is a challenge, but our God is faithful. God has entrusted your children to you, and our children to us as His Church. Parenting doesn’t stop a…
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Por Elliot Goldinger
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Mark Pratt-Russum shares a message about our disenchantment with religious rituals since the Enlightenment and offered the queries: Considering the growing disconnect of the sacred/spiritual from everyday life, how are you engaging in ritual to keep yourself connected and grounded? In this time of turmoil, what do you need to tend to your heart/min…
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After the Sermon: Deuteronomy 15:1-11 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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Ask the Pastors S6 E6: "Are we waiting on a Third Temple before Christ’s Return?” by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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After the Sermon: Numbers 7-8 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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"Preparing for Worship (Numbers 7-8)" | 2/16/25 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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Parenting is not just about raising good kids—it’s about raising them to know, love, and follow Jesus. Our role is to intentionally guide them through the Spiritual Mile Markers of life, transferring their dependence from us to God. What we model, they will absorb. So ask yourself: Are you creating a home where faith is lived, not just spoken? Let’…
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Por Jason Trapp
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Ask the Pastors S6 E5: "Should we ever quit sharing the gospel with those who reject it?" by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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After the Sermon: Numbers 6
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1:10:48After the Sermon: Numbers 6 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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"Wholly to the Lord (Numbers 6)", Will DuVal | 2/9/25 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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Parents are called to guide their children with wisdom, setting firm yet loving boundaries, especially in the digital age. While the internet and smartphones have revolutionized the world, they have also exposed children to risks, often with little regulation. To foster self-regulation and well-adjusted adulthood, parents must set clear digital bou…
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Por Jason Trapp
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Mark Pratt-Russum shared a message about holding hands with a girl in youth group and the prodigal son. Mark offered these queries: How has it been carrying around the narrative that you are lost? How much longer must you carry it? What would happen if you were freed from it? Has anyone ever called you lost for something you knew was guiding you ho…
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Ask the Pastors S6 E4: "What should we sacrifice as a church to win more souls to Christ?"
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1:07:01Ask the Pastors S6 E4: "What should we sacrifice as a church to win more souls to Christ?" by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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After the Sermon: Numbers 5 & 19 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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“Unclean! Unclean! (Numbers 5 & 19)", Will DuVal | 2/2/25 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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Parenting today can be the greatest joy and yet the most challenging part of anyone’s life. But, God wants us to succeed! God wants us to thrive in our parenting and not just survive. Therefore, God gives us His Word, His Spirit and His Church. Having a personal, growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ, His Son, is the most important par…
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Por Jason Trapp
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Mark Pratt-Russum shared a message about painter and minister Edward Hicks and the Hicksite/Orthodox split in Quaker history. When asked about your vision for the Kin-dom, what do you say? What do you paint? What do you write? What do you imagine? How do our "Kin-dom" visions sustain us in times when we feel furthest from it's potential? Friends ca…
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Ask the Pastors S6 E3: "How do we make our church resolutions more tangible? (part 3 of 3)" by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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After the Sermon: Numbers 3-4 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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"A Special Appointment (Numbers 3-4)", Will DuVal | 1/26/25 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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God wants you to grow in your faith and to share His love with others. This comes by being rooted in Christ. Growing deep roots in Jesus and then allowing His love to flow out of you. Jesus then calls us to plant seeds of the Gospel in the hearts and lives of others. “The harvest is plentiful…,” Jesus said, “...but the workers are few. Ask the Lord…
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Por David Frederick
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Mark Pratt-Russum shares a message about speaking truth to power and offered these queries: In what areas of your life could you use more plain, clear, and honest communication? How might God be moving us to speak Truth to power?Por West Hills Friends
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Ask the Pastors S6 E2: "How do we make our church resolutions more tangible? (part 2 of 3)" by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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“Getting Organized, pt.2 (Numbers 1:47 - 2:34)" | 1/19/25 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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After the Sermon: Numbers 1:47 - 2:34 by West Hills ChurchPor West Hills Church
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Por Rolling Hills Community Church
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