Welcome to BoomerRexTonight your Nearly Daily Source for News and Politics!
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Tonight Risen was a Guest on Another Podcast called "Oh, Malort!" Check it out!!!, Looking into History SUX, Who are Cordwainers? And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight on "Just the News" Trumps Town Hall, CNN's disgrace, Russian Village for Conservatives, and MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight We Survived a Nasty Flu, we Open the Conversation about Unions, Risen Can't Keep Track of her Thoughts And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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We're Back! Tonight we briefly cover what We've missed over our Hiatus including Florida, Fox/Tucker and MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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BoomerRexTonight e0241 -Special Report Breakdown Pt.1-
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1:45:03Tonight A$$hole and Risen Break Down Yesterday's Article via watching our last Video. Original Article: https://www.propublica.org/article/911-call-analysis-fbi-police-courts Article Discussed in Tonight's Breakdown: https://www.propublica.org/article/911-call-analysis-jessica-logan-evidence?fbclid=IwAR2PlH3dqByn_-5puMEFVxGNTb3nvdkBFz9Rtsxab2AT2Wi0…
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BoomerRexTonight e0240 -Special Report-
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1:13:20Tonight Risen Does an Emergency Report covering a Frightening New Trend. Link to Tonight's Article: https://www.propublica.org/article/911-call-analysis-fbi-police-courtsPor BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Midterm UpDate, Alleged Racist Tommy Bryant Goes to Jail, Lots of People Need to get F***ed Tonight, How to Lose Ground w/ Putin And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight What's Going on with the Midterms?, Dumbass of the Day - Oathkeeper Stewart Rhodes, Don't Kiss Toads, How to Poorly Spend Maritime Infantry And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight A$$hole and Risen take over the Show, Republicans are Going out of their way to Stop YOU from Voting, Ted Cruz has a Bad Day And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight we Continue the Editorial Abomination that is "The Eye of Argon" our Rage Filled Hero Grignr's Escape leads him Only Deeper into the "Vault of Misery" where he Finds an Unexpected Acquaintance Whom by Chance Knows Where to Find the Exit, While Risen Discovers the Perfect Voice to Represent our New Character…
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Tonight Risen Investigates Claims by a NH Senate Candidate, Marjorie Taylor Greene Pushes Victim Blaming, Don't invest in Trump, How to Destroy the World Economy w/ Putin And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight We Continue the Delightfully Terrible Short Story "The Eye of Argon" Our Murder Powered "Hero" Grignr Wastes away for Minutes or Years, No one really knows, in the "Vault of Misery" Until he Finally makes a Break for FreedomPor BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight we Start to Read the Grammatical Horror Show that Is "The Eye of Argon" the story Follows the Silly Antics of Grignr as he Murders his Way into "the Vault of Misery"Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight the Simpsons have Big Treehouse of Horror News, FL Bans Gender Affirming Treatment, Mike Pence Can't Read, How to be Ineffective w/ Putin And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Asshole has Opinions on Tremors 3, Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to Investigate Companies that Stopped Funding Republicans, Don't Put Gas in Your Backpack, How to Show Desperation w/Putin And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Asshole And Risen Yell at the Media, Risen Excitedly Continues her Discussions About the Tremors Series, Darrell Brooks the Verdict is IN, How to Oppress Citizens w/ Putin And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight A fun Chat About the 1990 Thriller Tremors, Dumbass of the Day - Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs, Right Wing Looney Proposes "Reeducation Camps", How to Goose Step w/Putin And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Exciting Election Numbers, Marjorie Taylor Greene Invested Poorly, FL Gov Ron DeSantis Hates When Women Correct him, How to Gaslight w/ Putin And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight the Puppy in the Basement, AZ Megachurch tries to Overtake Election, Blind Eyes of Capitalisms, How to Piss off the World w/ Putin And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight REAL Life Scary Stories, Dumbasses of the Day Ed Henry and Karyn Turk, Fools and their Money, Oz Lies *Risen Clutches Pearls* And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Risen Shares a Ukrainian Scary Story, Could Black Death make a Come Back?, Marjorie Taylor Greene Screeches about Steve Bannon's Trial, the Trumpista Bigot/Idiot Brigade And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight the Hello Kitty Demon Story, The Lunatic Rule, Republican's Hate Social Security, How to be a Laughing Stock w/ Putin And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Karma is a B*tch, Marjorie Taylor Greene Runs her Mouth, Ding Dong, How to Show Weakness with Putin And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Elon Musk, Snow Crab Season Canceled, He Wants his Little Phone Back, Cells Like Games Too And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight What they Said, What they Meant, What we Need to do Going Forward, What's hiding in the Woodworks And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight GM Steps Up, Trump's F Up Train Continues, Florida Scum, Alex Jones Slapped by Jury And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Creaky Branches, Ron DeSantis in More Legal Trouble, Putin Continues to Display his Military Impotence, Republicans Make New Play to take Your Social Security & Medicare And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Amazon Bundle, India Speaks out, Nothing Blacker than the Heart of a Banker, Michael Moore has Opinions and MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Risen Reinstates War Games, More Branches Creak, DumbAss of the Day, It's All About White Power and Wealth And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Florida in Trouble?, Texas Woman Freaks out over Hocus Pocus 2, Russia keeps on Russiaing, The Moon Formed Faster then we thought And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight FL Pisses off Risen, Marjorie Taylor Greene Shouts about Pete Buttigieg, Republicans Incensed at Gov Gretchen Whitmer, Herschel Walker Claims he "Won" a Battle with Mental Illness, "Hurricane Proof" Neighborhood And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight What's happened for the last 3 weeks?, Ron DeSantis Vs Martha's Vineyard, Hurricane Ian, Does Elon Musk Love Putin?, Who's STILL Shouting about Kitty Litter Boxes? And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight NY Governor Declares a Disaster Emergency, Republicans Losing Ground?, Michigan Supreme Court Rules Abortion Rights Proposal Should go before Voters, Judge Rules Trump Rambling Allegations "Unfounded and Ridiculous" And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Is it a Train?, Trump Media may Soon be Dead-Air, the Rot Goes Deep, Ukraine takes Back Ground And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight A$$hole Shouts about A Goat, Angels do Exist, Marjorie Taylor Greene Still talking about Litterboxes, Ted Cruz is Anti Marriage(LGBTQ) And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Trouble at Anti-truth Central, MTG Ditched by Reporters, New Mexico Judge takes out the Trash, BIG Solar Coronal Mass Ejection And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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BoomerRexTonight e0209-Tucker Rant Break Down-
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1:50:34Tonight a Deep Dive into Tucker Carlson's August 29th 2022 rant About Energy, Europe, Russia and Chinese Global Dominance, The whole BRT Crew Yells and Laughs a Lot.Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Risen and A$$hole Stream Live on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/risenladyheathenPor BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Tucker Yells about Europe and the Dark Ages, are Guns Dems version of the total Abortion Ban?, Ex NYPD Cop gets 10 years in Prison, the American Taliban GOP Officials are at it Again And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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BoomerRexTonight e0206 -Burn it Down Wednesday-
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1:00:55Tonight a Poll and Picture, Dumbass of the Day -Gavin McInnes- Pretends to be Arrested, Fox News Stars are being Deposed, Russia Warns EU of Consequences And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Trumps Obsession with Emmanuel Macron, 3 Republican Idiots, Sexual Control Not Just for Women and LGBTQ, Steve Bannon Supports Trump Wanting to "Retake the White House" and MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Bernie Joins the Frey, Lauren Boebert Releases her own Smokescreen Today, Dumbass of the Day - Alex Jones Supports Trump Wanting a New Election, Counter Offensive? And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight "Beware the Kids Seeking Power not Responsibility" - A$$hole, Nancy Davis of Louisiana, Strong Opinions And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Marjorie Taylor Greene's Smoke Screen of the Day, NC Lt Gov Mark Robinson Calls for Schools to Stop Teaching Science and History, Preacher Tells Husbands to Throw Away Wives Pants, Russia F***s with Nuclear Power Plant and MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Fun Old Disses, Marjorie Taylor Greene Does Dumb thing.... Again, Instagram and FB Suspend Anti Vax Group, Judge Humiliates Trump's Legal Team And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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BoomerRexTonight e0200 -For the Love of Conspiracies-
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1:52:06Tonight is our 200th Episode Celebration, DeepDive into America's Love of Conspiracy Theories, Why do People Believe them?, Why do the Conspiracy Theorists Attack Families and Victims?, we say See You Later to Sleet And MUCH MUCH MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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BoomerRexTonight e0199 -We’re Back-
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1:00:38Tonight Could you See a Live Thylacine in you're Lifetime?, Trump Regrets Endorsing 'Awful' Dr. Oz, 'Libs of TikTok' Banned, Ukraine UpDates And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Deep Discussion on Ted Cruz, Freya, Trump And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Espionage Investigation, Brian Kilmeade of Fox News claims he was Joking about Doctored Photo, Trump uses Truth Social to Keep Control over his Followers, Ukraine and MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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Tonight Teachers Bailing, Andrew Cuomo wants Tax Payers to Foot his Legal Bills, Trump uses Obama in his Recent "What Aboutism", Big Bada Booms But Totally on 'Accident' And MORE!Por BoomerRexTonight
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