Bible teachers among the churches of Christ teach exegetical and expository messages as they draw directly from the Bible. This podcast is a source of exegetical teaching and preaching from Scott Shifferd and special speakers for the Thomasville church of Christ (Thomasville, GA).
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Presenting sound biblical teaching predominantly from a NeW Testament perspective, helping believers grow in faith and understanding of who they are in Christ, what belongs to them and encouragement to live by faith.
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This message launches from Mark 2:18-22 to consider the traditions of men in the light of Jesus's teaching. This lesson explores what has changed and what stays true in the new ways of Christ.
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The kingdom of God is near. This was the Gospel that Jesus came proclaiming. This message draws from Mark 1 to see the power of His words and draw humanity to respond.
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How does Jesus Christ transform believers? The power is in the Word that commands His followers to take up the cross. This message launches from Romans 12:1-2 to look into a sacrificial life given to God.
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This message explores God's gift to humanity --- Jesus Christ. No one can afford God's gift and no one can afford to go without God's gift. This message draws from a list of scriptures to see the compression and grace of God in Jesus Christ.
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Does your life reflect the forgiveness and repentance of the beginning of the Gospel? This message launches from Mark 1 to consider how the gospel changes our world.
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The apostle Paul revealed that Jesus gave up His devine form to come in the likeness of humanity. Christ came as servant humbling Himself to the cross according to Philippians 2:5-11. This message examines the effect of Christ's sacrifice on our lives.
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Christ did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. This message draws from the words of Christ to align ourselves with His purpose and mission for coming into this world.
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Nature glorifies its Creator, and reality points to God. People are without excuse for claiming agnosticism. This message launches from Genesis 1:1 to recognize the evident attributes of God revealed by Creation and how sharing the gospel of Jesus and His resurrection connect with presenting God and His Creation.…
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This message draws from 1 Corinthians 14 to see what gifts are most important to build up the church and why speaking understandable words from God are essential to the gathering of the church.
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This sermon examines giving and the example of tithing in Hebrews 7:1-10. Furthermore, Christ promises blessings to those who give. Giving certainly demonstrats one's faith and trust in God.
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This sermon draws from 2 Corinthians 11 and Revelation 12 to be able to recognize the works of the Satan. This message is believers to use their rights as citizens for the good of the sharing of the gospel.
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This lesson is eye-opening and essential for every believer to know and believe. This message looks at life-and-death statements from the New Testament and what the Scriptures mean by obeying the gospel.
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This lesson looks at what Christ has done to be the Mediator between God and man and how Jesus has made the faithful to stand without fault before God. This sermon presents the gospel of first importance and this is the gospel that the saved needs to tell the world.
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This lesson covers how to know and who to know to have everlasting last. First John 5:13 is a key passage teaching how we can know that we have eternal life. Furthermore, this sermon adds John 8:24 where Jesus gives a life-and-death statement about believing that He is the "I AM."
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This message launches from Revelation 13 to exhort all Christians to prepare for the spiritual war and schemes of Satan while examining what AI says it would do if it were Satan.
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This message draws from the words of Christ in Luke 8:16-18 to consider how we, Christians, hear the gospel and what we do with the gospel.
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Can God's Word create life in people dead in their sins? This lesson shows the imperishable seed that is God's Word starting with 1 Peter 1:22-25. People are born again by the Word of God.
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What is the best thing that we can pass on to the next generation? In Paul's final letter of 2 Timothy, he passed on this essential truth for Timothy and the coming generations of Christians.
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This message draws from Christ's teaching to offer the other cheek and how this is not a passive action but active in exposing evil or reliance on God's judgment.
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What leads people to repent and become a Christian? This message observes key points from Titus 2:11-15 to recognize how God's grace changes believers and produces great things in their lives.
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What modern-day idols keep people from knowing God? This message draws from the account of spiritual adultery in Hosea 4:7-14 and texts about Hosea's life to see God's just judgment against those who reject Him and God's offer of redemption.
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This message draws from Acts 28:23-31 to see what the Bible means by preaching the kingdom of God. This message considers what is the best method and material for sharing the Gospel with others and what is missing from proclaiming the good message.
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What does repentance entail? Is it merely sorrow for sins? Is it just changing one's behavior? This message digs deeper into repentance drawing from Acts 26:12-18 and other scriptures to how repentance connects to salvation and why we should take joy in repenting from sin.
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Does your conscience confess that your faith is sincere? This message draws from Acts 24:10-21 and other scriptures to see how the internal witness, the conscience, reveals whether we are truly following Christ from the heart.
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This message draws from the gathering of Christians in the assembly as found in Acts 20:6-12. This message observes the importance of Christians meeting on the first day of the week, worshipping according to the truth, and worshipping from the heart as Christ commanded in John 4:23-24.
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Why would a Christian couple need to correct a well-educated preacher who is mighty in the Scriptures? In Acts 18:24-28, Aquila and Priscilla rightfully did so by correcting Apollos. This message draws lessons from that event.
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This message draws from God's plan for Abraham to act as the father of many and the father of faith to many nations to see the importance of fatherhood.
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This message draws from Peter's preaching based on the healing of a lame man. Peter reveals the gospel of Jesus's resurrection and the significance of His resurrection and God's promise of the resurrection to come.
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This message emphasizes everyone's need for the gospel of Christ and Peter's preaching of the gospel that launched the Great Commission in Acts 2.
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This message draws from Christ's teaching that few will be saved for believers to rethink some assumptions. Many false beliefs that keep us from lovingly sharing the faith with devoted and generous people who are not saved yet.
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This message launches from Hebrews 11:11-12 to pull from the Book of Genesis seeing the strength of Sarah's faith and how she became a mother in her old age according to the promise of God.
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This message draws from Jesus's encounter with the rich young ruler to examine the criticism of the rich, the acquiring of wealth, and the perspective that Christians should have about money.
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This message draws from John 14:1-21 to know the comfort and peace of knowing Christ.
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This lesson pulls from Jesus's example and model of service from John 13:1-18 to see how leadership among Christians is to by serving others with humility. This message also looks for the need for male leaders in the church.
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This message draws from 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 to see how Christians are to view their bodies, use their bodies to glorify God by abstaining from sins against the body, and recognize that God's Spirit dwells in them.
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This message draws from 2 Corinthians 5:14-19 to see how faithful Christians are a new creation now by God's redemption. Furthermore, the faithful are a new creation awaiting the new creation of the resurrection and the new heavens and new earth.
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This message draws from Eve and Adam's sins in Garden of Eden to see what is behind the sin of disregarding God's Word to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
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God made man in His image and that revelation forever challenges and changes culture. This message draws from the Creation in the Book of Genesis and connects it with the teaching of Christ about the Creation of humanity.
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This message shows the love of Jesus Christ in light of the Gospels drawing first from Mark 8:31-33 where Jesus rebukes one of His disciples.
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This message draws from Jesus's parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in Luke 18:9-14. The lesson also pulls from Jesus's other teachings against the Pharisees' behavior in the New Testament.
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This message draws from 1 John 4:7-11 to see how God is love and what the implications of this truth are in the Christian life.
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Jesus taught, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word" (John 14:23). This message draws from John 14:21-24 to see how loving Christ means obeying His commands. In this way, the love of Christ expands from believers to all who love others.
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This message draws from Matthew 15:1-9 to observe Jesus correcting the scholars and preachers of that time who promoted traditions to the exclusion of God's commands. Are religious leaders doing the same today?
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This message observes the strength of power from the Holy Spirit as noted in Ephesians 3:16 and other scriptures. This sermon also draws from John 16:7-11 to see how the Spirit convicts the world.
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This message draws from Jude 3-4 to encourage "the called" to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints and learn how to contend, strive, and fight.
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This message draws from Ephesians 5:18-20 to recognize how we worship from the heart and why we worship God with thanksgiving. This sermon expands on our adoration of the Creator that drives our devotion to worshipping God.
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This message sets the ultimate goal for the new year and more so for the rest of our lives by seeing the goal set in Philippians 3:12 and surrounding passages. Christians must press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Jesus Christ. What is this goal? Listen and hear the truth.…
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Why was Jesus baptized when baptism is for the forgiveness of sins? Who can have no sins? This message draws from Jesus's baptism and the biblical command of Christ for all believers to be baptized.
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This message draws from 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 and specifically verse 9, "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though being rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich."
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This message draws from the beginning of Jesus's ministry in Mark 1:14-22 to see how Christ came with authority.
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