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Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss, and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of a best-selling book on, The New Body Type Guide. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics. Dr. Berg’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels have close to 6 million followers worldwide and hav ...
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Personal finance for smart people by the host of the Dough Roller Money Podcast. Rather than forcing you into a one-size-fits-all financial plan, we discuss the tools, resources, and strategies that will empower you to make the best money decisions for you and your family.
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Salem Bergen er en menighet under Norsk Luthersk Misjonssamband (NLM). Vi legger ut taler fra våre gudstjenester. Du er hjertelig velkommen på våre gudstjenester i Sigurds gate 6 i Bergen hver lørdag kl. 19:30 og søndag 11:00.
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BR24 für Bergsteiger

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Wissen Sie, was Reinhold Messner als seinen 15. Achttausender bezeichnet? Oder warum Wandern die Freizeitbeschäftigung Nummer 1 in Bayern ist? Oder welche Tour, welcher Klettersteig, welche Radlroute zu empfehlen ist? Sie erfahren es in "BR24 für Bergsteiger". Das alpine Magazin rund um Hütten und Höhenwege, Gipfel und Grate. Aktuell und informativ.
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Daily Episodes of the Morning Show with Greg Berg. One-of-a-kind interviews with locally and nationally-renowned authors, regional newsmakers, opinion leaders, educators, performers, athletes, and other intriguing members of the community. Presented by WGTD FM. Visit us for local news and information:
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Lika & Olika - med Lisa Borg & Emelie Bergstedt

Acast | Lisa Borg och Emelie Bergstedt

Två bästa vänner. Ett kreativt influencer-geni och en kalkylerande tandläkare. Båda öppna för att lära känna sig själva, livet och sina lyssnare bättre. Att tro på sig själv är enligt Lisa Borg och Emelie Bergstedt det viktigaste i livet. Tillsammans tar de sig an allt mellan himmel och jord, alltid med ett sprudlande skratt. Varje måndag släpps ett nytt avsnitt. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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life is sweeter in candy color! {} hi! i'm oil painter, katrina berg. welcome to my midway, utah studio, where i'll serve up a palette of support, hope and love, with a side of realness! as a mother of 5 (3 teenagers & 8-year-old twin boys), i know that life is rarely easy and jolly...but savoring the sweet moments gives us the strength we need to find peace, growth, and fulfillment along our journey. {podcasting to support women, mother artists and creative entrepreneurs! ...
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Kristkirken i Bergen

Kristkirken i Bergen

Kristkirken i Bergen består av mennesker som er glad i Jesus. Vi lengter etter å se mennesker vokse i tillit til Ham – uansett hvordan livet ser ut. Vårt ønske er at forkynnelsen skal være dyptpløyende og relevant, og at den skal ose av kjærlighet til Jesus, mennesker og samfunnet vi bor i.
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Berg & Seele

Klinik ChiemseeWinkel Seebruck GmbH

Der Podcast "Berg & Seele" ist ein Impuls der Klinik ChiemseeWinkel. Hier gibt es WISSENSWERTES zur mentalen Balance und dem Erkennen psychosomatischer Beschwerden und seelischen Erkrankungen zu hören. Die Privatklinik für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie liegt in wunderschöner Lage direkt am Chiemsee und hat starke Expertise. In unseren Podcast-Folgen geben die Talk-Partner um Moderator Markus Sturm viele Erläuterungen zu Symptomen, Beschwerden und Möglichkeiten der Unterstützung. Von Angst ...
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Pinsekirken Tabernaklet Bergen

Pinsekirken Tabernaklet Bergen

"En kirke for hele livet" - Midt i hjertet av Bergen, like ved Lille Lungegårdsvann, finner du Pinsekirken Tabernaklet Bergen - kirken med den beskjedne fasaden og det store hjertet. I mer enn 100 år har vi drevet kirke i Marken og koblet mennesker på Gud og et liv i etterfølgelse av Jesus.
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Wir tauchen ein in die Faszination der Berge und der Natur. Wir stellen euch die großen Abenteurer und Grenzgängerinnen vor. Wir bringen denkwürdige Momente und kulturgeschichtliche Hintergründe in euer Ohr. Wir wollen euch bergeistern!
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Tune in to "The Scoreboard with Joe Berg" airing every Monday through Friday at 5pm on WSIC for your daily dose of sports excitement! Join sports broadcaster Joe Berg as he delves into the heart of the action, covering everything from local heroes to national superstars. With comprehensive coverage of local, regional, and national sports, Joe keeps you informed on all fronts. From high school rivalries to college showdowns and professional leagues, no game is too big or too small for "The Sc ...
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Radio Bergeijk

NPO Radio 1 / VPRO

Radio Bergeijk, het radiostation voor Bergeijk, wordt gepresenteerd door ankerman Toon Spoorenberg en zijn beste kennis Peer van Eersel. Met facilitaire ondersteuning van technicus Tedje van Lieshout ontvangen de radiomannen een keur aan plaatselijke gasten. Of doen verslag van bijzondere culturele gebeurtenissen of particuliere initiatieven. Radio Bergeijk zond uit van 2001 t/m 2007 en komt terug vanaf 27 augustus 2019. Meer info vind je op
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Janez Sok

Willkommen bei meinem Podcast Format. Das Copyright der Inhalte verbleibt beim jeweiligen Urheber. Jede Entehrung akzeptiert der Autor der Podcastbeiträge mindestens für den Wert der Sicherungsvereinbarung, die angefordert werden kann.
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Finally, a lawyer with a podcast! This is a show about the law, politics, jury trials, and what to expect when you’re expecting (to sue or be sued). Geoff Berg is a delightfully rambunctious trial lawyer with 30 years of experience. Based in Houston, he’s recovered or saved hundreds of millions of dollars for his clients. The extremely perceptive writers at the Houston Chronicle said Geoff is “one of the best-known experts and thinkers” in the city. He’s won all kinds of awards for lawyering ...
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Learn from global disability-focused leaders about high profile topics and how they are truly making a difference. Mai Ling and James give you front row access to intimate conversations that are shaping the way the world is supporting people with disabilities. They share their intimate experiences— so you can start, grow, and expand your impact.
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join the trio of brothers, Jesse, Josh, and Jeremy Berger, as they take you on a journey through their lives, past work experiences, and the pivotal moments that shaped them into the entrepreneurs they are today. From their early days to the trials and triumphs that forged their paths, the Berger brothers share their insights, lessons learned, and a few laughs along the way. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, looking for inspiration, or just in the mood for a good story among siblings, ...
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Mônica Bergamo

Grupo Bandeirantes

Poder, cotidiano, moda, celebridades, cultura, esporte. Eclética e incansável, a jornalista Mônica Bergamo, uma das mais bem informadas do Brasil, conta em primeira mão para o ouvinte da BandNews FM quais são as notícias mais recentes e importantes do dia nas mais diferentes áreas. Mônica Bergamo comanda a coluna da página 2 da Ilustrada, da “Folha de São Paulo”. Ela é repórter especial do jornal desde abril de 1999. Já teve passagens pela Band e pela editora Abril. Mônica destaca em sua col ...
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Bergen 2050

Bergens Tidende

Året er 2050. Byen er Bergen. Hvordan gikk det egentlig? Klarte vi det eller gikk det til helvete? BT har spurt fem forfattere fra Vestlandet om å skildre hvordan Bergen kan se ut i en tenkt klimafremtid. Bli med til Bergen i 2050. Lyddesign: Hans Kristen Hyrve og Henrik Svanevik Produsent: Henrik Svanevik
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Um podcast sobre futebol. Somos uma máquina de teses, mas com muita informação que você precisa saber (ou não) sobre o mundo da bola. Não estamos aqui pra usar o clichê “falando de futebol de um jeito diferente”. Seria mentira. Estamos aqui apenas pra falar do nosso jeito e tentar mostrar que futebol também é cultura. Um assunto por semana. Episódio novo toda terça-feira. Duração de 45 minutos mais acréscimos. Apresentação de Diori Vasconcelos, Raphael Gomes e Rodrigo Oliveira Produção: Jana ...
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show series
What you eat for breakfast affects your ability to focus, your creative ability to solve problems, and how well you sleep at night. A carb-heavy breakfast promotes insulin resistance, which inhibits your ability to absorb fuel. The first place you’ll notice this is in your brain. Ketones are a much better fuel for your brain than sugar. To make ket…
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Tony Blair werd in 2001 met een grote meerderheid herverkozen tot premier van het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Maar in plaats van tevreden te zijn over de, door de kiezer ervaren, successen zocht hij naar een methode om meer van zijn ambities waar te maken. Hij introduceerde met de hulp van Michael Barber een methode om beleidsmakers en uitvoerders te help…
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CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 246: last fall, after opening email invitations to some beautiful artist retreats, i reached out to my beautiful artist friend, jessica libor of the creative heroine podcast to ask about her residency and art trip experiences. as we talked about what we loved most about each experience, we began brainstorming wha…
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In dieser Episode von Berg & Seele spricht Sängerin und Songwriterin Vera Klima über die heilende Kraft der Musik. Vera teilt ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen, wie das Schreiben und Singen ihr hilft, emotionale Herausforderungen zu bewältigen und einen gesunden Umgang mit Druck und Ängsten zu finden. Sie beschreibt, wie ihre Songs aus tiefsten Emotion…
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If you’re consistently getting less than 6 hours of sleep, you increase your risk of premature death, cancer, diabetes, dementia, and more! Sleep is the best way to clean the brain of damaged proteins, but this only occurs when you get real sleep. Sleep medication can sedate you but will not enhance your sleep quality. Alcohol significantly decreas…
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On Episode 15 of the Bergen Catholic Podcast, Dan Long & Matt Rosa welcome Brendan McGovern '10, Bergen Catholic Director of Athletics to the show. The two co-hosts also discuss the Careers4Crusaders networking event, Elias Suh '28 performing at Carnegie Hall, as well as other topics.Por Bergen Catholic
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Nytt år og nytt møtepunkt! Få med deg Dorthea, en av utsendingene i kirken, fortelle om sin egen vei inn i Kristkirken og Kanal U, hvorfor hun dro på DTS til Hawaii og deretter Sør-Afrika, opplevelsen av å ha et voksende misjonskall og mye mer. God lytt! PS, hvis du vil følge og/eller støtte Dorthea på hennes reise, meld deg gjerne inn i hennes fac…
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Probiotic Link: (FLORASTOR Advanced) These nutrient-rich liver foods aid in liver detoxification and create a vacuum effect, helping you lose weight from the midsection. To make these natural liver detox smoothies, combine the ingredients with one cup of water and one cup of ice. If you are following a stric…
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From 2012- Chris Paine talks about his documentary film "Revenge of the Electric Car," which examines the work of several different trailblazers .... including Elon Musk .... toiling tirelessly to bring electric cars into the mainstream. The interview was done just as the film was about to air on the PBS series Independent Lens. The film can now be…
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Part One: - In celebration of what would have been Rod Serling's 100th birthday on December 25th, 2024, we speak with Anne Serling, author of "As I Knew Him: My Dad Rod Serling." Joining her is Marc Scott Zicree, author of "The Twilight Zone Companion," which has just been re-released in its third edition. Part Two: From 2020... Award-winning write…
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In seinem Coming-out-Roman aus dem Jahr 1925 brach Klaus Mann das Tabu, mit dem homosexuelle Liebe bis dahin belegt war. In »Der fromme Tanz« schildert der junge Autor, wie ein ihm nicht unähnlicher, junger Schriftsteller in das Boheme-Leben von Berlin und Paris eintaucht und dort seine ersten schwulen Erfahrungen macht. Andreas Magnus fühlt sich a…
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Der vielfach ausgezeichnete kanadische Autor Kevin Lambert liest aus seinem Roman »Querelle de Roberval«, der im August auf Deutsch im Secession-Verlag erschienen ist. Ein vielstimmiger, überbordender, tragischer Roman um Wutbürgertum, Ausbeutung und Umweltzerstörung, enthemmte Sexualität, die Ästhetik des Verbrechens und den verzweifelten Kampf ge…
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Today, I'm going to show you several different arm exercises that can help you quickly get rid of flabby arms. If you can’t do them all, that’s okay—choose the ones that are right for you! Pick the best exercises for your home arm workout. As we age, the muscles in our arms start to atrophy along with our fascia. Fascia holds the shape of the arm a…
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We start this week's Five Question Friday (FQF) with a question about whether a 2% investment fee is crazy. Here are the five questions: 1. Am I crazy to be paying a 2% fee to manage my investments at Morgan Stanley? 2. Can you analyze 100% BND versus 50% BND and 50% VIPSX. 3. In Boldin, what are you setting as projected returns? 4. How should I in…
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Castor oil can naturally give your skin a soft, glowing, firm look. It’s the best remedy for wrinkles or dry skin. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, a penetrating moisturizer for your skin and hair. It also has powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Many skin-related problems are caused by an overgrowth of bacteria, yeast, or fung…
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One of our favorite interviews from 2024- Aime Alley Card, author of "The Tigerbelles: Olympic Legends from Tennessee State." The book chronicles the rise of the women's track team at Tennessee State in the 1950s, culminating in the spectacular successes of runners like Wilma Rudolph at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome.…
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With five years to go before retirement, there are several steps you can and should take to prepare. In this video, I'll cover 13 things to consider as your retirement date draws closer. Resources mentioned: Boldin: Tiller: Rocket Money:…
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Losing weight should help you live longer, but it’s not always that simple. As you age, it’s vital to maintain a healthy amount of lean muscle mass. Ozempic is very popular for weight loss, but trials have shown that it can cause muscle loss, not just fat loss. One study compared the use of Ozempic to a decade or more of aging. Preserving muscle ma…
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Stel je een podium voor: de lichten gaan aan, en zonder script moeten spelers inspelen op onverwachte situaties. Herkenbaar? In organisaties voelen veranderingen vaak net zo aan. Het onvoorziene, het samenwerken in het moment, en het omgaan met weerstand zijn dagelijkse kost. Maar wat kunnen we leren van cabaret over het omgaan met chaos en onzeker…
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Part One: Beth Bush is the guest director of the Racine Theater Guild's newest production, Joe Di Pietro's "Over the river and through the woods," which opens this coming weekend. Part Two: (one of our favorite interviews from 2024)- We talk about the Cameron Boyce Foundation, created in memory of the child actor who died several years ago from com…
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Steun Bakkie met Bergsma en draag bij aan The Fire Online via: op de hoogte via mijn nieuwsbrief: doel van The Fire Online is om meer schrijvers aan te trekken, meer programma’s te maken met interessante tafelgasten en om natuurlijk om meer impact te k…
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(Rescheduled) - This is a preview of next week's 3rd annual Carthage Arts Symposium, titled "Peace, Parity, a New Cold War?" which takes place next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - January 14, 15, and 16. This is an interview with four Carthage faculty who are participating: Leslie Brothers, Visiting Assistant Professor and the current manager of …
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On the fourteenth episode of the Bergen Catholic Podcast, and the first show of 2025, Dan Long & Matt Rosa are joined by fellow Crusader alumni Andrew Mosco '23, Divangel Guerrero '23 and Jimmy Pappas '23 who each talk about their Bergen Catholic experiences as recent alums and how BC prepared them in their current college lives.…
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In dieser Episode von Berg & Seele spricht Alexandra Selmeier über die Rolle von Bewegungstherapie und die besondere Wirkung der Natur auf Körper und Geist. Die Klinik ChiemseeWinkel bietet nicht nur klassische Sportarten wie medizinische Trainingstherapie und Nordic Walking an, sondern nutzt gezielt die beruhigende Kulisse des Chiemsees und der um…
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One of our favorite interviews from 2024 (originally airing during Banned Books Week) ..... Karl Weber, author and editor of "Why Books Still Matter: Honoring Joyce Meskis: Essays on Books, Bookselling, and Publishing." Joyce Meskis was the founder of the Tattered Cover Bookstore in Denver, CO - one of the most famous independent bookstores in the …
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At least once a year it's important to review your investment portfolio and make any necessary adjustments. Here are the 10 things I check every year: 1. Write down your planned asset allocation 2. Compare your actual allocation to your plan 3. Evaluate individual holdings 4. Evaluate your asset location 5. Confirm you have beneficiaries listed for…
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Et nytt år gir oss muligheten til å løfte blikket å se hva som virkelig er viktig for oss. I Kristkirken snakker vi om å “kjenne Gud, elske mennesker og tjene vår verden”. Dette er ikke et nyttårsforsett, eller en kristen-prestasjon, men en invitasjon til å la disse realitetene få prege oss som enkeltmennesker og som kirke.…
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Today, we’re going to talk about kidney health. A big myth is that potassium is bad for the kidneys, but this isn't true! Our bodies require 4700 mg of potassium each day. The only time you’d want to avoid potassium is if you have advanced-stage kidney disease. Potassium protects kidney health in several ways. It helps lower high blood pressure, wh…
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